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Hey. Mowgli! 嗨,Mowgli!Shh Ranjan. Hush. Its starting.嘘! Ranjan。安静。要开始了。Come. Children. Come watch.来吧,孩子们,来看。Mowgli, tell us your story.Mowgli,告诉我们你的故事。I never knew where I came from,我历来不懂得我从哪里来,but I always knew where I belonged.但是我始终懂得我属于哪里。This is me and Bagheera,这是我和Bagheera,the panther who found me in the jungle.这只黑豹她找到了我,在丛林里。Hes a good friend of mine.她是我的一种好朋友。But my best friend of all was good old Papa Bear.但是我所有朋友中最佳的一种 是善良的老熊爸爸。A bear? 一只熊?Man. We had some crazy times together.伙计,我们在一起度过了诸多疯狂的时光。And when the monkeys grabbed me,然后,当猴子们抓住我时,things got really crazy.事情变得真的很疯狂。Monkeys! 猴子!Go. Papa Bear!冲啊,熊爸爸!Then I came face to face with the meanest, scariest tiger然后,我开始面对面, (挑战)最卑劣、最可怕的老虎in the whole jungle,在整个丛林里(的),Shere Khan.Shere Khan。You stay away from Mowgli, you mean old tiger!你离Mowgli远一点,你这卑劣的大老虎!Or Ill tie some fire to your tail and burn your butt!否则,我就要系某些火在你尾巴上, 烧你的屁股!Yaah! 啊!- Ranjan! - Whoa! Uhh!-Ranjan! -哇!呜!Oh. Ranjan! 哦,Ranjan!I got him, Mowgli! Did you see? I got him.我抓住她了,Mowgli! 你看见了吗? 我抓住她了。You sure did, Ranjan,你的确是(抓住了),Ranjan,but its gonna be kind of hard to finish the story now.但是这下子也许有点难以讲完故事了,目前。But we all know how it ends.但是我们都懂得(故事)如何收尾的。Shanti blinks her big beautiful brown eyes at you,Shanti向你眨了眨她的又大又美的褐色眼睛,and you followed her into our village.然后,你就跟着她到我们村子里来了。I did not.我没有。Did so.你有。Something was in my eye.(那时)有东西进入我眼睛里了。Both of them?两眼(均有)吗?Well, you were so ugly, you made my eyes water.好吧,你曾是那么丑陋,你害得我流眼泪。- Well, you. - Ha ha! Now, now.-嗯,你. -哈哈! 好了,好了。We give thanks for Shantis beautiful brown eyes.我们感谢Shanti美丽的褐色眼睛。Without them,没有它们,Mowgli would never have found his way into our lives.Mowgli永远不会 找到她的路,走进我们的生活。Come to think of it, you used the same trick on me.来设想一下吧,你曾对我耍了同样的花招。And you still fall for it.而你(目前)还是会中招。Thank you for a wonderful story, Mowgli.谢谢你,为这样一种精彩的故事,Mowgli。Good night, Mowgli.晚安,Mowgli。Night, Shanti.晚安,Shanti。Watch out for Shere Khan on your way home.在你回家的路上,要小心Shere Khan。You and your stories.(这只是)你和你的故事。 你别拿故事忽悠人啦Everyone knows tigers dont come into the village.每个人都懂得,老虎不会进入村子里来。Tigers go wherever they want!老虎去她们想去的任何地方!- Aah! - Ooh.-啊! -哦。Good night, boys.晚安,男孩们。Tomorrows gonna be so great.明天将会很棒。What happens tomorrow?明天有什么(事)会发生?Um.唔- Nothing. - Nothing.-没事。-没事。Aha.啊哈。Well, then, you will need plenty of rest.好吧,那么,你们需要好好休息.for doing nothing tomorrow.为了明天做“没事”。Off to bed.上床(睡觉)吧。Ah, we never get to stay up late.