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Unit 1 Whats the matter? Section B (1a-1c) 第四课时【学习目标】1、重点单词:bandage sick knee nosebleed hurt hit breathing sunburned ourselves2、重点短语:get sunburned feel sick get hit on the head put a bandage on put ones head back put on a clean shirt have a nosebleed【学习重点、难点】 使用should和shouldnt给出合理建议。【导学指导】 1.根据下列方框中左侧所给病况,在右侧方框中给出合理化建议。illnessadviceI have a sore throat.I have a stomachache.I have a toothache.I have a fever.【自主学习】 一、自学1.浏览Page10上1a中的图片,完成1a的要求。2.小组讨论自学结果并一起朗读它们。(老师可通过邀请学生表演这四种情况来检测学生对1a的掌握情况)3.浏览1b中的图片并完成1b的要求。4.小组讨论自学所填结果并在小组中比赛看谁背得最准最快。5.浏览2a和2b题目要求及图表信息,完成下列问题。 How many persons are there mentioned(被提及) in this chart and who are they? _. Discuss whether(是否) we should write down each word when we are doing 2a and 2b listening practice. If not, why? And What should we do when we are doing them? _.6.师生共同探讨。7.Listen to the tape and complete the requirements of 2a and 2b。8.小组讨论听力各自所听答案结果。二、根据2c所给model conversation 按照你所填的图表信息和搭档制作自己的对话。然后争取在所有同学面前展示你们的对话。记住,当你站起来的时候,你就已经是个成功者了。.【当堂检测】一、根据首字母和句意补全单词。1.She is tired, she should go to bed early, she s_ go to the party.2.Would you please get me some water? Im a little t_.3.Im t_, I would like something to drink.4.When you are s_ out, you should listen to some music to relax. You shouldnt study .二、用所给词的正确形式填空。1.He _(have) a headache last week. But now he is _(feel)better.2.Im too _(stress) out, let me listen to some music now.三、选择填空。( )1. How are you? Im feeling _.A. good B. well C. better D. fun( )2. _ did the headache start? About two hours ago.A. When B. What C. where D. How( )3. I cant sleep, so I _ listen to quiet music, and I _ listen to exciting music.A. should; should B. shouldnt; shouldnt C. should; shouldnt D. can; dont( ) 4 What do you think of their _? Terrific!A、advices B. advice C. suggestiones D. suggest.【要点归纳】 罗列本课所学的四种身体不适状况并给出相应的建议。 _


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