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英语科Unit 2 单元教学进度计划教材简析本单元的场景是在图书馆里。放学后,Liu Tao来到了学校图书馆,他先是大声的跟Yang Ling 打招呼,然后又拿出糖果和饮料准备在图书馆吃喝。当他的一系列不文明举动被Yang Ling制止后,他又在图书馆的桌子上睡着了。最后,Liu Tao被Yang Ling叫醒,并对自己的行为感到那为情。要求学生能够结合动词,听懂、会读、会运用祈使句的否定句: “Dont ”,并会用“Im sorry.”来回答。教学要求1、能听、说、读并拼写单词:shout eat run talk sleep drink。2、能听懂、会读、会运用祈使句的否定句:Dont shout/eat/run/ talk/ sleep/ drink。3、能诵读歌谣“Dont talk, Tom!”。4、能发现和朗读辅音字母“p”的发音规律。5、能熟练表演文中的小故事。6、能读懂动画中的幽默之处7、能听、说、读并拼写单词:shout eat run talk sleep drink。8、能听懂、会读、会运用祈使句的否定句:Dont shout/eat/run/ talk/ sleep/ drink。课时安排课题课时数起止日期备注译林版英语三年级下册第二单元教学设计方案 NO:6教学内容Unit 2 In the library课型新授课时间教学目的1.能初步会听、说、读并拼写单词:shout eat run talk sleep drink library 2.结合动词,听懂、会读、会运用祈使句的否定句: “Dont ”,并会用“Im sorry.”来回答。3. 能初步听懂,会说,会拼读词组 in the library重点、难点能听懂、会读、会运用单词shout eat run talk sleep drink library, 并在适合的场合正确运用祈使句。课前准备pictures, cards, tape record,配套软件课 时第一课时教学过程:Step1.Warming upStep2. Pre-reading1.GreetingT:Class begins! Ss:Stand up!T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.T: Sit down, please.2. Free talkStep3 While-reading1. wordsT:Shh! Dont talk. Guess! What am I saying?S:不要说话 出示 talk talk about:谈论关于Lets talk about books. Talk bout coloursT:When you are happy or angry, how can you say?S: .T: Look! Liu Tao is very happy, and he says hello to his friend. Is he talking?S: No出示shout /au/ blouse mouseT:Whats this? Ss: Its a pig. T: Yes, he likes eating. Do you like eating and drinking? 出示eat, drink eat /i:/ teacher drink /dr/ dress出示谚语Eat an apple a day ,can keep the doctor away.每天吃一个苹果,可以保持身体健康。T:Pig is lazy. So he would like to sleep after eating. 出示sleep ee/i:/ sweet T:Look! Who is this? Ss: Liu Xiang.T: What is he doing? Ss: 出示 run u / bus puppet2. Practicea.Read after teacher. (加动作练习)b.Read after the tape.1.导题Unit 2 In the libraryT: Look! Are they in class?S: No. 图书馆T: They are in the library(出示in the library)like li bananalibrary- in the libraryT:Today, lets learn Unit 2 In the library. Look! 2. 教授story timea.Watch and answer the questions.-Who are in the library?Yang Ling and Liu Tao- Would Yang Ling like the sweet?No.b.Watch the cartoon and read after it.c. Read in a group。d. Act Step 4 Consolidation1. Fun time-make and sayT: Lets draw some pictures. 呈现标志,让学生猜是什么意思,发挥想象力在P14页画上标志,让同桌猜。加第一单元图片做禁止标志, 让学生练习“Dont ”祈使句和否定句的含义 Step 5 SummaryWe have learnt Unit2, lets do exercise1. 单词和图片连线2. 找反义词can cant do dont is isnt Step 6 Homework. 1.coppy new words 4+1 2. Read story time 3. draw public signs二度修改板书设计Unit 2 In the librarytalk shoutDont eat drink Im sorry. sleep run 译林版英语三年级下册第二单元教学设计方案 NO:7教学内容Fun time Cartoon time课型新授课时间教学目的1.能熟练听懂、会说、会拼写单词:shout eat run talk sleep drink library 2.能熟练听懂、会说祈使句的否定句:“Dont ”,并会用“Im sorry.”来回答。3. 能初步听懂、会说、会运用句型Is this your?4. 能读懂动画中的幽默之处。重点、难点1. 能初步听懂、会说、会运用句型Is this your?2. 