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8B phrases Unit five1.the window of the brain 心灵的窗户2.keep ones balance 保持平衡3.spread over ones whole body 遍布全身4.belong to sb. 属于某人5.in fire drama在火灾事件中6.as soon as 一就7.walk into the hotel 走进宾馆8.go to the reception desk 去接待处9.book a room 预定一个房间10. be welcome to do sth可以任意做某事11. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事12. sound like听上去像13. agree to do sth. 同意做某事14. agree with sb./ agree to sth. 同意某人/ 同意某事15. lead sb. to领某人去16. before entering 在进去之前17. the location of the fire exit消防出口的位置18. the fifth door along from yours从你这儿数第五个门19. describe sth to sb. 向某人描述.20. safety first 安全第一21. in ones own words 用某人自己的话22. go to sleep 去睡觉23. pull at ones blanket拉某人的毯子24. just then正在那时25. the fire alarm 火警铃声26. go off 突然响起27. wet the towel 把毛巾弄湿28. the bottom of the door 门的底部29. lie on the floor 躺在地板上30. seem like似乎像31. the sound of a fire engine 消防车的声音32. It was music to my ears. 对我的耳朵来说就像是天籁之音。33. moments later 过了一会儿34. against the rules 违反规定35. explain about 关于作了解释36. be careful 小心37. take care 小心,注意38. look out 当心39. watch out 注意, 留神40. mind the steps 小心台阶41. an antique shop 一家古董店42. in a wheelchair在轮椅里43. a police siren 警笛8B phrases Unit 61the French flag 法国国旗2mineral water 矿泉水3now that 既然, 由于4think about sth/ doing sth. 考虑做某事5go abroad出国6Why not do sth. 为什么不做某事7spread your wings 张开你的翅膀8go for a holiday 去度假9the English Channel 英吉利海峡10the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋11the Mediterranean Sea 地中海12in addition 另外, 此外13mountain regions 山区14the agriculture region 农业地区15grow crops 种植农作物16drive past fields 驾车经过田野17seem to do sth. 似乎;好像做某事18go on doing sth. 继续做某事19be covered with 被.覆盖20rows of grapevines 一排排葡萄藤21scenic areas 景色优美的地区22the Loire Valley 卢瓦尔河谷23the capital of France 法国首都24tourist destinations 旅游目的地25world-famous landmarks 世界著名的标志性建筑26the Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔27the Arc de Triomphe 凯旋门28tree-lined streets 绿树成行的街道29an hour away from.离.一小时的路程30offer sb. sth. = offer sth to sb. 主动向某人提供某物31the same attractions as.和.相同的景点32go on to do sth. 接着去做某事33the Channel Tunnel 海峡隧道34enable sb. to do sth. 使某人能够做某事35the influence of France 法国的影响36in some ways 在一些方面37be famous for 为.而闻名38provide French products 提供法国产品39worlds top designer names 世界顶级设计师的名字40be familiar to. 为.所熟悉41remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起42in art and culture 在艺术文化方面43further ones studies 深造学习44film festivals 电影节45get.out of从.中获益46try doing sth. 试着做某事Language points :1. Now that winter is behind us, many peopleare starting to think about going abroad for the summerholidays. now that既然,表示原因,通常用于句首。 e.g. Now that you do not like dancing, thenyou will not attend the party.既然你不喜欢跳舞, 那么你就别参加舞会了。用now that 说明原因,语气比because 婉转。2. Why not spread your wings and visit France why not意思是“为什么不呢”一般用在疑问句中,表示提建议 whynot 后加动词原形 e.g. Whynot have a picnic this afternoonwhy not = why dont you3. It is amazing to drive past fields which seem to go onforever. It is +adj. =to do sth.做.是令人.e.g.It isexciting for us to climb mountainstomorrow.4. To get the most out of your holiday in France, why not trylearning French now try doingsth. 尝试做某事e.g.The boy tried smoking his first cigarette when he was only fifteen.