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七年级英语下册 第三单元基础题型汇总 人教新目标版一、根据首字母提示完成句子。1 Seventy two and twelve is _.2 It takes about 15 m_.3 I walk to the subway s_.4 He often d_ to work.5 Where do you l_? In Qingdao.6 There are three hundred people in the v _.7 There is a new b_ over the river.8 How far is it from here? About 5 k_.9 I hope that my d_ can come true.10 My mum t_ the subway to work every day.11 My home is about two _(hundred) kilometers from Beijing.12 Mr Green always _ a car to work.13 It takes him 20 minutes _(go) to school .14 I want to know where Bob _(live)15 It _(花费) about two hours to walk to the mountain .16 My home is ten_(公里)17 His grandmother is _( 90) years old.18 They usually travel by _ (火车)19 What do you _(认为)our new school?二、按要求改写句子1 Amy goes to school by car.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Amy _ to school?2 It takes her 2 hours to go shopping. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ it _ her_go shopping?3 The bus ride isnt boring because I always talk to my friends. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ the bus not boring?4 My uncle lives 10 miles from my home. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ uncle live from your home?5 I drive a car to the supermarket.(用She 来改写句子)_6 The little boy goes to bed at ten. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ the little boy _ bed?7 They work in a school. (对划线部分提问)_ _ they _.8 Tom does his homework every day.(否定)Tom _ _ his homework every day.9 My birthday is April 24th. (对划线部分提问)_ is your birthday?10 Thanks for your help?(改为同义句)Thanks for _ _11 Mr Green goes to work by car every day. (改为同义句)Mr Green _ his car _work every day.12 It takes about fifty minutes to get to the factory._ _ _ it _ to get to the factory?13 I usually go to school on foot._ _ usually _ to school?14 My home is about two kilometers from school._ _is your home from school?15 He usually goes to school by bus .He usually _ _ _ _ _.16 It takes about 15 minutes to get to the park._ _ _ it _ _ _the park?17 It is five kilometers from the village to the city._ _ _ _ _the village _the city?18 The twins take the bus to school every morning.The twins _ to school _ _ every morning.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1 It takes my brother an hour _(finish) his homework.2 His school is about 20_(kilometer) from my home.3 She has two ways of _(get) to school.4 We need _(study) it again after school.5 He likes _(walk) to school .6 The students and _(village) want to have a bridge over the river.7 Could you tell me some ways of _(learn) oral English?8 He is new here.He needs _(buy) a map of the city.9 What about_ (ride) to the park?10 Its not easy _(cross) the river on a ropeway.11 Do you know Tony and _(he) father?12 Gina usually _(exercise) in the morning.13 He works long and fees _ (tire)14 My friend _(not like) playing the piano.15 Lucy often _ her homework after dinner.16 The children often play football at a q_ to five.17 The ice cream t_ good but is not good for health.18 I usually get up at h _past six .19 After lunch ,he s_ takes a walk.一、根据首字母提示完成句子。1 Be careful to look both ways before you _the street.2 The shop is b_ the zoo and the hospital.3 They will build a b_ over the highway.4 My sister is twelve y_ old.5 Children want to swim in this clean r_.6 What do you t_ of this book?7 You can wait for the bus at the bus_.8 The air in the v_ is very fresh.(新鲜的)9 I think my friends d_ can come true.10 Its easy _(read) the story .11 How does Jim get to his _ (grandparents)home?12 The boat on the river runs very_(quick)13 The bus ride is not _(bore),because I can talk to my classmates.14 What about _ (swim)with us ?15 There are six _(百) people in this factory.16 It takes 20 minutes _ (walk) to school.17 The bus ride t_ about 30 minutes.18 Li Hua often _ a bike to school.19 Its twenty m _ walk from here.20 The moon is about 380000 k_away .21 My brother likes _ (开车)to work .22 Tom l _ about 10 kilometers from the park.23 My uncle often r_ his bike to his office.24 How _ is it ?25 The mother tells her son not to drive q_.26 What do you think of _(speak) English.27 The v _ usually go to the town by boat.28 It takes me one hour _ my homework.29 Its twenty m_ walk from my home .30 Thanks for your l_ e-mail.31 I usually l_ my home at about 8:00 in the morning.32 The Changjiang River is the longest _ in China.33 The trip to the village is not _ (bore)34 I like _(talk)my _ (同学们)35 Its difficult _ (speak) English.36 Its not easy _ (cross) the river.37 It takes 2 minutes_ (clean) my room.38 It s their dream_ (have )a bridge.二、按要求改写句子1 I often get to school by bike. (问)_ _ _ often _to school?2 Mr Green goes to work by car every day. (同义)Mr Green_ his car _ work every day.3 Miss Li sometimes walks to school.(同意)Miss Li sometimes _ _ _ _ _.4 He rides his bike to the bus station. (问)_ _ _ go _ the bus station?5 It takes 25 minutes to walk to the office. (问)_ _ does it _ to walk to the office?6 The bus station is about five minutes on foot. (问)_ _ the bus station?7 My sister goes to work by bike every day.(同义)My sister_ _ to work every day.8 He usually goes to school on foot. (同义)He usually _ _ school.9It takes about thirty minutesto get to the cinema. (问)_ _ _it take _ _ _the cinema?10 His home is about 9 kilometers from school. (问)_ _ is his home from school?11 My home is near my school.My home isnt _ _ my school .12 My friend rides his bike to school.(同义)My friend _ to school _ his bike.13 My father usually takes the subway to work.(问)_ usually _ the subway to work?14 They eat lunch at school on weekends.(一般疑问)_ they _ lunch at school on weekends?15 My friends play basketball after class(否定)_.16 I do my homework in the evening. (问)_ _ _ _ _ _?17 She plays the piano at around 7:30. (问)_ _ _ _ _ _ _?18 He watches TV in the evening. (问)_ _ _ _ _?19 Jim goes to school at 7:00 every morning. (一般疑问)_?20 I often eat lunch at school. (问)21 My brother does his homework after school. (一般疑问)_?22 What time do you go home? (同义)_?23 He usually goes to work at seven in the morning. (问)24 I sometimes watch TV and sometimes play games in the evening. (同义 )I _ watch TV _ play games in the evening.


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