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九年级英语听力练习 素材只会多不会少。下面是xx给大家整理的的相关知识,供大家参阅!篇11b Listen and number the pictures in 1a.Then write two or three sentences to finish the story.Man: Hey, look at the man running down the street.I wonder whats happening. Woman: He could be running for exercise. Man: But hes wearing a suit. He might be late forwork.Woman: He looks kind of afraid. (pause) Oh, no!Whats that?Man: Where?Woman: Theres something in the sky. Man: It could be a plane.Woman: No, it cant be a plane. Its too big. It mustbe a UFO.Man: A UFO? Whats going on? Woman: Look, now the UFO is landingMan: And theres something strange getting out. Itmust be an alien.Woman: And the alien is running after the man! Imust be dreaming.Man: Maybe we should call the police. (pause)Hey, wait a minute. Whats that? Woman: Where? Man: Over there.Woman: Its a woman with a camera. Man: She could be from the TV news.Woman: No, look at all those other people. Theyreactors. Oh! They must be making a movie.1c Listen again. Complete the sentences. Man: Hey, look at the man running down the street.I wonder whats happening. Woman: He could be running for exercise. Man: But hes wearing a suit. He might be late forwork.Woman: He looks kind of afraid. (pause) Oh, no!Whats that?Man: Where?Woman: Theres something in the sky. Man: It could be a plane.Woman: No, it cant be a plane. Its too big. It mustbe a UFO.Man: A UFO? Whats going on? Woman: Look, now the UFO is landingMan: And theres something strange getting out. Itmust be an alien.Woman: And the alien is running after the man! Imust be dreaming.Man: Maybe we should call the police. (pause)Hey, wait a minute. Whats that? Woman: Where? Man: Over there.Woman: Its a woman with a camera. Man: She could be from the TV news.Woman: No, look at all those other people. Theyreactors. Oh! They must be making a movie.篇2.听对话,选择正确图片。每段对话读两遍。(5分)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._.听句子,选择和所听句子意思相近的选项。每个句子读一遍。(5分)6.A.Tom is a student. B.Tom is a teacher. C.Tom likes school.7.A.He saw a film yesterday. B.He didnt see the film. C.He had a good time.8.A.She works hard. B.She teaches well. C.She is a good woman.9.A.School ended a little earlier. B.School ended as early as usual. C.School didnt end so early as usual.10.A.Tom doesnt like the heavy traffic, but I like it. B.I dont like the heavy traffic, but Tom likes it.C.Tom doesnt like the heavy traffic. I dont like it, either.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)11.A.Yes, they have. B.No, she hasnt. C.Yes, he did.12.A.Of course not. B.No, never. C.Yes, I do.13.A.Last year. B.Before 3 years. C.Since 3 years ago.14.A.Ive no idea. B.Can I have some fish? C.Yes, you can.15.A.It is tall. B.They are wide. C.She is in the office.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)16.What did Jack want to do one day?A.To borrow some books from Jim. B.To play with Jim. C.To buy some books.17.Where did Jack want to read the books?A.In the reading room. B.At Jims home. C.At his own home.18.How long did Jack want to borrow Jims books?A.Two weeks. B.Less than two weeks. C.More than two weeks.19.Why didnt Jack want to lend the brush to Jim?A.Because his brush is broken. B.Because he had lent it to others.C.Because Jim didnt lend the books to him yesterday and this made him very angry.20.What might happen after Jacks words?A.Jim was happy. B.Jim was unhappy. C.Jim thanked Jack very much.听短文,补全句子。短文读三遍。(5分)21.Mr. Smith has a small car and a _.22.He stayed in the shop for _hours.23.The dog didnt _ him to sit in the small car.24.Mr. Smith had to start his car, but the key didnt _.25.At last he looked at the car again and found he was in the _ car. .1.B 2.D 3.E 4.C 5.A .6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.C.11.A 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.B .16.A 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.B.21.dog 22.three/3 23.follow 24.work 25.wrong篇3Section B1c Listen andthe things in 1a that Peter听录音,圈出1a中彼得谈论的事情。父亲:怎么了,彼得? 彼得:父亲,我认为数学考试我会不及格。 父亲:你吗?为何?彼得:嗯,我错过了公共汽车,我不得不步行去学校。talks about.Dad: Whats the matter, Peter?Peter: I think Im going to fail a math test, Dad. Dad: You are? Why?Peter: Well, I missed the bus and I had to walk toschool.Dad: So?Peter: Im not allowed to get to class late, andthere was a big test today.Dad: And you werent allowed to take the test? Peter: Thats right. But I know I could pass thattest.Dad: Well, Peter, the school has to have rules, youknow.Peter: I know. But they should let me take the testlater. Its not fair if they dont even give me a chance!Dad: Well, you might still be allowed. Maybe youcould talk to the teacher after school.Peter: Yeah. Maybe if I explain what happened,shell understand.1d Listen again. Match these sentence parts.Dad: Whats the matter, Peter?Peter: I think Im going to fail a math test, Dad. Dad: You are? Why?Peter: Well, I missed the bus and I had to walk toschool. Dad: So?Peter: Im not allowed to get to class late, andthere was a big test today.Dad: And you werent allowed to take the test? Peter: Thats right. But I know I could pass thattest.Dad: Well, Peter, the school has to have rules, youknow.Peter: I know. But they should let me take the testlater. Its not fair if they dont even give me a chance!Dad: Well, you might still be allowed. Maybe youcould talk to the teacher after school.Peter: Yeah. Maybe if I explain what happened,shell understand.父亲:因此呢? 彼得:我上课不能迟到,而且今天有一次大型考试。父亲:结果你没有被许可参与考试? 彼得:是的。但我知道我能经过那次考试。父亲:嗯,彼得,你要知道,学校必需有规则。 彼得:我知道,但她们应该让我晚点儿参与考试。假如她们甚至不给我一次机会,那不公平!父亲:好吧,你可能依然会被许可。或许你能够放学后跟老师谈一谈。 彼得:是的,假如我解释一下发生的事情,或许她会了解。再听一遍录音,把这些句子部分相匹配。父亲:怎么了,彼得? 彼得:父亲,我认为数学考试我会不及格。 父亲:你吗?为何?彼得:嗯,我错过了公共汽车,我不得不步行去学校。 父亲:因此呢? 彼得:我上课不能迟到,而且今天有一次大型考试。父亲:结果你没有被许可参与考试? 彼得:是的。但我知道我能经过那次考试。父亲:嗯,彼得,你要知道,学校必需有规则。 彼得:我知道,但她们应该让我晚点儿参与考试。假如她们甚至不给我一次机会,那不公平!父亲:好吧,你可能依然会被许可。或许你能够放学后跟老师谈一谈。 彼得:是的,假如我解释一下发生的事情,或许她会了解。看过的相关知识的人还看了:1.有关九年级英语听力短文2.初三英语听力题精选合集3.初三英语听力测试精选推荐4.初三英语听力练习题5.初中英语听力练习


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