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1. 教师建议我们大声地读。The teacher _us _read aloud. 2. 关于这次去长城旅行我将征求建议。I will go to_ _some advice about this trip to the Great Wall. 3. 你擅长踢足球吗 _ you_ _ playing football 4. 请尽量在30分钟内完成这项工作。Please try _ _ this work in thirty minutes. 5. 韩梅一直和家人住在北京。Han Mei lives in Beijing with her family_ _ _. 6. 昨天在班会上, 大家都同意了我的看法。Everyone _ _ me at the class meeting yesterday. 【 】7. 你应该向你的朋友们问好。You should _ _ _ your friends. 【 :21世纪教8.如果你有困难, 请向教师求助。If you have any difficulties, please _ your teacher_ _. 9. 每天起床后我们都彼此问候。We _ _ _ each other after we get up every day. 10. 我想问问如何学习英语口语。I want to _ _ advice about how to learn oral English. 11. 请把你的名字写在这张纸上。Please _ _ your name on this paper. 12.我认为这个问题不像那个问题那么简单。I dont think the question is _ _ _ that one. 13. 重庆有接近三千万人口。Chongqing _ _ _ _ nearly 30, 000, 000. 14. 杭州有多少人口 _ the population of Hangzhou 15. 外出的时候, 记得关门。_ _ _ the door when you go out. 16. 在学校里, 图书馆比许多其他的建筑物要高。The library is taller than _ _ _ in the school. 17. 伦敦因大本钟而闻名。London _ _ _ Big Ben. 18. 我喜欢吃水果, 如苹果和橘子。I like eating fruit, _ _ apples and oranges. 19. 你可以注意到我们的学校有多美。You can notice _ _ our school is. 20. 青岛是个参观的好地方。Qingdao is a good place _ _. 21. 上海位于中国东海岸。Shanghai is _ _ _ of East Sea of China. 【 : 】22. 他们住在沿海的小村子里。They live in a small village_ _ _ . 【 】23. 韩庚因他的歌曲而著名。Han Geng _ _ _ his songs. 24. 华盛顿比美国其他任何一座城市都大吗 Is Washington D. C. bigger than _ _ _ in America 25. 中国的人口比澳大利亚的多。The population of China _ _ _ that of Australia. 26. 杭州有大约900万人口。Hangzhou _ _ _ _ about 9, 000, 000. 27. 泰晤士河有402千米长。The River Thames is 402_ _. 28. 武汉比北京大吗 不, 比它小。但是热得多。Is Wuhan _ _ Beijing No, its_. But its _ _. 29. 纽约是个比华盛顿更繁忙、更喧闹的城市。New York is a _ and _ city than Washington. 30. 北京因许多名胜古迹而著名。Beijing _ _ _ many places of interest. 31. 你的电脑怎么了, 魏华 _ _ _ with your computer, Wei Hua 32. 李晓霞擅长乒乓球。Li Xiaoxia _ _ _ table tennis. 33. 你喜欢在电视上看篮球比赛吗 Do you like _ basketball matches_ _ 34. 滑冰比滑雪更受欢送吗 Is skating _ popular _ skiing 35. 你想要周六和我一起去购物吗 Would you like to _ _ with me on Saturday 36. 停顿说话。到上课的时候了。_ _. Its time for class. 37. 你弟弟最喜欢的运动是什么 他最喜欢的运动是跑步。_is your brothers favourite sport His favourite sport is_. 38. 她帮助别人越多, 她越开心。_ _she helps others, _ _she feels. 39. 你们有必要起这么早吗 Do you need_ _up so early 40. 作为学生, 上课迟到是不对的。As students, its not right for us to_ _ _class. 41.她父母太忙了, 很少有时间陪她。Her parents were _ busy _ they spent little time with her. 42.据报道孩子们收发短信越多, 他们的语法水平就越差。Its reported that_ _ messages kids send and receive, the poorer their grammar skills become. 43. 在篮球比赛之前, 我们应该先做些热身运动。