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Live and learn. 学无止境 高一期末复习M2U3M2U1 RevisionActivity 1 Words1) Translation1. 科学的_ 2.埃及的_3. 山谷,峡谷_ 4.清空_5. 秘书_ 6.疾病_7.彻底地,充分地_ 8.古代的_9.童年,孩童时期_ 10.宇航员_11.西方人_ 12.说英语的人_13.联系,接触_ 14.心理的_15.指挥官,首长_2) Practice 1. Scientists have made many important d_ about the Mars2. She has received a w_ that she will be fired if she is late again.3. Many policemen were sent to help the _ (幸存者) of the earthquake4. Its well-known to us all that Christopher Columbus was one of the greateste_5. Action must be taken to _ (保护) the boys eyesight.6. By a strange _(巧合) we happened to be traveling on the same train7. She loves to o_ people to hold a party.8. He worked hard all the time and was _ (成功) in achieving his goal9. Wealth and _ (地位) are not important to her.10. Children are usually c_ about new and funny things11. A new v _ attacked the computer, causing the loss of a lot of important data.12.You must have your eyes e_ in the hospital as soon as possible.13. S_ enough, he did not attend the party last night.14. He m_ to finish his task by 5 and was allowed to go home.15. P_ Hope is aimed at helping those people who cannot afford to go to school in poor areas.16.His theory p_ practical.Activity 2 phrases1.一位勇敢且敢于冒险的人_ 2. 对好奇_3.启程去_ 4.保存完好的木乃伊 _5.作出重大的发现_6. 一座有许多宝藏的坟墓_7.把清空_ 8.立刻,马上 _9.也,连同_ 10.生病 _11. 与有关_ 12.一件巧合的事 _13.带领某人到某地_14.死于心脏病 _ 15.以为基础_ 16.为作出巨大贡献 _ 17.成功,有回报 _ 18.以全速 _ 19.在某人三十多岁的时候_20.打破十四个记录_ 21.一经请求 _ 22.多亏 _23.被选为候选人之一 _ 24.具有.的资格_25.为某人赢得职位 _ 26.永载史册 _写下记下Our secret plans must not go down on paper.27.大量,许多_ 28.尊敬某人 _29.在二十世纪二十年代早期_ _30.在轨道上 _31.野外生存技能 _ 32.具备做某事的资格_33.十四分之三_ 34.自我控制 _35.实现梦想_/_/_36.心中惦记某人_ 37.获取地位_38.被描述为_ 39.抓住读者的注意力_40.向迈出第一步_Activity 3 Language Points1.Upon entering the tomb, Caters lucky pet bird was eaten by a snake.刚取得这一成就,他就举世闻名了。(一句多译)1)_/_ achieving the success, he was well-known all over the world.2)_/_/_/_ he achieved the success, he was well-known all over the world总结:“1,2,3”法则巧记 “一就”1个词:on /upon (prep.); immediately, directly (conj)2个词:the moment/the minute /the second (conj)3个词:as soon as (conj)2.result n./v.result in: cause /lead to 结果是,导致result from 产生,出现 as a result 因此as a result of 由于的结果without result 毫无结果,徒劳他的粗心驾驶引起了一场事故。(一句多译)The accident resulted _ his careless driving. His careless driving_/ _/_ the accident. The accident was _his careless driving. He drove carelessly; _, the accident happened.The accident happened _ his careless driving.3.provev.证明,证实;证明是 proof n.prove sth to sbprove that /wh-prove sb sthprove +adj. prove sth to sb 只要给我个机会,我会证明给你看.Just give me a chance and Ill _. prove that/wh-这证明我错了我一直在说的This proves that _This proves me wrong.This proves what I have been saying.prove sb/ sth + 补这证明我错了.This proves me wrong. prove作证明是;结果是;事实说明解时,用作连系动词,可用于以下句型: 1.prove+(to be) 形容词 这办法证明是有效的/可行的. _ 2.prove+名词 She proved a very strict teacher._ His efforts, however, proved a failure._4.set短语set about _ set the alarm_ set apart_ set aside _ set back _ set( )down (to)_ set forward _ set foot on/in_ set in_ set off _ set out_ set out to do _ 1.Any attempt to set back the wheel of history is doomed to failure/ to fail . _ 2.Do be careful with those fireworks; the slightest spark would set them off. _3.The bus stopped to set down an old lady. _ 4.We should set down our achievements to the correct leadership of the Party. _ 5. She set aside a bit of money every money. _6.What sets these people apart is that they take a positive attitude to their failure._7. We need to set about finding a solution. _8. You dont need to get up early. I have set the alarm for 7 oclock. _9. My watch is slow, so I set it forward three minutes_. 10.He felt so different the moment he set his foot in China. _11.The level of nostalgia reached new, unbearable levels. Then sadness set in. _12.We set out for London at dawn. _ 13. The new year approaching, they set out to paint the house. _ pare compare ( ) with compare tocompared with/tocomparing within comparison withbeyond / without comparison把他俩的工作比较一下,我发现她的好一些._, I find hers is much better.人生常被比喻为蜡烛.Mans life_ a candle.与你比,他胖些. _, he is fatter.把这个和那个相比较,你会发现这个更好。_, youll find this one is better._, and youll find this one is better. Who is richer only exist in comparison with each other._Activity 4 Important sentences1. 到二十世纪二十年代,他已经成为了一名探险家,搜寻着埃及国王的坟墓。2. 这些经过处理保存的遗体就是世人皆知的木乃伊。3. 陵墓中的财宝,黄金和珍珠饰物比我们任何人先前所见过的都要多,还有国王本人的木乃伊4. 我们挖走了坟墓里的一切。5. 然而,不久,与陵墓发掘工作有关的人员之中有21死亡。6. 如果这些病毒被人体吸入,他们可能导致疾病甚至死亡。7. 但是,有一点仍然可以肯定,图坦卡蒙国王陵墓之谜至今还没有人能够完全破解.8.他们不仅学习作为一名宇航员所要求的所有科目,而且还要学习生存技巧。9.他各项心理测试所得的高分使得他最终赢得了中国首位宇航员的首位。10. 这使他成为中国首名宇航员和世界上第241个进入太空的人.11. 中国人民以杨利伟为骄傲,全世界的年轻人也将他视为努力实现梦想的榜样。Activity 5 Grammar1He asked me _ during the summer holidays.A. where I had been B. where I had gone C. where had I been D. where had I gone 2. I _ 900 English words by the time I was ten。