啊,我们历来没捞到过晚睡(的机会)。Ha ha! Even wild beasts need their sleep.哈哈! 虽然野兽们也需要睡眠。Oh, help! Ferocious tiger!哦,救命! 凶猛的老虎啊!Ah, good night, my little wild thing.啊,晚安,我的小野东西。Good night, Mowgli.晚安,Mowgli。Happy dreams.(做个)美梦!Um, good night. sir.嗯,晚安.先生。Why do you always call him Sir?为什么你总是叫她“先生”?His names Pa.她的名字是“爸”。Come on, Mowgli!来啊,Mowgli!Wake up, its morning!醒醒,目前是早上了!You said we would go to.你说过我们要去.Ranjan! Ranjan!Ranjan! Ranjan!Do you wanna wake up the whole village?你想要吵醒整个村子吗?When does the tiger roar?什么时候老虎(才会)吼叫?I dont know.我不懂得。After he catches his prey.在她抓住她的猎物后来。His prey.她的猎物。Lets go get our prey.让我们去抓我们的猎物吧。Boys.男孩们。- Huh? - Where are you going so early?-啊?-你们要去哪啊,这样早?- To. do our chores? - Yeah!-去.做我们的琐事?(去干点活?) -对!Not without breakfast, you arent.不能不吃早饭(就去),你们还没(吃)呢。- Thats OK. Were not hungry. - Gotta go!-没事, 我们不饿。-要走了!Ooh! Boys, where are you going?哦!男孩们,你们要去哪儿?- To do our chores! - Bye, Papa! See you later!-去干我们的活儿! -再会,爸爸! 回头见!Remember! Dont cross the river!记住!不要过河啊!You can take the boy out of the jungle,你可以带那男孩走出丛林,but you cant take the jungle out of the boy.但是你不能将丛林带离她的心。Yes. Thats what worries me.是啊。这事总在困扰着我。- Hey, Shanti. - Aah!-嘿,Shanti。-啊!What are you doing here?你在这里做什么?Getting water.取水。What are you doing here?你在这里做什么?Oh, uh, Im on the lookout for danger.哦,呃,我正在看看(有什么)危险。Danger? Please. Theres no danger around here.危险? 拜托。没什么危险在这儿周边。Well, uh, keep this just between us?好吧,呃,保证这是我们之间的(秘密)?Yesterday, I saw tiger tracks.昨天,我看到老虎的足迹了。Tiger tracks? Right.老虎足迹? 好吧。Its Shere Khan.是Shere Khan。I hear hes looking for me.我据说她正在找我,seeking his bloodthirsty revenge.要实现她的残忍的复仇。So keep your ears open,因此,你保持你的耳朵张开,and always watch your back,并且始终防备你的背后,or the last thing youll ever hear is.否则最后的(声音),你将曾经听到就是.When does the tiger roar?什么时候老虎(才会)吼叫?Oh! Youre horrible!哦,你们真讨厌!Horrible, stinky boys!讨厌的臭小子们!Come on, Ranjan. Hes a bad influence.过来,Ranjan。她(对你)是个不良影响。Now, dont move.目前,别动。That wasnt very nice, you know.那样(做)不好,你懂得吗。Stop that. Youre not a jungle boy.停下,你不是个丛林男孩。Why are you so a-scared of the jungle?为什么你这样胆怯丛林?Because its dangerous.由于那里很危险。Dangerous? But Mowgli says.危险? 可是Mowgli说.You shouldnt listen to everything Mowgli says.你不应当相信 Mowgli说的每件事。But I thought you liked Mowgli.但我觉得你喜欢Mowgli。Well, I do.是,我是(喜欢)。I like Mowgli.我喜欢Mowgli。But I. oh. ooh.可是,我.哦.哦Uh, you left this at the river.呃,你把这个忘在河里了。Thank you.谢谢你。Shes in a bad mood.她(目前)心情不好。Hey, Ranjan, you want to see a little trick I learned in the jungle?Ranjan,你想看一种小把戏, 我学的,在丛林里吗?Mmm. Thats a pretty good trick.