英语 Unit 3 A healthy life Section Ⅰ 新人教版选修6

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单词注释难句剖析导读诱思 健康是人生最大的财富,人人都想过健康的生活,但如何才能做到这一点呢?下文或许能给你一些启发。How to live a healthy lifeNowadays,it is a fashion to eat healthy food,such as organically-grown food,and do some exercise to keep healthy.In brief,people are trying to live a healthy life.But what should be done to live a healthy life?Different people have different ideas.Someone says to live a healthy life is to have a strong body.Some people think keeping psychologically healthy is very important.In my view,its essential to keep physically and psychologically healthy.单词注释难句剖析导读诱思To keep physically healthy,you should do sports like running,playing basketball etc.Today more and more people go to the fitness centres.There are some popular ways of fitness like yoga which is a sensation in many big cities today.I think it is very useful for us to do some exercise every day.单词注释难句剖析导读诱思More importantly,to keep psychologically healthy,you should have a good attitude towards people around you.We often say,“Attitude is everything.”It means good attitude leads to a good mood.In this way we can keep psychologically healthy.It is more sensible to have a positive attitude.When you meet with some hardship,you should not be sad.You should have confidence in yourself and do something for relaxation.You should say to yourself,“I can make it.I am one in a million.I am special in this world.”In this way,you definitely have a good mood and work efficiently.单词注释难句剖析导读诱思In a word,to live a healthy life is a comprehensive project in a way.We should keep healthy both psychologically and physically.In our daily life we should do some exercise and have a positive attitude towards life.We can also turn to some specialists for advice.Only in this way can we live a healthy life.单词注释难句剖析导读诱思psychologically/saIkldIklI/adv.心理上地;心理学地sensation/senseIn/n.感觉;引起轰动的人或事definitely/defIntlI/adv.明确地;确切地;肯定地comprehensive/kmprIhensIv/adj.详尽的;综合的单词注释难句剖析导读诱思 In my view,its essential to keep physically and psychologically healthy.译文:在我看来,保持身体和心理上的健康是很重要的。剖析:在这个句子中,it做形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to keep.,构成It is+adj.+to do.句式。单词注释难句剖析导读诱思1.What is essential to live a healthy life?(no more than 10 words)答案:It is essential to keep physically and psychologically healthy.2.How can we have a strong body?(no more than 10 words)答案:By doing some exercise every day.3.How can we keep psychologically healthy?(no more than 15 words)答案:We should have a good attitude towards life and people around us.一二三四五六一、请看下面的图片,找出对健康不利的行为 对健康不利的行为:A,B,E 一二三四五六二、将下列单词与对应的释义搭配起来AB1.abusea.when a sum of money must be paid immediately or expected or arranged2.stressb.a change that sb./sth.causes in sb./sth.else;a result3.banc.done or happening without thinking4.dued.to make sth.strong or stronger5.addictede.to make bad or wrong use of sth.or unfair,cruel or violent treatment of sb.6.accustomedf.in the habit of or be adapted to7.automaticg.of or relating to the mind8.mentalh.pressure;to make sb.nervous一二三四五六9.effecti.unable to stop taking harmful drugs,or using or doing sth.as a habit10.strengthen j.to forbid答案:1.e2.h3.j4.a5.i6.f7.c8.g9.b 10.d一二三四五六三、短语填空1.two weeks time 两周之后 2.due 由于 3.give 放弃 4.addicted 对有瘾 5.the way 顺便说 6.accustomed 习惯于 7.do damage 损害 8.take 调离,解除(工作、职务等)9.decide 对作出决定 10.feel(doing)想要(做)in to up to by to to off on like 一二三四五六四、阅读ADVICE FROM GRANDAD,完成下列表格addicted habit mentally heart lungs pregnant run 一二三四五六dislike smokers enjoy 一二三四五六五、阅读ADVICE FROM GRANDAD,完成下列各题1.What do we know about James grandfather?A.He is ill now.B.He still smokes.C.He is healthy.D.He has lung disease.