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武汉市教育局公开招聘新教师考试中学英语试卷说明:1.本试卷分第I卷、第II卷两部分,第I卷为公共部分,第II卷为学科部分。考试时120分钟。全卷满分100分。2.请考生务必将全部答案做在答题卡上,做在试卷上的答案均以零分计。第I卷 公共部分(共3大题,42小题,45分)一、信息技术选择题(第120题,每小题0.5分,共10分。)1.下列与十进制数100等值的二进制数是( )A.1100100B B.0010011B C.1100010B D.1100110B2.专门为学习目的而设计的软件应该属于( )A.工具软件 B.应用软件 C.系统软件 D.目标软件3.在微型计算机的硬件设备中,既可以做输出设备又可以做输入设备的是( )A.绘图仪 B.手写笔 C.扫描仪 D.磁盘驱动器4.100个24*24点阵的汉字字模信息所占用的字节数是( )A.2400 B.57600 C.7200 D.737285.CPU中运算器的组成部分不包括( )A.控制线路 B.加法器 C.寄存器 D.译码器6.Windows2000是一种( )A.多用户多任务操作系统 B.单用户多任务操作系统C.单用户单任务操作系统 D.多用户分时操作系统7.配合鼠标可以在“资源管理器”中选择连续的文件或文件夹的键是( )A.Ctrl B.Alt C.Shift D.Tab8.在Windows2000中,当插入光盘时,若需跳过“自动播放”则应按住( )A.Shift B.Esc C.Ctrl D.Alt9.在Windows2000中,若要计算机表格中的某行数值的总合,可使用的统计函数是( )A.TOTAL( ) B.SUM( ) C.COUNT( ) D.AVERAGE( )10.在Word2000中,艺术字对象实际是( )A.图形对象 B.文字对象 D.特殊对象 D.链接对象11.在Word文档编辑区中,把鼠标光标放在某一字符处连续单击3次左键,将选中该字符所在的( )A.一个词 B.一个句子 C.一行 D.一个段落12.在Excel 2000工作表中,单元格C4中有公式“=A3+$C$5”。在第三行之前插入一行之后,单元格C5中的公式为( )A.=A3+$C$6 B.=A3+$C$5 C.=A4+$C$6 D.=A4+$C$513.在Excel 2000工作表中,下列正确的EXCEL公式形式为( )A.=B3*Sheet3$A2 B.=B3*Sheet3:A2 C.=B3*Sheet3!A2 D.=B3*Sheet%A2 14.在Excel 2000提供的4类运算符中,优先级最高的是( )A.文本运算器 B.引用运算器 C.算术运算器 D.比较运算器15.在PowerPoint 2000中,在幻灯片视图方式下,不可直接插入( )A.文本对象 B.艺术字对象 C.文本框对象 D.Word表格对象16.在PowerPoint 2000中可有多页幻灯片的模板是( )A.设计模版 B.制作模版 C.大纲模版 D.内容模版17.在PowerPoint 2000中不能直接链接到下面哪一个选项( )A.AuthorWare课件 B.HTML网页 C.Word文档 D.PowerPoint幻灯片18HTTP是指( )A.域名 B.超文本传输协议 C.超文本标识语言 D.邮件传输协议19.TCP/IP是一组( )A.局域网技术 B同一种计算机(网络)互联的通信协议C.广域网技术 D.支持不同计算机(网络)互联通信协议20.计算机网络中各节点相互连接的形式,叫做网络的( )A.分层结构 B.分布结构 C.拓扑结构 D.协议二、英语连段成文:下面文章的顺序已被打乱。请仔细阅读并按正确顺序重新排列成意思连贯的短文,并将正确顺序的字母代号填入答题卡上相应的位置。(第2130题,每小题1分,共10分)A. One man thinks that working on the weekend can be dangerous.He is Graham Coates.Mr.Coates Works in an office in Brighton.England. B. Early on Tuesday morning,the vice president of the company came to work and found the elevator was not working.C. On Saturday,May 24,1986,he went to the office to do some work.When he got on the elevator,it stopped between floors.D. Many people have to work on the weekend.Some people do not mind.Other people think it is terrible.E. Now Mr.Coates says,”I only use elevators if there are telephones in them”.F. There was nothing for Mr.Coates to do.He had to wait until one of his co-workers came to work and found him.G. Mr.Coates could not get out of the elevator.He started to shout,but no one heard him.H. When the elevator was opened,Mr.Coates came out cold,weak,and tired.He had been in the elevator for 62 hours!I. Then Mr.Coates remembered that it was a holiday in England.No one was going to come to work until Tuesday!J. With nothing to eat or drink,Mr.Coates ended up sleeping for most of the time.21_ 22_23_24_25_26_27_28_29_30_三、教育学、心理学选择题(第3141小题,每小题2分;第42小题3分,共25分。)31.中外教育史上对教育的解说各不相同,但存在着一个共同的基本点。这个基本点是( )A.教育是培养人的活动 B.教育是增长人的知识的活动C教育是培养人的能力的活动 D.教育是提高人的素质的活动32.我国夏朝已有名叫“庠”、“序”、“校”的施教机构。记载这一史实的古代书籍( )A.论语 B.礼记 C.大学 D.孟子33.我国的教育目的可以概括为三个基本点。下列选项哪一个不属于基本点( )A培养“劳动者” B.要求受教育者全面发展C培养受教育者的独立个性 D.传授科学文化知识34.教师在教学过程中要发扬教学民主,它是实施下列哪一个教学基本原则的重要条件( )A直观性原则 B.启发性原则 C.可接受性原则 D.因材施教原则35.为了形成教育合力,班主任要加强与家长、任课教师和有关社会人士的联系协作。因此,班主任应当具备的相应基本素质是( )A.高尚的思想品德 B.坚定的教育信念 C.多方面的兴趣和才能 D.善于待人接物36.某学生是校篮球队的主力队员,但不能自觉遵守课堂纪律。老师在班会上请他向全班同学讲解篮球竞赛规则和遵守规则的重要性,然后组织全班同学以此为例,讨论如何自觉维护课堂教学秩序,促进该生发生了转正。这种做法体现了德育的( )A.理论与实践相结合原则 B.疏导原则C.教育影响一致性原则 D.个别教育原则37.下列哪一项不属于教师依法享有的权利( )A.进行教育教学活动,开展教育教学改革和实验B.对学校教育教学工作提出意见和建议。参与学校民主管理C.指导学生的学习和发展,评定学生的品行和学业成绩D.制止有害于学生的行为或者其他侵犯学生合法权益的行为38.某学生对数学很感兴趣,因而对该学科学习的注意力保持时间较长,这种注意被称为( )A.无意注意 B.有意注意 C.无意后注意 D.有意后注意39.“入芝兰之室,久而不闻其香;人鲍鱼之肆,久而不闻其臭”。这是( )A.嗅觉适应的结果 B.嗅觉对比的结果C.嗅觉补偿的结果 D.嗅觉统合的结果40.一名学生活泼好动,反应灵活,好交际。他最可能属于的气质类型是( )A.胆汁质 B.多血质 C.粘液质 D.忧郁质41.思维是人脑对客观现实的概括的、间接的反映。其最基本单位是( )A.命题 B.概念 C.判断 D.推理42.