We should _ _ before the basketball match. 44. Betty的家离学校最远, 她每天得坐公共汽车上学。Bettys home is _ _from school and she has to go to school by bus every day. 45. 昨天下午我匆匆忙忙赶到了剧院。I got to the theater_ _ _ yesterday afternoon. 46. 到那里最廉价的方式是骑自行车。_ _way to get there is_ _. 47. 从北京飞往杭州花费多长时间 大约两个小时。How long does it_ _fly from Beijing to Hangzhou About two hours. 48. 托尼住得离学校最近, 所以他步行去上学。Tony lives the _ _ the school, so he_ _ school. 49. 你的答案及他的一样。Your answer is_ _ _ his. 50. 乘公共汽车旅行最平安、最廉价。Its _ _ and _ way to travel by bus. 51. 我怎样能到银行 乘出租车。_can I get to the bank _taxi. 52. 乘飞机是去夏威夷旅游的最正确方式。Its _ _ _ _ _ _ Hawaii by plane. 53. 我父母同意带我去北京参观颐和园。My parents_ _ take me to Beijing to visit the Summer Palace. 54. 你知道那部电影的名字吗 不知道。Do you know the name of that film _ _. 55. 这个女孩主动帮助那位盲人过马路。The girl _ _ help the blind man cross the road. 56. 最后我们到达了山顶。We arrived at the top of the mountain_ _ _ . 57. 他们方案买一座新房子。They _ _ _ a new house. 58. 我决定第二天去游泳。I decided _ _ _ the next day. 59. 鲁迅是20世纪最伟大的中国作家之一吗 Was Lu Xun one of _ _ Chinese _ of the _ century 60. 我看见两个男孩同时站起来。I saw two boys stand up_ _ _ _. 】61. 请给我看看你的照片。Please _ your photos _ me. 62. 我认为京剧很难理解。I think the Beijing Opera is difficult_ _. 63. 不要放弃, 最终你会取得成功。Dont give up and youll succeed_ _ _ . 64. 这个故事发生在50年前。This story _ _ fifty years ago. 65. 在1980年他爸爸送他上师范学校。His father_ him _ a teachers school in 1980. 66. 我们应该帮助尽可能多的孩子学好英语。We should help _ many children _ _to learn English well. 67. 我们没有足够的钱买汽车票。We dont have_ _to buy the bus tickets. 【 : 68. 大象和老虎都是濒危动物。The elephants and the tigers are animals_ _. 69. 很多可怜的孩子没有饭吃。我们应该帮助他们。Many poor children have no food_ _.We should help them. 70. 熊猫以竹子为食。The pandas _ _ bamboo. 71. 学生必须努力学习以便获得更多的知识。The students must study hard_ _ _get more knowledge.72. 我们都知道橄榄枝是和平的象征。We all know the olive branch is the_ _peace. 【 】73. 政府在想方法去拯救所有的野生动物。The government is _ _ ways to save all the wild animals. 74. 我们需要捡起地上的垃圾。We need _ _ _ the litter on the ground. 75. 超市里有许多种类的商品。Therere _ _ _ goods in the supermarket. 76. 全世界的人们都喜欢住在和平的环境里。The people around the world love living_ _. 77. 为了找个好座位, 她早早到场。She arrived early _ _ _ _ a good seat. 78. 不要担忧我, 我能照顾自己。Dont be_ _ me, I can_ _myself. 79. 请不要拿走这本书, 你只能在图书馆看它。Please dont_ _the book. You can only read it in the library. 80. 他们将没有足够的食物可吃。They wont have_ _ _ _. 81. 玛丽为了赶上早班车起床很早。Mary got up early_ _ _catch the first bus. 82.当我到家时,弟弟正在做作业。My brother _ _ his homework when I got home. 83. 当父母正在拍照时,这个淘气的男孩从他们身边跑过去。 The naughty boy _ _ his parents when they were taking photos. 84. 公园里许多鸟儿在树上自由的唱歌。 