这男孩十五岁时就尝试吸第一支烟。8B Phrases Unit Seven1.be similar to与.相似2.be different from与.不同3.keep lively保持活力4.hate doing憎恨做某事5.knock on (at ) the door敲门6.fall down摔倒,落下7.keep doing sth 保持做某事8.run rings转圈跑9.stone deaf 全聋10.be on 放映11.find sth + adj. 发现某物12.go to sleep =fall asleep睡觉13.sit in the chair 坐在椅子上14.terribly exciting相当激动15.driving licence驾照16.be married to与.结婚17.Why dont we (go skating)为什么不去溜冰呢?18.a loaf of bread一片面包19.mind ones doing sth介意某人做某事20.do me a favour帮我一个忙21.a dull day 乏味的一天22.slam the door/window 使劲关门/窗23.walk a few miles走了几英里24.such a screamer如此尖声叫喊的人25.never a dull moment没有乏味的时刻26.feel like sth./doing sth.喜欢做27.a couple of days两三天/几天28.offer to get some medicine主动去拿些药29.express concern表达关心30.go bowling打保龄球31.have a pain in ones stomach胃疼32.persuade sb to do sth.说服某人做某事33.lend sth to sb.把某物借给某人34.borrow sth from sb.向某人借某物牛津英语8B知识框架U6 一重点词汇 France n. 法国 French adj 法国的 n. 法语 now that 既然,由于 go abroad 出国 spread-spread-spread v. 展开 the English Channel 英吉利海峡 the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋 the Mediterranean Sea 地中海 in addition 除此之外 region n. 区域,领域 the center of France 法国的中心 agricultural adj 农业的 such as 诸如之类的 seam to do 似乎 neat adj 整洁的 grapevine n. 葡萄藤 one of the most scenic areas 风景最美好的地区之一 castle n. 城堡 the capital of 的首都 destination n. 目的地 landmark n. 受保护的文物建筑 Euro Disney n. 欧洲迪斯尼 Channel Tunnel/Chunnel n. 海底隧道 enable v. 使能够 provide v. 提供 product n. 产品 designer n. 设计者 Chanel in perfume 香奈尔(香水品牌) be familiar to 对是熟悉的 remind v. 使某人回想起 culture n. 文化 further v. 促进,助长 二重点句式 1. One of the most scenic areas is the Loire Valley 2. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations. 3. It is a huge country, with coasts on the English Channel, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. 三重点语法 定冠词“the”的用法 四教学建议 1. Reading:让学生在预习过程总查找一些关于法国的资料,增加兴趣,学起来不那么陌生 2. Listening:根据查找到的资料,了解以下艾菲尔铁塔,再听材料,听之前让学生重点注意教学 3. Language:让学生先自己总结定冠词“the”的用法,再进行练习 4. Speaking:可设置一些特定情景让学生自编对话进行问路 5. Writing:先掌握postcard的写法,再通过做书上的练习来掌握一些书写要点,再通过讨论自己选择的国外某一地点进行写作 五人文教育:感受优美风景,了解当地风土人情。U1 一 重点词汇average n. 平均的 magnolia n. 木兰花 best-known adj. 最著名的 produce v. 提供 sweet-smelling adj. 散发香味的 project n. 计划;实验;工程 sip v. 啜饮 suppose v. 假设 breathe v. 呼吸 pure a. 纯净的 hardly adv. 几乎不 natural adj. 自然的 gas n. 气体 release v. 释放 oxygen n. 氧气 attack v. 攻击 warn v. 警告 chemical n. 化学物质 underground adv. 地下地 communicate v. 交流 replace v. 代替 destroy v. 破坏 nasty adj. 肮脏的 belong to one another as well as 二 重点句式 They made streets more beautiful and less noisy. Tress cool the air as well as clean it. 重点语法 一般现在时 三 教学建议 Reading: 1. 从植树节谈起,使学生认识到树木是人类的好朋友。要求学生列出我们日常生活中所用的物品,有哪些是从树上得来的。2. 课文学习以 “What can tree do ” 为主线, make streets more beautiful and less noisy produce wood, fruits, nuts, oxygen, and so on make air cool and clean communicate with one another Listening: 在做听力之前让学生先列出我们植树的原因。 Language: 复习现在进行时的同时加入新的内容,即有些动词在一般情况下是不用现在进行时。 Speaking: 提供有关的英语绕口令来进行训练。 Using English: 利用英语课本的 index进行实际的操练。 Writing: 先对图片进行讨论,通过师生问答来熟悉图片内容。 More practice: 将文章作为泛读材料,训练学生寻找有效信息的能力。 四 人文教育 使学生认识到树木对人类的重要性。面对日益严重的环境污染问题,保护树木,植树造林无疑是一个行之有效的好方法。培养学生建立爱护树木保护环境的意识。U5 一 重点词汇 blanket n. 毛毯 booked v. 预定 drama n. 戏剧 exclaimed v. 惊叫 fire alarm n. 火警 guest n. 