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Comm uni cati on Workshop&Culture Corner_ 课时过关 即时巩固、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子J 1.QQ can help us _our frie nds easily.答案:contact2.Marti n Luther Ki ng called on the America n blacks to fight for their f_.答案:freedomJ 3.The book Harry Porter has beent_ into many Ianguages.答案:tra nslated匕4.1ll have to r_ my car soon this one has done 130,000 miles.答案:replace5._,which can help sell goods,can be seen everywhere in themoder n society.答案:Advertiseme nts6.The Pyramid is supposed to_(代表)strength and power in Egypt.答案:represe ntJ 7.We spent most of our time in Barcelona just looking at the_(建筑)答案:architecture8.We are(真正地)sorry for the inconvenience.答案:trulyand beautiful.答案:clea ners(说服)her to go out for a walk with me.答案:persuade、单句改错J I.The solution to this week s puzzle will be publish in next weeks magazine.答案:publishpublishedW2.She has bee n keen in music si nee you ng.答案:inon3.She wears a coat make of silk.答案:makemade4.Fra nee is always associated in roma nee.9.We should pay our respect to thecit is they who make our city soclean10.I fin ally man agedto答案:inwith5.Dont just sit back and wait for new business to come you.答案:come后加to三、语法填空匕I.The Preside nt was leav ing for a four-day_(office)tour in Mexico.答案official2.Lots of children have_(imag ine)frie nds.答案:imag inary3.Today,its difficult_imagine how electric guitars were received in anenvironment where rock nroll did not exist.答案:to:.4.U ntil the early 1970s,a_(true)global eco nomy did not exist.答案:truly5.Whe n n ecessary,i nst inct本能)is the most_(rely)resource you candepe nd on.答案:reliableJ 6.My parents use the house_ a holiday home.答案:as1.7.H0W did you hearthe decisio n?答案:aboutj 8.David got a new job,and two weeks later he got_(bore)with it.答案:bored9.Im_(extreme)sorry to have troubled you.答案:extremely10.Ma n can be_(in credible)in tellige nt at the point of dan ger.答案:in credibly四、阅读理解My son has started his first year of college and appears to be just fine without his mother.On the drive home,after we d helped him move in to his dorm room(寝室),1 thought about hisfirst day of preschool.O n the short drive to the school that day,he held his favourite toy hed named Malcolm.Youre going to have a won derful time”I said.He did nt look con fide nt.He kepttouching Malcolms head,something he often did to comfort the rather emotional rabbit.ft makes Malcolm feel better,”he d once explained to me.I think it probably made my littleman feel better,too.I remember wishing silently on that drive that he would like school and that the other kidswould be nice to him and that his teachers would be smart eno ugh to see how special thisblue-eyed child was.When we arrived at the preschool,he got out of the car with Malcolm un der his arm.I toldhim that Malcolm would have to stay with me.I promised to take good care of him.Hell be right here waiting for you when I pick you up,I said.For a moment,those blue eyes were filled with tears.He touched Malcolm s head severaltimes to comfort him,and then placed the rabbit back in the car.You stay here,Malcolm,”he said,touching its head one last timeOnly people can go toschoolII be back soon.You ll be OK.”When we got home after dropp ing our son off at college,I went into his room and foundout an old toy.Hi,Malcolm,”1 said to him.Lbng time no see”1.After going to college,the writers son_.A.still wan ted to stay with MalcolmB.didn t want to leave his momC.could get used to the in depe ndent life soonD.still kept Malcolm in the dorm room答案:C解析:根据文章第一句的内容可知作者的儿子可以很快适应独立的生活W2.According to the writers son,why did he touch Malcolm s head?A.To make himself feel better.B.To comfort Malcolm.C.To say goodbye to Malcolm.D.To keep Malcolm beside him.答案:B解析:根据第三段的“It makes Malcolm feel better,he d once expla in ed to me可知答案。匕3.From the text,we can learn Malcolm is_.A.a toy ani malB.a dollC.a toy car答案:A解析:根据倒数第三段He touched Malcolms head several times to comfort him,a nd then placed the rabbit back in the car一句以及最后一段可知Malcolm是一个玩具兔。j 4.Why did the writer find out Malcolm?A.To make herself feel better.B.To put it in ano ther place.C.To find her son s secret.D.To make it clea n.答案:A解析:结合第三段的I think it probably made my little man feel better,too.和文章最后一段可知,作者拿出Malcolm是为了让自己感觉好些。五、七选五阅读理解Taking a maths test can be pretty stressful.Even if you know the material,you can stillget the problem wrong.1.-Therefore you ll improve your grades,as well as your mathsskills.Write it outYou can also check a maths problem by writi ng everythi ng out on paper._Writ ing out maths problems reduces your cha nces of miss ing anything to the lowest possiblelevel,which is a com mon cause of in correct an swers.3._Make sure your an swers work by doing the opposite procedure of what your problemcalls for,including the answer you got the first time around.ln other words,you would use theD.a petopposite of this additi on problemsubtracti on(减法)to determ ine whether your an sweris the correct one.Plugin(代入)You may find that a variable(变量)isnt good eno ugh or has a problem where you haveto solve for a variable.4._ This is the only real way to assure yourself that thean swer you ve found is correct.5._If the result of a problem seems to make no sen se,it in dicates that the an swer is incorrect.For example”you get an an swer in the millio ns and you know it should be in thethousands,yoii ve likely misplaced a point.Go back through the work on your paper to make sureall of your formulas and calculati ons are correct.If everythi ng looks okay,do the problem aga inand compare the result of the sec ond try to what ydu ve got on the first try.A.Do the oppositeB.Correct the an swersC.Plug the variable in the equation方程)to check it out.D.K no wi ng how to go through your maths test and check ing your work can save you fromhanding in a test full of mistakes.E.It also helps you to figure out everything after you have already finished the test.F.Check for a reas on able an swerG.This helps you to know what information you have and what information you need to solve.答案:15 DGACF六、短文改错I am so exciting that I can t wait to share with you what I experieneed today.I gave my firstless on in our school,which left me the deep impressi on.Whe n I en tered into the classroom,my stude nts bega n to make much no ise.I stood onthe platform,k nowing what to do at first.But soon I realised everythi ng must be doneasked thekids that they liked English songs.They all say Yes”l.sang a song I had practised many times.Tomy great surprise,all the kids turned their attentions to my class.From this experie nee I know however happe ns,we must stay calmly first and find a wisesoluti on.答案:I am sothat I can t wait to share with you what I experie need toda y.l gave myfirst less on in our school,which left me_ deep impressi on.the classroom,my stude nts bega n to make much no ise.Istood on the platform,knowing what to do at first.But soon I realised_ must bedoneasked the kids _ they liked English songs.They all Yes”l.sang a song Ihad practised many times.To my great surprise,all the kids tur ned the _ to my class.From this experie nee I know_happe ns,we must stay_ first and find a wise soluti on.When I en


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