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法律专业应届生英文简历模板 为了找到一份好的外企工作,大家在英文简历上面全部是下足了功夫,比如说,在制作简历的时候往往依靠的就是简历模板。下面带来,以供参考!xx(+86) 13xxxxxxxxxEDUCATIONHARVARD LAW SCHOOLCambridge, MA, USALL.M. Candidateexpected May 2021Courses:Business Taxation, International Aspects of US Taxation, Foreign Investment by US Companies (readinggroup), Comparative Tax and Policy, Local Government Law, and Public Finance (Kennedy School of Government).COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOLUNIVERSITYNew York, NY, USAEnglish for Professional Purposes: LawSummer 2021UNIVERSIDAD PANAMERICANAMexico City, MexicoGraduate Program in Tax LawNovember 2021Courses: Corporate Income Tax, Personal Income Tax, Value Added Tax, State of Mexico and Mexico CityTaxation, Tax Procedure Law, Administrative Procedure, Tax Constitutional Procedure, Basic AccountingTax Law Seminar.OECD (ORGANIZATION FOR THE ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT)Tax Treaties: Special Issues Diploma, Tax Policy DiplomaNonresidents Diploma, One week intensive training programsbetween 20212021FACULTAD LIBRE DE DERECHO DE MONTERREYMonterrey, MexicoBachelor of LawMay 2021Courses: Tax Law III, Administrative Law III, Tax and Administrative Seminars, Tax and Administrative Procedure, Economics III,Commerce Law, International Law, Constitutional Procedure, among others.GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITYWashington, D.C., USACourses: U.S. Political SystemInternational RelationsSummer 2021M.L.S. INTERNATIONAL COLLEGEBournemouth, United KingdomBusinessEnglish Studies CertificateSeptember 2021Marketing, Advertising, Public RelationsEnglish Studies CertificateDecember 2021Courses: International Trade, Management, Human Resources Management, Public Relations, Marketing and Advertising, among others.EXPERIENCETAX TREATIES DIVISION, MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND PUBLIC CREDITMexico City, MexicoUnderDirector of Tax Treaties NegotiationsNovember 2021May 2021Part of the negotiation team in the Double Taxation Agreements with Bahrain and Panama.In charge of the Tax InformationExchange Agreements with Bahamas, Monaco, Lichtenstein and Turks and Caicos Islands and part of the negotiations team in the TIEA withGuernsey.Beside Tax Treaties related work, made comparative tax research used in the Ministrys tax reform proposals, helped the SAT (IRS) to modify Form 36 (for demonstrating tax residence in Mexico) for non treaty purposes, among other things.CEMEX MEXICO, LAW DEPARTMENTMexico City, MexicoInternSeptember 2021October 2021Worked in administrative law litigation regarding transportation and water, and some tax related issues.Sincefederal transportation legislation is very vague, came up with theories that helped us win some cases.Participated actively in differentprojects regarding PublicPrivate partnerships, analyzed congressional bills related to the company and made some EnglishSpanishtranslations.BAILEY LAW GROUP (today Bailey/Gary)Washington, D.C. USAInternSummer 2021Drafted memos regarding specific legal issues, most of them related to environmental law.Researched about Mexican law related toairport commercial spaces since some clients were interested in making an investment of such character in Mexico.MEXICAN FEDERAL TAX AND ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALMonterrey, MexicoIntern First Northeast JurisdictionMay 2021May 2021Drafted and revised several rulings, summons and projects for the judges.Researched about several duty and taxtopics that were later used in the rulings.面试时哪些话是不能说?每个面试官在问问题之前,心里全部有一个近似的“标准答案”。也能够认为是其最想听的话,假如你能恰巧点到,那么大大的加分应该是毫无问题。可惜同一个问题对于不一样的面试官来说,“标准答案”往往千差万别。去追求这个千差万其余“标准答案”肯定是事倍功半的。依我看,求职原来是一个双向选择的过程,不存在什么上下关系。因此在不失礼的情况下,尽可能真诚的展示自己就能够了。但既然是探讨“面试时哪些话是不能说的?”,当然要列举多个有代表性的,让各位加以借鉴:1、大话。尤其是显而易见的大话。(须知,通常来面试的,除了人力,通常全部是对本事域很熟悉的人,不要妄想自己的大话、浮夸能瞒得过试官。)2、有关面试官个人的私人问题(她和你真的没有那么熟)3、之前企业、同事的坏话,尤其是剧烈的批判语言(就算她们真的不好相处,对你真的不好,但在新企业看来,也会认为你不那么好相处。)4、别扯些和面试无关的事情。5、项目成功全部是自己的功劳。6、没听懂问题夸夸其谈,打断面试官,抢话等。7、不能加班OT!8、我还有一个面试,赶时间。9、多种非主流的离职原因,和多种显得你有非主流倾向的经历、事件等。10、问询假如自己在试用期阶段不合心意能否提前走人。11、一再追问待遇的细节。12、对企业的实力表示质疑。比如问询“不会是中介企业吧”等等。


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