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济南泉秀学校初中部教案专用纸课题Unit 1SA 1a-2c课型new备学时间.9备课人姓名任轶群供第 1 周第 1 学时用使用人姓名 任轶群学时序号1学时总序号1学习目的:1) 能掌握如下单词: anyone, anywhere, wonderful, quite a few, most, something, nothing, everyone, of course, myself, yourself 能掌握如下句型: Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains. Where did Tina to on vacation? She went to the beach. Did you go with anyone? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. 2) 能理解如下语法: 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等 的用法。 yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。3) 一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,一般疑问句及其肯定、否认回答。2. 情感态度价值观目的:学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。教学重点、难点:1. 教学重点:1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。2) 掌握本学时浮现的新词汇。2. 教学难点:1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。2) yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。设计意图教学过程(体现教法、学法)学生活动从学生感爱好的话题入手,可以引起学生心理和情感上的共鸣,使学生可以自然而然地过渡到所听的内容,避免了学生在听之前的紧张和枉然。同步,在交谈中既复习了旧知识,又为新知识作了较好的铺垫。通过听的有关活动捕获某些Step 1 Lead-in 看动画片来进入本学时的主题谈论上周末做了些什么事情,谈论 过去发生的事情。 Step 2 Presentation1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Let Ss read the expressions. 2. Focus attention on the picture. Ask: What can you see? Say: Each picture shows something a person did in the past. Name each activity and ask students to repeat: stayed at home, went to mountains, went to New York City 6, went to the beach, visited my uncle, visited museums, went to summer camp 3. Now, please match each phrase with one of the pictures next to the name of the activity,point to the sample answer. 4. Check the answers. Answers: 1. f 2. b 3. g 4. e 5. c 6. a 7. d Step 3 Listening 1. Point to the picture on the screen. Say: Look at the picture A. Where did Tina go on vacation? She went to mountains. Ask: What did the person do in each picture? 2. Play the recording the first time.3. Play the recording a second time. Say: There are three conversations. The people talk about what did on vacation. Listen to the recording and write numbers of the names1. The Ss watch the video and talk aboutthe activities in summer vacations.They may ask:Where did you go on vacation?2. The Ss listen to the tape and try to catch what they hear. Then completesome listening exercises.重要的信息乃听之本源所在。听前将任务向学生作明确交代,可以引起学生的故意注意。听对话写单词,是听力训练的新的尝试,分解了枯燥的整体理解;同步将听和写有机联系在一起,可以从多角度满足学生的爱好规定,较好地避免了训练的单一性。起点在“听”,结合对听力的理解,贯彻在“写”,体现了英语学习自身的规律和教学的实际需要,又突出课堂构造的完整性。 in the right boxes of the picture. 4. Check the answers. Step 4 Pair work 1. Point out the sample conversation. Ask two Ss to read the conversation to the class. 2. Now work with a partner. Make your own conversation about the people in the picture. 3. Ss work in pairs. As they talk, move around the classroom and give any help they need. 4. Let some pairs act out their conversations. Step 5. Listening 1. Tell Ss they will hear a conversation about three students conversations. Listen for the first time and fill in the chart. Then listen again and check Yes, or No. 2. Let Ss read the phrases in the chart of 2b. 3. Play the recording the first time. Ss listen and fill in the chart. 4. Play the recording a second time for the Ss to check “Yes, I did.” or “No, I didnt. ” 5. Check the answers with the Ss. Step 6. Pair work 1. Let two Ss read the conversation between Grace, Kevin and Julie. 2. Let Ss work in pairs and try to role-play the conversation. 3. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations. Homework: 用英语询问你的一位好朋友,她(她)假期去了哪里?看到了什么?并将此对话写在作业上。A: Where did you go? B: I went toA: Did you see B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. someone interestingsomething specialHomework 为本节听力课划上了一种圆满的句号。3. The Ss are divided into pairs and work out the conversations. 4. Then the teacher makes a summary on the views of the performances.教学反思:1. 开学伊始,向学生简介教学状况,有助于学生明确学习目的,针对新教材、新内容,采用有效的学习 方略,并为师生之间建立良好的合伙关系奠定基本。2. 本课作为八年级的起始课,对七八年级的内容起到了承上启下的作用。一般过去时是非常重要的一种 时态,通过一种暑假,大部分同窗也许会生疏,因此先复习这个时态非常必要。3. 假期旅游是学生非常感爱好的话题,绝大多数同窗均有内容可说。用这个时态复习一般过去时再好不 过。可以让学生把照片带来,或者写旅游日记,在课上分享给人们,理解各地的旅游胜地。在学习新 知的同步,也扩大了自己的视野和见识。4. 