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【高级表达方式抽象名词的使用】1. ABSENCE: (with/there is) the absence of attempt/ workAMany medical experts are now agreed that with the general absenceof roughage,modem citizens are literally-via heart attacks and cancer-eating and drinking themselves into the grave许多医学专家现在一致认为,由于食物中总体缺少粗粮,现代公民们就是这样一日三餐,不知不觉地患上了心脏病和癌症。最终送命,这样说并非言过其实。BThere seems to have been an absence of attempt at conciliation between rival sects似乎没有进行任何尝试去调解对立派之间的矛盾。CFor large numbers of people, the absence of work is harmful to their health对大多数人来说,没有工作对他们的身体反而有害。2. ACCEPTANCE: have/find/obtain/gain/win (general/immediate/wide) acceptance for/among/ofAAcademic dishonesty has had relatively strong peer support and acceptance among some students,partly because we did not make a seriouseffort to explain why such behavior is contemptible学习上的作弊得到同伴相对有力的支持,也被一些学生所接受。部分原因是我们没有真正努力去解释为什么这种行为是可耻的。BIf that can be done,the high way will serve the purposes users wantThen it will gain broad acceptance and become a reality如果做到这一点的话,高架就会达到使用者所希望的目的。这样就会得到广泛的支持而成为现实。3. ACCESS: gain/get/have/attain/give (ready/easy) access toAAdvances in technology have smoothed access to information, rendering superfluous whole layers of management.技术的发展使我们能较容易获取信息,也使整个管理层变得有些多余。BWhile it is true that USsources may have better access to the information,they might also have more reason to conceal or alter that information美国新闻机构获取情报或许较为方便,但它们也可能有较多的理由去隐瞒或篡改情报。4. ACQUISITION: acquisition of knowledge/ a language/informationA. Newspaper reading,rather than being simply the acquisition of newinformation,is a kind of passive participation in the life of thenational community.读报不仅仅是获得新的信息,而是一种被动地参与国家生活的活动。BBut in the past trying to accelerate childrens acquisition of academic skills in their early age was seen as evidence of bad parenting但在过去,若家长们在孩子还很小时就加快对他们的文化知识的学习,这种做法被认为是不好的教育法。5. AGREEMENT: there is general agreement thatA. There is total agreement that the activity of humans is at least partly responsible for the problem.有一点大家的意见是一致的:人类的活动对这个问题至少应当负部分责任。BTo come to agreement on control and reduction of weapons between the superpowers is difficult.超级大国之间要在控制和削减武器方面达成一致意见是很困难的。6. ANALYSIS: make a careful/close analysis of; attempt/defy/resist analysisAYet close analysis of such people often reveals the existence of whatmight be called “stability zones” in their lives仔细分析这些人,往往会发现,在他们生活中也存在可能称为的“稳定区域”。BIt requires a very unusual mind,Whitehead said,to undertake the analysis of a fact怀特黑德说过,需要一种极不寻常的头脑去分析一个事件。7ANTICIPATION:in anticipation of a risefallsuccessAAll experience a good deal of anticipation,but the anticipation palesnext to the excitement of first communicating verbally所有这一切都经历了许多的盼望,但这种盼望比起第一次语言交流的兴奋要逊色多了。BThe financial markets had raised interest rates in anticipation of a squeeze.金融市场因预计到银根紧缩而提高了利率。Cin anticipation of an early reply期待早复8. ANTIDOTE: (serve) as an (strong/powerful) antidote to boredomAHe supported,for example,universal education as an antidote to the numbing effects of economic specialization.例如他支持全民教育可以克服经济专业化带来的麻木的影响。9. ANTIPATHY: have/arouse/provoke/natural antipathy to/towardsAWithout question,however,the first major thinker to express a clear antipathy to the urban way of life was Thomas Jefferson毫无问题,第一个表示出对城市生活反感的大思想家是托马斯杰佛逊。10. APATHY: show/have/with an (political/election) apathy toward sth.AHow can we curb this growing student apathy and assure ourselves of capable,responsible leadership for the future?如何才能制止学生中日益发展的冷漠态度,以确保我们在将来成为有能力、有责任的领导人?11. APPEAL: make a direct/strong appeal toAThe appeal to venture capitalists of investing in United States high technology companies is quite obvious对风险资本家来说,投资于美国高技术公司的吸引力是显而易见的。BHe holds a special appeal to little children.他对小孩有种特殊的吸引力。