A. learned B. was learning C. had learned D. learnt3. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, _ the dinner already.A had cooked B. cooked C. have cooked D. was cooked4. She said she _ the principle alreadyA .has seen B. saw C. will see D. had seen5. She said her famil_ themselves _ the army during the war.A. has hidden, from B. had hidden, from C. has hidden, with D. had hidden, with6. By the time he was ten years old, he _.A. has completed university B. has completed the universityB. had completed an university D. had completed university7. He _ in the factory for three years before he joined the Army.A. has worked B. works C. had worked D. will work8. By the end of last week, they _ the bridge.A. has completed B. completed C. will complete D. had completed Activity 6 WritingWrite a short passage with the words or phrases given.live one s dream ; orbit; win the position ; be qualified for ; be curious about; base on; pay off ; go down ; make contribution to随着神州七号飞船的成功发射,宇航员们成为世界瞩目的焦点。他们是怎样实现绕地飞行的梦想?众所周知,有些候选人,如果他们想赢得这个职位,必须具备资格。首先,他们得勇敢,开朗,有冒险精神并且对新事物有好奇心。其次他们得认真研究理论,在此基础上进行实践。一切都有回报。有些人在三四十岁时就达到了目标。宇航员将因为对空间探索所做的贡献永载史册。With the successful launch of Shenzhou, the astronauts have become the focus of the whole world. How could they live their dream of orbiting the earth ? As we know, there are some candidates to choose from . If they want to win the position , they must be qualified for the job. First, they should be brave , outing and adventurous and curious about new things. Then , they have to study hard at the theory on which to base their practice. Everything will pay off . Many of them achieve their goals in their thirties or forties. The astronauts will go down in history for the contribution they have made to space exploration.Activity 7 Homework1)完成句子1. 每个结果都有一个原因,这是毫无疑问的. _, every effect has a cause.2. 他坚持的方法证明是可行的.The method he stuck to _.3. 如果正确服用,这种药应该奏效. If taken correctly, the medicine should_.5.孩子们总是对看到的一切感到好奇。 Children_ everything they see. 6.有多少人出席了会议? How many people_?7.在你离开后不久,有个老人到办公室找你。 _, an old man came into the office looking for you8.秘书把我领进经理的办公室,并让我稍等片刻The secretary _and asked me to wait for a while.9.她一直很尊敬她的叔叔,因为他是一位杰出的医生,挽救过很多人的命。She has always _because he is an excellent doctor _10. 当聚会结束时,他已经吃了五块蛋糕。By the time the party was over,_11.我作为高三学生的多年的努力终于有了回报All my years of hard work as a Senior 3 student have finally_12.中国拥有大量煤炭,其他的矿藏也很丰富。 China possesses enormous _land is rich in other minerals _. 13.他的父亲死于一场车祸, 什么也没给他留下。His father died in a car accident, _.2)单选题1. Im going to Paris next week.- _! So am I. A. What a coincidence B. How a coincidenceC. Dont mention it D. Good trip2. _ Mary with you, I find her far from satisfying.A. Compared B. Comparing C. Being compared D. Compare3._is it _has made Tom _ he is today?.A. What, that, that B. That, that, what C. What, what, that D. What, that, what4. _different life today is from _was fifty years ago.A. What a, what B. How, what C. What, what D. What a, how 5. It was the third night _we were staying in our seaside hut _ the tsunami struck the whole village.A. when; when B. when; what C. what; that D. that; that6.It is not rare in_ that people in _ fifties are going to university for further education. A.90s;their B. the 90s;/ C. 90s;/ D. the 90s;their7. He, as well as I, _going to help you. A.is B. am C. are D.be 8.We are still dealing with problems _from errors made in the past.A. resulting B. resulted C. arisen D. appearing9.- George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding? - No, I _. Did they have a big wedding? A. was not invited B. have not been invite C. hadnt been invited D. didnt invite10. The young lady prefers dressing up for a party to _by others. A. be noticed B. being noticed C. having been noticed D. have been noticed 11.When _ help, one often says “Thank you.” or “Its kind of you .” A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offered12. _ other good students, the teacher thinks, Hank is _ student. A. Compared with; the most satified B. Compared to; the most satisfied C. Comparing to; a most satisfying D. Compared with; a most satisfying13. I have visited many cities and stayed in plenty of difficult hotels, and nothing else _this one.A. matches B. catches C. compares D. goes with14.The passenger _his deep thanks to those people_ him. A. expressed; helped B. expressed; having helped C. showed; who helpedD. showed; having helped 15. What is learned in books can not have the same deep effect on a childs character _is learned through experience.A. what B. that C. as what D. like that Live and let live. 自己活着,也让别人活着。 高一期末复习M2U3


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