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测测宝贝的精细运动能力健康评价,测测宝贝的精细运动能力(0-6 个月),常言道手巧则心灵,研究也证实,手 部的精细运动发育,对于宝贝的智力发展非常重要。因此,宝贝出生后,妈咪要尽可能创造条件,多对宝贝进行抓握、碰触等训练,促进宝 贝的手部运动快速发展,让宝贝心灵手巧。宝贝 1个月测试关键点:宝贝能攥紧拳头吗?妈咪测试法:宝贝仰卧在床上时,妈咪把拨浪鼓的手柄或食指放在宝贝手心里,观察宝 贝有何反应。宝贝会怎样?宝贝会把拳头攥紧。Pass !促进发展小训练1小手很有趣哦!宝贝在床上平卧时,妈咪将宝贝的小手放在被子外,让他自由地挥舞小拳头或小手;让 宝贝把小手放到嘴里吸吮,这些都可以增进宝贝手指的触觉以及活动能力,扩展小手的活动 范围。提醒一点,一定要把宝贝的小手洗干净哦。2拨浪鼓真好玩! 妈咪用拨浪鼓或其他带柄的玩具或自己的手指,来触碰宝贝的手,让宝贝紧紧握住,并 在他的小手里停留片刻后放开。宝贝松开后,妈咪再将玩具放入其手里,让宝贝多次练习抓 握,训练手的抓握能力。宝贝 2个月 测试关键点:宝贝握住东西后是否不松手? 妈咪测试法:将拨浪鼓的手柄塞在宝贝的手中,观察宝贝是否握住不松手。宝贝会怎样?宝贝能握住拨浪鼓2-3 秒不松手。 Pass!居家促进发育小训练1抓握妈咪的手指喽!妈咪可以把食指或者拨浪鼓的手柄塞入宝贝小手里,让宝贝握住并留握片刻,训练宝贝 小手的握持能力。2抓握好玩的玩具喽! 妈咪可以给宝贝准备些抓握的玩具,如摇铃、能捏响的橡皮玩具;用悬挂的玩具或手拿 的玩具逗引宝贝,让宝贝充分触摸和抓握,训练宝贝小手的抓握能力。宝贝 3个月测试关键点:宝贝能自己握住拨浪鼓吗? 妈咪测试法:把拨浪鼓放在宝贝手中,观察宝贝能否自己握住拨浪鼓。宝贝会怎样?宝贝能握住拨浪鼓半分钟。 Pass!居家促进发展小训练1抓呀抓,摇呀摇 准备一些方便抓握的玩具,如能摇晃的小摇铃或能捏响的橡皮玩具等。可以用皮筋将玩 具挂在宝贝能够抓到的地方,让宝贝练习抓、握、摇、捏等动作能力。提醒一点,宝贝学会 了翻身,玩具就不要挂着玩了。2宝贝自己来试试!在妈咪的帮助下,可以让宝贝一只手握住拨浪鼓,并拿到眼前晃动,也可以试着让宝贝 自己拿着拨浪鼓摆动,训练小手的抓握触摸能力。宝贝 4个月测试关键点:宝贝能自己摇动拨浪鼓吗? 妈咪测试法:宝贝仰卧在小床上,妈咪一边把拨浪鼓放到宝贝的小手里,一边鼓励宝贝 自己摇动,观察他的反应。宝贝会怎样?宝贝能把拨浪鼓拿到眼前看,并能主动摇好几下。Pass !居家促进发展小训练1宝贝快来抓一抓! 妈咪先将挂着的带响声的玩具,拿到宝贝面前摇晃,引起宝贝的注意;然后,再将玩具 放在宝贝胸前,即宝贝伸手就可抓到的部位,逗引他伸手去碰抓。如果宝贝抓了几次,小手 仍抓不到玩具,可以将玩具直接放在他的手里,让他握住,接着再放开玩具,继续让宝贝学 抓。2玩具的声音真好听! 如果宝贝只是看着胸前的玩具,并不伸手抓,这时,妈咪可将玩具放在宝贝的小手里, 并摇晃他的小手,让玩具发出悦耳的响声,逗引宝贝去抓碰。2哈!宝贝碰到玩具了 妈咪和爸爸一起,妈咪先抱着宝贝靠在桌前,爸爸在距离1 米远处用玩具逗引宝贝,待 引起宝贝的注意时,将玩具逐渐靠近宝贝,让宝贝一伸手即可触摸到,为训练宝贝的准确抓 握能力打基础。3哇!宝贝终于抓到你了 宝贝仰卧在床上时,在他眼前系一个可以晃动的玩具。妈咪先把玩具放在宝贝伸手就能 摸到的高度,等宝贝摸到后,把玩具再稍稍升高一点儿,鼓励宝贝伸手去抓碰,并让玩具晃 动起来。经常做这样的练习,宝贝能用双手一前一后地将玩具抱住,并且高兴得笑出声来, 不仅锻炼宝贝的视觉和够物能力,同时还可以使宝贝的情绪、意志力得到培养。宝贝 5个月测试关键点:宝贝能自己去取玩具吗?妈咪测试法: 妈咪抱着宝贝,坐在一个放着玩具的桌子旁边,这个玩具要离宝贝的小手大约2.5 厘米 远,妈咪鼓励宝贝自己去取玩具。宝贝会怎样?宝贝能用一只手或双手去取玩具。 Pass!居家促进发展小训练1妈咪,让宝贝自己来! 妈咪把玩具拿到宝贝的面前摇晃,让宝贝注意并去抓取,继续训练宝贝小手的主动抓碰 物体的能力。有的宝贝不能主动抓到玩具,这时,妈咪可将玩具放在宝贝的小手里,然后从 小手里拿出来,逗引宝贝主动地去抓握,训练宝贝的手部主动抓握能力。2宝贝的小手抓得真准哦!妈咪先在桌上摆放3-5 种不同的玩具,比如拨浪鼓、橡皮娃娃等。玩具可按从小到大的 顺序摆放,妈咪鼓励宝贝自己去抓握,反复训练宝贝准确抓握的能力。提醒一点,训练宝贝 抓握的玩具要经常更换,以免宝贝失去的兴趣。3宝贝,你要勇往直前哦! 妈咪抱着宝贝坐在桌旁,面前放一些彩色小气球,训练宝贝接近、触摸和摆弄物体的能 力。一开始训练时,把小气球放在宝贝一伸手就能抓到的地方;待宝贝会伸手抓握后,将小 气球逐渐移到远一些的地方,让宝贝伸手去抓;接着,在更远些的位置放小气球,鼓励宝贝 继续伸手向远处抓,并且将彩球从一只手转到另一只手。4看!宝贝玩得多么游刃有余妈咪把拨浪鼓或哗啦棒等带响的玩具,放在宝贝的面前,先是一定要让宝贝注意到,继 而鼓励宝贝伸手抓握这些玩具。待宝贝抓到后,教他摆弄或敲响玩具,提高抓握、摆弄和又 敲又摇玩具的能力,训练宝贝拇指和其他四个手指间的协调能力。宝贝 6个月测试关键点:宝贝能把纸撕破吗?妈咪测试法:把一张 16 开大的纸放在宝贝的小手里,并让宝贝抓住纸的两边,观察宝 贝有何反应。宝贝会怎样?宝贝能自己将纸撕破。Pass !居家促进发展小训练1摸摸小鸭子让宝贝俯卧,手臂支撑身体,在他的双手能够摸到的地方,放上小鸭子或彩色小皮球等 玩具来吸引宝贝主动伸手抓住玩具,训练宝贝学会用拇指和其他手指对着抓握东西,能较长 时间地用手拿玩具的能力。2瞧,宝贝越来越能干!让宝贝俯卧,妈咪把一些玩具放在宝贝身体的左侧或右侧,让宝贝向左或向右侧变换身 体姿势去抓玩具,发展宝贝的触觉,锻炼手指肌肉的能力。抓握练习3抓抓抓、打打打、敲敲敲 妈咪抱着宝贝,坐到桌子前,桌上放上几个小动物或其他宝贝喜欢的玩具,如小熊猫、 小鸭子或彩色小皮球等几种玩具,一边鼓励宝贝伸手去拿玩具,抓握、摆弄、敲打玩具,一 边嘴里说“抓抓抓、打打打、敲敲敲”,发展宝贝手的动作,训练手指动作的灵活性。4抓扔玩具让宝贝坐在桌旁,在桌上摆数种玩具,大人一个接一个地将玩具塞进宝贝小手,当宝贝 的两只手都握有玩具时,继续给他第三个、第四个促使宝贝像“熊瞎子掰棒子”一样,扔 掉一个玩具再拿一个玩具,不断练习抓握,增进手的灵活性。5玩具换手真有趣!妈咪抱着宝贝坐在桌子前,桌子上放几个彩色小气球。妈咪先给宝贝一个彩色小气球, 待宝贝用手拿住后,马上递给宝贝第二个小气球,一边递一边嘴里不断地说“宝贝抓呀抓, 宝贝抓气球”等话语,同时鼓励宝贝把手里所拿的小气球,倒换到另一只手,然后再抓第二 个小气球。如此这样训练,进一步提高宝贝手部的抓握能力以及手指的灵活性。