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2021/6/71Unit 1 Festivals around the world2021/6/72.词汇过关词汇过关 1_n美人;美人;_美美adj._adv._v美化美化 2._vi.&vt.收获;收割收获;收割 _n.3_n节日节日 4_n秋天秋天2021/6/73.短语自查 1另外三个_ 2take place_ 3中秋节 _.句式翻译 Festivals are meant to celebrate important times of the year._2021/6/74 .单词突破单词突破 1beauty(n.)He has no real feeling for beauty.She had been a beauty in her day.One of the beauties of living here is that its so peaceful.2021/6/75【知识拓展】1)beautiful adj.美丽的 2)beautify vt.美化 It is our duty to beautify our environment.2021/6/76【牛刀小试】请用beauty的适当形式填空:(1)Its said that there are many_in Hang Zhou.(2)To_life is to give it an object.2021/6/77 2.harvest 1)n.收获;收成;结果。如:It happened that the harvest was bad in 1988.2)vt.&vi.收获;收割 Try to harvest the fruit before the first frost.2021/6/78【牛刀小试】翻译句子 Farmers are extremely busy during the harvest._2021/6/79 3.celebrate vt.1)do sth to show that a day or an event is important 庆祝;祝贺celebrate Christmas/ones birthday/a wedding anniversary/a victory 2)praise and honor 赞扬;称颂The names of many heroes are celebrated by the poets.2021/6/710【词语辨析】:celebrate,congratulatecelebrate后常接日期、事情或场合。而congratulate后常接人,多为 congratulate sb.on/upon sth.表示为某事而祝贺某人。如:congratulate you on your marriage.2021/6/711.短语精讲 take place 发生;举行 英语中表示“发生”的词或短语均为不及物,不用于被动语态。主语为所发生的事。take place“发生,举行”,常用来指按计划发生的事,带有“非偶然”的意思。We may never discover what took place that night.The film festival takes place in October.2021/6/712【知识拓展】1)take ones place/seat就座 I took my place at the desk.2)take the place of sb/take ones place代替,替代 She couldnt attend the meeting so her assistant took her place.2021/6/713 3)get/win/gain/take the first place(in a contest)(比赛中)获得第一名 She and her teammates have taken the first place!2021/6/714 4)in place of sb/sth|in ones place代替;顶替 You can use milk in place of cream in this recipe(食谱).5)in place|into place 适当,在恰当位置 Put everything away in its correct place.6)in the first/second etc.place(用于句首)第一、第二等 Well,in the first place,he has all the right qualifications.2021/6/715【词语辨析】take place,happen,occur,come about,这些词语都可表示“发生”之意。1)take place按照事先的安排或计划而发生某事;不用于被动语态。Elections take place every four years.2021/6/716 2)happen普通用词,泛指一切客观事物或情况的发生,强调动作的偶然性。A funny thing happened in the subway yesterday.3)occur较正式用词,可指意外地发生,也可指意料中地发生。That plane crash occurred only minutes after takeoff.2021/6/717 4)come about(that)中性词语,常指偶然发生。很多时候与How连用。How did it come about that he knew where we were?How does it come about that you were caught by the police?注意:但当happen用作“碰巧”之意时,不能用occur代替,但可以与come about 互换。2021/6/718【牛刀小试】(1)The meeting,which will_on Thursday,will discuss it.Atake placeBbreak out Ccome about Dhold2021/6/719(2)It suddenly_to me that we could use a computer to do the job.Ahappened Boccurred Cagreed Dpresented2021/6/720(3)As we know,the 2010 Word Cup_in South Africa on June 11,2010.Atakes place Btook place Cis taken place Dwas taken place2021/6/721.句式点击 Festivals are meant to celebrate important times of the year.【知识剖析】句中are meant to是“动词mean动词不定式”作补语的被动语态形式,be meant to.意为“应当是;打算用来;必须被用做”,主语通常是物。此结构常可替换为be meant for sb/sth。He was meant for a doctor.Some TV programs are meant to be watched today and forgotten tomorrow.2021/6/722【知识拓展】1)a.I mean it表示“我是认真的”。b.mean doing sth表示“意味着(必须要做某事或导致某种结果)”,其主语通常是指事物的词。c.mean to do sth表示“打算或企图做某事”,其主语通常是表示人的名词或代词,其过去完成式表示“本来打算做某事”。d.mean sb to do sth的意思是“打算让某人做某事”。2021/6/723 例如:Being a student means studying hard.He had meant to leave on Sunday,but he stayed on.When I say yes,I mean it.2021/6/724 2)What do/did you mean by.?该句型的意思是“你是什么意思?”例如:What do you mean by closing the window when Ive just opened it?3)I mean 的意思是“就是说;我是说”的意思,常用来更正或补充前面所说的话。例如:She is smartI mean,she knows exactly what I think.2021/6/725 4)mean adj.低劣的,卑贱的,平均的 meaning n.意义,意图 meaningful adj.有意义的 meaningless adj.无意义的 means n.手段,方法 2021/6/726【牛刀小试】(1)Your mum is very kind.Yeah.My mum is pretty considerate,you know what_,she always arranges everything around me.Ashe means Byou mean CI mean Dwe mean2021/6/727部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!


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