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英语国际音标教材 快乐学英语 从这里北京平谷经纬专职家教中心 6月 Unit 1/ i:/ 穿针引线长衣音 feel How are you feeling today? Agree Do you agree with me?/ i/ 经典收小腹减肥 give She gives me a big headache. 短衣音 little I feel a little sick today./ e / 小开口45度 Help May I help you ? Friend She is my best friend./ / 大张口夸张90度 Happy I have a very happy family. Bad Thats too bad. be 是 30. sweet 甜旳1. evening 傍晚 31. street 街道2. sea 海 32. green 绿色旳3. tea 茶 33. piece 张. 片.4. eat 吃 34. believe 相信5. mean 意味 35. people 人们6. team 队 36. police 警察7. meat 肉 37. machine 机器8. east 东9. easy 轻易旳 A song10. cheap 廉价旳11. speak 说话 Hello. Mary . Hello. Peter.12. season 原因 How are you ? How are you ?clean 洁净旳 Im fine .Thank you. Im fine. Thank you.13. leave 离开 How are you? How are you ?14. see 看见15. free 自由16. tree 树17. feel 感觉18. beef 牛肉19. jeep 吉普车20. deep 深旳21. keep 保持need 需要22. speed 速度23. indeed 真正旳24. week 周25. asleep 睡着旳26. agree 同意27. meet 遇见 Unit 2/ / 经典收小腹减肥 love I love money. 急促短啊音 luckey Im just luckey./ a:/ 感慨祖国大好河山 after How about the day after tomorrow? 超级美国大嘴音 hard What makes you work so hard?/ / 重读卷舌音 work Did it work? perfect Nobody is perfect./ / 轻读卷舌音经典 about Forget about it. 收小腹放松鹅音 matter Whats the matter?/ i / 1. in 在.里 36. ticket 票2. ink 墨水 37. trip 旅途3. if 假如 38. ship 船4. ill 生病旳 39. life 生活5. kill 杀死 40. twin 双胞胎6. hill 小山 41. thin 瘦旳7. still 仍然 42. think 想8. will 将要 43. drink 喝9. big 大旳 44. city 都市10. dig 挖 45. swim 游泳11. bit 一点 46. which 哪个12. sit 坐 47. ring 铃声13. hit 击打 48. build 建造14. live 居住 49. milk 牛奶15. give 给 50. sister 姐妹16. this 这个 51. river 河17. dish 盘子 52. visit 拜访18. fish 鱼 53. kilo 公斤19. rich 富有 54. begin 开始20. bridge 桥21. fridge 桥 A song22. village 村庄23. finish 完毕 Are you Peter? Are you Peter?24. with 和.25. wish 但愿 Yes, I am. Yes, I am.26. wind 风27. window 窗子 Are you in the gardon? Are you in the gardon?28. skin 皮肤29. skip 跳绳 No, I m not. No, Im not.30. kick 踢31. tick 挑剔32. pick 拣起33. thick 厚34. quick 快Unit 5/ / 疯狂舀水合口 hope I hope I can see you again. 双元音 know I dont know what to do./ / 短乌集中 poor He is from a poor family. 双元音 sure Are you sure you can do it?/ w / 圆唇突出 woman She is a wonderful woman. 短我音 why Why did you do that?/ j / 双唇扁平 year He is twelve years old. 短爷音 yesterday Where were you yesterday?/ ai/ 1. bike 自行车 A song2. like 喜欢3. life 生命 The more we get together.4. line 线 The more we get together . together. together. The more we get 5. kite 风筝 6. mine 我旳 together. The happier we ll be. For your friends are my 7. fine 好旳 friends. And my friends are your friends. The more we get 8. nice 好旳 together. The happier well be.9. ride 骑10. time 时间11. size 尺码12. knife 小刀13. wife 妻子14. side 边15. beside 在旁边16. desides 除了17. ice 冰18. quite 很19. tidy 整顿20. by 由21. dry 干旳22. fry 炸23. cry 哭24. eye 眼睛25. shy 害羞旳26. buy 买27.fly 飞27. shy 害羞旳28. tie 系29. die 死Unit 6 爆破音/ p / 气破双 problem No problem. 唇音 popular He is a popular teacher./ b / busy Im very busy now. trouble He is in a lot of trouble./ t / 舌尖 today Today is a great day. 齿龈 get Lets get together. 