12. APPETITE have/stimulate a strong/keen appetite for(爱好,追求)1. He has a great appetite for knowledge.他强烈的求知欲。2The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward,not only the means of sustenance,but a keen appetite forpleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms在办公室或工厂里长时间的工作,给他们带来的报酬不仅仅是生活给养,而且是对乐趣的强烈追求,即使是最简单、最朴实的乐趣。13. APPLICATION: the application of knowledge/theoryA. We ale dealing with the application of psychology to advertising and political propaganda我们说的是把心理学应用于广告和政治宣传。BIn general,the application-or misapplication-of science and technology in all fields is certain to affect the structure of society as a whole总的说来,科学技术在各个领域中的应用或误用,必然会影响整个社会的结构。14. APPRECIATION: cultivate/deepen/express/show an (better/keen)appreciation ofA cultivate the appreciation of good music培养对音乐的欣赏能力B We take this opportunity of expressing / to express our sincere appreciation of your help.对于你们的帮助,我们趁这个机会向你们表示衷心的感谢。Cpromote/deepen the appreciation of Chinese arts and letters in the United States of America促进/加深美国对中国文学艺术的理解。DHe has a keen appreciation of the students needs.他深刻了解学生们的需要。15. ASSESSMENT: make an assessment ofAAlthough it is,of course,much more difficult,he can also make a subjective assessment of the percentage of his emotional energy invested in the job虽然这很困难,但是他还能对在这份工作中投入多少精力作一个主观的评价。BThe other thing we have to notice is that the assessment of the intelligence of any subject is essentially a comparative affair我们必须注意的另一件事是,对智力评估实质上是相对的。16. ASSOCIATION: be/have an association with;in association withAdo sth in association with sb和某人一起做某事BThey suggest the answer may be the lack of association with other humans during the period of sleep他们暗示这个回答或许和睡眠中缺少与其他人的联系有关。17ATTACK: come under (personal/sharp) attackAToday, American colleges and universities originally modeled on German ones are under strong attack.今天美国大学(最初是按照德国大学模式)正受到社会的激烈批评。18. ATTAINMENT: the attainment of goals/aim/objectiveAThis will deeply impress them on your memory, and these memory traces will soon start influencing your everyday behavior toward the attainment of the goal这将会把它们深深地铭记在你的脑海里。而这些记忆痕将很快开始影响你的日常行为,促使你朝着实现目标而努力。BSchools usually set as their educational objective the attainment of a balanced development of a person学校通常把一个人获得平衡发展作为教育的目标。19. ATTENTION: bring.to public attention/claim/draw/come to the attention ofAMany of these workers are poorly educated and unskilled,and they often lack the union representation that has helped bring other industrial disease to public attention这些工人中许多没受过什么教育,又缺乏技术,他们往往没有自己的工会代表可以帮助他们让公众知道其他的职业病。BAs for sowing methods-probably over half of Europes seed was wasted every year before the Chinese idea of the seed drill came to the attention of Europeans至于播种方法,在中国人关于种子条播机的想法引起欧洲人的注意之前,也许欧洲每年要浪费一半以上的种子。C. The sad condition of women working as domestics around the world received much media attention earlier this year in several highly publicized cases.今年初几个透明度颇高的案例中,有关世界各地女佣的悲惨状况引起了新闻媒体的关注。20. ATTEMPT: make an attempt/in an attempt toAAttempts to break up this old system have been made in every presidential election in the past one hundred years在过去的100年中,人们极力想打破这个在历届总统大选中都实行的旧体制。B In an attempt to do sth, .为了.do sth in an attempt to do 做某事是为了21. AVAILABILITY: the availability of information/moneyAThey do this in order that births occur with the arrival of the rains, the availability of grazing, and the mothers adequate supply of milk for the young.它们这样做,是为了使生育正好与雨季相遇,并有大量的青草生长,这样母畜就有足够的奶水喂养幼仔。22. AWARENESS: heighten/reduce/increase/sharpen/spark/obscure ones awareness ofAThe Bhopal tragedy five years ago, when thousands of Indians died after an escape of chemicals, sparked a belated environmental awareness among Indias middle classes.5年前,因化学气体的泄漏而发生的伯帕尔惨剧使成千上万的印度人丧生。这个惨剧在印度的中产阶级中唤起了一种姗姗来迟的环保意识。BThe computer could obscure mans awareness of the need to come to terms with himself电脑可能模糊了人需要对自身有限能力妥协的认识。