嗯。那是个非常好的把戏。Well, heres a little trick I learned right here at home.好吧,这儿也有个小把戏, (是)我就在这里、在家学到的。Wow! Thats a neater trick.哇! 这是个更好看的把戏。Like I said, Ranjan, dont listen to him.就像我刚说的,Ranjan,不要听她的。Shes right, Ranjan, dont listen to me.她是对的,Ranjan,不要听我的。Listen to the jungle.听丛林的。Can you hear it?你能听见吗?Yeah. The jungle!是的。丛林!Yeah, man!是的,伙计!And when you hear that rhythm, you get a crazy feeling inside.当你听到那个节奏, 你内心中会产生一种疯狂的感觉。That morning sun peeks over the mountains,那清晨的太阳从山峰上探出头来,and all the rhinos rub their eyes,而所有的犀牛擦擦她们的眼睛,when they hear.当她们听见.Hear what?听见什么?hear the jungle rhythm.听见丛林的节奏。Those birds are tap-tap-tapping the tree trunks.那些鸟儿正在敲啊敲啊敲着那树干。The busy bee hums as he flies.那忙碌的蜜蜂在她飞行时发出嗡嗡的声音。Loud and clear.响亮又清澈。To the jungle rhythm.跟着丛林的节奏。Now. You can hightail it out of the jungle.目前,你可以立即逃离丛林。But it never leaves your heart.但是它历来没有离开你的内心。First you feel that beat start bubbling under.起初你感觉那些节拍 开始在下面冒泡泡。Then you hear the tom toms loud as thunder.然后你就听见那咚咚鼓声 响如雷鸣。Its moving me!它打动着我!Sounds a lot like being free.听起来非常像是享有自由。When you feel.当你感受.feel the jungle rhythm.感受这丛林的节奏。Yeah. Guys.是的,各位。Feel the jungle rhythm.感受这丛林的节奏。Come on, Shanti!来吧,Shanti!Cant do without rhythm.没有这节奏,(什么)也不能做。And when it fills the air,当它布满四周,animals everywhere join in the dance.动物们(来自)各处,一起来跳舞。Hey, give me that!嘿,把那个还我!Youll dance along with them.你会和她们一起跳舞。Feeling it steal your soul.感觉它偷走你的灵魂。Well stomp our paws. Flap our wings.我们跺着我们的爪子,拍打着我们的翅膀。Maybe do one or two crazy things.或者做一两件疯狂的事。- Caw! Caw! - Yeah, thats it!-喀!咔!-对, 就这样!Shanti! Try this.Shanti! 试试这个。Not quite.不太好。There we go. Oh. nope.来这个! 哦.不。Take a look. Perfect.看看这个,太好了。Check out those chat-chat-chattering monkeys,看看那些聊啊聊啊聊天的猴子们,swinging through the banyan trees.在榕树间荡来荡去。Two by two. Two by two.成双成对地。成双成对地。To the jungle rhythm.跟随着丛林的节奏。Sounds like a wolf pack way in the distance.听上去像是一种狼群,在遥远的地方。Singing pretty harmonies.唱着美妙的和声。Woo woo woo. Woo woo woo.呜呜呜,呜呜呜。To the jungle rhythm.跟随着丛林的节奏。- Yeah! Whoo-hoo! - Yeah, thats it!-对! 呜-呼! -对,就这样!Now. You can hightail it out of the jungle.目前,你可以立即逃离丛林。But it never leaves your heart.但是它历来没有离开你的内心。First you feel that beat start bubbling under.起初你会感到那节拍 在你心中涌动。Then you hear the tom toms loud as thunder.然后你就听见那咚咚鼓声 响如雷鸣。Its moving me!它打动着我!Sounds a lot like being free.听起来非常像是享有自由。When I feel. When I feel.当我感受,当我感受,When I feel. When I feel.当我感受,当我感受,Feel the jungle rhythm.感受这丛林的节奏。