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Unit 1 What are those farmers doing?那些农民在做什么?Ben : What do you grow on your farm, Uncle Chen?本:陈叔叔,您的农场种了些什么?Uncle Chen: So many things. These are fruit trees in this field. You can pick some apples or oranges from the trees if you want. They are delicious. And in that field we grow rice.陈叔叔:很多东西。这片时水果树。如果你想吃,你可以从树上摘一些苹果或橘子。它们都很美味。那一片地,我们种的是水稻。Ben:What are those farmers doing?本:那些农民正在干什么?Uncle Chen: They are cutting grass to feed the animals. We give it to the cows and sheep.陈叔叔:他们正在割草来喂养动物。我们会用它来喂牛喂羊。Ben: Do you have any other animals on the farm?本:农场上还有其他动物吗?Uncle Chen: Oh yes. We have a few goats and pigs. And we also have some geese.陈叔叔:哦,是的。我们有一些山羊和猪。我们还养了一些鹅。Ben: I see them on the river. They look lovely.本:我看到他们在河上。他们看起来很可爱。Unit 2 A country life is a healthy life 乡村生活就是健康生活Hi , my name is Li Wei. I am eleven years old and I live on a small farm with my mum, dad and grandparents. I love living in the country, but Im usually very busy. Every day I waked up at 5 a.m and help my father milk the cows. We have more than 50 cows, so I always have plenty of fresh milk for breakfast. After breakfast I ride my bike to school. It takes about 40 minutes. My school is very small. There are 48 pupils and only one classroom. We must all learn together. When I get home after school, there is still much work to do. After I finish my homework, I feed our chickens and help my parents with other housework. I am always very busy and I never felt tired, because I have plenty of exercise, clean air and fresh food every day. So I think a county life is a healthy life.嗨,我的名字叫李伟。我11岁了,和我的妈妈、爸爸以及祖父母住在一个小农场。我喜欢乡村的生活,但是我通常很忙。每天我早上五点起床,帮我的爸爸挤牛奶。我们有50多头牛,所以我早上总是有大量的新鲜牛奶可以喝。早餐过后,我骑自行车去学习。大概要花40分钟的时间。我得学校很小。一共有48名同龄人,但只有一个教室。我们必须一起学习。当我放学后回到家里,我也有很多事情要做。完成家庭作业以后,我要喂鸡并帮助我得父母做家务。我很忙但是我从来不觉得累,因为我可以做很多锻炼,每天能呼吸到新鲜空气,吃到新鲜食物。所以我认为乡村生活就是健康得生活。Unit 3 Where are you from?你来自哪里?Ms White: Children. We have a new student in our class. This is David.怀特小姐:孩子们,我们班迎来一位新的学生,他叫大卫。Jiamin: Hi, David. Where are you from?嘉明:嗨,大卫。你来自哪里?David: Im from New York City in America. I was born there.大卫:我来自美国纽约,我出生在那里。Janet: Do you like living in our city?珍妮特:你喜欢我们的城市吗?David: Oh yes. It is small but quiet. The streets are very clean and the people are nice. Things here are cheap, too.大卫:哦,是的。虽然它很小,但是很安静。这里的街道很干净,人们很和善。东西也很便宜。Jiamin: Whats New York like?嘉明:纽约怎么样?David: Its a big and modern city but its quite noisy. And everything is very expensive in New York.大卫:那是一个大型现代化城市,但是它很吵。纽约得每件东西都很贵。Unit 4 I like the city very much 我非常喜欢这个城市Dear Lily, My holiday in the city is very interesting. It is very different to our home on the farm. In the city, there are so many cars. The traffic is very heavy and the streets are crowded and dirty. Sometimes I am afraid to go outside. And it is very noisy too. At night, I cant go to sleep because there are too many cars. But there are many nice things here too. There are many supermarkets here and they sell lots of different things. There are also many beautiful modern buildings. There is much more to do in the city than in the countryside. At home we have only one shop and one cinema, but in this city there are many theaters and parks. I can play all day. I like the city very much but I really miss you and the farm. I cant wait to get back home and see all my friends.Love, Li Wei亲爱的莉莉:我在这个城市得假期非常有趣。这里不同于在我家农场的生活。这个城市有如此多的小汽车。这里得交通很繁忙,街道很拥挤并且很脏。有时候我很害怕出去。这里也很吵。晚上的时候,我不能睡觉。因为车太多了。但是这里也有很多美好得事物。这里有很多超市,售卖各种各样得商品。这里也有很多美丽的现代建筑。在这里可以做比乡村更多的事情。在家里,我们只有一家商店和一家电影院,但是在这个城市,有很多电影院和公园。我可以玩一整天。我很喜欢这个城市,但是 我也很想念你们和农场。我已经迫不及待要回家,去见我的朋友们了。亲爱的李伟Unit 5 Whats the matter with you?