答案:C2.From the letter,we can see.A.James hasnt started smokingB.James finds it easy to quit smokingC.James can easily become addicted to nicotineD.James mother did not stop his son smoking答案:C一二三四五六3.How many ways can a man become addicted to smoking?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.答案:C4.Whats the main idea of this passage?A.How to start smoking.B.How to learn English.C.How to write a letter.D.How to quit smoking.答案:D一二三四五六5.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Smoking does little harm to lungs and heart.B.Smoking couples cannot easily become pregnant.C.Middle-aged men can smoke sometimes,without any effect.D.Students can only smoke one cigarette in a week.答案:B一二三四五六六、根据课文内容填空 Choose a day that is not stressful to quit smoking.Make a list of all the 1.(benefit)you will get from stopping smoking.Throw away all your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan 2.(quit).Reread the list of benefits you wrote when you feel like 3.(smoke).Develop some other habits like walking,drinking some water,cleaning the house and so on 4.(keep)yourself busy.5.you feel nervous or stressed,try to do some relaxation exercises like deep breathing.benefits to quit smoking to keep If/When 一二三四五六You can stop smoking with a friend 6.join a stop-smoking group.If you feel really bad,ask a doctor or chemist for help.The most important thing 7.(be)to keep trying.Dont feel ashamed if you 8.(weak)and have a cigarette,because some people have to try several times 9.they finally quit smoking.Never give up 10.you will succeed.or is weaken before and 12346789101112131415165171.Drug abuse滥用药物考点abuse n.&vt.滥用;虐待(1)abuse用作名词意为“滥用;虐待”。I will talk about some abuses of the word.我将谈一谈这个词被滥用的一些情况。Child abuse is not allowed in our country.在我们国家是不允许虐待孩子的。(2)abuse为动词时,是及物动词;当“滥用”讲时,常接authority,position,power等做宾语。Whoever abuses pets will be punished.无论谁虐待宠物都将受到处罚。He never abuses his position.他从未滥用职权。1234678910111213141516517阅读下列句子,体会abuse的词性与含义The woman greeted me with a stream of abuse.那个女人一见了我就破口大骂个不停。词性:名词含义:辱骂活学活用完成句子1)The official was arrested and received a six years sentence because of(滥用权力).2)Some company leaders(滥用职权)to get illegal profits for themselves.3)These children(曾被虐待过)and therefore need more love and care.abuse of power abuse their position were once abused 12346789101112131415165172.It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon.似乎很令人惊奇,像我这样的年纪,身体健康而且能在一个下午骑车跑20千米。剖析在本句中,It是形式主语,seems为连系动词,amazing为表语,that引导的从句为主语从句,做真正的主语。考点It+连系动词+表语+that从句It is surprising that she said it like that.她那么说真令人惊讶。It is necessary that you should be present at the meeting.你有必要参加会议。1234678910111213141516517活学活用语法填空1)It is obvious to the students they should get well prepared for their future.2)is no use arguing with him about it.完成句子3)(是重要的)we should lock the door,when were out.4)(是好的)we form a habit of reading English every day.thatIt Its important thatIt is good that 12346789101112131415165173.You see,during adolescence I also smoked and became addicted to cigarettes.