高三英语一轮复习题型(说明文阅读 夹叙夹议文阅读 夹叙夹议文完型 说明文七选五 应用文写作)精准练(DAY 15)

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高三英语一轮复习题型(说明文阅读 夹叙夹议文阅读 夹叙夹议文完型 说明文七选五 应用文写作)精准练(DAY 15)_第1页
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高三英语一轮复习题型(说明文阅读 夹叙夹议文阅读 夹叙夹议文完型 说明文七选五 应用文写作)精准练(DAY 15)_第2页
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高三英语一轮复习题型(说明文阅读 夹叙夹议文阅读 夹叙夹议文完型 说明文七选五 应用文写作)精准练(DAY 15)_第3页
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高三英语题型精准练(DAY 15)目录内容Section A说明文阅读Section B夹叙夹议文阅读Section C夹叙夹议文完型Section D说明文七选五Section E应用文写作Section A:说明文阅读The University of Miamis newest hospital has a six-bed emergency room,an operating room,a birthing room and outpatient clinics (诊室).The only thing missing is patients.Instead,nursing students get a realistic clinical experience using computerized patients and staff actors.“Practicing on real people can be a frightening environment,and as our patients may be unwilling to accept treatment when a student walks in,” said Susana Barroso-Fernandez,who oversees UMs simulation program.“We created this environment to allow students to practice and make mistakes and never put a patient or student at risk.”UMs Simulation Hospital is part of a growing trend of colleges building simulation centers to provide real-life experiences for students.Community colleges and schools also use simulators for emergency medical technician and medical assistant programs.A 2014 study by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing found that colleges could use simulation to replace up to half of all clinical experience without any bad results.The students scored as well on nursing license exams as those getting most of their experience in hospitals and health care centers.Officials say they think simulation has helped their students achieve nearly perfect passing rates on the exams.There are major advantages of simulation.In addition to giving students a safe environment to practice in,it also gives students experience with conditions that are rare,but still important for them to know how to deal with.The Simulation Hospital will also be used as a training place for people outside of UM,officials said.“You can bring companies in that want to test new products before they go to market,” Barroso-Fernandez said.“You can work with community partners like police and fire departments.You can take this hospital and turn it into a casualty event and have the community practice disaster preparedness and response.Its not just about nursing education.”1.What is special about the new hospital?A.It has modern services and expert doctors.B.It is comfortable and patient-friendly.C.There are plenty of clinics.D.There are no real patients.2.What did the 2014 study show?A.Simulation was used in most colleges.B.Simulation could help students get job chances.C.Simulation could avoid some unfavorable results.D.Simulation increased the risks of patients and students.3.What do we know about UMs simulation program?A.Only unusual conditions can be provided for students.B.Students can be trained in a safe environment.C.Students have chances to act as patients.D.It mainly involves outdoor training.Section B:夹叙夹议文阅读Last year,I spent two-and-a-half months in Paris,living alone and working on a writing project.Although there is a seemingly great divide between my culture and theirs,I realized I could learn an awful lot.The first thing I noticed in Paris is that no one here walks around with a “to-go” cup of coffee.And I mean no one I havent seen a single person carrying one in the days Ive been here.Back home in New York,its normal for every other person on the street (including me) to be carrying a cup from Starbucks or their local coffee shop,but not here.Its been a valuable lesson for me,and something I can take back from Paris.Now I carry my own cup to the coffee shop instead of getting yet another cup that will go straight into the garbage can ten minutes after its placed in my hands.Also,in the grocery stores,shoppers have to bag their own groceries.The simple act of doing that yourself is another chance to think about