客人 initials n. 首字母 location n. 位置 personally adv. 个人地 reception n. 接待 sensible adj. 敏感的 sounded like v. 听起来像 surface n. 表面 went off (phrasal) v. 突然响起 拓展词汇 horrible adj. 可怕的 drum n. 鼓,鼓膜 tongue n. 舌头 spread v. 传播 label n. 商标 frame v. 框架 horn n. 喇叭,牛角 escalator n. 自动梯 siren n. 警报器 antique n. 古董 slip v. 滑动 vase n. 花瓶 二 重点句式 Using pronouns (personal pronouns and possessive pronouns) Remind students of the following grammar rules: 1) The subject is the doer of an action and is put in front of the verb. 2) The object is noun upon which an action is done. It is put after the verb or a preposition. 3) When there is a preposition after the verb, then the object is an indirect object. 4) Possessive pronouns must be followed by a noun. They are used like adjectives. 三 教学建议 a) Reading We have five senses and without even one of them, life is difficult, ask students to imagine what is going to happen to the blind man and his dog when they are trapped in the burning hotel. Give them some time to think up the details of the story and an ending. b) Listening Ask one student to describe their sittingroom, and another student draw a picture by hearing the first ones description and then to check whether all of them are right. This exercise is aimed at describing direction and location clearly. After this listen the tape. c) Language Pair work and “ask and answer question”(according to the picture onpage33) d) Speaking Using the words concerning giving warnings fluently in daily life. e) writing learn how to describe a place by using position words clearly. 四 人文教育 We are so fortunate because we have five senses, but in this world there are some people who are without one of the sense, for example the blind, the deaf and the dumb. Life is difficult for them. We should make every effort to help them in our daily life.Chapter Four 一 重点词汇 servant n. 仆人 change.intov. 把变成 a packet of sweets n. 一包糖果 trick v. 欺骗 explanation n. 解释,说明 at last adv. 最后 be careful with 对小心 look like v. 看起来像 flow v. 流动 scratch v. 抓、 invisible adj. 看不见的 measure v. 测量 form n. 形式 amount n. 数量,总量 energy n. 能量 bill n. 帐单 light bulb n. 电灯泡 monthly adv. 每月 be connected to v. 与连接 in a way 在某种程度上 bury v. 埋葬 grin n. v. 露齿而笑 meter n. 计量器,电表 cable n. 电缆 拓展词汇 electricity n. 电 power station n. 电站 produce v. 产生 energetic adj. 精力充沛的 movement n. 运动 explain v. 解释,说明 contain v. 包含 二 重点句式 宾语从句 1) she doesnt even know what electricity is 2) do you know what electricity is 3) Can you tell mew what it looks like 4) Do you know where electricity comes from 三 重点语法 情态动词can ,must ,may 的使用法 四 教学建议 1 Reading 1) ask the students to tell what the items are in the pictures on page 44 before doing Exercise A. 2) ask the students to act out the dialogue in roles after learning the whole passage. 2. listening its difficult for the student to understand the situation. Therefore, the teacher should give an explanation before doing this exercise 3. language it is necessary for teachers to tell the students the differences of usage about the three words “can, must, may:” after studying the whole section. 4. speaking stress that students must pay close attention to pronouncing the correct sound. Then ask them to do A1, A2, and A3. 