你知道,当我还是一个十几岁的孩子的时候,我也吸过烟,而且还上了瘾。考点addicted adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的His father is addicted to buying shares.他的父亲迷上了买股票。【高考典句】(2015安徽高考)We are addicted to buying new things.我们热衷于购买新产品。The man has been found to become addicted to drugs.这个男人被发现已吸毒成瘾了。1234678910111213141516517阅读下列句子,体会黑体单词的词性与含义1)I found driving cars addictive,especially for the young men.我发现开车让人上瘾,尤其是对年轻人来说。词性:形容词含义:使人上瘾的2)He is now fighting his addiction to alcohol.他现在正努力戒酒。词性:名词含义:瘾3)An organization has been set up to help those drug addicts.已经成立了一个组织来帮助那些吸毒成瘾的人。词性:名词含义:成瘾的人,瘾君子1234678910111213141516517语法填空1)People who are addicted drugs cannot go without them for a few hours.2)(addict)to playing computer games,Li Hua cant help spending too much time surfing the Internet.用addict的适当形式填空3)Shes to video games,which makes her mother angry at times.4)Heroin is an drug which is harmful to human beings.5)The to sweet food is hard to remove.to Addicted addicted addictive addiction 活学活用 12346789101112131415165174.This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it.这就是说,过一段时间以后,你的身体习惯了香烟里的尼古丁。考点一This means that.这意味着;这就是说This means that Chinese athletes will win more medals in the Winter Olympics.这意味着中国运动员将在冬奥会上获得更多的奖牌。1234678910111213141516517辨析mean doing和mean to do:1)mean doing.意味着Raising wages means increasing purchasing power.增加工资意味着增加购买力。2)mean to do 打算做I meant to go to the seaside,but my father would not allow me to.我打算去海边,但是我父亲不允许我去。考点二accustomed adj.惯常的;习惯了的The young woman spoke with her accustomed modesty.那位年轻女子以她惯有的谦虚态度讲话。Im accustomed to reading novels every day.我习惯了每天看小说。1234678910111213141516517阅读下列句子,体会accustom的词性、搭配与含义1)I have accustomed myself to working long hours.我已习惯于长时间工作。词性:动词搭配:accustom oneself to含义:使自己习惯于2)The actor is accustomed to sleeping late and getting up early.这位演员习惯晚睡早起。搭配:be accustomed to含义:习惯于其中to是介词,后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。1234678910111213141516517语法填空1)They are quiet,arent they?Yes.They are accustomed to not(talk)at meals.2)He is now accustomed the hot weather.3)He is a person(accustom)to having eight hours sleep every night.汉译英4)他并没有要伤害她的意思,但是,他的说话方式使她不愉快。talking to accustomed He didnt mean to hurt her,but the way he spoke to her made her unpleasant.活学活用 12346789101112131415165175.So when the drug leaves your body,you get withdrawal symptoms.因此当你的体内没有这种麻醉剂了,你就会有断瘾症状。考点withdrawal n.收回;撤退;戒毒(或脱瘾)过程This report is about the withdrawal of their products from the market.这个报告是关于他们从市场收回的产品的。His withdrawal from the election is wise.他退出选举是明智的。I got withdrawal symptoms the next day after giving up smoking.我戒烟后第二天就有了脱瘾症状。1234678910111213141516517阅读下列句子,体会withdraw的含义1)The general decided to withdraw his soldiers.那位将军决定撤军。含义:撤离(退)2)He withdrew from the race due to his injury in his leg.他因腿伤退出比赛。含义:退出3)I will withdraw$500 from a bank account.我将从一个银行账户提取500美元。含义:提取12346789101112131415165174)Perhaps you have hurt your girlfriend.也许你已经伤害了你的女朋友。Oh,I will withdraw what I said.哦,我要收回我说的话。含义:收回用withdraw的适当形式填空1)This kind of drug was forced from the sale due to its serious side effect.2)It was only 10 hours after giving up drugs that the symptoms appeared.to withdraw withdrawal 活学活用 12346789101112131415165176.As you know,if you do the same thing over and over again,you begin to do it automatically.