Whoa, wait, wait, stop! Youre crossing the river!哇啊,等等,停下! 你要过河了!Mowgli, you cant go in the jungle!Mowgli,你不能走进丛林!Its too dangerous! Mowgli!这太危险了! Mowgli!Stop!停下!Shanti, what is it?Shanti,这是什么?发生了什么事?Children, come inside this instant, all of you!孩子们,到里面来,立即,你们所有人!Mowgli! That includes you!Mowgli!这也涉及你!I am very disappointed in you.我真的对你很失望。You put everyone in danger.你让每个人都陷入危险。You know that youre not allowed to cross the river.你懂得你们是不被容许 过河.and yet you deliberately disobeyed me.而目前你(还是)故意违背我。- But, but I. - No, Mowgli.-可是,可是我. -不,Mowgli。The jungle is a dangerous place.丛林是个危险的地方。I should know.我应当懂得。我是懂得的You are confined to your room without dinner.你要被禁闭在房间里,不准吃晚饭。That should give you plenty of time.这样会让你有足够的时间.to think about what youve done.来思考反省你做的事情。M-Mowgli, II was only trying to h.Mowgli,我.我只是试图去.Oh. You can hightail it out of the jungle,噢。你可以立即逃离丛林,But it never leaves your heart.但是它历来没有离开你的内心。Oh, Baloo.哦,Baloo。Look for the bare necessities,寻找生活必需品,the simple bare necessities.简朴的生活必需品。Forget about your worries and your strife.忘掉你的忧虑和争执。Yeah. I mean the bum-bada-dada-dee-dada是的,我是指bum-bada-dada-dee-dada。The rum-pum-pa-ta ree-ta-ta.rum-pum-pa-ta ree-ta-ta。That bring the bare necessities of life.那会带来人生的基本必需品。Now, thats more like it!目前这就更像了!Ha ha! Look at you!哈哈! 看看你!Aw, growing like the proverbial weed.噢,长得像个众所周知的杂草(长得真快)。Lets see if you still got it.让我们来看看你与否还能(唱歌跳舞)吗?Ra-pa-dada-dada debba-ra-da.Ra-pa-dada-dada debba-ra-da。Take it away, Little Britches.拿走(这节奏/舞步)吧,小裤子。Poor fellow.可怜的家伙。I said, take it away!我说,拿走!Ohh.哦。This aint gonna work.这不管用。You just aint Mowgli.你就不是Mowgli。Ah, I guess I gotta get used to singing solo.啊,我猜我得习惯去独唱了。Hes just not getting over that.她就是过不去这个坎.Oh, no, not again!哦,不,不要再来一次!Baloo!Baloo!Baloo!Baloo!Uhh. Mowgli.唔。Mowgli.Huh? Hmm.啊?嗯Get out of here! Shoo! Shoo!离开这里走开! 呿! 呿!Now. now, dont worry.好了.好了,别紧张。Ill take care of it.我会解决的。Baloo?Baloo?Baloo?Baloo?Oh, man.哦,人哪。哦,囧Bagheera.Bagheera。Hows it wagging?进展如何? 你近来怎么样?This has to stop.这事得停止了。你该适可而止了You cant keep trying to take Mowgli from the man-village.你不能总是试图带走Mowgli, 从人类村子里。The boys future lies with his own kind.这男孩的将来在她自己的族群中。Aw. His future can wait.啊,她的将来可以等等。I miss my bear cub.我想我的小熊仔了。Its not safe for him in the jungle.在丛林里对她(来说)不安全。You know Shere Khan is looking for Mowgli.你懂得Shere Khan 在找Mowgli。Just let Shere Khan try something.就让Shere Khan试点什么吧。We handled old Stripes once. Well do it again.我们收拾过老斑纹一次。 我们会再来一次的。