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Unit 6 Do you like bananas?第1课时 Section A 1a2c一、学习目标:1熟练掌握本节课的11个词汇: like, banana, hamburger, tomato, broccoli, orange, ice, cream, salad, strawberry, pear和2个短语: French fries, ice cream2学会用英语询问某人是否喜欢某物的句型Do you like?及其回答Yes, I do. /No, I dont.。二、学习重点:学会用英语询问某人是否喜欢某物进行问答的句子。学习难点:有关食物的单词的记忆与掌握。三、学习过程:预习准备1.试读这1页的新单词和短语,组内相互纠正发音。2.写出下列单词和短语的英文: 喜欢_ 香蕉_ 西红柿 _橙子_草莓_ 梨_沙拉_汉堡包_ 薯条_花椰菜_ 冰_冰淇淋_奶油,乳脂 _ 3.预习P31的句型(like的一般疑问句的肯定和否定回答)4. 预习与听力有关的材料。5.小组预习对话练习。预习反馈1.每小组派代表读新单词和短语。2.教师领读,学生纠正自己的发音3.自己读并记住汉语意思,组内检查。4.小组竞赛,看谁记的快而多、造句正确。合作学习1、认真观察1a的图画,将单词与图中食物搭配,小组讨论并核对答案。2、听录音,完成1b,小组核对答案3、看图片1a,引入A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do. /No, I dont.4、利用1a中食物来练习句型Do you like-?Yes, I do. No, I dont.5、展示:小组竞赛看谁练的快而多。形成提升就1a中的图片进行小组对话展示。.小组讨论:Do you like bananas?中的you能否替换为he或she?说出理由。小结评价1、这节课你学会了哪些表示食物的词。_。2、总结一下询问某人是否喜欢某物的句型。 _。3.行为动词的否定形式是由助动词_或_+ 动词_构成,其一般疑问句形式是由助动词_或_+ 主语+ _?构成。课后复习(一)写出下列单词的复数形式.hamburger_ dictionary_ tomato_ photo_ key_ strawberry_ banana_ pear_ orange_ book_(二)写出下列短语. 冰淇淋_ 五个汉堡包_ 炸马铃薯_ 七个草莓_ 一些西红柿_ 一个橘子_(三)、选择1_ you like bananas? A. Do B. Does C. Are2. Do _like French fries? A. he B. she C. you 3. Do you like _? A. orange B. oranges C. an oranges4. Do you like _? A. salad B. salads C. salads5. -Do you like hamburgers? -_. A. Yes, I dont B. Yes, I am C. Yes, I do6. Do you like _? No, _. A. tomatos; I do. B. tomatoes; I dont C. tomato; I dont7. Do you like ice cream? -_. A. no, I dont. B. No, I dont C. No, I do8. -_you _ French fries? -Yes, I do. A. Do; like B. Do; likes C. Does; like(四)、翻译下列句子。1.你喜欢香蕉吗? _是的,我喜欢。 _2.你喜欢沙拉吗? _ 不,我不喜欢。 _课外知识或课外阅读Spring Moring 春晓The morning of spring in bed Im lying, 春眠不觉晓,Not too away till birds are crying. 处处闻啼鸟。After one night of wind and showers, 夜来风雨声,How many are the fallen flowers? 花落知多少。课后反思与错题集:_第2课时 Unit 6 Section A 3a-4 一、学习目标:1. 熟练掌握本课的3个单词: have, oh, food和2个短语 countable noun, uncountable noun.2.掌握句型Do you like?与回答Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 及第三人称单数的肯定句与否定句She likes bananas./ She doesnt like ice cream.3. 初步了解英语名词的分类:可数名词与不可数名词。二、学习重点:1.行为动词的第三人称单数和其它人称的肯定句与否定句的构成。2.可数名词与不可数名词的区分。 学习难点:行为动词的第三人称单数的肯定句与否定句的构成。三、学习过程:预习准备1.个人自读,记忆本课单词2.小组互相检查单词读写情况3.根据汉语写出下列英语单词啊_ 食物_ 可数名词_ 不可数名词_4. 预习2a与 2b中与听力有关的材料。5. 写出下列名词的复数形式1、carrot _2. apple_3. egg_4.class_5. strawberry_6.banana_7. orange_8. tomato_9.bamburger_10.watch _11.photo _12. family _预习反馈1.每小组派代表读新单词和短语。2.教师领读,学生纠正自己的发音3.自己读并记住汉语意思,组内检查并在小黑板上展示。4.小组竞赛,看谁记的快而全、造句正确。5. 检查并订正预习准备中的练习5.合作学习1.放录音,完成2a与2b中的练习。2.两人一组,练习下面的对话 A: I like hamburgers. Do you like hamburgers?B: Yes, I do.(No, I dont like hamburgers.)3.两人一组做替换练习并展示。形成提升1. 根据图片用英文进行喜好的口语表达并展示。2.口头把下列句型变为否定句并展示: I like oranges. They like salad.She likes bananas.小结评价1. 以前和今天所学的单词中,你能归纳与分类吗? 水果: 蔬菜:主食:甜点:2.二次分类(以上的单词哪些是可数名词,哪些是不可数名词: 可数名词:不可数名词:3. 行为动词like在非第三人称单数的句子中,肯定句由主语+动词_构成,否定句由主语+_+动词_构成,疑问句由_+主语+动词_?构成。但行为动词like在第三人称单数的句子中,肯定句由主语+动词_构成,否定句由主语+_+动词_构成,疑问句由_+主语+动词_?构成。课后复习一、翻译下列短语1两个西红柿_ 2。五个汉堡包_ 3. 喜欢香蕉_ 4. 喜欢沙拉_5. 喜欢桔子_ 6. 