你怎么了?Ben: Jiamin. You dont look well. Whats the matter with you?本:嘉明,你看起来不是很舒服。你怎么了?Jiamin: I feel ill. I have a stomachache. Maybe I ate some bad food.嘉明:我感觉生病了。我肚子痛。或许我吃到了不好的食物。Janet: Im sorry to hear that. You should see a doctor.珍妮特:听到那些我很遗憾。你该去看医生。Jiamin: I did. I went to the hospital this morning. I stayed there for two hours.嘉明:我去了。我早上去了医院,在那里呆了两个小时。Ben: And what did the doctor say?本:医生怎么说?Jiamin: He gave me a check-up and asked me to take this medicine three times a day for one week.嘉明:他给我做了检查,并要我每天吃三次这个药,连续一周。Janet: You should be careful, Jiamin. Your health is very important.珍妮特:你要小心,嘉明。健康十分重要。Ben: I think youll be well soon.本:我相信你很快就会好的。Jiamin:Thank you.嘉明:谢谢你们。Unit 6 The secret to good health保持健康的秘诀Mr Li is not a doctor or a nurse, but he knows the secret to good health. He is 80 years old but he looks only 60. He says you can do some simple things to stay healthy. First, get plenty of sleep, at least 8hours each night, so you will feel good for the next day. Second , keep a good diet. Eat more vegetables and less meat. Dont eat too much sweet or oily food. And drink tea or water, not coke or coffee. Third, take plenty of exercise. Mr Li walks for one hour in the park every morning and sometimes dances with his friends there. Finally, Mr Li thinks the most important thing for a healthy life is to be happy. He never worries too much and always has a smile on his face. Thats why, even at 80, his hair is still black and not white.李先生不是医生也不是护士,但是他知道健康得的秘诀。他已经80岁了但是看起来像只有60岁。他说你可以做一些简单的事情就可以保持健康。第一,保持充分睡眠,每晚至少8个小时,这样第二天才会感觉良好。第二,保持健康的饮食习惯。多吃蔬菜少吃肉类。不要吃太多的甜食或者油腻的食物。喝茶或水,不要喝可可或咖啡。第三,做大量的运动。李先生每天早上在公园散步一个小时。有时候,他还会和他的朋友们在那里跳舞。他从未担心太多,并且脸上总是保持微笑。这也是为什么他到80岁了,头发还是黑色而不是白色。Unit 6 What did you do yesterday?你们昨天干什么了?Ms White: Yesterday was Childrens Day. Tell me, children, what did you do ?怀特小姐:昨天是儿童节。告诉我,孩子们,你们干什么了?Jiamin: I went to shopping with my mother. I bought a new pair of sports shoes . Do you like them?嘉明:我去和我得妈妈购物了。我买了一双新的运动鞋。你们喜欢吗?Xiaoling: They look great. I played basketball at the park. It was so much fun. But my mum was angry because I came home late.小玲:它们看起来很棒。我在公园打了篮球。它真有趣。但是我得妈妈很生气,因为我回家晚了。Ms White: And you Ben? Where did you go yesterday?怀特小姐:你呢,本?你昨天干什么了?Ben: I stayed at home all day. In the morning I cleaned my room and in the afternoon I did my homework. It was no fun at all.本:我一整天都呆在家里。早上我打扫我得房间,下午我做家庭作业。这一点都不有趣。All: Poor Ben!所有人:可怜得本!Unite 8 A trip to Hong Kong香港之旅Dear Diary,Last weekend my mother, Ben and I went on a trip to Hong Kong. We travelled there by train and stayed with my cousin. Ben said he was very excited because it was his first to the island . On our first day my cousin took us to Disneyland. We tool a photo with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and played lots of different games. We had hamburgers and chips for lunch. I think I ate a little too much because later I felt ill. Ben sat with me until I felt better. He was so kind. The next day we went shopping. When we were on the street, we met Xiaoling and her mum. I was very surprised because I didnt know they came to Hong Kong, too. We all had lunch together and talked about our trip.亲爱的日记:上周我的妈妈、本和我一起去了香港。我们是坐火车去得,并和我得堂兄住在一起。本说他很激动,因为这是他第一次来到这个岛。第一天,我得堂兄带我们去了迪士尼。我们和米奇老鼠,唐老鸭拍了照,并玩了很多游戏。我们中餐吃的时汉堡包和薯条。我想我吃得太多了,因为不就我就感觉不舒服。本和我坐在一起知道我感觉好点。他真好。隔天我们去购物。当我们在街上逛的时候,我们遇到了小玲和她的妈妈。我很惊讶因为我不知道她们也会来香港。我们一起吃了午餐,并讨论了各自的行程。Unit 9 Was I a good girl back then?我那时候是个好女孩儿吗?Xiaoling: Mum, who is that in the picture?小玲:妈妈,那张照片里的人是谁?Mum: Thats you, when you were five years old. 妈妈:那是你,那是你五岁的时候。Xiaoling: Really?My hair was very long then, wasnt it?小玲:真的吗?