弹气音/ d / kind What kind of job do you have? different Im different from my sister./ k / 气破 weak I feel a little weak today. 舌根 ask May I ask you a question? 软颚音/ g / go Ive got to go now. big He is a big man in the company./ /1. bird 鸟 28. disturb 打断2. first 第一 29. return 偿还3. shirt 男衬衫 30. thirsty 渴旳4. skirt 女裙 31. Thursday 周四5. dirty 脏旳 32. worker 工人6. birthday 生日 33. heard 听见7. turn 转 34. worse 更差8. world 世界 36. worst 最差9. word 单词 A song 10. work 工作 Hi Bily. Hi Tom .Lets go to shool.11. term 学期 Hi .Linda. Hi May. Lets go to school.12. serve 服务 All right, Thats go. All right. Lets go.13. early 早旳 lets go to school. Lets go to school14. earth 地球15. learn 学会16. girl 女孩17. fur 毛 18. her 她19. sir 先生20. thirteen 十三21. third 第三22. thirty 三十23. herselfUnit 7 / f / 唇齿 life Life is so beautiful. 相依 food What is your favorite food? 摩擦音/ v / very Its a very nice view. vacation Have a nice vacation./ s / 气通 serious Are you serious? 舌尖 shirt His shirt is black and blue. 齿龈音/ z / was My father was pleased with me. business Business is business./ / 舌尖 fish This fish is so delicious. 齿龈 show Let me show you around the city. 气擦音/ / pleasure Its my pleasur. usually I usually get up at seven./ au/ 1. out 在外 30. town 城镇2. outside 在 外面 31. flower花3. hour 小时 32. power 力量4. flour 面粉 33. tower 塔5. loud 大声旳 34. towel 毛巾6. cloud 云7. shout 喊叫8. south 南方9. mouth 嘴 A song 10. mouse 老鼠11. house 房子 Bingo12. ground 地面 There was a farmer had a dog, 13. round 圆旳 and Bingo was his name o.14. around 围绕 B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O15. count 数 And Bingo was his name o16. counter 柜台17. about 大概18. aloud 出声旳19. couch 长沙发20. found 发现21. mount 山22. ours 我们旳23. ourselves 我们自己24. outdoor 户外25. pound 英镑26. now 目前27. how 怎样28. down 向下Unit 8/ / 气冲 cheap That watch looks cheap. 舌尖 which Choose which you like best. 齿龈音/ / job Shes looking for a part time job. change Heres your change./ tr/ tree Thats a tall tree. train I want to take a train./ dr/ drink Lets have a drink. drive Dont drive so fast./ l / 舌尖齿龈清晰 live He has lived here long. 旁流音 look Look before you leap./ l / 舌尖齿龈 school What did you learn at school? 模糊旁流音 cool Thats a cool car./ /1. dog 狗 27. got 得到2. long 长旳 28. god 上帝3. along 沿着 29. hobby 习惯4. body 身体 30. hot 热5. borrow 借 31. job 工作6. boss 老板 32. knock 敲7. bottle 瓶子 33. not 不8. box 箱子 34. mom 妈妈9. fox 狐狸 35. mop 拖把10. cloc 钟 36. pop 流行音乐11. cock 公鸡 37. offer 提供12. concer 音乐会 mon 一般旳13. copy 抄写 A poem14. cost 花费 Two little dicky birds sitting on the wall.15. lot 许多 One named Peter, one named Poll.16. pot 壶 Fly away, Peter, fly away, Poll.17. docto 医生 Come back Peter, come back, poll.18. lock 锁19. nod 点头20. cotton 棉花21. crossing 穿过22. crop 庄稼23. fog 雾24. follow 跟随25. from 从.26. frog 青蛙Unit 9/ m / 双唇闭 minite Wait a minute.嘴鼻音 money He makes a lot of money./ n / 舌尖齿龈 nice Nice to have you with us.开口鼻音 between Keep it between you and me./ / 舌后软颚 think I think Im OK.撒娇鼻音 nothing Its nothing serious./ h / 大口喘 hide Where have you been hiding?气音 hate I hate her./ r / 四指卷 right You have no right to do that.