things:what kind of bag youre using (I recently saw one customer at my local grocery store put his fruit,cans of soup,and toilet paper into his briefcase!),what youre putting in the bag,and what you will really need to eat and use at home (Did I really need that roll of paper towels or will my dish towels back at the apartment do just fine?).My French friend uses the bags from the grocery store as her kitchen garbage bags.Now,so do I.Anyway,in Paris,people do most of their shopping in small markets:they buy their fruit at one,their cheese at another,and then stop at their local bakery to buy that days fresh-baked bread,and walk out holding the bread only one part of which is covered by a piece of paper big enough for their hand.I certainly havent noticed any supermarket like a Wal-Mart or Sams Club.1.What is the authors reaction to “to-go” coffee cups after visiting Paris?A.She pays little attention to them.B.She is interested in them.C.She refuses to use them.D.She is surprised at them.2.What does the author say about grocery stores in Paris?A.They offer no bags to customers.B.They seldom sell bags at low prices.C.Customers usually use briefcases as bags.D.Customers themselves put groceries in bags.3.What do we know about Paris in the last paragraph?A.Fresh food is becoming more popular.B.People show much interest in shopping.C.Bread sold at the city is fully covered by paper.D.Supermarkets there are not as popular as in New York.4.Which of the following shows how the text is organized?Section C:夹叙夹议文完型填空As a boy I was always small for my age.I remember one Spring afternoon I felt especially1as I sat in the yard behind our house.We lived miles from town and I 2saw my own friends outside of school.I 3my brothers laughing from 4the house and felt a single tear coming down my face.At that moment I saw a large brown dog 5me.He was wagging his tail 6.He greeted me like a long lost 7,licking my hand and sitting beside me on the grass,8he didnt know me.I petted and 9this four-legged angel.He let me pour out all my troubles and share my deepest thoughts 10 he kissed me goodbye.I went back inside feeling happy,11that no matter what life might hold I was loved.I 12that the dog was sent in that moment of 13to remind me just how much I was loved.In truth,nothing brings us greater14than knowing we are loved.Knowing we are loved gives us the 15to love others as well.It also helps us to be the people the world meant for us to be.Remember how much the world loves you and share your love with the world.1.A.relaxedB.anxious C.strangeD.lonely2.A.regularlyB.even C.hardlyD.always3.A.heardB.found C.madeD.imagined4.A.behindB.over C.outsideD.inside5.A.walking toB.barking at C.passing byD.keeping off6.A.quietlyB.happily C.slightlyD.naturally7.A.childB.friend C.toyD.chance8.A.becauseB.if only C.whenD.even though9.A.picked upB.thought of C.learned fromD.talked to10.A.becauseB.since C.beforeD.after11.A.doubtingB.wondering C.showingD.knowing12.A.decideB.prove C.believeD.explain13.A.sadnessB.peace C.madnessD.silence14.A.changesB.honor C.ideasD.joy15.A.prideB.freedom C.strengthD.possibilitySection D:说明文七选五A ray of sunlight makes its way through the leaves and lights up a new day for all kinds of animals.The rainforest is waking up.Racing for LightRainforests are plentiful,warm,and wet habitats.1,because they have to compete with other plants for sunlight.2.The emergent layer (露生层) is made up of the very tallest trees.In the next layer,the canopy (冠层),the leaves of the trees all touch one another.Most animals in the rainforest live in the canopy.The layer below the canopy is called the understory.Small trees and plants that do not need much light grow here.The last layer is the forest floor where only a few plants grow because its so dark.Famous RainforestsThere are rainforests in Africa,Asia,Australia,and Central and South America.3.More than half of it is in Brazil,but parts are in several other South American countries.The next biggest rainforest is in Congo.Water CycleTrees and other plants let water out into the atmosphere then the water falls back to earth as