Health evaluati on, the Cece baby fine athletic ability (0-6 mon ths), as the say ing goes dexterity mi nd, studies have also con firmed that the hand fine motor developme nt is very importa nt for the babys in tellectual developme nt. Therefore, after the birth of the baby, Mommy as much as possible to create the con diti ons, and more of the baby grip, touch tra ining to promote the rapid developme nt of the babys hand moveme nt, let the baby Xin li ngshouqiao. Baby a mon thTest key poin ts: the baby can Zua njinquan tou this?The Mommy test method: baby sup ine in bed, Mommy to ra ttle the han dle or in dex fin ger on the baby palm, observe the babys reacti on.Baby will happe n?Baby will fist h ttp:/ cle nched. Pass!Promote the developme nt of small tra ining1. The little hand is very in terest ing Oh!Baby in bed sup ine, Mommy will be the babys small hand on the quilt, let him freely waving small fist or hand; baby small hand into his mouth to suck these can enhance the baby fin ger tactile activities exte nded the scope of the activities of a small hand. Remind you that must baby wash oh.2. The rattle is really fun!Mommy rattle or other the Petiole toys or their fin gers to touch the babys hand, baby hold on tightly, let go, and in his hands after a short stay. The release of the baby, Mommy and the n toys into his han ds, and let baby repeatedly practice grip tra ining hand grasp ing ability.Baby 2 mon thsTest the key point: whether or not let go baby hold someth ing?Mummy test method: the ra ttle han dle plug in the hands of the baby, the to observe baby hold http:/www.fjmr- grimdeath.Baby will happe n?The baby can hold a rattle for 2-3 seconds let go. Pass! Home to promote the developme nt of small tra ining1. Grip Mummy fin ger myself!Mommy can han dle the in dex fin ger or ratt le stuffed baby han ds, baby to hold and stay grip for a moment, training the ability of the baby small hand grip.2. Grip fun toys myself!Mommy can give baby ready grasp ing toys, such as ratt les, can pinch ring rubber toys; to tantalize baby toys with hanging toys or hand the baby full touch and grip tra ining baby hand grip ability .Baby 3 mon thsTest the key point: the baby can hold rattle it?Mommy test method: rattle on the baby in the hands of observati on Baby Can hold ra ttle.Baby will happe n?The ra ttle baby can hold half a minu te. Pass!Home to promote the developme nt of small tra ining1. Grasp ing grasp ing, shake ah shakePrepare to facilitate grasping toys, such as the shaking rattles or can pinch ring rubber toys and so on. Toys aro und the baby caught with a rubber band, and the baby exercises grasp, hold, shake, pinch motor ability. Remind you that the baby lear n to sta nd up, toys do not hanging play.2. Baby yourself to try!Mommys help, you can let the baby with one hand hold ing a ra ttle and get immediate shak ing can also try to let the baby hold ing a rattle swing, to training small hand grip touch capabilities.Baby 4 mon thsTest the key point: the baby can shake a rattle it?Mummy test method: baby supine in a small bed, Mommy side rattle on the babys small han ds, while en courag ing the baby yourself shak ing, observe his reactio n.Baby will happe n?The baby can rattle get sight and