5. writing ask each student to think of one rule for the classroom when they do Exercise B2. 五 人文教育 1 Dont waste electricity. 2 Use electricity safely. 3 Obey rules anytime, anywhere.U7 一 重点词汇 active adj. 活泼的,积极的 bite v. 咬住 completely adj. 完全的 stone deaf adj. 全聋的 din n. 喧嚣声、噪音、吵闹声 imagine v. 想象 lazy adj. 懒的 lively adj. 活泼的、活跃的 mess n.杂乱、肮脏、混杂 mile n. 英里 racket n.吵闹、叫嚷 recite v. 背 run rings v. 比某人快的多,超过某人 Screamer n.光声叫喊的人 serious adj. 严重的 slam v. 平然关上 terribly adv.非常地 uninteresting adj.无趣的 cheerful adj.高兴的、乐意的 拓展词汇 accept v. 接受 break down v. 坏掉、出过障 concern v. 对有影响、涉及、使关心 a couple of 一对 fair adj. 公平的 feel like v. 喜欢 generous adj.丰富的、肥沃的 hairdresser n. 理发师 license n. 许可、特许、执照 medicine n. 药物 paintbrush n. 画笔、画刷、漆刷 persuade v. 劝说 reject v.抛开、拒绝、否认 starve v. 饿死 typewriter n. 打字员 at work 在工作 二 重点句式 1) Who is somebody 2) Whose something is 3) I didnt find it interesting 重点语法 1) who与whose的用法。 2) 名词性物主代词的用法。 3) one与ones 的用法。 三 教学建议 a) Reading 1) Talk about students school life first, then read the poem “some days” 2) Talk about our family first, then read the poem “never a dull monient b) Listening Before listening to the recording, let students correct the mistakes by themselves first. c) Language 让学生编写“who与whose”的对话,清楚基本区别后,完成书上练习。 d) Speaking 通过学生设置场景,让学生编对话。然后老师与学生一起归纳,提建议,接受与拒绝建议的句型。 e) Writing 1) 先让学生按要求完成书上的诗。 2) 讨论我们的班级。 3) 根据讨论结果完成一首关于我们班级的诗。 四 人文教育 熟悉英语诗歌这一体裁,尝试写简单的英语小诗,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。U2六重点词汇 sink n. 阴沟 vanish v. 消失 drain n. 下水道,阴沟,水管 sound impatient 听起来没有耐心的 obey v. 服从,遵守 faint adj. 微弱的 float comfortably 舒适地漂浮 speed-sped-sped v. 向前疾行 reservoir n. 水库 sound puzzled 听起来迷惑的 works n. 工厂 thorough adj. 彻底的 a few chemicals 一些化学药品 finish with sth 不再使用某物 sewage n. 下水道的污物,污水 plant n. 工厂 pump v. 用 抽吸 precious adj. 宝贵的 weird adj. 不可思异的 七重点句式 1.I relaxed in a reservoir for a few days. 2.They added a few chemicals to me. 八重点语法 a lot of, many, much, a few, a little, no 九教学建议 1. Reading:先谈谈水的来历及重要性,再来学习本文 2. Listening:先了解每一张图片的意思,再进行听力 3. Language:通过举例来归纳a lot of, many, much, (a)few, (a)little, no的用法,可拓展讲一下huge amounts of及huge numbers of之间的区别。 4. Speaking:/ /与/e /之间的发音区别,读起来注意押韵 5. Using English:从日常生活中寻找图表及曲线图的实例来学习如何画图表和曲线图 6. Writing:通过填流动图表来复述上海的水是如何得到重生的,再回答问题,归纳出制流动图表的注意点,再进行操练 十人文教育: 水及其他的自然界的物质是宝贵的,我们应当珍惜他们。U4 一 重点词汇 chief editor n. 总编 conclude v. 完成 considered v. 仔细考虑做某事 decision n. 决定 elect v. 选举 experience n. 经验 publish v. 印刷 secretary n. 秘书 suggestions n. 建议 took charge of (phrasal) v. 控制,掌握 talk over (phrasal) v. 讨论 voted v. 投票选举 拓展词汇 competition n. 竞争 inconsiderable adj. 不足取的 selfdiscipline n. 自律 celebrate v. 庆祝 lip n. 嘴唇 rally n. 集合 talent show n. 表演秀 costume n. 戏装 compliment n. 恭维,称赞 sympathy n. 同情 deserve v. 应受,应得 shame n. 羞耻 awful adj. 糟糕的 complain v. 抱怨 二 重点句式 1) Should/Ought to is used to make suggestions about what is best to do; express our strong belief that something is right and is our duty and correct errors and to say what is correct. Should/Ought to are modal verbs and do not take verbal endings. Remind students that oughted is an impossible form, as this is rather common mistake. 2) point out the difference between article the referrin


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