- Baloo, dont push your luck. - Out of the way, Baghee.-Baloo,不要挑战你的运气。不要碰运气了 -从路上走开(别挡道),Bagheera。Youre not going near the village!你不能走近那个村子!Later, Baghee.回见, Baghee。Thats it!就是这样! 够了Hathi! Plan B!Hathi! B筹划!Hup, two, three, four!报数, 二,三,四!Keep it up, two, three, four!继续, 二,三,四!Now, remember, men,目前,记住,各位,our objective is full and complete containment.我们的目的是 完全和彻底的围堵(Baloo)。Prepare for operation. Uh, oper.准备行动.呃,行.Um, stop that bear?嗯,挡住那头熊?Very good, son! Yes.较好,儿子! 是的。Prepare for operation. Stop that bear!准备行动挡住那头熊!By the ranks or single file,排成数排横行或一列纵队,- over every jungle mile. - Run, Baghee!-(走)过每一里丛林。-快跑,Bagheera!- Youre in the parade ground! - Oh, we stamp and crush through the underbrush.-你闯入军队检阅场上了! -哦,我们(一路)践踏和碾压 穿过灌木丛。Oh! No, please, stop!哦! 不,请停下!Company. halt!队列.立定!Hmm?嗯?I told you, Baloo,我告诉过你,Baloo,theres no way were letting you near the man-village.我们不也许让你接近那个人类村庄的。You aint gonna stop me now, Baghee.你目前是无法制止我的,Baghee。Look out below!注意下面!Search the water!检查水里! 到水里找!- Follow me. - This way.-跟我来。-这边。Over here, Sir.在这里,长官。Baloo!Baloo!Check over there!到那边找!A hand over here, please!这儿(需要)帮一把手,请(帮忙)!Ive got him, Colonel!我逮到她了,上校!Confound it, soldier!该死,士兵!- Thats a fish! - Oopsy.-那是一条鱼! -好吧。Disgrace to the uniform.丢了(这身)制服的脸。 真是丢了军人的脸Colonel!上校!Th-this log cant possibly support your weight!这-这根木头不也许 支撑住你的体重!Balderdash!瞎说!Why, my dear boy, back in eighty-eight,为什么呢,我亲爱的孩子,倒退到88年时,in service to the crown, I found myself.在服务于皇室(的时候),我发现我自己.straddling a Oh, no, not again.骑在一种.。哦,不,可别再来一次。Well, they dont make trees like they used to.哦,它们没把树造得像此前那样(结实)了。Got him!抓到她了!Got him right here.就在这里抓到她了。A-ha! Disguised as a panther, Baloo.啊哈! 假装成一只黑豹,Baloo。Its me, Hathi!是我,Hathi!Put me down!放下我!- Sorry. Heh. - Whoa!-对不起。 -哇!Keep searching, Men. He couldnt have gone far!接着搜索,各位。她不也许已走远的!My toes are getting pruney.我的脚趾都红肿了。Who are we looking for, anyway?我们究竟在找谁呢?- Oh, confound it, man! - Heh heh heh.-哦,该死的! 伙计!-呵呵呵。Dont turn me in, little guy.别告发我,小家伙。I just want to see my bear cub.我只是想看我的小熊仔I wont. I miss Mowgli, too.我不会的,我也想念Mowgli。This way, quick!这边,快点!Hey, thanks, kid.嘿,谢谢,小朋友。Youre all right.你真不错。Say, fellas, look whos coming.看,伙计们,看看谁来了。Thats Shere Khan.那是Shere Khan。- What we gonna do? - Dont start that again.-我们做点啥? -别再开始那样(挑事)了。Lucky. Hey, Lucky.Lucky! 嘿,Lucky。Yeah?嗯?Thats the one we told you about, Shere Khan.那就是我们告诉过你的那个(家伙),Shere Khan。Mmm. Shere Khan. You dont say.嗯,Shere Khan。你不用说。没问题Hey, watch this, watch this.嘿,看这个,看这个。