main shaken several times. Pass!Home to promote the developme nt of small tra ining1. Baby Come scratched!Mommy hanging with the sound of the first toys, to get the baby before the shak ing caused the babys att e nti on; the n, the n toys on the treasure chest, can catch the parts that the baby hand, tease him to reach out and touch the grasp ing .If the baby caught a few times, the little hand is still not grasp toys, toys can be placed directly on his han ds, let him hold, the n release the toys continue to let the baby lear n to grasp.2. Toy sound is really beautiful!If the baby just looked at the toy chest does no t reach out and grab, the n Mommy toys on the babys small hands and shook his hand and toy sweet sound, touch tan talize baby grab.2. Ha! Baby encoun tered toysMommy and Daddy, Mommy first hold ing the baby aga inst the table, and the father at a dista nee of 1 m dista nt the toys tease the baby to be caused by the babys atten ti on, toys gradually close to the baby, so the baby you can reach out to touch the for tra ining accurate grasp ing ability of the baby lay ing the foun dati on.3. Wow! The baby fin ally caught youBaby lying in bed shaking toy department before his eyes. The Mummy first toys on the baby hand will be able to touch the height of the baby touch, and toys and the n slightly in creased a little bit, to en courage the baby to reach out and grab touch toys shak ing up. This practice ofte n do, the baby can use both hands one after clinging to the toys, and happy to laugh, not only the ability to exercise the babys visual and eno ugh material, also can make the babys emotio ns, willpower get tra ining .Baby 5 mon thsTest the key point: the baby can pick them up toys it?Mummy test method:Mommy holding baby, sitting next to a table stood toys, toys should be about 2.5 cm away from the babys small han ds, Mummy en courage baby to pick up their own toys.Baby will happe n?The baby can use one hand or both hands to pick up the toys. Pass!Home to promote the developme nt of small tra ining1. Mommy, let the baby!Mommy get the baby in front of the toy shaking, let the babys attention, and to crawl, to continue training the baby small hands initiative to grasp the ability to touch objects. Some baby can not take the in itiative to catch toys, Mommy toys on the babys small han ds, and the n hands out small tease the baby take the initiative to go grip training babys hand the Ministry initiative grip ability.2. The small clutch of baby true quasi-Oh!Mummy first in a desk 3-5 differe nt kinds of toys, such as ratt les, rubber doll. The toys can be small to large order placed, Mummy en courage baby to grip, repeated tra ining baby accurately grasp the ability. Remin ded that tra ining baby grip toys must be freque ntly cha nged, in order to avoid baby lost in terest.3. Baby, you want to move forward, oh!Mommy hold ing baby sit at the table in front put some small colored ballo ons, trai ning baby close, touch and playi ng with objects. The beg inning of tra ining, a small ballo on on the baby will be able to catch