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【优化指导】高中英语4-2 Warming Up & Reading Language Points课时演练 新人教版必修4.单词拼写1How can I improve my _(口语的)English?答案:spoken2He made a _(声明)before the House of Common.答案:statement3His anger disappeared as the _(误会)was explained.答案:misunderstanding4They claimed that they _(代表)the interests of workers in the steel factory.答案:represented5He is a _(好奇的)boy who is always asking questions.答案:curious.短语填空1Because time is limited,he talked about his plan _.答案:in general2The pupils all _ their hands when the teacher asks them questions.答案:put up3I suppose your student doesnt understand you._,he understands me very well.答案:On the contrary4When he goes out at night,he usually takes a knife _.答案:in defence5He _ his hand for the book on the shelf,but he was too short to reach it.答案:reached out.单项填空1His words only _ the viewpoint of several people.AspokeBstoodCtold Drepresented解析:句意:他的话仅仅代表几个人的观点。represent“代表,符合句意。答案:D2She made a surprising _ at the court.Astatement BstationClecture Dreport解析:句意:在法庭上,她做了一个令人惊讶的陈述。statement“陈述,说明,符合句意,station“车站;lecture“演讲;report“报告。答案:A3Parents,of course,will do everything they could to _ their children from harm.Adefend BconvinceCovercome Dreduce解析:句意:父母当然会尽力保护孩子免受伤害。defend“保护;convince“使确信;overcome“克服;reduce“减少。答案:A4“All hope was not lost.means“_AThere was no hope at allBHope was everywhereCNo hope was lostDNot all hope was lost解析:“all.not相当于not all,表示“并非所有的,是局部否认。答案:D5Those who are of great determination are _ to make great achievements.Amaybe BlikelyCprobable Dpossible解析:maybe“可能,为副词,首先排除;因句子的主语是人,故只能选likely,因为它可以构成Sb./Sth.be likely to do sth.句型;possible与probable常用it作形式主语。句意:那些有很大决心的人可能会取得很大的成就。答案:B6Bill opened the door for John and _ him with a bunch of flowers.Ashouted BwavedCshook Dgreeted解析:shout“呼喊,表示“冲某人喊叫要用shout at/to;wave意为“(挥手)示意,致意,为不及物动词;shake“摇动,震动;greet“问候,迎接。再结合with a bunch of flowers可知只有D项正确。答案:D7If Joes wife wont go to the party,_.Ahe will either Bneither will heChe neither will Deither he will解析:句意:如果乔的妻子不去参加这次聚会,他也不会去。当表示前者的否认情况也适用于后者时,常用“neither/norbe/have/助动词/情态动词主语句型,意为“也不。答案:B8Dont be too _ about things you are not supposed to know.Astrange BcrazyCcurious Dparticular解析:strange“奇怪的;be crazy about“对疯狂的/痴迷的;be curious about“对好奇的;be particular about“对讲究/挑剔的。根据句意“别对你不该知道的事情过于好奇可知应选C项。答案:C9What was your _ when you were at college?Amajority BminorityCmajor Djunior解析:句意:你在大学主修的是什么专业?major作为名词,意为“主修课,专业;majority“大多数;minority“少数,少数民族;junior adj.“地位低下的,初级的。答案:C10_ what I had originally thought,collecting stamps turned out to be fun.AIn spite of BInstead ofCBecause of DContrary to解析:句意:和我最初的想法相反,集邮原来是有趣的。in spite of“尽管;instead of“代替;because of“因为,由于;contrary to“与相反。答案:D11They have maintained a close _ with a college in the US.Aorganization BassociationCcombination Dcommunication解析:句意:他们和美国的一所大学保持了密切联系。maintain a close association with sb./sth.“与某人/某物保持密切联系。organization“组织,机构;association“联系;combination“结合,联合,结合体,联合体;communication“交流,交际,通讯,联络。由句意可知应选B项。答案:B12She _ out of the room at the sight of a snake.Ajogged BmovedCdashed Dmarched解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:她一看见那条蛇就冲出了房间。jog“慢跑;move“移动,搬动;dash“猛冲;march“行进,齐步走。答案:C13In _,the northerners are keen on dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.Acommon BgeneralCtotal Dparticular解析:考查短语意义辨析。in common“共同,共有;in general“一般说来;in total“总计;in particular“特别,尤其。由句意“一般说来,北方人喜欢吃饺子,而南方人喜欢吃大米可知,B项正确。答案:B14At the class meeting,some top students introduced several _ to the study of English.Aapproaches BmeansCmethods Dways解析:考查同义词和近义词辨析。四词皆有“方法之意,但空格后为介词to,故只能选approach。means和method与of连用;way常用于the way to do sth./of doing sth.结构。答案:A15_ half of all languages in the world spoken by fewer than 3,500 people each,linguists have been making great efforts.AIn sight of BIn defence ofCIn need of DIn case of解析:句意:语言学家们一直在努力保护世界上一半的语言,这些语言中每种的使用人数缺乏3,500。in defence of“保卫;保护,符合句意。in sight of“看见;in need of“需要;需求;in case of“假设。答案:B.完形填空When we want to tell other people what we think about,we can do it with the help of words or with the help of signs.We sometimes move our _1_ up and down when we want to say“_2_,and from side to side when we want to say“noPeople,who cannot hear or speak,talk to each other with the help of their fingers.People who do not _3_ each others language have to do the same.This story shows _4_ they sometimes do it.A man who could not speak _5_ was once in Canada.One day he went to a _6_ and sat down at a table.When the waiter came,the man opened his mouth,put his _7_ in it.He wanted to say,“Bring me something to _8_.The waiter soon brought him a cup of _9_.The man moved his head from side to side.The waiter understood him and _10_ the tea.In a moment he brought a cup of coffee and put it on the table.The man moved his head from side to side.He was very _11_ but he did not want to drink.He _12_ his head when the waiter brought him a lot of _13_ drinks,but drinks are not _14_,of course.The man was about to _15_ when another man came in.When this man saw the waiter,he put his hand on his _16_.That was enough.In a few _17_,a large plate of meat and vegetable was brought in front of him.Now you may _18_,people can not understand the _19_ of signs so well as the language of _20_.1A.arms BnecksCheads Dbodies解析:根据2空后的内容可知,此处是指上下移动“脑袋。