你知道,如果你反反复复地做同一件事情,你就会自动地做它。剖析as引导非限制性定语从句,可用于句中或句首。As is well known,smoking can cause lung disease.众所周知,吸烟能够导致肺病。考点automatic adj.无意识的;自动的 Many of our movements are automatic.我们的动作中有许多是无意识的。1234678910111213141516517阅读下列句子,体会黑体单词的词性与含义1)The new machine is automatically controlled.新机器是自动控制的。词性:副词含义:自动地2)I turned left automatically without thinking.我不假思索地向左转弯。词性:副词含义:无意识地,下意识地1234678910111213141516517活学活用单句改错1)The heating system here has an automatically temperature control.2)Which we all know,doing morning exercises every day is good for our health.答案:automaticallyautomatic 答案:WhichAs 12346789101112131415165177.Lastly,you can become mentally addicted.最后,你可能心理上瘾。考点mental adj.精神的;智力的【高考典句】(2016浙江高考)Which book would you recommend to someone interested in childrens mental images?你会给那些对孩子的心理影像感兴趣的人推荐哪本书?He got the answer by mental arithmetic.他通过心算得出了答案。12346789101112131415165171)mental的短语归纳:mental treatment心理治疗mental age智力年龄;心理年龄mental hospital精神病院mental labour脑力劳动2)派生词:mentally adv.精神上;智力上He is mentally ill.他患有精神病。The boy is strong physically,but weak mentally.那个男孩身体壮,但智力弱。1234678910111213141516517活学活用用mental的适当形式填空1)When school was over,the students were both and physically tired.2)The process of remembering is important.3)Some children should be cared about,as well as physically.mentally mentalmentally 12346789101112131415165178.I was addicted in all three ways,so it was very difficult to quit.我上瘾是这三个方面的原因,因此戒烟很难。考点quit vt.停止(做某事);离开Doctors have given him six months to live if he doesnt quit drinking.如果他不戒酒,医生认为他只能活六个月。He has to quit school because he cannot afford the tuition.他负担不起学费,因此不得不辍学。1234678910111213141516517quit doing sth.放弃干某事;停止干某事quit office离职quit school退学语法填空1)Doctors are doing research to find out what happens physically when people quit(smoke).2)He(quit)the show last year because of bad health.smoking quit 活学活用 12346789101112131415165179.When I was young,I didnt know much about the harmful effects of smoking.在我年轻的时候,关于吸烟的危害性我知道的并不多。考点effect n.结果;效力The effect of the war is that he is homeless.战争导致他无家可归。【高考典句】(2016浙江高考)While online shopping has changed our life,not all of its effects have been positive.虽然网上购物改变了我们的生活,但并不是所有的效果都是积极的。12346789101112131415165171)effect还有“作用,影响”的含义,常用于短语have an effect on,意为“对有影响”。What you said has a great effect on his thinking.你的话对他的思想有巨大的影响。2)effect相关短语归纳:cause and effect因果side effect副作用in effect实际上;有效take effect生效come into effect生效1234678910111213141516517介词填空1)This had a great effect the future of the mother and the son.2)The farmer felt the effect the drought.3)The new law will come effect next month.4)effect,both of the methods are not perfect.on of into In 活学活用 123467891011121314151651710.I certainly didnt know.Neither did I know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of non-smokers.我当然不知道我也不知道,我自己吸烟还会损害那些不吸烟的人的健康。剖析 在一个否定句之后,表示“也不”,可将neither 或nor置于句首,引起倒装句,即“Neither/Nor+助动词+主语+动词原形/过去分词+.”。1234678910111213141516517考点 否定副词置于句首,句子倒装。I didnt go out to play.Neither/Nor did I go to the cinema because I had piles of homework to do.我没出去玩,也没去看电影,因为我有成堆的家庭作业要做。Seldom do we have time to do sports.我们很少有时间运动。Hardly had I entered the room when it began to rain.我一进屋,天就下起雨来。