a hand place; un til the baby will hand grip, a small ballo on is gradually moved further afield, allow ing the baby to reach out and grab; Then, in the more distant some of the position to put a small ballo on, to en courage the baby to con ti nue to reach out to the dista nee caught the ball from one hand to the other hand.4. Look! Baby play how to easeMommy the ratt le or Crash stick with loud toys, placed in front of the baby, first let the baby no ticed, and the n en courage baby hand grip these toys. After baby caught, taught him fiddle, or sounded toys to improve grip, fiddle, and the ability to knock and shake toys, coord in ati on ability betwee n the the tra ining baby thumb and four fin gers.Baby 6 mon thsTest key point: baby can paper tor n it?Mummy test ing method: a 16 to ope n a large paper on the babys small hands and let the baby to grasp both sides of the paper, observe the babys reacti on. Baby will happe n?Baby can own tear the paper. Pass!Home to promote the developme nt of small tra ining1. Touch the little duckBaby prone, arms support ing the body in his hands to touch, put a small duck or small colored ball and other toys to att ract baby to take the in itiative and grabbed toys, tra ining baby lear n to use your thumb and other fin gers front grip things lon ger with hand toys.2. Look more and more capable, baby!Let the baby prone, Mommy put some toys on the left or right side of the body of the baby, so the baby transform to the left or to the right body position to grab toys develop babys sense of touch, the ability to exercise the fin ger muscles.Grip exercises3. Scratched caught play ing hit, knock knockMommy holding baby, sit in front of a table, put several small animals like toys or other baby on the table, several toys, such as the red pan da, duck or small colored ball side to en courage the baby reachi ng for toys, grasp ing grip, fiddle, banging toys, one side of his mouth to say caught scratch ing, play ing hit, knock knock, the development of the baby hand movements, training flexibility of fin ger moveme nts.4. Caught throw ing toysBaby sitt ing at a table placed on the table a nu mber of toys, the adults, one a toy stuffed baby small hand, when the babys hands hold toys continue to give him a third, fourthlike a bear breaking stick to promote baby throw awaya toy retake a toy and constantly practicing grip and enhance the flexibility of the hand.5. Toys han doff is really in terest ing!Mommy hold ing baby sitti ng at the table, put on the table a few small colored ballo ons. Mommy give baby a small colored ballo ons to be baby Hold immediately han ded the baby a sec ond small ballo on, handing out the side of his mouth to say Baby grasp ing grasp ing, baby grasp ing ballo on and other words, at the same time en courage the baby hand hold ing small ballo on, switchi ng to the other hand, the n grab a sec ond small ballo on. Such tra ining, so to further enhance the gripping ability of the baby hand and flexibility of the fin gers.


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