CThe intelligent listener must be prepared to increase his awareness of the musical material and what happens to it聪明的听众必须随时提高自己对音乐素材的认识以及有关这方面的意识。23. BARRIER: a barrier to the development/progressABut it is the lack of political will and the ineptness of established sociopolitical structures that are major barriers to the progress in this field但是,由于缺少政治意志加上现有的社会政治结构的不完善,这就极大地阻碍了这个领域的发展。BA strict schedule makes it impossible for the tourist to wander off on his own;and anyway,language is always a barrier to the contact with the local population紧凑的日程安排使得旅游者不可能自己随便闲逛。不管怎样,语言总会阻碍他们同当地人的接触。24. BELIEF: express/foster/hold a belief in; there is a widely accepted/held belief that; contrary to popular/general/growing beliefAThe enormous success of science has led to the general belief that scientists have developed and are employing effective methods in gaining new knowledge科学的巨大成功,使一般人认为,科学家人数在发展,他们在利用有效的方法获得新的知识。25. BOREDOM: to escape/interrupt/relieve boredomAOnly an occasional stop at a gasoline station or at a drugstore to read movie magazines interrupts their boredom去加油站溜溜歇歇脚或到药店走走,读读电影画报这样可以解解闷气。BThis includes keeping them in more suitable cages, allowing social animals like dogs to live together and trying to reduce the boredom that these animals can experience.其中包括把它们饲养在较合适的笼子里,让狗这一类爱结交的动物生活在一起,尽量减少它们的寂寞。26. CAPACITY: ( have a ) capacity for development/organizationAHitler,aided by a phenomenal capacity for organization and by the readiness of Germanys great industrialists to finance his campaign,shrewdly utilized the prevailing attitude to establish his power由于他非凡的组织能力以及德国大企业家们愿意资助他的竞选,希特勒精明地利用了社会上的这种态度,建立了他的政权。BBut of all our problems,the most immediate and pressing, the one which threatens to paralyze our very capacity to act,to obliterate our vision of the future,is the plight of the Negro of the center city但是,在所有我们最直接和紧迫的问题中,威胁到损伤我们的行动能力,威胁到遮住我们对未来的展望的就是市中心黑人的困境。27. CELEBRATION: a celebration of freedom/achievement/successAAny celebration of what has been accomplished during our first two centuries also requires a commitment to what remains to be done during the third century庆祝在过去两个世纪里所取得的成就,同样需要对第三个世纪里所要做的事情承担起责任。BAt this time,and in the place where so many great names in American history have trod,we renew this celebration of freedom in the full and certain knowledge that with it comes great responsibility此时,在美国历史上许多伟人所踩过的地方,我们重新庆祝获得的自由,确信随之而来的是巨大的责任。28. CERTAINTY: be/become a certainty with/has certaintyAIt can be said with certainty that 可以断言BI had the certainty that he was at home.我确信他在家。CSome children learn best by rote,in structured environments with high certainty and strict discipline0thers gain success in the less structured“permissive” atmosphere of a“progressive”school.有的孩子在高度稳定和严明纪律的严格环境中以死记硬背取得好成绩,另有一些则在“先进”学校比较宽松的环境里获得了成功。29. CHALLENGE: meet/accept the challengeABecause I had no formal training in any of these fields with the exception of engineering,I had to learn to meet each challenge of managing a business as it arose除了工程学,在所有这些领域里我都没受过正规的教育,所以每当出现一个工商管理方面的挑战时,我只好学着去迎接它。30. CHANGE: undergo/bring about/inaugurate great/marked changeAAfter crossing several time zones,sleep rhythms undergo marked changes during the first night.经过几个时区后,睡眠规律就会在第一个晚上发生很大变化。31. CHOICE: make a wise choiceANot only do lies not provide any hope,they invade the autonomy of patients and render them unable to make informed choices concerning their own health对病人隐瞒真情,不仅不能给予病人任何希望,还会侵犯病人的自由,使他们不能对自己的健康做出明智的选择。BWhen choices are made among alternatives such as those just described, it becomes plain that choosing one alternative often involve giving up another在上述几个方案中做出选择,显然,挑选一个意味着放弃另一个32. COMBINATION: (express/symbolize) a rare/ happy combination ofAHe turned out to be an incredible combination of strength and relaxation on the track在这方面他证明是把力量和放松结合得最好的人。