儿童能发现物体在水中受到的浮力与物体排开的水量有关,而与物体的质量无关。根据皮亚杰的观点,这说明儿童的认识发展水平已处在( )A.感知运动阶段 B.前运算阶段 C.具体运算阶段 D.形式运算阶段第II卷 学科部分(共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从43-62 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并将字母代号填入答题卡相应的位置。I had an interesting experience playing ping pong last year.I was playing against a 43 opponent (对手) . The score was 20 to 17 in her 44 . I won the next three points which made the score 20 to 20. I 45 my paddle on the table and thanked my opponent and began to walk away . She called me 46 and said we had to continue until one of us 47 .“Look ,” I said , “if we 48 , one of two events will take place . Either you or I will win . If you win , I will begin to 49 my skill . If I win , you will be unhappy . Isnt it better to know that we both played 50 , that we enjoyed the competition , and that we played to an even (相等) score ?” This was a 51 ending for my opponent and for the persons watching this contest . It made 52 to me to leave with a tie (不分胜负)game , an impasse (僵局): no winner , no 53 !So , my friends , here is the problem 54 me . Our present technology makes it possible for nations to 55 other nations with time for retaliatory (报复) strikes . In such a nuclear time there 56 be no winners , only losers . Under these conditions , the only choice to 57 global destruction is global impasse . This would be a 58 “tie game” where no nation wins and no nation loses . An impasse reached through compromise (妥协). This is because compromise becomes the only means of 59 . We cannot destroy this beautiful planet by holding on to 60 understanding of victory . The 61 victory is in achieving a desirable impasse . No one wins , 62 no one loses either .43Atiring Bpoor Cfine Dbrave 44Afavor Bside Clead Dplace 45Athrew Bplaced Cstuck Ddropped 46Aup Bover Con Dback 47Alost Bwon Cgave up Dtired out 48Aperform Bstop Ccontinue Dleave 49Adoubt Bhate Cpractise Ddesert 50Ahard Bfair Cpoorly Dwell 51Aclose Bsurprising Csatisfying Dreasonable 52Aprogress Broom Csense Dtime 53Aloser Bfighter Csuccess Dplayer 54Aencouraging Bfrightening Cshocking Dtroubling 55Adestroy Battack Cseize Drule 56Amay Bshould Ccan Dmust 57Aescape Bflee Caccept Davoid 58Adifferent Bsmall Chuge Dfamiliar 59Asurviving Bliving Cstaying Dpleasing 60Aan old Ban unusual Cthe same Da complete 61Agreat Bonly Csame Dequal 62Awhile Bbut Cas Dsince 五、阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案,并将字母代号填入答题卡相应的位置。AA credit card that will not work unless it hears its owners voice could become an important weapon in the fight agsinst fraud.The card requires users to give a spoken password that it recognizes using a built-in Voice-recognition chipThe idea is to prevent thieves using a stolen card or fraudsters using someone elses credit card details to buy goods onlineA model built by engineers at Beepcard in Santa Monica,California,represents the first attempt to pack a microphone。a loudspeaker,a battery and a voice?recognition chip into a standardsized credit cardThey are not quite there yet:the card is the length and width of an ordinary credit card,but it is still about three times as thickAlan Sege ,Beepeards CEO,says the company now plans to use smaller chips to slim it down to normal thickness.The voice card is based on an earlier Beepcard technology designed to prevent fraud in online transactions This earlier card has no microphone,but has a built?in loudspeaker that it uses to“squawk”a voice ID signal via a computers microphone to an online serverBy verifyingthat the signal matches the card details,the server can establish that the user is not simply keying in a credit card number but actually has the card to handThe ID code changes each time the card is used in a preordered