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你的得分: 100.0 完成日期:2014年01月10日 19点58分说明: 每道小题括号里的答案是您最高分那次所选的答案,标准答案将在本次作业结束(即2014年03月13日)后显示在题目旁边。一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题 2.5 分,共100.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。Id like to know something about your life in Paris._ ( C )You can tell meI wonder if you canIll tell youI wonder if you couldWhat do you want to do?_. ( B )No, I dont want to do anything.I want to watch TV for a change.What do you want to do then?How about having a picnic?Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?_. ( C )Yes, I would.No, thank you.Id love to, but I have a meeting to attend tonight.Sorry, I cantCome to our house for a party, please. _. ( C )Heres my addressIm not busyOh, thank you for your kindnessSee you at four tomorrowI wonder if you could help me._. ( D )I couldYes, I doNo, not at allOf courseWould you mind shutting the door?_. ( B )Yes, please.Not at allNo, Im sorryAll rightDo you mind if I read the newspaper on the table?_. ( B )Good news for youGo ahead, pleaseYes, sureNo, I cant Can I help you with your suitcase? _. ( D )I have no ideaNo, no. I can carry it myselfThats a good ideaThank you. I can manage myselfWill you do me a favor? _. ( D )My pleasure.Yes, I do.Yes, I willId be glad toExcuse me, would you lend me your calculator?_. ( A )Certainly. Here you arePlease dont mention itIts nothingYes, I have a handHe was _ all of his best friends. ( C )laughed bylaughed atlaughed at bylaughing atAfter the Minister of Education had finished speaking at the press conference, he was made _ all sorts of awkward questions. ( D )answeransweringansweredto answerThe roof of our house is broken, so it needs _. ( B )repairedrepairingbeing repairedto repair_ a teacher in a university, it is necessary to have at least a masters degree. ( A )To becomeBecomeOne becomesOn becomingThe doctor advised her _ enough rest before going back to work. ( B )getto getgetsgotThe workers are busy _ models for the exhibition(展览). ( D )to makewith makingbeing makingmakingHe spoke so loudly _ be heard by all. ( C )that couldin orderas totoIt is necessary _ a foreign language. ( B )of college students to masterfor college students to masterthat college students masterthat college students to masterHenry would never forget _ his mother-in-law for the first time. He was so pleased with the gifts she brought for him. ( C )meetto meetmeetingmetDo you know the man _ under the apple tree? ( C )laylainlyinglaying_ a reply, he decided to write again. ( C )Not receivingReceiving notNot having receivedHaving not receivedThat T-shirt was so tight that he decided to have it _. ( C )be enlargedenlargeenlargedto enlarge_ at such a time, his work attracted much attention. ( B )To publishPublishedPublishingTo be published_ from space, we can find that our earth looks like a“blue planet”. ( B )SeenSeeingHaving seenTo seeThe manager has his employees _ a business report every week. ( D )to writewrittenwritingwriteI found _ pleasant walking along the river after supper. ( C )thisthatitwhichYoud better take an umbrella with you _ it should rain. ( B )in case ofin casebecausewhen_ you have decided to get married, you should shoulder the family responsibilities. ( B )AlthoughOnceOrUnlessIt _ that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday. ( D )took placeoccurredbroke outhappenedThe old woman next door is very keen _ growing roses. ( C )towithonatThe atmosphere _ certain gases mixed together in definite proportions. ( C )composes ofis made upconsists ofmakes up ofHe didnt have time to read the report word for word. He just _ it. ( A )skimmedobservedoverlookedglancedHe _ at the thought of seeing the pretty girl again. ( B )cheered offcheered upcheerfulcheered onKnowing first aid (急救) is _ to saving lives. ( C )curecruelcrucialcrudeHe _ whether he should make one last attempt to save the man. ( D )pausedstoppedwaitedhesitatedJohn speaks French as fluently as he does German. ( C )约翰会说法语,也会说德语。约翰法语没有德语讲得好。约翰法语和德语说得一样流利。约翰在说德语的时候,也会同时说法语。Tom was such a hardworking student that he soon came out first in the class. ( D )汤姆是如此勤奋的学生,他第一个从教室里走出来。汤姆学习很勤奋, 他第一个交卷。汤姆是个好学生,他成了班上第一名。汤姆学习如此勤奋,以至于他不久就成了班上成绩最好的学生。A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used. ( A )那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。很多人到山区去开发和利用自然资源。山区的许多自然资源已经被开发利用了。山区的许多自然资源被掠夺了。I would never stand in the way of my children becoming free and independent. ( C )我是绝不会站在孩子门走向自由和独立的道路中间的。我是绝不会阻碍儿女们,让自己变得自由和独立的。我是绝不会阻碍儿女门走向自由和独立的。我是绝对不会站在孩子们的立场,考虑他们如何变得自由和独立的。To her relief, the doctor said she could resume working immediately after she left hospital. ( B )让她感到欣慰的时,医生说她马上就可以出院并继续工作。让他感到欣慰的是,医生说她出院后可以马上恢复工作。让她深信不疑的是,医生说她出院后马上可以恢复工作。让她深信不疑的是,医生说可以让她马上出院继续工作。 Copyright2007 四川大学网络教育学院版权所有


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