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试题为word版下载可打印编辑Un it 3Tomorrow s world能力提升题组训练(A)I 阅读理解(2018温州高三适应性测试)Land Art,sometimes referred to as Earth Art or Earthworks,is a form of art whichin volves using physical Ian dscapes to create art,tak ing art out of the museum andinto the outside world.Modern Land Art movement really got going in the 1960s,whenAmerican artists began creating Land Art on a large scale.Today,works of modern Land Art can be seen all over the world,sometimes right alongside much older pieces ofLand Art created by people who lived thousa nds of years ago.Land Art,which is not n ecessarily un cha ngeable,ca n take a nu mber of forms.Forexamplen 1970 Robert Smithson created the Spiral Jetty(螺旋状防波堤),made of acollectio n of stonesand mud,i n theGreat Salt Lake.The America n artist made a largejetty in a spiral shape which sticks out into the waters of the lake.Reshap ing the Ian dscape is a com mon characteristic of Land Art,which can becreated by moving parts around.People can also add things to the environment to create Land Art,like salt,which is added to the Spiral Jetty.Itis possible to use plants.lnall cases,La nd Art is immovable.Land Art is designed to gradually form,change,and eventuallydecay(衰落).That s one of the biggest differe nces betwee n Land Art and most of the art one sees in the museums.Someworks of art can exist only for a few hours or days.Others are exposed to rain and wind so that they develop and decay over time,which is part of the attractive ness in the eyes of the artists.1. What can be learned from the first paragraph?A. La nd Art was the most popular art in the 1960s.B. La nd Art aims to get people in terested in n ature.C. America n artists were the first to create Land Art.D. People have bee n creati ng Land Art for thousa nds of years.2. What do we kn ow about Robert Smithso n?A. He is a great creative artist.B. He lives n ear the Great Salt Lake.C. He made the most famous Land Art.D. He was a pion eer in creati ng Land Art.3.0ne of the unique characteristics of Land Art lies in it.A. shows the extreme beauty of n atureB. develops and decays gradually over timeC. comb ines the Ian dscape around completelyD. offers the artists a cha nee to get close to n ature4.What is the passage mainly about?A. Works of Land Art B.History of Land ArtC.Cha nges of Land Art D.I ntroduction of Land Art语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。大地艺术(Land Art)又称“地景艺术”“土方工程”,它是指艺术家以大自然作为创造媒体,把艺术与大自然有机地结合起来,创造出的一种富有艺术整体性情景的视觉化艺术形式。答案及剖析:1. D细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,地景艺术已有几千年的历史了。故选D。2. A推理判断题。根据第二段第二句以及下文“The American artist made a largejetty.of the lake.”可推断出,Robert Smithson是一位伟大的、很有创造力的艺术家。故选A。3. B细节理解题。根据最后一段第一、二句可知,地景艺术与其他艺术最大的不同之处之一在于它会随着时间的流逝而逐渐演变直至最终衰落。故选B。4. D主旨大意题。纵观全文可知,本文主要向读者介绍了地景艺术的概念、历史及其特征等情况。故选Don .七选五(2018广州高三综合测试)Imag ine that you are in a remote village somewhere with no medical cli ni c.1.Once the doctors get to you,they exam ine you and take blood samples,but theywon t be able to help you un til they take the samples back to the hospital to findout what is wron g.2.Thanks to engin eer Andy Ozca n,many people may n ever bein this situati on.Hehas inven ted an app that tur ns your mobile pho ne into a diag no Stic(诊断的)tool.Ozca n s inven ti on is importa nt because it is very accurate and easy to use .Inmany remote places,eve n if doctors have microscopes and other in strume nts to helpthem make diagnoses,theremay stillbe other problems.Many doctors,for example, don t have eno ugh trai ning to correctly in terpret what they see.3.With Ozca n s mobile phone app,health workers can take a special photo of a blood sample and send it to a central computer at a hospital.The computer will then automatically interpret the photo and send a diag no sis back in a few minu tes.4.His tech no logy only requires a mobile phone and an Internet connection.As more tha n four billi on people already have cell pho nes,the cost of establish ingthe diag no stic system is fairly low.By inven ti ng a medical tool that