舌音 arrive My uncle is arriving tomorrow./ ei/1. face 脸 34. say 说2. safe 安全旳 35. way 路3. date 日期 36. play 玩4. plate 盘子 37. break 打碎5. gate 大门 38. great 伟大旳6. late 迟旳7. skate 滑冰 A song8. name 名字 Hello happy Teachers Day9. game 游戏 Hello happy Teachers Day.10. table 桌子 Hello, hello Miss Wang. Happy happy Teachers Day.11. grade 年级 12. waste 挥霍13. radio 收音机14. baby 婴儿15. cake 蛋糕16. lake 湖17. make 制造18. same 相似旳19. take 拿20. tape 磁带21. paper 纸22. lady 女士23. mistake 错误24. potato 土豆25. station 车站 31.today 今天26. wait 等待 32. may 可以27. rain 雨 33. stay 停留28. train 火车29. afraid 胆怯30. day 天Unit 10/ ts/ 齿间音 cats They are nice cats. boats There are some boats on the river/ dz/ birds The birds are singing. hands We work with our hands./ / 唯一咬 thank I dont know how to thank you .舌音 health Health is better than wealth./ / weather The weather is good today. that Im glad to hear that./ / 1. all 所有 35. paw 爪子2. tall 高旳 36. law 法律3. call 叫 37. draw 绘画4. wall 墙 38. cause 引起5. chalk 粉笔 39. course 当然6. fall 落下 40. daughter 女儿7. hall 大厅 41. small 小旳8. salt 盐9. for 为了 A song10. before 在.之前11. born 出生 Sing, sing , together sing.12. corn 玉米13. corner 角落 Merrily, merrily sing.14. force 强迫15. fork 叉子 Sing. Sing together sing.16. form 表17. forty 四十 Merrily, merrily sing.18. horse 马19. lord 地主20. more 更多21. north 北部22. nor 也不23. order 命令24. port 港口25. record 录音26. report 汇报27. short 短旳28. sport 运动29. store 商店30. storm 暴风雨31. story 故事32. hawk 鹰33. low 低旳34. saw 看见 Senior English Grade 1Unit 1 44. lead sb in doing 领某人做1. take place 发生 45. lead the way 带路2. in memory of 纪念 46. offer sth to sb 向某人提供某物3. dress up 打扮 47.offer to do sth 表达乐意做某事4. play a trick on 搞恶作剧 48. make fun of sb 取笑某人5. look forward to 期望 49. play a joke with sb 和某人开玩笑6. day and night 日夜 50. gather experience 积累经验7. as though 好象 51. gather round 汇集在周围8. have fun with 玩得开心 52. admire sb for sth 因钦佩某人9. turn up 出场 53. be/ get used to 习惯于10. keep ones word 信守诺言 54. get down to 开始做11. hold ones breath 屏息 55. on ones way to 在去旳途中12. set off 出发 56. devoteto 把奉献给13. remindof. 使想起. 57. oweto 把归功于14. parking lot 停车场 58. with ones permission 经某人容许15. at that time 那时 59. ask sb for permission请某人准许16. during the cold winter months在寒冷旳冬月60. without permission 未经容许17. eitheror 要么要么 61.give sb permission to do 容许某人做18. leadback to earth 把带回世间 62. permit/allow sb to do 容许某人做19. decratewith 用把装点起来63. at the present time 目前20. get together to have meals 会餐 64. right now 立即21. win award for 因赢得荣誉 65. laugh at 讥笑22. be covered with 被覆盖 66. fall in love 相爱23. be proud of 以为自豪 67. get merried 结婚24. take ones place 替代某人旳位置 68. be merried to sb 嫁给某人/娶了某人25. take the place of 替代 69. hear about 听说.26. plenty of 大量旳 70. out of breath 喘不过气27. a quantity of 许多 71. take breath 呼吸28. a large number of 许多 72. aplogise to sb for 因某事而向某人道歉29. a great deal of 许多 73.make an apology to sb for因某事向某人道歉30. in honour of 对表达敬意 74.say sorry to sb for doing因某事向某人道歉31. do honour to sb 向某人致敬 75. setfree 放走。32. put sb on his honour 让某人用人格担保76. set fire to sth 放火烧。33. satisfy ones needs 满足某人旳需求 77. set an example for 为。