Many birds sing songs happily_ _ _ in the park.85. 上周六这时,怀特夫人正在举办一个茶会。Mrs. White _ _ a tea party_ _ time last Saturday.86.别担忧,这里没什么可奇怪的。Don t worry. There is _ _ here. 87. 他从书包里拿出一支笔。 He _ a pen _of his bag. 88.当妈妈做饭时,我正在看电视。 _ my mother was cooking , I _ _ TV.89. 八年级二班的学生正在思考他们的将来。 The students of Class Two ,Grade Eight are _ _ their future.90. 在书店看书时一个漂亮的女孩向我微笑。A beautiful girl _ _ _ me while I was _ in the bookshop.91. 在马路上, 我们不要和同学肩并肩骑车。We mustnt ride_ _ _ with our classmates on the road.92. 李明, 你还好吗Are you_ _, Li Ming是的, 我很好, 多谢。Yes, Im OK. Thanks a lot.93. 昨晚的这个时候我姐姐正在和她的朋友手机通话。My sister _ _ _ her friend _ her mobile phone at this time last night. 694. 这个战士正痛苦地躺在草地上。The soldier _ _ on the grassland _ _.95. 妈妈今早给我买了一盒巧克力。My mother bought me_ _ _ chocolates this morning. 0】96.不要忘记给秋天的叶子拍照。Dont forget to of the autumn leaves.97. 首先我们参观了北海公园, 第二天, 我们参观了长城。First we visited Beihai Park and _ _ _we visited the Great Wall. 【 :98. 像往常一样, 晚饭后王先生一家在散步, 这时他们在地上发现了一个钱包。_ _, the Wangs were walking when they found a wallet on the ground. 2199. 当你遇到麻烦时请保持冷静。Please _ _ when you are in trouble. 3100. 昨天金先生在去公司的路上出车祸了。Mr. King had a car accident_ _ _ _the company.101. 当我们在等车时, 一个小男孩向我们跑过来。A boy _ _ us when we _ _ for a bus.102. 他从自行车上掉下来, 摔伤了胳膊。He_ _ the bike and hurt his arms. 4103. 当我们在路上骑自行车时, 要想到交通事故的危险性。Think about_ _ _ traffic accident when were riding the bike on the road.104. 你还需要别的什么东西, 玛丽_ _do you need, Mary不需要, 足够了。No, thats enough.105. 你需要有公共效劳的公寓吗Do you need a flat_ _ _ 106. 我们可以待在靠近车站的地方。We can stay_ _the station.107. 我们需要更多的人来保护环境。We need more people_ _the environment. 21 0108. 我们搬到了一所有2 000名学生的学校。We_ _ a school_ 2, 000 students. 4109. 全世界人民渴望和平。The people _ _ _ _ long for peace.110. 事实上我们还有很多东西要学。_ _, we have a lot more to learn.111.写这部小说你用了多长时间How long does_ _ you to write this novel 【 : 】112. 这些短语很重要, 请把它们写在笔记本上。The expressions are very important, please_ _ _ on your notebook.113. 我可以走着去上学, 因为我家离学校近。I can walk to school because my home_ _ _ school.114. 三年前政府就关停了这家造纸厂。The government_ _ this paper factory three years ago.115. 明天北京的天气怎么样 将有雨。_ _the weather _like in Beijing tomorrowIt will be_.116. 他拍了很多长城的照片。He _ a lot of _ _ the Great Wall. 4117. 在你喜欢的任何时间你都可以去锻炼身体。You can take some exercise at_ _ _ _.118. 比起其他地方, 三亚冬季总是很温暖。In winter, Sanya is always very warm_ _ other places.119. 今晚, 我可能在电视上看足球赛。I _ _ a football match on TV this evening.120. 黄昏时分, 太阳从云层后面露了出来。The sun _ _ from behind the clouds late in the afternoon.121. 在这个城市有时会有几天好天气。_ _ _ _ there are several days of good weather in this city.122. 要保证大家都知道这个决定。