rain.Rainforest trees can give out a lot of water,up to 200 gallons each year.4,so it is always warm and wet.Rainforests help to stabilize the climate of the world.5.Thats good because too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can make the planet too warm.A.The rainforest has four layersB.Trees in the rainforest grow very tallC.Rainforests can be considered destroyedD.The biggest rainforest is the Amazon rainforestE.The tallest trees block the light from the trees belowF.They not only make rain but also take in carbon dioxideG.The water forms a thick cloud-cover over the rainforestSection E:应用文写作.假定你是李华,近期你收到英国朋友Jack的微信,谈及全球疫情严重流行时传统中药良好的医治作用,他希望了解更多中药的优点,请你给他回封邮件,内容包括:1.完全来自大自然,副作用小;2.能够作为治疗艾滋病和癌症的药物。可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。词数100左右。参考词汇:传统中药traditional Chinese medicine 参考答案(A)1.D由第二段中的“The only thing missing is patients.Instead,nursing students get a realistic clinical experience using computerized patients and staff actors”可知,医院利用电脑化的假病人与扮演工作人员的演员来训练学生。2.C由第五段中的“colleges could use simulation to replace up to half of all clinical experience without any bad results”可知,使用模拟情景训练学生可以避免不好的结果。3.B由第六段中的“In addition to giving students a safe environment to practice in.”可知,模拟训练可以为学生提供一个相对安全的环境。(B)1.C根据第二段中的“Now I carry my own cup to the coffee shop.ten minutes after its placed in my hands”可知,作者在巴黎待过一段时间后开始拒绝使用一次性咖啡杯。2.D根据第三段中的“Also,in the grocery stores,shoppers have to bag their own groceries”可知,在巴黎,杂货店里的顾客需要自己把购买的商品装入包里。3.D根据最后一段中的“Anyway,in Paris,people do most of their shopping in small markets”及“I certainly havent noticed any supermarket like a Wal-Mart or Sams Club”可知,巴黎的超市不如纽约的普遍。4.A文章第一段中的“I realized I could learn an awful lot”概括了第二至四段中有关作者在巴黎的所见所闻及所感,所以文章是按照总分结构展开的。(C)1.D由下文中的“I.my brothers laughing.felt a single tear coming down my face”可知,“我”感到特别“孤独(lonely)”。2.C由该空前的“We lived miles from town”可知,放学后“我”“几乎不能(hardly)”看到自己的朋友。3.A由该空后的“my brothers laughing”可知,“我”“听到(heard)”哥哥们的笑声。4.D由上文中的“I sat in the yard behind our house”以及下文中的“I went back inside feeling happy”可知,哥哥和他的朋友们在家“里(inside)”玩,而“我”躲到后院去玩。5.A由下文中的“licking my hand and sitting beside me on the grass”可知,“我”看见一只狗“朝我走来(walking to me)”。6.B由下文中的“He greeted me like.”可知,这只狗很“快乐地(happily)”摇着尾巴。7.B由文中的描述可知,它像久违的老“朋友(friend)”一样跟“我”打招呼。8.D由文中的描述可知,“尽管(even though)”它不认识“我”,但是它像久违的老朋友一样跟“我”打招呼。9.D由下文中的“let me pour out all my troubles”可知,“我”对这只狗“倾诉(talked to)”。10.C由文中的描述可知,它给“我”机会倾诉自己的烦恼,分享“我”内心深处的想法。因此是在吻别“之前”(before)。11.D由文中的描述可知,“我”清楚地“知道(knowing)”“我”被爱着。12.C由上文中的“felt a single tear coming down my face”和“I went back inside feeling happy”可知,“我”“相信(believe)”,在“我”“难过(sadness)”的时候,那只小狗的出现是来提醒“我”是被爱着的。13.A见上题解析。14.D由上文中的“I went back inside feeling happy”可知,没有什么比知道有人爱着我们能带给我们更大的“欢乐(joy)”。15.C知道有人爱着我们也给了我们“力量(strength)”去爱别人。(D)1.B根据第二段中的“because they have to compete with other plants for sunlight”以及下文热带雨林中的分层现象可知,热带雨林中树木为了争夺阳光而长得很高。2.A根据第三段中所介绍的热带雨林中树木的四个垂直分布层可知,这一段首句为“热带雨林包括四个垂直层”。3.D根据第四段中的“The next biggest rainforest is in Congo”可知,前面介绍的是世界上最大的热带雨林。4.G根据此空后的“so it is always warm and wet”以及空前的“Rainforest trees can give out a lot of water”可知,树木释放出来的水汽形成云层覆盖着热带雨林,使得热带雨林保持着湿润与温暖。5.F根据文章末句“Thats good because too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can make the planet too warm”可知,热带雨林不仅释放水汽,而且吸收二氧化碳,可以保持气候稳定。(E)Dear Jack,How is everything going? As is mentioned on your WeChat, traditional Chinese medicine has shown great power in the 2020 epidemic prevention. Now Id like to tell you some advantages of it as follows.Its acknowledged that traditional Chinese medicine is of great benefit to our health. To begin with, Chinese herbs come from materials that are purely natural, which have small side effects. In addition, traditional Chinese medicine is increasingly popular with western countries and deserves a good reputation. Last but not least, with further studies, scientists have found that Chinese herbs are useful in treating some illnesses, such as cancer and AIDS.As a Chinese, I believe that traditional Chinese medicine can help to create a healthier world. Do take care!Yours,Li Hua


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