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六年级下学期5月份月考试题一.选择填空(20分)( )1.Dont _ in the library , please. A. talking B. talk C. talked( )2. A fox _ in the day and is awake at night. A. sleep B. sleeping C. sleeps( )3. Look! This is a photo _ the Great Wall. A. off B. in C.of( )4. You can _ to her in English. A. write B. wrote C. writing( )5. Hes _ Mexico. A. of B. from C.about ( )6.Our teacher _ us _ many ways three year ago . A. teached , with B. taught , with C. taught ,in( )7. Which season do you like _, spring or autumn ? A. best B. better C. the best( )8. How many _ are there in a year ? A.week B. mouths C. seasons( )9. They want _ this week. A. to go swim B. go swimming C. to go swimming( )10. I _ buy a new watch. A. dont need B. dont need to C.neednt to ( )11. I _ buy a new watch. A. neednt B. dont need C.neednt to ( )12. I like English best _ its very interesting. A. so B.because C. why( )13.In Harbin, it sometimes snows very _. A. heavy B. heavier C. heavily ( )14. Whose book is nicer, yours or _? A. her B. she C. hers( )15. Can you finish _ the book in three days ?A. reading B. read C. to read ( )16. We give our teachers some cards _ best wishes. A. in B, with C. for( )17. - _ are you going to Shanghai ? - This afternoon. A. Where B. Who C. When( )18.When I see the _ light , I know I have _ A. red , to stop B. green ,to stop C. yellow ,to go ( )19. What can I _ for you ? A. do B. to do C. doing( )20. We should listen to the teacher _. A. careful B. carefully C. carely二根据句意及首字母填空(10分)1. There are three p_ in my family: my father , my mother and I.2. There is a toy shop b_ the bank and the bookshop.3. There are a lot of trees and f_ in the park.4. I like my community. Its a b_, clean and nice place.5. Do you want to be a good s_ ? OK! Go for it !6. September is the n_ month of the year.7. Whats the w_ like in each season ?8. Can I t_ them on ?9. What are these ? These are d_ , dogs and pigs.10.- How are you f_ now , Peter ? - I feel much better.三连线:10分( )1. What did you do yesterday ? A. I feel much better.( )2. How are you feeling ? B. I climbed a mountain.( )3. Whats the date ? C. October 1st.( )4. Where did you go ? D. Yes , I did.( )5. Did you learn English ? E. I went to Xinjiang.四句型转换(20分)1. Can I help you ? (同义句) _ can I _ for you ?2. How is the weather today ? (同义句) _ the weather _ today ?3. I have three story books. (对划线部分提问) _ _ story books do you have ?4. Theyre going to London by plane. (一般疑问句) _ _ going to London by plane ?5. Did they go to plant trees yesterday ? (作否定回答) _ , they _.6. He went to the park yesterday. (将时间状语改为“明天”) He _ _ to the park tomorrow.7. We learned English by doing things. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you learn English ?五.情景交际:10分1. 你想约你的朋友周末去滑冰,你可以说:( )ALets go fishing this weekend. BLets go hiking this weekend.CLets go ice-skating this weekend.2. 当别人跟你说:May I borrow your dictionary?你回答说:( ) AOK,here you are. BFine. CI dont think so.3. 当别人发生不幸的时候你可以说:( ) ANot at all. BIm sorry to hear that. CYoure welcome. 4. 当你想问别人邮局在哪时,你应先说:( ) AI m sorry. BHi. CExcuse me.5. 当有人对你说Happy birthday to you!时,你应说:( ) AYou too. BThe same to you. CThank you.六补全对话(10分)Saleswoman: _? Kate: I want a pair of shoes, please.Saleswoman: How about this green one pair ? Kate: Sorry, I like that purple pair.Saleswoman: OK, _. Kate: _ ?Saleswoman: Certainly ! Kate: Oh, theyre good. Mum: _?Saleswoman: Theyre ninety-eight yuan. Mum: OK, _. Thank you ! Bye-bye !Saleswoman: Bye !