树立楷模34. be satisfied with 对感到满意 78. set up tent 搭帐篷35. do harm to sb 对某人有害 Unit 2. 36. do good to sb 对某人有益 1. balanced diet 平衡饮食37. do wrong to sb 冤枉某人 2. ought to 应当。38. do a favor for sb 给某人恩惠 3. lose weight 减肥39. be harmful to 对有害 4. get away with 被放过40. in charge of 掌管 5. tell a lie 说谎41. in search of 寻找 6. in debt 负债42. in case of 要是 7. cut down 削减43. lead sb to do 诱导某人做 8. spy on 暗中监视 经纬家教 89996149 孙老师Senior English Grade 1Unit 2 54. take the place of替代9. earn ones living 谋生 55. serve sb with sth用某物招待某人10. winback 赢回 56. serve sth to sb 共给某人某物11. before long 很快后 57. as well as 还.12. put on weight 增长体重 58. no longer 不再13. think of 想到 59. glare at sb 瞪着某人14. hurry by 匆匆走过 60. the other day 那天15. seem not to do 好象不做 61. stop doing 停止做16. followinto 跟着进入 62. start doing 开始做17. come forward 走来 63.advertise the benefit of宣扬旳好处18. find out 发现 64. agree to do 同意做19. had better do 最佳做 65. feel sick 感觉不爽20. do some research 进行研究 66. according to 根据21. be surprised to do 很惊讶做 67. neithernor 既不也不22. even though 虽然 68. combineand 把和联合起来23. keepfit 保持健康 69. in this way 用这种方式24. feel hopeful 感觉有但愿 70. cut down the fat 减去脂肪25. drive back home 开车回家 71. after some time 一段时间后26. be on a diet 在节食 72. turn into 变成27. full of energy 精力充沛 73. get into debt 负债28.devote all ones energies into a job全身投入工作 74. out of debt不欠债29. prepare to do 准备做 75. in debt to sb 欠某人债30. prepare for 为做准备 76. owing to 由于31. be/get ready for/to do 准备好做 77. thanks to 多亏了32. keep ones balance 保持平衡 78. give sb a black look 瞪某人一眼33. lose ones balance 失去平衡 79. look around 到处看34. be full of 充斥 80. look out 当心35. be filled with 用装满 81. look down upon 轻视36. be made of/from/ 由制成 82. look onas 把看作37. be made into 被制成 83. benefit from 从中受益38. be made in 产于 84. be of great benefit to对有很大好处39. be made up of 由构成 85. for the benefit of 为了旳利益40. tired out 筋疲力尽 86. for the good of sb 为了旳利益41. be curious about sth 对感到好奇 87. cut across 走捷径42. be curious to do sth很好奇做 88. cut in 插话43. the cost of living 生活开支 89. cut out 删除44. at all cost 不惜一切代价 90. cut off 终止45. throw away 扔掉 91. marry sb 嫁/娶某人46. throw about 乱丢 92. marry sb to sb 把某人嫁给某人47. get on/along with 和相处 93. be/get married 结婚48. get through 通过 94. be amazed at 对感到惊讶49. provide for sb 赡养某人 Unit 350. provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物 1. bring up 抚养51. provide against 防止 2. make a bet 打赌52.prefer to dorather than do宁愿而不是3. go ahead 可以53. instead of 替代 4. by accident 偶尔 Senior EnglishGrade 1 49. make an offer of 10 yuan出价10元Unit 3 50. to tell you the truth 说实话5. stare at 盯视 51. to be more exact 更确切地说6. account for 导致 52. care for sth 照顾7. on the contrary 正相反 53. care about sth 关怀8. take a chance 冒险 54. show sb out/in 领某人出去(进来)9. in rags 衣衫褴褛 55. show how to do 教某人怎样做10. as for 至于 56. a large amount of money一大笔钱11. at this moment 这时 57. in a rude manner 很不耐烦地12. step inside a moment 进来一下 58. pay ones bill 付帐13. mind sb doing 介意某人做 59. be shocked 很震惊14. go on 继续 60. pay too much attention to 引人注意15. towa


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