我那时候的头发很长,不是吗?Mum: Yes, it was. Before, you liked long hair very much, but now you always keep it short.妈妈:是的,很长。之前你非常喜欢留长头发,但是现在你总是留短发。Xiaoling: Was I a good girl back then?小玲:那时候我是个好女孩儿吗?Mum: Oh yes, a very good girl. When you were five , you were very quiet and very polite. But now.妈妈:哦,是的。当你还是五岁的时候,你很安静也很有礼貌。但是现在。Xiaoling: But now? But now I am still very good!小玲:但是现在?但是现在我依然很好!Unit 10 Then and now 那时候和现在Three years ago, Ben came to live in China with his parents. Before then, he lived in England and life was very different.When he was in England, Ben lived in a small village in the countryside. It had only two shops and most of the people worked on farms. Bens village school was very small too. There were only 150 pupils. His home was nearby so he walked to school every day. But now, Ben lives in a big city. The city has many people, cars and tall buildings. In the city, Ben goes to a very big school. It has more than 1000 pupils. His home is far away. So every day he takes the bus. On the bus, he sees people going to work in modern office buildings and department stores. Ben loves the city. There are many things to do and he has lots of friends. But sometimes he misses the quiet life of his English village.三年前,本来到中国和他的父母生活。在那之前,他住在英国,并且生活大相径庭。当他在英国的时候,本住在乡下的一个小村庄。那里只有两家商店,大多数人都在农场工作。本村子里的小学也很小。只有150名学生。他的家离学校很近,所以他每天走路去学校。但是现在,本住在大城市。这个城市有很多人、小汽车和高大的建筑。在这个城市,本去很大的学校上学。这个学校有1000多人。他的家离学校很远。所以每天要坐公共汽车去上学。在公共汽车上,他看到人们正赶着去现代化的办公楼或者百货商店上班。本喜欢这座城市。在这里可以做很多事情,也有很多朋友。但是他仍然想念在英国村庄的安静生活。Unit 11 I like the Spring Festival best 我最喜欢春节?Ben: What is your favorite festival, Xiaoling?本:你最喜欢的节日是什么,小玲?Xiaoling: I like the Spring Festival best. It is so much fun.小玲:我最喜欢春节。这十分有趣。Janet: What do people do during the Spring Festival?珍妮特:人们在春节都做些什么呢?Xiaoling: So many things. The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year, so people usually clean their houses and buy new clothes to make everything new and fresh.小玲:做很多事。春节是中国新年。所以人们要打扫他们得房子,买新衣服来让一切焕然一新。Ben: And do you give each other gifts?本:你们会相互送礼物吗?Xiaoling: Children dont give gifts, but parents will give their children some lucky money. So we all love it.小玲:孩子们不会送礼物,但是父母会给孩子们一些压岁钱。所以我们都很喜欢这个节日。Janet: When is the Spring Festival?珍妮特:春节在什么时候?Xiaoling: Usually it is in January or February. We will go to visit our family and wish them a happy Spring Festival. We will also have a big dinner with jiaozi and lots of other delicious food .小玲:通常在一月或者二月。我们会去拜访我们的家人并祝他们春节快乐。我们也会举行盛宴,有饺子和其他美味的食物。Ben: It sounds great.本:听起来真棒。Unit 12 Christmas 圣诞节In many countries, Christmas is the most important festival of the year. Christmas is always on December 25th , and before that day people will put up a large Christmas tree in their home. Under the Christmas tree they put many gifts for everyone to share. Children are always very excited at Christmas because they can get many wonderful presents from Father Christmas. Father Christmas is a fat happy man in red clothes. He brings gifts to all the children. He comes to their home on the night before Christmas and puts their gifts under the tree or in a sock. Then on Christmas morning the children hurry to open their gifts. Families and friends come together on that day for a big Christmas lunch or dinner. They often eat ham, potatoes and a Christmas turkey. Everyone sings many wonderful Christmas songs. It really is a happy time.在许多国家,圣诞节是一年当中最重要的节日。圣诞节总是在12月25日,在圣诞节前夕,人们会在家装扮巨大的圣诞树。在圣诞树下,他们会拜访很多礼物来供每个人分享。孩子们在圣诞节总是很兴奋,因为他们可以收到圣诞老人的精美礼物。圣诞老师是一位胖胖的开心老人,他穿着红衣服。他会给所有的孩子送礼物。圣诞节的前一天晚上,他会来到孩子们的家里,把礼物放在树下或者袜子里。在圣诞节早晨,孩子们会迫不及待地打开他们的礼物。家人和朋友们会在那天相聚,准备盛大的圣诞午餐或晚餐。他们经常吃火腿、土豆和圣诞火鸡。每个人都会吟唱许多动听的圣诞之歌。这真是开心的时刻。


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