三颗草莓_二、选择.1. He likes some_. A. apple B. banana C. salad2. She doesnt like_. A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos 3. Bill and Bob _ like bananas. A. does B. dont C. not 4._ he like strawberries? A. Do B. Does C. Is 5. _she like salad? A. Do B. Does C. Is 6. -Does he _ bananas? -Yes,_. A. likes; he is B. like; he does C. like; he doesnt7. Does she like ice cream? -_. A. No, she does. B. No, she doesnt C. No, she dont8. She _ oranges. A. like B. likes C. liking9. They _ hamburgers. A. like B. likes C. liking10. -_ they like apples? -Yes, _. A. Do; I dont B. Do; I do C. Does; I do 三、用所给单词的正确形式完成句子。1. Sandra Clark _(eat) eggs and apples every day.2. Some _(strawberry) are on the table.3. My sister _(like) bread and milk for breakfast.4. We should(应该) eat _ (good) every day.5. Tony likes _ (run).四、 情景交际: 从栏中为栏各句选出恰当的答语。 ( )1. Does he like apples? A. Eggs, bananas and oranges.( )2. What do you have for breakfast? B. Yes, I do.( )3. What does she like? C. No, they dont.( )4. Do you like tomatoes? D. She likes hamburgers.( )5. Do they like strawberries? E. Yes, he does.三、句型转换,每空一词。1. My brother likes tomatoes. (改为否定句)My brother _ _ tomatoes.2. Do you like broccoli and French fries? (作否定回答)No, _ _.3. They have some oranges. (用he 作主语改为单数句子)He _ _ orange.4. Kate often eats pears. (改为一般疑问句)_ Kate often _ pears?5.My teacher plays basketball. (改一般疑问句)_ your teacher _ basketball?6.She doesnt have lunch. (变肯定句)She _ lunch.7.Linda and Tom like French fries. (改成否定句)They _ _ French fries.8.Does Tom like eggs for breakfast? (否定回答)_, _ _.9.We play volleyball. (变成由Let开头的祈使句)_ _ volleyball.(三)根据汉语完成句子. 1.他们喜欢西红柿吗? _ 是的,他们喜欢。 _2.他喜欢炸马铃薯条吗?_ 不,他不喜欢。 _3我喜欢桔子。 _课后反思与错题集:_Section A 对应训练一、 单项选择 ( )1. _ you like ice cream? A. Are B. Am C. Does D. Do( )2. _ play table tennis. A. Let B. Lets C. Lets D. Its( )3. _ does your father have _ lunch? Chicken and tomatoes. A. What; for B. What; / C. How; for D. How; /( )4. Oranges are a kind of _. A. vegetables B. vegetableC. fruits D. fruit( )5. What _ Tom like _ for breakfast? A. does; eat B. is; eat C. does; to eat D. is; to eat( )6. Do you like ice cream for _ dessert? A. a B. the C. / D. an( )7. Does your friend like salad? - _. A. Yes, she like. B. No, she does. C. Yes, she doesnt D. No, she doesnt.( )8. I have a cat. It likes fish. It eats _ every day. A. a lot B. many C. Lots of D. much( )9. Does your English teacher sing very _ ? -Yes, She does. A. good B. nice C. great D. well( )10. Lets _ baseball. -OK. Lets _. A. play; go B. plays; go C. play; to go D. play; goes二、根据句意和首字母提示,补全句子中所缺的单词I dont want an apple . I want an o_. 2. Tom d_ like bananas.3. Edle doesnt like _(西红杮).4. Lets eat ice cream.That _(听起来)good. 5. We have _(蔬菜)for dinner every day.三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。(1)We can _ (help) the student with him lessons.(2)Who _ (have) an English English dictionary in your classroom?(3)would you like something _ (eat)?(4)How much meat _ you _(want)?(5)My mother _ (get) up at 5:30 every day.(6) _ (not open) the door, please.(7)Lucy _(like) tomatoes very much.(8). _ he _(have) hamburgers for breakfast?(9). What _you often _(do) after supper?(10). Lets _(play) computer games.