答案:C2A.yes BnoCthis Dthat解析:此处与下文from side to side when we want to say“no中的no形成比照,应选yes。答案:A3A.speak BhearClearn Dunderstand解析:互相不懂(understand)对方语言的人进行交流,须得借助身势语。答案:D4A.how BwhyCwhen Dwhere解析:根据下文可知,这个故事说明人是如何用身势 语进行交流的。how表示方式。答案:A5A.Japanese BEnglishCRussian DChinese解析:根据常识和选项内容可知,加拿大的主要语言为“英语。答案:B6A.hotel BrestaurantCshop Dschool解析:根据下文可知,那个人到“餐馆就餐。答案:B7A.pen BhairChands Dfingers解析:根据上文opened his mouth可知,那个人把“手指放进嘴里,表达想吃东西的意思。答案:D8A.read BwriteCeat Ddrink解析:根据下文11空后的内容可知,那个人是想“吃东西。答案:C9A.milk BwineCcoffee Dtea解析:根据10空后的the tea可知,此处效劳员给那个人端来的是一杯“茶。答案:D10A.took away Bbroke downCturned off Dheld up解析:效劳员明白了那个人的意思,端走了那杯茶,后来又端来了一杯咖啡。take away“带走。答案:A11A.healthy BangryChungry Dthirsty解析:此处与空后的but he did not want to drink形成比照,表示他“饿了。答案:C12A.shot BnoddedCmoved Dshook解析:那个人很饿,效劳员端上来的全是饮料,他对此失望地摇了摇头,故此处选shook符合句意。答案:D13A.similar BdifferentCpleasant Drare解析:由下文可知,效劳员为那个人端上来多种“不同的饮料。答案:B14A.product BvegetablesCexperiences Dfood解析:那个人饿了,所以他想要的是“食物。答案:D15A.leave BcryCleap Dshout解析:那个人始终不能得到他想要的东两,所以准备“离开。答案:A16A.mouth BnoseCstomach Dback解析:另一个人也来餐馆吃饭,而且他点的菜很快上来了,故他的身势语用得正确。他把手放在“腹部,表示自己饿了。答案:C17A.seconds BminutesChours Ddays解析:此处验证了使用正确的身势语的重要性。几分钟(minute)之后饭就上桌了。答案:B18A.argue BseeCobserve Dfind解析:通过上文的这个故事读者可以明白身势语的重要性。see在此处意为“明白。答案:B19A.information BdrawingCmeaning Dlanguage解析:后面的the language给出了提示。此处为身势语,故用language。答案:D20A.features BgesturesCwords Dacts解析:此处指的是“文字语言,与前面的the language of signs形成比照,应选words。答案:C.阅读理解Every day we experience one of the wonders of the world around us without even realizing it.It is not the amazing complexity of television,nor the impressive technology of transport.The universal wonder we share and experience is our ability to make noises with our mouths,and so transmit ideas and thoughts to each others minds.This ability comes so naturally that we tend to forget what a miracle(奇迹)it is.Obviously,the ability to talk is something that marks humans off from animals.Of course,some animals have powers just as amazing.Birds can fly thousands of miles by observing positions of the stars in the sky in relation to the time of day and year.In Natures talent show,humans are a species of animal that have developed their own special act.If we reduce it to basic terms,its an ability for communicating information to others by varying sounds we make as we breathe out.Not that we dont have other powers of communication.Our facial expressions convey our emotions,such as anger,or joy,or disappointment.The way we hold our heads can indicate to others whether we are happy or sad.This is socalled“body languageBristling(直立的)fur is an unmistakable warning of attack among many animals.Similarly,the bowed head or drooping tail shows a readiness to take second place in any animal gathering.Such a means of communication is a basic mechanism that animals,including human beings,instinctively acquire and display.Is the ability to speak just another sort of instinct?If so,how did human beings acquire this amazing skill?Biologists can readily indicate that particular area of our brain where speech mechanisms function,but this doesnt tell us how that part of our bodies originated in our biological history.1According to the passage,the wonder we take for granted is _.Aour ability to use languageBthe miracle of technologyCthe amazing power of natureDour ability to make noises with mouth解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的表达可知,我们每天都在用语言交流我们的思想感情,这可谓是一个奇迹,但是因其自然流露,我们完全无视了它的功能与作用,想当然地认为就像是这个样子。D项有一定干扰性,但表达不完全。答案:A2What feature of“body languagementioned in the passage is common to both humans and animals?ALifting heads when sad.BKeeping long faces when angry.CBristling hair when ready to attack.DBowing heads when willing to obey.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“Similarly,the bowed head or drooping tail shows a readiness to take second place in any animal gathering.可知,俯首是人和动物表示服从的共同之处。答案:D3This passage is mainly about _.Athe development of body languageBthe special role humans play in natureCthe power to convey information to othersDthe difference between humans and animals in language use


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