uses exist ing tech no logy mobile phon es,Ozca nhas developed a medical tool that is both practical and econo mical.Therefore,it canbe effective almost any where.5. A. Another reason why Ozcan s invention is important is that it is inexpensive.B. Eve n though you may only have a simple in fecti on (感染),you might die because ofthe delay.C. People are trying to reduce the cost of this new medical tool.D. Ozca n s simple,cost-effective tool might just save millio ns of lives around theworld.E. This tool has become much more popular all around the world.F. You become very sick and must wait days untila mobile medical unit arrives to help.G. As a result,they may diag nose ill nesses in correctly.答案:1-5 FBGAD川.完形填空(2018苏锡常镇二模)If the law puni shed addict ion,we would all be in pris on because we are addictedto our phon es.we re hopelessly 1 by them,helplessly devoted to them.Our hands and mindsare 2:text in g,tweeti ng,lik in g,emaili ng,shari ng.Wefind ourselves 3stimulated (刺激).My iPh one is the last thing I look at whe n I go to bed and the first thing I lookat when I 4 .When it s not there I feel its 5 like an amputee (被截肢者)still feeling a(n)6 leg.It is my entry to culture and fun.l love it.You love yours.But the comme nt on this eno rmous7 in our behavior has bee n completely8 .The cen tral claim is that tech no logy makes us9 what we already know aboutlife,a nd it10 us develop ing fully in depe ndent selves.A nd the quality of huma nrelati on ships is said to have11 .Pare nts are distracted by work emails at thedinner table and in the playgro un d;childre n cry for12 un til they fin ally getan iPad for Christmas.Gatherings of old friends can t do a couple of hours_13check ing their Gmail every 10 minu tes.Tech no logy sucks the life out of us,a nd takes our souls in14 for the convenience of n ot havi ng to learn how to read mapsproperly.I simply do not 15 the idea that we aren t fully whole due to our phones,just because we can talk to our friends whe never we wan t,without any16 for thelimitati ons that space and17 used to set on us.This helps us to get18 .Itdoesn t set us apart.19 ,we will film.We will photograph.We will edit.We will 20 ,like,love andenvy.Finally,in our own strange way,we will control our heavily doctored lives.1. A.surprised2. A.lost3. A.com monly4. A.get homeB.distractedB.vaca ntB.con sta ntlyB.have dinner5. A.refere neeB.con fide nee6. A.healthyB.remai ning7. A.c on seque nee B.i nterest8. A.cha ngeableB.n egative9. A.rebuildB.reviewC.frighte nedC.occupiedC.usuallyC.wake upC.abseneeC.artificialC.challe ngeC.con siste ntC.forgiveD.puni shedD.awkwardD.ordi narilyD.go outD.appeara neeD.missi ngD.shiftD.i nspiri ngD.forget试题为word版下载可打印编辑10.A.preve ntsB.keeps C.suggests D.findsII.A.be nefitedB.bala needC.sufferedD.improved12.A.happ in essB.discipli neC.atte nti onD.freedom13.A. afterB.uponC.byD.without14.A.requestB.exchangeC.preparati onD.search15.A. buyB.knowC.haveD.refuse16.A.a nxietyB.con siderati on C.dema ndD.eager ness17.A. cha neeB.timeC.en ergyD.effort18.A.stro ngerB.smarterC.greaterD.closer19.A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.MoreoverD.Mea nwhile20.A.publishB.ig noreC.shareD.delete语篇解读:当今社会,人们严重依赖手机,很多行为发生了改变,有人认为这些改变是消极的 , 手机使我们忘记生活的本真。而作者认为,我们可以控制被手机改变的生活 ,使其丰富而有趣。答案及剖析:1. B 前面提到对手机上瘾,由语境可知,我们会因此而分心(distracted)。2. C 我们的双手和大脑都被占用(occupied)来发短信、发邮件等。3. B 我们发现自己不停地(con sta ntly)被这些东西刺激着。4. C 临睡前最后查看的是手机,早上醒来(wake up)查看的第一个东西还是手机。5. C 6.D 当手机不在的时候,它的缺席(absenee)让我感觉就像是一个被截肢的人仍然想要 那条失去的(missing)腿。7.D 8.B关于手机对我们行为带来巨大转变(shift)的评论完全是消极的(n egative)。9.D10.A 科技让我们忘记了 (forget)我们对生活原有的认识,阻碍(prevents)我们充分发展独立的自我。11. C 人际关系的质量也因为科技而变差(suffered)。12. C 父母会因为工作邮件而在餐桌和游乐场上分心,孩子迫切想要得到关注(attention),最终得到一个iPad作为圣诞礼物。13. D数小时的老友聚会中,没有(without)不每隔十分钟就开手机检查邮件的。14. B技术磨灭了我们的灵魂 ,因为它以我们不用学怎么正确地读地图的便利为代价。inexcha nge for意为交换”,此处指“以为代价”。15. A 我不相信我们因为手机而不再是完整的自己这个说法,此处buy意为“相信,接受”。16. B 17.B根据上文语境可知,不必考虑(consideration)空间和时间(time)的限制。18. D手机使我们的距离更近(closer) 了。19. A 20.C 因此(Therefore), 我们会用手机来拍视频、拍照,我们会编辑、分享(share)表达喜欢、爱和忌妒。


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