四、完成下列句子1. I have _(大量,许多) books in my home.2. My family have _(健康食品) for meals.3. They do sports _(每天).4. My sister Kate likes bananas, apples _(早饭).5. Those carrots are _(汤姆的).五、句型转换。1.Tom does his homework on Sundays. (改为否定句)_2 My uncles have some good books.( 一般疑问句) _3 This is a tomato. ( 改成 复数) _4 My good friend likes apples and oranges. (改成否定句)_六、阅读理解Tom: Good evening, Mum.Mum: Good evening, Tom.Tom: Do we eat chicken for dinner, Mum?Mum: No, we eat fish and carrots, dear.Tom: Mum, I dont like carrots. I like chicken.Mum: But we need more vegetables, not only meat. Its not healthy to eat chicken every day.Tom: OK. But dad likes chicken, too.Mum: Well, lets eat chicken and broccoli tomorrow. (明天)Tom: That sounds great!( ) 1. What do they eat for dinner? A. chicken B. Carrots C. Carrots and fish( ) 2. what does Tom want to eat for dinner? A. fish B. chicken C. broccoli( ) 3. What do they need to eat more? A. chicken B. meat C. vegetables( ) 4. Does Toms father like chicken? A. No, he doesnt B. Yes, he does. C. We dont know.( ) 5. what will they eat tomorrow? A. fish and carrots B. chicken and fish C. broccoli and chicken第3课时 Unit 6 Section B 1a-2c一、学习目标:1.掌握单词:egg, apple, carrot, chicken, breakfast, lunch, dinner, fruit, vegetable2.熟练掌握句型 What do you have for breakfast (lunch, dinner)? I have 二、学习重点: 1.水果和一些食物的单词。2.句型 What do you have for breakfast (lunch, dinner)? I have 学习难点: 句型 What do you have for breakfast (lunch, dinner)? I have 三、学习过程:预习准备1.个人自读,记忆本课单词2.小组互相检查单词读写情况3.根据汉语写出下列英语单词 蛋,鸡蛋 _ 苹果_ 胡萝卜_ 鸡,鸡肉_ 早餐_ 午餐_ 晚餐,正餐_ 水果_ 蔬菜,植物_4.根据句意和首字母完成单词(1)I have hamburgers for b_.(2) Here are some tomatoes. Do you like t _?(3) I like French f _.(4) I have an ice c_.(5) Children should (应当) eat lots of v_. (6) What do you have for d_?(7) Zhou Jielun is a singing s_.(8) She eats h_ food every day.(9) How m_ apples do you have?(10) Im going on a picnic with a group of f_.5.完成1a的配对练习,预习听力相关材料。预习反馈1.每小组派代表读新单词和短语。 2.教师领读,学生纠正自己的发音3.自己读并记住汉语意思,组内检查并在小黑板上展示。4. 展示练习4的完成情况。5. 检查并订正1a的练习合作学习1、听录音,完成2a和2b,小组核对答案。2、利用2b中的材料来练习句型What do you have for breakfast (lunch, dinner)? I have 5、展示:小组竞赛看谁练的快而多。形成提升 把句型What do you have for breakfast (lunch, dinner)? I have 改变人称进行对话练习与展示。 You they he, sheWhat do they have for breakfast (lunch, dinner)? They have What does he/she have for breakfast (lunch, dinner)? He/She has 小结评价1.水果归类:_ 蔬菜归类:_2.特殊疑问句的构成:What _ you _(have) for breakfast? What _ he _ (has) for lunch?课后复习一、写出下列单词的复数形式.1. egg_ 2. banana _ 3. carrot _ 4. apple _5. salad_ 6. ice cream _ 7.tomato_8.broccoli_二、用所给词的正确形式填空1.- Do you like bananas?-No, I dont like _ (it) at all.2.Peter likes _ (play) basketball.3.His mother _ (not) like French fries.4.I like strawberry ice cream, but I dont like _. (strawberry)5.They like _ (eat) hamburgers and carrots for lunch.三、改错.在有错的地方找上横线,把正确的写在后面横线上.1. Do you like banana? _ 2. Do you likes salad? _3. Does they like oranges? _ 4. Do Tom like carrots? _5.She does likes ice cream. _ 6. They likes eggs. _7. I dont like strawberrys _ 8. He dont French fries. _ 四、汉译英:1.她喜欢草莓。 _2.他们不喜欢花椰菜 _3.他不喜欢鸡蛋。 _4.Gina喜欢胡萝卜吗? _ 是的, 她喜欢. _课后反思与错题集:_第4课时 Unit 6 Section B 3a4 - Self-Check一、学习目标:1.掌握本节课的9个单词:runner, eat, well, run, star, lot, healthy, dessert, list和几个短语: lots of = a lot of ,a list of food ,a running star ,healthy food 2、学会用like/likes, dont/ doesnt谈论好恶。 3、学会谈论三餐并能用书面表达出来。二、学习重点:学会用like/likes, dont/ doesnt谈论好恶。学习难点:学会谈论三餐并能用书面表达出来。三、学习过程:预习准备1.自读并记忆单词。2. 默写单词展示:奔跑_ 星星,明星_ 许多,很多_ 健康的,强健的_ 甜食_ 清单_ 短语: 大量,许多_ 一系列食品 _ 一位赛跑明星_ 健康食品 _ 3.写出下列单词的复数形式.hamburger_ dictionary_ tomato_ photo_ key_strawberry_banana_ pear_ orange_book_ egg _ carrot _ apple _ tomato _4.阅读3a中的短文,把表示水果的词语画线,圈出表示蔬菜的物品,并把3a这篇文章读熟。5. 完成3b中的填空,注意可数名词与不可数名词。预习反馈1.展示交流,小组竞赛(以听写形式进行展示)2. 展示并核对练习3的答案3.小组核对3a中的画线和圈出的答案。合作学习1. 学习3a、3b部分,组内交流,理解短文意思2.学生展示,其他学生质问或补充。3.学生背诵3a短文并展示(展示)4.看3b图画,补全3b短文(展示)5.组内交流,核对答案。形成提升学写谈论三餐的短文并展示。_ _ _ _小结评价1.你能说出 like 的各种用法吗? 2. 总结并扩展一下你所学过的水果和蔬菜的单词3.如何课后复习一、根据首字母填空1. What do you have for b_? 2. I like salad for l_.3. Where is my ice c_? 4. This is an e_ and thats an apple.5. We must eat v_.二、选择1. _Clark _French fries? A. Do like B. does like C. Does like 2. I often have chicken and fruit _dinner. A. of B. for C. at 3. My brother _very much. A. like banana B. likes bananas C. like bananas4. -Does she like broccoli? -_. A. Yes, she does B. No, she does. C. No, he does.5. Mary _vegetables. A. dont like B. doesnt like C. doesnt likes 6. Bill and Bob _ like bananas. A. doesnt B. dont C. arent7_ you like bananas? A. Do B. Does C. Are8. Do _like French fries? A. he B. she C. you9. Do you like _? A. orange B. oranges C. an oranges10. Do you like _? A. salad B. salads C. salads11. -Do you like hamburgers? -_. A. Yes, I dont B. Yes, I am C. Yes, I do12. Do you like _? No, _. A. tomatos; I do. B. tomatoes; I dont C. tomato; I dont13. Do you like ice cream? -_. A. no, I dont. B. No, I dont C. No, I do14. -_you _ French fries? A. Do; like B. Do; likes C. Does; like 三、书面表达:假设您的名字是李华, 下面是你的食谱 ,请根据下面的单词写一段 短文,所提供的单词都应有所涉及,不少于50个单词。Breakfast ,lunch , supper , always , milk , bread , rice, vegetable , fruits , fish, sometimes , cakes , meat, hamburger_课后反思与错题集:_Unit 6 复习检测题一、选择填空( ) 1. Do you have fruit _ lunch? No, I dont.A. on B. for C. at( ) 2. He likes hamburgers, but he _ French fries.A. dont like B. likes C. doesnt like( ) 3. _ you like apples? A. Can B. Do C. Are( ) 4. Do you want _ orange? A. an B. a C. two( ) 5. Whats that _ English? Its a hamburger. A. on B. in C. about( ) 6. _ teacher on the black bike is _ English teacher. A. A; anB. The; a C. A; the D. The; an( )7.What _ do you have _ supper?A. food; for B. foods; for C. food; with D. foods; in( )8. Lucy _ lunch at school every day.A. havent B. hasnt C. dont have D. doesnt have( )9. Now I can speak _ English.A. an B. many C. lot of D. a little( )10. _ the picture! What can you _?A. Look; see B. Look at; see C. See; look D. See; look at( )11. Jim _ to school at 6:30 in the morning.A. goingB. go C. goes D. is going( ) 12. I like fruit , _ he doesnt .A. and B. do C. to D. but( ) 13. On Sunday, he _ a good rest at home and _his homework. A. has; doesB. has; do C. have; does D. doe


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