sequence that only the server knowsThis prevents fraudsters recording the beeps,noting the card details and then playing back the audible ID when they key in the details later But this earlier technology cannot prevent fraudulent use of stolen cards The new one can.The new voice card also identifies itself by its ID squawkbut it will not do this until it has verified the legitimateusers spoken password Thieves will be unable to use the card because even if they knew the password they would have to be able to copy the owners voice with a high degree of accuracyThe challenge for Beepcard has been to develop voice-recognition and audio circuitry that Can be powered by a mini battery embeddedin a credit cardTo maximize battery life,the electronics are only switched on when the card is being usedPressing a button on the cards surface prompts it to utter “Say your password ”in female voice If the voicerecognition software proves that the password is authentic,it sends its ID squawk which the server then identifiesallowing the transaction to proceed.63.How can the credit card recognize the spoken password given by the user?A.By fixing a microphone in the card.B.By using a voice recognition device built in the server.C.By using a voice recognition chip embedded in the card.D.By fixing aloudspeaker in the card.64.What Alan Sege says shows that .A.the engineers at Beepcard are satisfied with the model they have builtB.the model they have built is a standardized credit cardC.the model they have built is too thickD.the model they have built is used worldwide65.What is the main difference between the earlier model and the new woice card?A.The new one can identify itself by its ID squawk.B.The new one can produce beeps.C.The new one needs the user to key in ID details.D.The new one works only when it hears the password spoken by the user.66.What is the advantage of the voice card?A.It is cleverer because it requires more ID information.B.It is more complicated because the voice-recognition chip is built in.C.It is safer because no one but the user can use the card.D.It is safer because it can hardlu be cheated by fraudsters.67.According to the last paragraph,what is NOT involved in the process of using the voice card?A.Switching on the electronics to maximize the battery life.B.Pressing the Say your passwordbutton on the cards surface.C.The password being verified.D.The ID squawk being sent to the server gor it to identify.BAnytime you meet someone new ,you take a risk. Whether your first encounter is in a grocery store ,the museum or in an Internet chat room ,you have to play it safe. The following rules are recommended by experts when dating on-line:Practice common sense. Dont give out personal information such as your name, telephone number and address until you feel comfortable. Most matchmaking sites will route correspondence through their internal mailbox so the person will never learn your e-mail address unless you choose to reveal it. You may want to use your first name only or use an on-line name until you feel safe. One of the big dangers, particularly in our community where people feel at home, is that people are too free with information about themselves.When you feel secure enough to talk on the telephone to your on-line friend ,give him or her a work ,cellular phone or pager number rather than your home telephone number ,or get theirs. Meet in a public place during the day for initial dates and tell others where you are going or bring along some friends. Be careful about sharing too much too soon.Be honest. Tell the truth in your profile. You dont need to embellish to be interesting. Stand out by explaining what makes you special. If you send a