No sooner had I spoken of her than she came in.我一提到她,她就进来了。归纳:1)置于句首,句子需倒装的否定副词有rarely,scarcely,neither,nor,seldom,hardly等。2)Hardly+had+主语+过去分词+.+when从句一就No sooner+had+主语+过去分词+.+than从句一就1234678910111213141516517活学活用完成句子1)Never before(她从未见过)anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert.2)Not until he retired from teaching five years ago(他才考虑)having a holiday.3)(他一到家)when the phone began to ring.4)(她很少听)popular music even if she is free.has she seen did he consider Hardly had he arrived home Seldom does she listen to 123467891011121314151651711.I knew it was time to quit smoking.我知道该是我戒烟的时候了。剖析Its time to.是一个常用句式,意为“是该的时候了”。Its time for us to work hard.是我们该努力工作的时候了。123467891011121314151651712346789101112131415165171234678910111213141516517活学活用完成句子1)Its high time that you(睡觉),for you look so tired tonight.2)Its the first time that the foreign guests(参观)the Birds Nest.3)John thinks it(用不了多久)he is ready for his new job.went to bed have visited wont be long before 123467891011121314151651712.It might help you to stop and strengthen your resolve.也许对你戒烟和坚定决心会有所帮助。考点strengthen vt.加强;巩固;使坚强vi.变强【高考典句】(2016全国高考卷)It strengthened her family ties.它加强了她的家庭关系。The leader strengthened his basketball team by bringing in several young players.队长招收了几名年轻的队员来增强篮球队的实力。Their attitudes only strengthened his resolve to fight on.他们的态度只是使他坚定了继续战斗的决心。The wind strengthened overnight.夜里风更大了。1234678910111213141516517同根词:strong adj.强壮的strength n.力量;力气;长处;优势用strengthen的适当形式填空1)Before the flood,the farmers the banks of the river.2)Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency?Well,you know,English is my.So it is my best choice.strengthened strength 活学活用 123467891011121314151651713.Decide on a day to quit.Dont choose a day that you know is going to be stressful,such as the day of an exam.确定一个开始戒烟的日子。不要选择你明知有压力的日子,例如要考试的那一天。考点decide on 对作出决定It is still raining and it is difficult to decide on a date to go on with our project.天还在下雨,很难决定一个日期继续我们的工程。12346789101112131415165171)辨析decide on和decide:decide on后跟名词或动词-ing形式;decide“决定(一件事情)”,后面接不定式或从句。The boy decided not to become a sailor.那男孩决定不当水手。We havent decided who will be sent to do the job.我们还没有决定派谁去做这项工作。2)同义短语:determine onWe determined on a new method to do the experiment.我们决定采用新方法做实验。1234678910111213141516517完成句子1)When and where to go for the on-salary holiday(还未决定)yet.2)You must(决定)the day when you will pay off the debt.3)The headmaster hasnt(决定)the person who will go for the competition.hasnt been decided decide on decided on 活学活用 123467891011121314151651714.Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.每次你想要吸烟的时候,就提醒自己:你(已经)是一个不吸烟的人了。考点feel like(doing)想要(做)We all feel like celebrating.我们都想庆祝一番。1234678910111213141516517(1)feel like 摸起来像感觉像是The material feels like nylon.这材料摸上去像是尼龙。【高考典句】(2016浙江高考)Similarly,hearing the latest rumor can make a person feel like part of the“in group”.同样,听到最新的谣言可以使一个人感觉自己是“该团伙”的一员。(2)辨析feel like和would like:feel like中的like是介词,后接动词-ing形式。would like中的like是动词,后接动词不定式。Ill go out for a walk while he feels like playing football.我愿意出去散步,而他想踢足球。Would you like to have a walk with me?