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网址:同等学力英语每日一练(2014-1-13) 2014年参加同等学力的考生们,学苑教育献上同等学力英语每日一练,我们将每天发布1-5道习题,帮助大家夯实基础。大家可随时关注学苑教育同等学力考试频道,我们将第一时间公布相关考试信息。Desperately short of living space and dangerously prone to flooding,the Netherlands plans to start building homes,businesses and even roads on water.With nearly a third of the country already covered by water and half of its land mass below sea level and constantly under threat from rising waters,the authorities believe that floating communities may well be the future.Six prototype wooden and aluminum floating houses are already attached to something off Amsterdam,and at least a further 100 are planned on the same estate,called Ijburg.“Everybody asks why didnt we do this kind of thing before,”said Gijsbert Van der Woerdt,director of the firm responsible for promoting the concept.“After Bangladesh were the most densely populated country in the world. Building space is scarce and government studies show that well need to double the space available to us in the coming years to meet all our needs. ”Before being placed on the water and moved into position by tugboats(拖船),the houses are built on land atop concrete flat-bottomed boats,which encase giant lumps of polystyrene (聚苯乙烯)reinforced with steel. The flat-bottomed boats are said to be unsinkable and are anchored by underwater cables. The floating roads apply the same technology.The concept is proving popular with the Dutch. The waiting list for such homes,which will cost between euros 200000500000 to buy,runs to 5000 names,claims Van der Woerdt.With much of the country given over to market gardening and the intensive cultivation of flowers,planners have also come up with designs for floating greenhouses so that the water beneath them irrigates the plants and controls the temperature inside.A pilot project,covering 50 hectares of flooded land near Amsterdams Schiphol airport,is planned for 2005.The opportunities for innovative developers look promising.“We have 10 projects in the pipeline-floating villages and cities complete with offices,shops and restaurants,”Van der Woerdt said. 51.The Netherlands plans to start building floating communities on water because .A. most parts of the country are covered by waterB. the country is constantly threatened by floodsC. it will promote the cultivation of flowersD. people think it better to live on water52.By citing“Everyone asks why didnt we do this kind of thing before”,the author wants to tell us that .A. building floating communities is a very good ideaB. the director of the firm didnt want to answer the questionC. the Netherlands should follow the example of BangladeshD. people are not satisfied with the governments work53.The floating houses will be .A. reinforced with steel B. made of concreteC. constructed in water D. built on boats54.According to the author,the floating communities on water .A. can promote market gardeningB. are beyond the reach of most Dutch peopleC. will increase the cost of gardeningD. will be very popular by the year of 200555.