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Unit4单词on onesmind 挂在心上;惦念time 时期,时代whenever 无论何时through 以,凭借as soon as 就deal 很多a great deal (of) 大量,许多junior high 初级中学try out for sth 参加选拔(或试演)lose heart 泄气,灰心score 得分senior high 髙级中学stand 看台change ones mind 改变主意leader 领导者name 命名university 大学simply 仅仅;简直junior college 两年制专科学校,大专national 国家的championship 锦标赛,大赛succeed 成功succeed in doing sth 成功地做某事scholarship 奖学金although 尽管,虽然graduate 毕业force 强迫,迫使league 联盟,社团remain 逗留;保持不变take notice of 注意,察觉achievement 成就,成绩prove 证明matter 要紧,有重大影响career 生涯,职业against 对抗;与相反;违反break out 爆发record 记录symbol 象征victory 胜利spirit 幽灵;精神;灵魂Jew 犹太人go into hiding 躲藏起来Nazi 纳粹的die of/from 死于German 德国(人)的Nazi 纳粹分子Thought 想法,看法,主意survive 幸存;生存Admire 钦佩,羡慕courage 勇气in fear of ones life 为生命安全担扰unusual 不寻常的,不平常的cell 细胞cancer 癌症surprise 惊奇,诧异to onessurprise 令某人惊奇的是research 研究;调查death 死,死亡Unit4 知识梳理【重点短语】1.on ones mind 惦念2.not.until 直到.才3.learn about the world 了解世界4.through the Internet 通过互联网5.people in different times and places不同时期不同地方的人6.a great deal of information大量的信息7.attend junior high 上初中8.try out for the school team 参加校队选拔9.be refused to do被拒绝去做某事10.lose heart失去信心11.get the chance得到机会12.from then on 从那时起13.the star of the team团队的明星14.because of his height因为身高15.practise even harder练习的更刻苦16.get sb to do让某人做17.change ones mind改变主意18.go on to do进而去做 .19.be named Player of the Year 被誉为年度最佳球员20.simply because仅仅因为21.decide to do决定去做某事22.lead sb to带领某人到 .lead to sth导致23.the attention of sth .的关注24.succeed in doing sth成功的做某事25.be forced to do被迫去做某事26.remain there=stay there呆在那27.take notice of sb = pay attention to sb关注(注意)到某人28.give up放弃29.have many great achievements有许多巨大成就30.ones proudest moment某人的最骄傲的时刻31.through hard work通过艰苦的努力32.size and body type体型33.does not matter无关紧要34.get a scholarship from. 得到奖学金35.an NBA player 一个 NBA 球员36.go jogging去慢跑37.feel tired out 感到筋疲力尽38.receive a call from收到某人的电话39.be crazy about痴迷于40.become serious about sth对.变得认真41.know little English 几乎不懂英语42.end his basketball career结束他的篮球生涯43.break out爆发44.because of the war因为战争45.a record of一个.的记录46.a symbol of 一个.的象征47.the victory of 的胜利48.human spirit 人类精神49.go into hiding 躲藏起来50.die of illness死于疾病内因用 of51.have her diary published使她的日记被出版52.a Nazi camp 一个纳粹集中营53.write down her thoughts写下她的想法54.get away from 从逃离55.survive the war在战争中幸存56.admire sb for sth因为.而钦佩某人57.a best-seller畅销58.live in peace生活在和平中59.live in fear of their lives 生活在生命安全的恐惧中e across偶遇61.a Jewish girl 一个犹太女孩62.her fear of discovery and death她的被发现和死亡的恐惧63.in his fifties 他五十多岁64.donate blood cells捐献血细胞65.to ones surprise令某人惊奇的是66.medical research医学研究67.be kind to sb对某人好68.a heart full of love 一个充满爱的心【重点句型】1. The car accident is always on my mind.那次车祸总是挂在我心上.2. I plan to go over my lessons as soon as the film ends.我打算电影一结束就复习功课3. I didnt learn about people in different times until I read the history book.直到读了历史书,我才了解了,不同时期的人们4. Whenever he goes to Suzhou, he will go to visit his grandparents.无论何时他去苏州,他总是去看望他的祖父母5. There is still a great deal of timeleft.还有大量的时间剩余6. Dont/Never lose heart whatever difficulty you re met.无论不论遇到什么困境,都不能失去信心.7. Mary succeeded in entering the best university.玛丽成功地进入了最好的大学8. Through hard work, our monitor led our football team to the national championship.通过努力训练,班长带领我们的足球队进入了全国锦标赛9. Since you sing so well, why not try out for the singing competition?既然你唱歌那么动听,为什么不参加唱歌比赛的选拔?10. We tried to change his mind, but failed.我们想法劝他改变主意,但失败了11. He is much smaller than the other kids at school.