I got one for you. Check this out.我有一种(把戏)给你们(表演)。来看看这个。Hey, hey! Look at me! Look at me!嘿,嘿! 看着我! 看着我!- Hey! - Whoa!-嘿!-哇!Im Shere Khan.我是Shere Khan.and me tiger tush has been torched.我的老虎屁股被烧着了。Ask me if I could whup that tiger.问我能不能打败那只老虎。Go on, go on, ask me.快,快,问我。Can you whup that tiger?你能打败那只老虎吗?I Shere Khan.我Shere Khan。I sure can.我固然能做到Did you get it? Did you get it?你懂了吗? 你懂了吗?Save me! Save me!救救我!救救我!Ive been outwitted by 40 pounds of scrawny man-cub.我被打败了,被(只有)40磅重的 瘦得皮包骨头的人类小孩。Im cracking myself up here.我在这儿快把我自己弄粉碎了。 我要完蛋了I dont know how I do it.我不懂得我该怎么办了。Hiya, kid!你好,孩子!Mind if I drop in?介意我来串门吗?Baloo? Oh, Bal.Baloo? 哦,Bal.Shh.嘘。-Ah! - Papa Bear!-啊! -熊爸爸!Boy, am I glad to see you! What are you doing here?天哪,见到你我真快乐! 你在这里做什么?What am I doing here?我在这里做什么?Feeling right for the first time in a while, thats what.忽然间(我)第一次感觉这样顺心, 这就是(我在做什么)。Hey, kid, show me you can still fight like a bear.孩子,让我展示一下, 你仍然能像头熊同样打架。Come on.来吧!Oh, Little Britches, you lost your touch.哦,小裤子,你失去你的感觉了。 你的功夫退步了Mowgli.Mowgli。Ive got something for you.我带了点东西给你。Mowgli. Its me.Mowgli,是我。Dont be mad.别气愤。I get grounded all the time.我(也)常常被禁足呢。- Ah. Heh heh heh heh. - Mowgli.-啊,哼哼哼。- Mowgli。Im sorry you got in trouble.我真抱歉(害)你惹上麻烦。Come on, man-cub, show yourself.来吧,人类小孩,现身吧。Come on! Come on! Come on!来吧! 来吧!来吧!- Whoa! - Mowgli?-哇! -Mowgli?Wait. no! No!等等,不! 不!Come on, stick and move.来吧,打一下躲一下。Aah! Help! Wild animal!啊! 救命! 野兽!Wild animal? Where? Come on, lets get outta here!野兽? 哪儿呢? 来,我们离开这里!Help!救命!What? What is it?什么? 这是什么?Whats that bear doing here?那头熊在这儿做什么呢?Theres a wild animal in the village!有只野兽在村子里!What is the matter?出什么事了?There he is! Its a tiger.她在那里!它是只老虎。W-where are you going?你们去哪里?No, come back! Come back! Youre going the wrong way!不,回来! 回来! 你们走错路了搞错方向了!Wow, a tiger! Rraaar!哇,一只老虎!嗷!Dont let him get away!别让她跑了!No! Uh, please.不! 呃,请.We gotta get out of here.我们得离开这里。- Shanti, get indoors! - No, no, no, hes over.-Shanti,进屋去! -不,不,不,她在.No! Uhh!不! 呃!Shanti!Shanti!Shanti, wait for me!Shanti,等等我!Come on, come on! Follow me! Follow me!来啊,来啊! 跟我来! 跟我来!Mowgli!Mowgli!Hold on, Mowgli!等等,Mowgli!Shanti?Shanti?Shanti?Shanti?Mowgli?Mowgli?Shanti!Shanti!Where are you?你在哪里?- Mowgli! - They must be in the jungle.-Mowgli! -她们肯定在丛林里。Ah. Heh heh heh heh.啊。嘿嘿嘿嘿。The jungle.丛林。What a weird scene. Is that place always like that?多么奇怪的场面。那个地方始终像那样吗?You dont know the half of it.你连一半都还没见识到呢。That village was terrible.那个村子糟透了。All you ever hear is, rules, rules, rules.