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四年级科教版人教PEP版英语上学期看图写单词专项针对练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图,读句子,写单词。1The_is clean.2The_is green.3The_is old.4The_is brown.2. 根据图片补全单词。1w_rk_r 2do_or3n_se 4ho_s_5ho_s_ 6c_w3. 根据图片内容写出对应单词。1234. 先观察图片,然后判断所给句子与图片意思是否相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。1It is winter now.(_)2We can see four children in the picture.(_)3The children are making a snowman.(_)4The snowman has a short nose.(_)5The children like to play with snow.(_)5. 根据图片回答问题。1Is this Peters crayon?2Where is the girl?3What is the girl doing?4Whats this?5How many ducks are there?6. 看图写句子,看看上个星期天Lucy的家人都做了什么?Last Sunday1. Father2. Mum3. My grandma4. My brother7. 看图片,写出图片中的人物进行的活动。123458. 看图,回答问题。例:Whats Kims address? Kims address is 942 Beixin Street.1Whats Toms address? 2Whats Marys address? 3Whats the cinemas address? 9. 根据图片内容,回答问题。1Ask:Are they horses?Answer:2Ask: How much is the hat?Answer:10. 看图回答问题。1 What is this ?2 What does the girl has ?3 Whats this ?4 Whats this ?11. 根据图片提示,补全句子或对话。1On Saturday, I play with my_.2We fly_.3We play catch_a ball.4We read_. Jenny plays with her toy. Saturday is fun.5What do you do on Sunday?I fly a kite and play_the computer.12. 看图,完成对话。1Was he thin then? Yes,_.2Were you naughty then? Yes,_.3Are you at the zoo now? No,_. Im at home.4Was it sunny yesterday? Yes,_.5Who are they, Lingling?They are my_.13. 根据图意,用所给的字母组成单词。e,e,e,n,v,l e,i,a,n,h,m,c e,e,i,c,c,n,se,u,o,s,s,r,r,t e,i,r,n,n,w e,i,a,r,t,n,p14. 看图,回答问题,每题词数不限。1.Where are the children?_2.How many hens are there?_3.What do hens like?_4.What colour are the ducks?_15. 根据图片写短语。 16. 看图片,根据问句回答问题。1Whats the weather like in Lhasa?2Whats the weather like in Kunming?3Is it sunny in Hong Kong?4Can we fly kites in Dalian today?5Is it windy in Changchun?17. 看图,选出数字相对应的英文。1_twelve twenty2_forty-three fifty-three3_forty-six sixty-four4_eighteen eighty5_ninety-nine nineteen-nine6_thirteen thirty18. 看图写单词,补全下列句子。1.-Where is the_?-Its_the desk.2.-Where is the_?-It is_the chair.11 / 11


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