能读懂动画中的幽默之处。课前准备单词卡片、PPT课 时第二课时教学过程:Step1. Warming up GreetingT:Class begins! Ss:Stand up!T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.T: Sit down, please.Step2. Before reading1. Guess timeT: Now, lets play a game. 出示标志让学生猜是什么意思。Ss: Dont 2. 祈使句的否定句练习T. What should we do in the library?S: Dont shout/run/eat/talk/sleep出示动词拼读,用Dont做练习T:Talk with your friend about the public signs on page 14.A: Dont B: Im sorry.3. Review story timea. Magic timeT: Now, lets play another game.-magic eys.(快速闪现图片)S: cake, pie, hamburger, orange, mike, sweetT: Do you like sweet? Ss: Yes/NoT: Can you eat sweet in the library?Ss: NoT:Look, there is a story in the library. Lets read after the tape.b. 1)read after the tape 2) act outStep3 While-readingT: We are happy, but is Bobby happy now?a. Watch the cartoon and answer the questions.1)What does little mouse(小老鼠) eat and drink?A.cake and orange B. pie and milkC. cake and milk D. pie and orange2) What does little mouse take away?A. a book B. a robot C. a CD D. a ball3) Bobby says:Dont _ my cake! Dont _my milk.A. drink, eat B. eat, drink C. run, drink D. eat, runb. Watch the cartoon again and repet the sentences:Little mouse: Whats this? Bobby: Its my English book.Bobbys sister: Is this your English book?-一般疑问句This is my English book.- 陈述句造句: Is this 总结: So, Bobby is not happy.c. Read after the tape.d. Read in roles 鼓励学生加动作表演e.感情升华T :Do you like little mouse? Is it funny?But its not good to take away without permission. 没有经过别人的同意拿别人的东西是不文明和不礼貌的行为Step 4 Homework1. Recite story time 2. Read cartoon time 3. Recite new words and write 2+1二度修改板书设计Unit 2 In the library Dont -祈使句的否定句Whats this? Is this your English book?-一般疑问句Its my English book. This is my English book.- 陈述句译林版英语三年级下册第二单元教学设计方案 NO:8教学内容Sound time Song time课型新授课时间教学目的1.能熟练听懂、会说、会拼写单词:shout eat run talk sleep drink library 2.能熟练听懂、会说祈使句的否定句:“Dont ”,并会用“Im sorry.”来回答。3. 能掌握字母P在单词中的发音。4. 拓展单词walk和walking, 学生能初步听懂和读懂小诗。 重点、难点1. 拓展单词walk和walking, 学生能初步听懂和读懂小诗。2. 怎样用简易的语言给学生讲Sound time中出现的现在进行时,让学生初步了解。课前准备pictures, cards, tape record,配套软件课 时第一课时教学过程:Step1. Warming up 1. GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.T: How are you, xx. S: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, thanks.2. Free talkT: Im so hot. Please open the door, xx S1: Yes, Miss Li.T: Dont talk, xx S2: Im sorry.T: Thats all right.T: Whats this? S3: Its a book.T: Is this your English book? S3: YesT: Here you are. S3: Thank you. T: Youre welcome.Step2. Revision1. Review cartoon timeT: Now, please open your books and try to act in a group.2. Play a gamea.请一位同学到前面,老师站教室后面提示,让他/她做动作,让其它同学猜。b. 出示十几个单词,让学生归类,提示学生可分为食物类,玩具类,动物类,动作类, 写在英语本,小组内1人负责1个类别,看哪个小组归总最快,得分。Step3 While-readingSound timeT:You did a good job. Look! This is a new friend. Hes Paul. 1. 