他比学校里其他小孩都要小得多12. To get him to change his mind, I tried everything.为了使他改变主意,我想尽了一切办法13. The old man didnt take notice of the car until it drove past him.直到那辆轿车从他身边开过,这个老人才察觉到14. Yao Ming was much taller than the children of his age when he was young.姚明小时候比他同龄的孩子要高许多。15. To the parents, their children matter more than anything else in the world.对于父母来说,他们的孩子比世界上任何东西都要紧16. He was forced to leave his home town because of the war.由于战争,他被迫离开了家乡17. He has been crazy about drawing sincehe was a child.从童年时起,他就热衷于绘画18. Mary got a good job as soon as she graduated from university.玛丽从大学一毕业就找到了一个好工作19. I felt tired out after practising playing volleyball for hours.练习打排球数小时后,我感到精疲力尽了20. Jane will always come to help whenever she is needed.无论何时,只要需要简,他总会来帮忙21. I remained in Xinhua Bookstore for an hour till/ until my father came.直到爸爸来我已经在途新华书店逗留了一个小时,22. He scored 30 points in the basketball match against Class 3. king died of illness.他在这场与三班对抗的篮球赛中得了30分23. Annes father had her diaries published at last.最终,爱安妮的爸爸去年出版了他她的日记24. I have no courage to face such a big challenge.我没有勇气,独自面对这么大的挑战25. The book has been translated into 20languages since 2000.至两千年以来,这本书已被翻译成20周年,26. Do you know when World War I /the first World War broke out?你知道第一次世界大战是什么时候爆发的吗?27. Many people inSyriaare living in fear of their lives because of the war.由于战争,许多叙利亚人正生活在为生命安全而担忧中28. We went into hiding in the building before the storm( came).暴风雨来临前,我们多进了大楼29. When she was in her twenties, she had her first novel published.当她20多岁的时候,她出版了她的第一本小说30. To our surprise, the American president Trump used to act in the films.令我们惊奇的是,美国总统特朗普曾出演过电影31. Whenever he has some money left/ thereis some money left, he gives it to someone in need.无论何时只要有钱剩下,他总会给有需要的人32. Could you tell me who influences you most in your life?你能告诉我你的一生中谁给你的影响最大吗。33. You can only succeed/get success/besuccessful through hard work.只有通过努力工作,你才能成功34. He has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death.他已经决定死后将自己的身体捐出去进行医学研究35.Neither Joe nor I was in fear of ourlives because we were busy putting out the fire.由于忙着救火,Joe和我那时都没有为自己的生命安全而担忧,36. I used to go into hiding under the bridge.我过去常常躲在桥底下【重点语法】由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句特殊疑问句充当宾语从句时, 引导词就用原来的特殊疑闻词, 无论主句是陈述句还是疑问句,宾语从句都必须用陈述句语序。根据特殊疑问词在从句中所作的不同成分,可分为以下几种情况:(1)连接词在宾语从句中作主语时,常见的连接词有:whowhat 和 which等。如:Do you know which is the nearest planet tothe Earth?你知道哪颗行星距离地球最近吗?(2)连接词在宾语从句中作宾语、状语或表语时,常见的连接词有:w ho( m),what,when 和 how 等。如:We wondered who(m) her brother was waitingfor.我们想知道她的弟弟在等谁。(3)连接词加名词在宾语从句中作宾语或表语,其中连接词作名词的定语。常见的连接词有:whose,what,which,how many和 how much等。如:Please tell me how many students there arein your class请告诉我你们班上有多少名学生。注意:“Whatswrong?./Whats thematter?Whats the trouble?”充当宾语从句时语序不变;特殊疑问句中的特殊疑问词作主语时,语序不变。如:I dont know. Whats wrong with you?(合并为一句)I dont know whats wrong with youHe asked,“Whats the matter with you?”(改为间接引语)He asked what was the matter with me.提出建议我们可以 WhynotWhy dontyou,What/Howabout,Lets和 Shall we礼貌地提出建议。注意:各自的用法:“Why not?”可以独立成句,也可以跟动词原形,意为“为什么不 ()呢?”。“Why dont you+动词原形?”意为“你为什么不呢 ?”。“What/Howabout+名词代词动名词?”意为“怎么样?” 。“Lets+动词原形!”意为“咱们吧!”。“Shall we+动词原形?”意为“我们好吗?” 。如:Why not have a break?为什么不休息一下呢?Why dont you have a break?你为什么不休息一下呢?What/How about this sweater?这件毛衣怎么样?WhatHow about walking home together after school?放学后一起步行回家怎么样?Lets go home together!咱们一起回家吧!Shall we have a party next week?我们下周举办一场聚会好吗?perhaps也可以用来表示建议。如:Perhaps you should get there on time.也许你应该按时到那儿。


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