photograph, make sure its recent and candid. Experts say being deceitful will only set you up for dramadisappointed reactions, angry words and confrontation. So shed the mask and give people the real thing. You want someone to appreciate you for who you are ,not someone who you pretend to be.Take your time. Get to know someone through his or her words before taking the romance to the street. The beauty of the Internet, experts say ,is that it has rekindled the joy of writing. Explore that way of connecting before you talk on the telephone or meet face-to-face.“Let your instincts tell you when youre ready to meet that person,”says Detroiter Diane Costa, founder of LoveNubian Style. com ,an Internet matchmaking site for Black professionals.“Some people fear if I dont meet the person soon ,he wont talk to me anymore. But if he wont wait until youre comfortable ,he wasnt worth having anyway.”Pay attention to the signs. Liars, exploiters, playboys, gold diggers they exist on the Internet, just as they exist in real life. Not all people are looking for relationships;some are just looking for sex. Abandon the fantasy and pick up on the signs. With the Internet, you have an advantage, says Costa, because you can save your messages. If you think theres a discrepancy in what someone told you, you can double-check it against your archives.“You may find a person perpetrating to be single, but theyre married,”says Michael Brown ,founder of Atlanta based Blacksingles. com.“You may find playerson the Internet people meeting as many others as they can and having random relationships. As Internet grows and more people become attracted to it ,you will find the same vices as you find elsewhere. Do your research. Before getting too close to a prospective on-line date ,make sure the person is who he or she says. Ask for his or her home phone number, work number and even references and a background check if youre still unsure. Its easy to create a phony identity in cyberspace. Make sure youre involved with a real person and not a mirage .Make sure you know what you want. Are you looking for a relationship? Do you want a casual acquaintance or a long-distance friendship? As in the real world ,your Internet friends will assume what you want unless you make it plain.“The biggest problem you have in a virtual environment is determining the true intent of your mate,”says Barry Cooper of Black Voices. com.Use your mind as well as your heart. Good writers can easily interest some people with their words. Beware of internet friends who make a habit of convincing, persuasive lines and promises. Judge the person by his or her actions as well as his or her words.Be modest. When trying to impress someone, theres a big temptation to brag. But telling a stranger too much about your assets and achievements can backfire . The person may be looking for someone like you to play for a fool. Everyone has heard tales about people who have had their money or belongings taken by so-called suitors. Dont make it easy.Have fun. The Internet mirrors the real world. Just as dating in person can make you tremble with excitement ,you can find the same thrill of discovering someone new on-line. Move slowly and savor the journey before you jump into romance. 