所有你能听到的都是规则、规则、规则.and work, work, work.以及工作、工作、工作。Whoa, kid. Watch your language.哇,孩子,注意你的措辞。Thats all they do! Washing, dressing.那是她们做的一切!洗(衣)、穿(衣).Oh, man, Im tired just listening to it.哦,伙计,光是听着我都累。Sounds like theyre kinda screwy over there.听起来她们均有点怪癖。I dont want to talk about it.我不想聊这些了。Especially Shanti.特别是Shanti。Whos Shanti?Shanti是谁?Ah, shes just a girl from the village.啊,她只是村子里的一种女孩。Now hold on.好,等等。Not the one that lured you into that village in the first place.是不是那个(女孩)把你诱拐进 村子的, 在当时?Yep, thats the one.是的,就是那一种 就是她。I knew it, I knew it. I knew she was trouble.我(就)懂得,我(就)懂得! 我(就)懂得她是个麻烦。I even tried bringing her to the jungle,我甚至试着带她到丛林来,and she got me in trouble.她(却)害我惹上麻烦。Say again?再说一遍?I just wanted her to see how much fun we have.我就是想让她看看 我们(在丛林里)有多少乐趣。And she got you into trouble for that?而她就因此给你带来麻烦?- Yep. - Ooh, man.-是的。-哦,天哪。She thinks the jungle is a scary place.她觉得丛林是个可怕的地方。Whered she get that crazy idea?她从哪里得来那个愚蠢的想法的?You got me.你问住我了。Mmm.唔。Do my snake eyes deceive me?我的蛇眼没骗我吧?Its the s-s-succulent man-cub. Mmm.哦,是那个嘶-嘶-美味多汁的人类小孩。唔。Well. Youre with me now, kid.好了,你目前跟我在一起了,孩子。Forget that girl. Youre better off without her.忘掉那个女孩吧。没有她,你会更好过些。You got everything you need right here.你能找到你需要的每件东西,就在这里。And me, Ive got my old singing partner back.而我,我把我的老歌唱伙伴找回来了。Then hit it, Papa Bear.那开打吧那开始吧,熊爸爸。Look for the bare necessities,寻找生活必需品,the simple bare necessities.简朴的生活必需品。Forget about your worries and your strife.忘掉你的忧虑和争执。I mean the bare necessities,我是指生活必需品,old Mother Natures recipes,大自然老妈妈的食谱,that bring the bare necessities of life.那会带来人生的基本必需品。- Wherever I wander, - Where you going?-不管我闲逛到哪里,-你要去哪儿?- Wherever I roam, - Oh. Yeah.-不管我何处流浪, -哦。耶。I couldnt be fonder of my big home.我不也许更喜欢我的人们园了。 我太喜欢我的人们园了The bees are buzzing in the tree蜜蜂在树上嗡嗡叫,to make some honey just for me.只是为我造蜂蜜。When you look under the rocks and plants,当你往岩石和植物下面看,take a glance at the fancy ants,看一眼那奇妙的蚂蚁,and maybe try a few.或许也能尝一尝。Thanks. Baloo.谢谢,Baloo。The bare necessities of life will come to you.人生的基本必需品就会来到你身边。Theyll come to you.它们会到你身边来。Oh, Baloo.哦,Baloo。I dont ever want to see that girl or that village again.我再也不想看到 那女孩或那村子了。Well, of course you dont.好啊,你固然不想了。Its just us bears from here on in.从这儿起,就只有我们熊(的那些事)了。Yeah, man.对,伙计。Hey, you remember everything I learned ya?嘿,你还记得我教你的每样东西吗?You bet I do, Papa Bear.你赌一下我能记得吧 固然记得,熊爸爸。Nuh-uh-uh.呐-哎-哎。- Huh? - Now. When you pick a pawpaw


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