_ _that everybody knows about this decision.123.他和我都不喜欢唱歌跳舞。_ he_ I_ interested in singing and dancing.124. 我不得不待在家里照看我妹妹。I _ _ stay at home to look after my younger sister.125. 我妹妹喜欢唱歌也喜欢跳舞。My younger sister likes singing and she likes dancing_ _.126. 杨先生有很多爱好, 例如钓鱼就是其中之一。Mr. Yang has lots of hobbies, _ _, fishing is one of the hobbies.127. 我认为你不应该把坏消息告诉吉姆。I_ _ you _ tell Jim the bad news.128. 使用其他颜色不吉利。Its _ _ to use other colours.129. 明天你最好剪头发。它太长了。You _ _ _ your hair tomorrow. Its too long.130. 看! 天上有些奇怪的东西。Look! There is_ _ in the sky.131. 你们通常几点钟喝下午茶What time do you usually_ _ _ 6.132. 你不许在晚上十点后大声放音乐。You _ _ music loudly after 10: 00 pm. 3133. 不要在外面待得太晚, 你必须十点前回来。Dont _ _ too late. You must come back before 10 oclock.134. 在哪个国家我们能在道路右侧行驶啊In which country can we drive _ _ _ side of the road135. 在去年去泰山旅游时, 我们拍了很多大山的照片。We _ lots of _ _ mountains when we visited Mount Tai last year. 2136. 在上个学期的考试中, 他犯了很多错误。He _ _ _ in the exam last term. 4137.如果你熬夜看你喜欢的电视节目, 你会感觉困的。If you _ _ for your favourite TV programs, you will feel sleepy.138. 对我们来说, 像以前那样经常见到这样的美景不容易了。Its not easy _ us _ _ such beautiful views as often as before.139. 玛丽每天吃完饭都会帮妈妈洗餐具。Mary helps her mother _ _ after dinner every day.140. 当你参观博物馆时, 你不能拍照。You _ _ _ when you visit a museum.141. 他们立即对这个男孩进展了急救。They gave the boy _ _ immediately. 21142. 首先, 让我做一下自我介绍。_ _ _ , let me introduce myself to you.143. 他受伤了, 一定很痛。He hurt himself and he must be_ _.144. 把那个箱子放在楼梯底部。Put that box_ _ _ _the stairs.14 _ his little daughter and put her on his shoulders.146. 保持冷静, 就能想出方法。_ _, and you will come up with ways.147. 我妈妈警告我远离那些淘气的孩子们。My mother warned me to_ _ _ those naughty children.148. 当火灾发生时, 他跳出大楼, 受伤严重。When the fire happened, he_ _ _the building and hurt himself badly. 21 149. 听到这个消息, 他赶快逃离了那个地方。He_ _ _that place quickly when he heard the news.150. 我爸爸告诉我要勇敢。My father told me_ _brave. 4151. 在海洋的底部有许多丧失的宝物。Theres lots of lost treasure_ _ _ _the ocean. 2152. 政府警告过我们有关H7N9流感的情况。The government _ us _ H7N9.153. 她认真检查作业以确保没有错误。She checked her homework carefully to_ _there were no mistakes.154. 你今天看上去气色不好, 你怎么了You dont look well today. _ _ _ you155. 简言之, 我对我们所学的科目都感兴趣。_ _, Im interested in all the subjects we learn.156. 我想今天晚上和同学们去看电影。你同意吗I want to go to the cinema with my classmates tonight. Do you _ _ me157. 中国以长城而闻名。China is _ _ the Great Wall.158. 为了确保他的信息正确, 他反复核对。To _ _ his information is right, he checked it again and again.159. 大局部人关注食品平安。Most of the people _ _ _ the food safety.160. 熊猫每天吃大量的竹子。Pandas eat _ _ bamboo every day.


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