你愿意和我去散步吗?1234678910111213141516517活学活用语法填空1)The man was so angry that he felt like(throw)something at the girl.2)Do you feel like(go)out on foot?No.Id rather we(take)a taxi.3)I feel like(play)games at once or I would go mad.4)Would you like(eat)some pork?throwing going took playing to eat 123467891011121314151651715.If you feel desperate,you might like to talk to a doctor or chemist about something to help you,like nicotine chewing gum.如果你感到绝望,你还可以找一个医生或药剂师来谈谈,让他帮你想点办法,如含尼古丁的口香糖等。考点desperate adj.绝望的;拼命的His failure made him desperate.他因失败而绝望。12346789101112131415165171)阅读下列句子,体会desperate的搭配与含义The man lost in the desert was desperate for water.在沙漠中迷失方向的人极度渴望水。搭配:be desperate for sth.含义:极度渴望某物 She was desperate to sell flowers for money to support a large family.她拼命地卖花挣钱,供养一大家子人。搭配:be desperate to do sth.含义:拼命做某事(渴望做某事)12346789101112131415165172)派生词:desperation n.绝望;拼命辨析desperation和despair:desperation强调因绝望导致的自暴自弃。despair只是绝望、失望,不强调产生的后果。He kicked at the locked door in desperation and went away.他绝望地向锁着的门踢了一脚,走了。Defeat after defeat filled us with despair.连连挫败使我们感到绝望。1234678910111213141516517活学活用选词填空1)After their attempts to escape failed,the prisoners became(desperate;desperately).2)He was(desperate;desperately)when he lost all his money.3)The old woman at the street corner must be lost,for she is looking around and(desperate for;desperate to)help.desperate desperate desperate for 123467891011121314151651716.Do not be disappointed if you have to try several times before you finally stop smoking.如果非得经过多次戒烟才能最后把它戒掉,你也不要沮丧。考点disappointed adj.失望的;沮丧的【高考典句】(2015湖北高考)How is Janet probably feeling now?珍妮特现在可能感觉怎么样?Disappointed.感到失望。She was disappointed not to be chosen.她因没有被选中感觉很沮丧。1234678910111213141516517阅读下列句子,体会黑体单词的搭配及词性与含义1)They were disappointed with/in Tom.他们对汤姆感到失望。搭配:be disappointed with/in sb.含义:对某人失望2)The man is disappointed about/at losing the election.那个人输掉选举很沮丧。搭配:be disappointed about/at(doing)sth.含义:对(做)某事感到失望12346789101112131415165173)The results were disappointing and everyone dropped his head.结果令人失望,每个人都低下了头。词性:形容词含义:令人失望的4)Im sorry to disappoint you,but I cant agree with you after all.很抱歉令你失望了,但我实在不能同意你的意见。词性:动词含义:使失望1234678910111213141516517汉译英3)得知考试没有及格,她很沮丧。4)别再迟到了,不要让我失望。She was very disappointed to learn that she had failed in the exam.Dont disappoint me by being late again.活学活用单句改错1)The film made all of us disappointing.2)It was disappointed to know that I wasnt selected.答案:disappointingdisappointed 答案:disappointeddisappointing 123467891011121314151651717.If you weaken and have a cigarette,do not feel ashamed.如果你因意志薄弱而又抽烟了,也不要觉得难为情。考点ashamed adj.感到惭愧或羞耻的He lied to his father.He should feel ashamed.他对他的父亲撒了谎,他应该感到惭愧。12346789101112131415165171)常用短语:be ashamed of因而惭愧be ashamed of oneself为自己而惭愧be ashamed to do sth.因惭愧而不情愿;羞于做某事I am ashamed of having shouted at you.我为朝你大喊大叫而惭愧。I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed of myself now.我昨天表现不好,现在感到很惭愧。Im ashamed to say that I lied to her.我真不好意思说我向她撒了谎。12346789101112131415165172)辨析ashamed和shameful:ashamed表示“感到羞耻或惭愧的”,修饰人。shameful表示“可耻的,丢脸的”,多用于修饰某事或某种行为。Im ashamed of my brothers behaviour.我为弟弟的行为感到羞愧。It was a shameful act.这是可耻的行为。1234678910111213141516517活学活用选词填空:shameful,ashamed1)Its bad to be of ones family.2)To our surprise,the cheat wasnt of hisconduct at all.单句改错3)I was ashaming to tell him that I had failed.4)She deeply ashamed of her behaviour at the party.ashamed ashamed shameful 答案:ashamingashamed 答案:She后加was或is


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