七完型填空(10分)Central Park in 1 is one of the 2 parks in the world . People can 3 nature in this quiet park . They often walk 4 jog there .Many people often 5 their dogs to the park . Dogs enjoy 6 about .Foreign visitors to New York will never 7 a ride in a horse carriage in Central Park . People in China enjoy 8 activities in parks . Some people also go to the park with their birds . The birds are happy 9 near trees , 10 they sing sweetly .( )1. A. London B. New York C. Sydney ( )2. A. famous B. most famous C. the most famous ( )3 .A. enjoys B. enjoying C. enjoy ( )4. A. but B. so C. or( )5. A . took B. take C. takes ( )6. A. run B. ran C. running( )7 . A. find B.see C.miss ( )8. A. much B. a little C.many ( )9. A. be B.is C. to be ( )10.A. because B.so C.but 八阅读理解(20分) AAmerican children like K Day. K is for kites. March 7 is the day. On that day, many children take their kites to go out. Some kites are small and others are very big. They are in different colours. Every kite has a long string. The children run and the kites are in the air. How nice they are !根据短文大意选择正确答案( ) 1. - Who likes K Day very much ? - _. A. Children B. Teachers C. Parents( )2. K Day in America is on _. A. March 6 B. May 1 C. March 7( )3. The kites have different _. A.colours B. size C. colours and size( )4. The kites fly in _. A. the air B. the tree C. the house( )5. We know that _.A.children in China like K Day very much.B. all children go out on K Day.C. on K Day many kites are in the air. B阅读短文,选择正确答案:10分Jack and John are twins. They are good at English. They like to swim and ride bikes in their holidays. They like to fly kites too. They often fly kites near the lake. But they not all the same .Jack likes playing football, but John likes playing ping-pong. Jack likes listening to music, but Jonh likes drawing pictures. They often help each other.( )1. What are they good at ? A. English B. Math C. Chinese D. Science( )2. What do they like to do in their holiday ? A. Play ping-pong and run. B. Swim and ride bikes. C. Swim and play basketball. D. Play ping-pong and ride bikes.( )3. Where do they fly kites ? A. Near the lake. B. In the park. C. On the beach.D. Near the river.( )4.Who likes playing football ? A. Jack B. John C.Jack and John D. We dont know( )5. Do they often help each other ? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. Yes, they do. D. No, they dont. COne day a crow(乌鸦) finds a piece of meat . She picks it up in her mouth and flies to a tall tree. She is just going to eat when a fox sees her. He comes under the tree and says, “ Hello ! How beautiful you look today !” The crow is very glad to hear that. Then the fox speaks again, “ I can see your beautiful face, I hear your voice (嗓音)is nice, too. Why dont you sing a song ?” The crow is very happy. She wants to sing a song. When she opens her mouth , she drops the meat. The fox picks up the meat and goes away with it quickly.( )1. The crow puts the meat in the tree.( )2. The crow and the fox are friends.( )3. The fox thinks the crow is beautiful.( )4. The crow wants to sing a song.( )5. The fox listens to the crow and takes the meat away.DMary is a worker. She works in a glass factory in London. Mary doesnt work on Sunday. She usually gets up early. She doesnt like staying at home. After breakfast she often drives her red car to see her friend Jane. Jane is a doctor. She lives with her parents near London. Mary drives to Janes house for about forty minutes. There they talk about their jobs, their families and their friends. Then in the afternoon they often go shopping. How happy they are !1. What does Mary do ? _.2. Where does she work ? _.3. Does she like staying at home ? _.4. When does she see her friends ? _.5. What do they talk ? _. 九作文(15分)这个周末你和你的同学们要去参观北京的一些有趣地方根据下表提示写出一篇旅行计划(要去哪及理由),字数在80左右。日期周六周日地点颐和园,天坛,紫禁城长城,明十三陵 My travel plan_


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