BThe modern world is a combination of Eastern and Western ingredients which are inextricably fused现代世界是一个东西方紧密融合的结合体。33COMFORT: take/derive/seek comfort from/enjoy the comfort ofAPeople have taken comfort from the idea that our brains are magically unique and could never be duplicated,never mind surpassed,by machines人的大脑是神奇般独特的、不能被复制、不用担心会被机器超过,想到这一点,人们感到了极大的安慰。34. COMMAND: acquire/has/secure a good command ofABut this is not a business that can be undertaken in a day or swiftly improvised by a mere command of the will.但这种事并非一天就能做成的,也不是靠征服意志就能一蹴而就的。35. COMMENT: make comment aboutAOld people are always saying that the young are not what they were. The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true老年人总是说年轻人不像他们同龄时那样了。一代一代人做出相同的评论,而且总是真实的。36. COMPARAISON: in comparison with/to make comparisonAYet culture shock is relatively mild in comparison with the much moreserious malady,future shock与更严重的弊证、即未来冲击相比,文化冲击相对来说要轻些。BThe boredom that a man feels when he is doing necessary though uninteresting work is as nothing in comparison with the boredom that he feels when he has nothing to do with his days一个人当他在必须做无趣味的工作时所感到的乏味,和他成天无所事事而感到的乏味相比,几乎算不了什么。CThe first two must be equal for all who are being compared,if any comparison in terms of intelligence is to be made如果就智力进行比较的话,前两个因素对所有要比较的人必须是一样的。37. COMPETITION: enter/get into competition within competition with/forAIn the Olympic Games,women not only cannot win any medals in competition with men,the gulf between them is so great that they cannot even qualify for the contests with men在奥运会上,女运动员在同男的竞争中不仅不能夺奖牌,而且他们之间的鸿沟这么大,她们甚至没有资格和男运动员同场竞技。BIt would also place him in competition with other workers,whichwould be playing into the bosseshands这样做还会把他置于同其他工人的竞争中,而这正中老板之意。38. CONCENTRATION: the concentration ofAThe lack of goods,services,and household aids,brought on by the countrys concentration on heavy industry at the expense of consumer goods, affects women much more than men国家重视重工业,忽视消费品生产,由此带来的商品、服务设施和家用器具的短缺对女士的影响要比男士的大。BStrong economic and social currents encourage the continued concentration of the urban population which otherwise might disperse into more sparsely settled areas经济和社会的向上形势鼓励人们不断向城市集中,要不然的话这些人口会分散到人口较少的地区。39. CONCERN: there is/express/arouse/show/give concern over/for/about/withAI have a deeper concern about higher education and the current national mood我对高等教育和目前国家形势所处的状态的深深关切。BMeanwhile the public show little concern about the danger of total destruction by nuclear weapons:a possibility people are consciously aware of同时公众对核武器造成的全球毁灭的危险很少关心,虽然他们意识到这种可能性。40. CONSIDERATION: give consideration/thought to;take sth. into considerationAAll the argument sounds logical,but it is obvious that no consideration is to be given to his concern for either the women or the children所有这些论点听上去有道理,但它没有考虑到对妇女或者对孩子的关心。41. CONNECTION: there is/bear connection toA It also enables us to tell ourselves that the despair of homeless people bears no intimate connection to the privileged existence we enjoy- when,in fact,we rent or purchase one of those restored townhouses that once provided shelter for people now huddled in the street同时也使我们告诫自己,无家可归者的绝望和我们享受到的特权生活没有密切关系的。而实际上,我们租的或买的那些修建过的市中心房子,曾经是现在流浪街头人的住所。42. CONSCIOUSNSS: a national/world/class/ deep consciousnessAIn other words,the world of urban America as a dark place undeserving of support or help has become fixed in the American consciousnessAnd we are paying for that attitude in our cities today换句话说,美国城市作为一个黑暗的地方,不值得投资和帮助,这种想法已深深扎根于美国人民的思想意识中。今天我们的城市正在为这种态度付出代价。BFurther study and better public understanding are needed,of courseBut what is essential is a global consciousness当然,需要进一步研究和更好地理解公众,当然,更为重要的是全球的意识。Cthe moral consciousness of a nation一个民族的道德意识recover national consciousness恢复民族意识It has awakened millions to political consciousness.