图片下方出示Paul. 我们还学了哪些单词带p字母的呢?Ss: cap pie sleep up2.教授字母P的发音 出示P:cap pie sleep up3. 学单词walk 和walkingT:Look! Paul is walking. 出示单词walk walking -走教读单词walk walking Im walking too.老师边说边做动作4. 词组up and down 出示Paul走楼梯的图片:T: Look, Paul is walking up and down. 出示词组up and down 5. 出示完整的rhymeUp and down, up and down,Paul is walking up and down.Step4 Checkout time1. 出示library场景 出示图片和句型,进行对话操练示范:A: Lets go to the library.B: Would you like a hot dog?A: No, thank you. Dont eat here.B: Im sorry.2. 出示checkout time中的图片,让学生做对话练习。3. 动笔在17页完成相关内容出示标准答案,核对。1) Dont talk. 2)Dont eat. 3)Dont run.4)Dont shout. 5)Dont sleep.T: Great! You did very well today.Step5 Homework1. Recite Cartoon time. 2. Read Sound time 3. Recite new words and write 2+1二度修改板书设计Unit 2 In the libraryP:cap pie sleep upup and down walk walking- 走译林版英语三年级下册第二单元教学设计方案 NO:9教学内容Checkout time Ticking time课型新授课时间教学目的1.熟练掌握本单元和前一单元所掌握的动词类单词。2. 熟练掌握:“Dont ”,并会用“Im sorry.”来回答。3. 进一步掌握否定句中not的使用方法。4. 学生能会唱本单元歌曲Dont talk, Tom!。5. 能初步理解 want to,并初步会使用.重点、难点1. 进一步掌握否定句中not的使用方法。2. 学生能会唱本单元歌曲Dont talk, Tom!3. 能初步理解 want to,并初步会使用课前准备pictures, cards, tape record,配套软件课 时第四课时教学过程:Step1. Warming up 1. GreetingT:Class begins! Ss:Stand up!T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.T: Sit down, please.2. Say sound timeT: One boy is walking up and down. Whos he?Ss: Paul.T: Youre right. Lets talk about him, OK?齐读Sound time 小组读 Sound timeStep2. Pre-reading1. Play a game快速出现不同场景的图片,让学生根据每个场景不能做的行为,选择正确的答案。例如:1). In the library ( ) A. Dont shout B. Dont read(读)2). In the zoo ( ) A. Dont talk B. Dont shout.3). In class ( ) A. Dont eat B. Dont listenT: Can you say more about each place? S: Dont 2. Free talkT: Do you run in class? S: No, I dont T: Do you sing at a Music lesson? S: Yes, I do.Step3 Song time1.听歌曲T: I see. Now, lets enjoy a song教授歌曲 出示图片,介绍人物T: What can you see in this picture?S: I can see two boys and a bed. T: Yes. This is Tom and that is Tim. What happened, can you guess?S: T: Ok. Lets learn this song now. Its name is Dont talk, Tom!出示歌名 出示歌词 I want to sleep部分加深颜色Learning Tips: want 想要want = would like I want to sleep. 我想要睡觉。= I would like to sleep.a. 让学生造句b. 把以下句子改成同义句。1)I Would like to eat a cake. = I want to eat a cake.2) I want to drink milk.= I would like to drink milk.3) Open the door, please. = Please open the door.逐句跟唱 齐唱歌曲Step 4 Consolidation1.复习单词T:We have learnt these words, lets read together and spell it. 出示所学单词1. )复习课文T:Now, lets read story time and cartoon time together.2. )Do exercisesT: Open your exercise book. 完成补充习题的练习Step5 Ticking timeT: Open your book P17 and tick it. 老师引导学生完成。Step 5 Homework 1. Sing the song “ Dont talk, Tom!2.Finish the exercises二度修改板书设计Unit 2 In the librarytalk shoutDont eat drink sleep run


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