68.Why does the author said “Any time you meet someone new, you take a risk”? A. The world is full of uncertainties wherever you are. B. The persons you knew recently are always liars, playboys, exploiters. C. It is mans basic instinct to beware of the others. D. You may lose something very important to you. 69.The underlined words“Rekindled the joy of writing” probably means_.A. writing is a wonderful thing B. youd better make full use of writing to know he/she as much as possible. C. writing is the best way by which you contact somebody else D. the man who is outstanding in writing should be the one you chose to meet 70.The author mentioned the phony identity(Para.8)to .A.argue that in the cyberspace ,there is no real person at allB.remind those who want to make friends online that they should make sure they are involved in a real personC.demonstrate that its easy for anyone to cheat someone else online by getting a unreal identityD.show that the cyberspace is dangerous71.Its suggested that in making a frind online you should .A.have some commin sense as not to share any personal informationB.be enthusiastic to express your desire of making friendsC.try to get to know someone gradually and make sure of his or her identityD.be excited about what youre talking in a virtual environment72.From the passage,we can conclude that in the cyberspace_. A. everyone is untrue ,and try to mask himself B. we can easily conceive ourselves C. you should never believe anyone to protect yourself D. you will never make a real friend ,and its just funny 六、阅读与表达 阅读下面短文,按要求完成A-C。(A:每小题1分;B:2分;C:10分;满分15分)High school honors always key to life success?URBANA, ILL. (AP) � Mike dropped out of college to support his pregnant (怀孕) girlfriend and now works as a manager of a trucking company. Lynn graduated with honors from Harvard University and was hired as a lawyer with a top law firm in a major city. What do these two people have in common? Ten years ago they were both high school valedictorians.A University of Illinois study follows the lives of 81 valedictorians and salutatorians who graduated a decade ago from public and private high schools in the state.Tales of Success and FailureThe study found tales of success and failure. The research on 46 women and 35 men found that some were doctors and scientists, one was a drug addict, another was a waitress with emotional problems.“There is a popular idea about people who do well in school doing well in life,” said Terry Denny, professor of education. Denny conducted the study with Karen Arnold, a former graduate student of Denny”s who is now a professor at Boston College. Denny and Arnold contacted the 81 students before graduation, and then followed up with interviews nearly every other year. They also sent them questionnaires in the mail.Varied CareersOne third of the students are doctors, lawyers, or have earned a doctorate. Nineteen are in business and 15 are engineers or computer scientists. Others include a farmer, a stock broker, and an aerobics instructor.Arnold says many of the students have only average positions in the work world and that “most are not headed for greatness in their careers. ” Denny, however, says that it is too early to make such predictions. “Who expects someone to be on the Supreme Court at the age of 28 or to be the discoverer of an important scientific invention right after college? ” he said. “These students are just getting started in life. They are just beginning to find out what life is all about.”A Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.73.T/F Mike and Lynn both graduated first from high school.74.T/F In general,people dont believe that success in school will lead to success in life.75.T/F Denny is more tolerant than Arnold.B Answer the following question.76.What are giver as some examples of the successes and failures that the professors found?Successes: Failures: C Writing77.Do you think that high school success predicts success for people later in life?Express your popinion clearly and give reasons gor your beliefs.Write in your own words a short composition of 80-100 words.


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