它唤起了千百万人的政治觉悟。43. CONTACT: come into/establish/create/need/ regain/retain/strengthen (close/frequent/understanding) contacts with/between; bring/take sb. into contact withABut our modern world of music also brings us into contact with music that is not always so quickly grasped.然而,现代音乐世界却也让我们总是不能很快理解接触的音乐。BHence,it can be argued that the people with whom we come into contact in these various contexts are all likely to have exerted some influence in shaping our attitudes,interests and even skills relevant to how we handle leisure因此可以这么说,我们在这些不同的环境所接触到的人们,很可能对我们的态度和兴趣的形成、甚至包括如何处理有关空闲时间的能力产生一定的影响。CNational governments,also,will be brought into closer and closer contact with science同时,这将使各国政府同科学保持越来越密切的联系。44. CONTRIBUTION: make a contribution to society/ humanA“Someone who has made a lasting contribution to human civilization is great,”said Dean Keith Simonton西门顿教务长说,“长期为人类文明作出贡献的人是伟大的。”BTheir increasing demand for continuing education offers unprecedented opportunities for universities to increase and extend their contributions to society他们对继续教育的不断要求给大学以空前的机会来增加和扩大对社会的贡献。45. CONTROL: exert control over; bring . under controlA. Yet studies show that job satisfaction comes less from how much people earn than from the challenge of their jobs and the control they are able to exert调查表明,工作所提供的满足不是来自攒多少钱,而是来自工作的挑战和对工作的控制力。BTo protect the value of their invested capital, venture capitalists desire control over various corporate decisions为保障其投入资本的价值,风险资本家希望对公司的各种决定进行控制。CHowever, very little control can be exercised over the media used to generate information that comes to you然而,对曾经用来给你提供信息的媒体几乎没有什么控制。DBut although this form of genetic engineering will give us great control over mankinds future, there are several reasons for caution但是,虽然这种基因工程会让我们极大地控制人类的未来,我们还是有诸多理由表现出谨慎。46. CONVICTION: confirm/express/deepen/hold/ voice the conviction; carry/bring conviction to sb.; have/there is a strong/widespread conviction that;be in the conviction thatAHe is in the full conviction that real knowledge is the end product of a thorough study of the history他深信,只有对历史加以透彻研究,才能真正学到知识。Bconfirm a conviction维持原判bring conviction to sb使某人信服His words carried conviction.他的话令人信服。deepen ones conviction加深某人的信念She expressed her firm conviction that television was harmful to children.她坚持认为电视对儿童有害。47. CORRELATION: there is/find correlation betweenAIf he is bored and secure,he may invest very little-there being no necessary correlation between time devoted and emotion invested如果他感到厌烦但又安全,他可以几乎不用投资,因为在奉献的时间和投资的精力之间没有必然的联系。BYet when they studied the various sleep stages, they found no correction between sleep physiology and unhappy mood然而,当他们研究不同的睡眠阶段时,他们便发现睡眠生理学与不愉快的心情毫无联系。48. CREDIBILITY: lose/enhance the credibility of/withAFor the emerging company the association with a corporate partner may not only enhance the emerging companys balance sheet,but may enhance its credibility with customers,supplier investors and others对于新兴公司而言,与大公司合伙人联合,不仅可以使公司的资产负债表大为改观,而且还可以提高客户、供应商、投资者和其他人对公司的信任度。B“Lies also do harm to those who tell them:harm to their integrity and in the long run,to their credibility.谎言也伤害说谎者自己,损害他们的真诚,并最终损害他们的信誉。49. CRITICISM: be subjected to (harsh/sharp) criticism; challenge /defy/excite/invite/offer/resent/tolerate/ survive (considerable/hostile/frank/severe/harsh) criticism; come under (fierce/sharp) criticism forAA commonplace criticism of American culture is its excessive preoccupation with material goods and corresponding neglect of the human spirit.对美国文化最常见的批评是其过分追求物质商品而忽视人的精神因素。BWhite collar office workers,too,have come under criticism recentlyfor robbing their bosses of their full-time services最近白领工作者同样受到批评,说他们没让他们的雇主得到全日制服务。CIn a sense,science fictio


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