“10 projects in the pipeline”in the last paragraph means .A.“10 pipelines to provide gas”B.“10 companies to lay the pipelines”C.“10 floating houses to be built on water”D.“10 building projects planned and started”答案解析:由于生存空间紧缺,加上容易受到洪涝灾害的威胁,荷兰政府计划在海上兴建房屋、商店甚至公路。这个国家有将近三分之一的国土已经被海水覆盖,一半的陆地位于海平面以下,并经常受到上涨海水的威胁,荷兰政府认为未来将是浮动的社区。在阿姆斯特丹市外的某个物体上已经固定了六种木制和铝制的浮动房,并且计划在同一区域至少再造一百套这样的浮动房这个地方叫艾吉博格。“每个人都问为什么之前我们没有做这样的事情,”葛吉斯博特万德沃尔特说。他是一家负责提倡浮动房概念公司的老总。“除了孟加拉国,我们是世界上人口最密集的国家,建筑空间稀少,政府调查显示,在未来几年里,我们需要把可利用空间增加一倍以满足我们的需求。”在被放于水中并被拖船拖到指定地点之前,这些房子被建在陆地上的混凝土平底船上这些平底船装有大量用钢铁加固的聚苯乙烯。据说,这种平底船不可能沉入水底,它们被水下缆绳固定着。浮动的公路也采用同样的技术。据证实,这种观念正在受到荷兰人的欢迎。申请这种房屋的人数已经达到5000人。这种房屋造价在20万到50万欧元之间。万德沃尔特宣称。由于国家的大部分地方被用来发展商品蔬菜种植业和鲜花集约培育业,计划者也为浮动温室提供设计方案,以便温室下面的水可以灌溉植物,控制内部的温度。在2005年将计划实施一项引水工程,这项工程在阿姆斯特丹市斯吉博尔机场附近,覆盖50公顷被淹没的土地。创新开发者的机遇看上去很有前景。“我们有十项工程正在计划中带有办公室、商店和餐厅的浮动村庄和城市,”万德沃尔特说。51. 【正确答案】B【考点类型】因果细节判断【解析过程】荷兰计划去建造水上的漂浮社区因为 。A. 国家的绝大部分都是由水覆盖的B. 国家经常受到洪水的威胁C. 它将促进鲜花种植D. 人们认为生活在水上更好线索:文章的第一段提到“Desperately short of living space and dangerously prone to flooding,the Netherlands plans to start building homes,businesses and even roads on water.”表明答案B为正确选项。选项A和原文的表达不符合“With nearly a third of the country already covered by water and half of its land mass below sea level and constantly under threat from rising waters,”原文说的是1/3的国土是由水覆盖的。【考点提示】本文讲的是一篇问题解决型的文章,文章51题考察的其实就是这篇文章的问题是什么或是说这篇文章的主题是什么。52.【正确答案】A【考点类型】句子推理【解析过程】通过引用“我们为什么不早些做这件事”,作者想要告诉我们 。A. 建造水上社区是一个非常好的主意B. 公司的主管不想回答这个问题C. 荷兰应该遵循孟加拉国的做法D. 人们对于政府的工作不满意句子理解题通过阅读文章第3段,我们可以比较明确地看出人们是非常愿意建造水上社区的,所以选项A是正确答案。【考点提示】句子理解题首先是返回原文找到原句,对原句进行语法和词义的精确分析,应该重点抓原句的字面含义。若该句的字面含义不能确定,则依据上下文进行判断。注意:局部含义是由整体决定的。句子理解题的错误选项干扰项特征:推理过远。做题时应把握住推理的度。比如选项D就是这个错误,推理太远了。53.【正确答案】D【考点类型】细节判断【解析过程】漂浮的房子将会 。A. 用钢材加强B. 由混凝土制造C. 在水中建造D. 在船上建造线索:文章的第1段提到“Before being placed on the water and moved into position by tugboats(拖船),the houses are built on land atop concrete flat-bottomed boats”,表明答案D为正确选项。A选项原文说的是用钢铁加固聚苯乙烯,不是选项说的加固这些漂浮的房子。B选项原文说的是船底是由混凝土制造的,不是选项说的漂浮的房子是由混凝土制造的。【考点提示】同学们一定要避免对原文信息的错误联想。错误的信息一般都是在正确信息的附近,所以大家在做细节题的时候一定要非常的仔细。54.【正确答案】A【考点类型】细节判断【解析过程】根据作者的观点,水上漂浮的社区 。A. 能够推动园林市场的发展B. 超过了荷兰人力所能及的范围C. 增加园林艺术的成本 D. 在2005年之前就会非常流行线索:文章的第6段提到“With much of the country given over to market gardening and the intensive cultivation of flowers,planners have also come up with designs for floating greenhouses designed so that the water beneath them irrigates the plants and controls the temperature inside.”表明答案A为正确选项。选项B和原文的内容“The concept is proving popular with the Dutch.”相反。选项D是过渡的推理。【考点提示】原文中没有明确提到的信息,是不能通过递进推理得出的,比如这道题的选项D就是如此,原文虽然提到了水上漂浮社区确实很受欢迎,但根本没有说它会在2005年流行。55.【正确答案】D【考点类型】词汇推理【解析过程】最后一段“10个项目在管道里”的含义是 。A. 10个管道会提供天然气B. 10个公司会铺管道C. 10个漂浮的房子将会建造在水上D. 10个建造项目建设并会展开词汇题。正确答案经常蕴藏在原文该词汇出现的附近。不能靠单词词义理解含义。比如:猜一个名词词组(动词词组)的意思,我们就向上向下搜索名词词组(动词词组)。这道题的答案A、B都是说管道的事情,都是单词的表面含义,不可能和文章有任何的关联,所以是错的。C选项也不正确,原文是“We have 10 projects in the pipeline-floating villages and cities complete with offices,shops and restaurants,”Van der Woerdt said. 表示得很清楚,不可能是10个漂浮的房子。【考点提示】词汇题的解析方法是:搜索法:即把搜出的结果和选项对比一下。代入法:即当搜索不出来时,把选项分别代入原文,看看哪一个通,答案就是哪个。7


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