教学中,可以引入照片、视频、图片等教学手段,环绕话题逐渐展开,从简朴的问答到小对话,再到语篇。并采用游戏、竞赛等手段,调动学生学习的积极性和积极性。英语成绩的分化从七下已经开始。八年级要在授课中注意渗入七年级的语音、语法知识,合适照顾中下游学生,在保证教学任务完毕的状况下,抓紧知识的贯彻。尽快缩小这种差距。 济南泉秀学校初中部教案专用纸课题Unit 1SA 2d+语法课型new备学时间.9备课人姓名任轶群供第 1 周第 1 学时用使用人姓名任轶群学时序号2学时总序号2学习目的:1. 纯熟掌握如下词汇和短语: anywhere, wonderful, few, quite a few, most, most of time, Huangguoshu Waterfall, Central Park, of course, myself, yourself, seem, bored, someone, diary 2. 学习并纯熟掌握下列句型,谈论过去发生的事情。 Did you do anything special last month? Huangguoshu Waterfall is very wonderful, so I took quite a few photos. How did you like Sanya? The only problem was that there was nothing much to do but read. No one seemed to be bored.3. 语法:一般过去时态和复合不定代词教学重点、难点:1. 重点:纯熟掌握基本对话和句型;精确使用一般过去时态2. 难点:1)掌握复合不定代词的用法 2)seem等词的用法 3)对话2d的操练设计意图教学过程(体现教法、学法)学生活动让学生根据所提供的语言素材与人物规定,自编对话自己组织语言。鼓励学生一方面关注所体现的内容,大胆开口,体现自己的想法,理解对话双方的信息,鼓励将学过的体现措施与新的体现措施结合使用。教师通过学生的展示,予以合适的指引,纠正其中典型的错误;展示Step 1 Free talk1. Revise the new words and phrases learnt in Unit 1, 1a-2c.2. Check the main phrases and sentences and then have a dictation.Step 2 Activity 2d1. Show the Ss several pictures of waterfall. Then ask:Did you see Huoguoshu Waterfall? How beautiful they are!2. Then get the Ss to read the conversation and match the people with the pictures.3. Get them to read it again and answer several questions.1) Did Helen go anywhere interesting? 2) Did she see anything wonderful?3) Did she take any photos? 4)Did Rick do anything special?4. The Ss listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. Make sure they can get the main idea of the conversation. 5. Ask the Ss to listen and repeat. They should try to imitate the pronunciations and intonations of the conversation.6. Work in pairs. One read and the other translate it into Chinese.7. Get the Ss to underline the language points of the conversation.8. Get the Ss to role play the conversation.1. In order to get well prepared for speaking, the Ss should revise what they learnt last lesson.2. Since the Ss have learnt the conversation and got familiar with the phrases used to talk about vacations. They are asked to make their own dialogues similar to the conversations and act them out. 不必拘泥于形式,鼓励她们尽量多说,并让其她同窗注意对话者语言的运用,互相学习。为语法教学准备有关的语境材料,并设计学习任务,让学生形成语法学习方略。Step 3 Language points1. be on vacation / go on vacation 前者强调状态;后者强调动作2. a few/few/a little/little用法a few/few 修饰可数名词复数;前者表肯定 “有一点儿”;后者表“几乎没有”a little/ little 修饰不可数名词;前者表肯定“有一点儿”;后者表“几乎没有”3. 一般过去时的定义、用法、构成、句式和标志词1) 一般过去时的定义:一般过去时表达过去常常发生的动作或存在的状态2) 一般过去时的构成:主语+动词过去式+其他3) 动词过去式的构成: 规则动词可记作:直去双改;不规则动词要单独记4) 一般过去时的标志词: -ago;yesterday;last-; in +过去的时间;其他(just now)5)一般过去时的肯定句:主语+动词一般过去式+其他 肯定句变否认句:主语+didnt+动词原形+其他 陈述句变一般疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形+其他?4. 复合不定代词和复合不定副词的用法:1) 复合不定代词的构成: some/any/no/every+ one/body/thing/where2) 用法:a. 复合不定代词做主语, 谓语动词用三单b. 修饰复合不定代词的形容词后置c. some-用于肯定句;any用于否认句和疑问句;但是在表达祈求和邀请的疑问句中,some也可以替代anyStep 4 Summary Get the Ss to summarize the main contents of the lesson.Step 5 Exercise Get the Ss to do some exercises in class. Step 6 Have a testStep 7 Play a song and homework1. Play the song of “Summer Holiday” 2. Homework for today3. The Ss discuss the key points in groups,then find outthe rules in using.Practice more in order to grasp themwell.4. The students try to find out the problems by themselves in the course of summary and tests.教学反思:1. 2d对话的操练重要是在理解的基本上进行对话的魔音和表演,因此第一节课重点句型和词汇的掌握非常重要。必须保证人人上口,并且语音语调精确,才干为背面的学习打下基本。2. 一般过去时的动词构成(重要是不规则动词)比较难记,提示学生从读音入手,相似构成的组合起来一起记。一般过去时的用法,特别是其否认句和疑问句形式是考试的重点内容。要反复强化训练。找规律,还要有情景的渗入。3. 复合不定代词是本单元的重点语法知识,也是考察的重点。注意引导学生在平时的学习中不断找寻规律,理解的基本上学会运用。济南泉秀学校初中部教案专用纸课题Unit 1SA Grammar-3c课型new备学时间.9备课人姓名任轶群供第 1 周第 3 学时用使用人姓名任轶群学时序号3学时总序号3学习目的:1. 语言知识目的:1) 复习所学的重难点句型及句式构造。2)总结学习anyone, someone, everyone, something, anything, nothing等不定代词的用法。3)练习运用所学的句型及句式构造。2. 情感态度价值观目的: 学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。教学重点、难点:1. 教学重点:1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。 2) 复习运用本学时浮现的新词汇。2. 教学难点:1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。2) 阅读填空能力的提高。设计意图教学过程(体现教法、学法)学生活动以活动为中心,以明确或暗含的手段交代“任务”,使学生积极参与活动,紧紧环绕当堂的口语目的让学生在活动中感受、体验、是看和合伙,以感受成功,完毕任务。Step1 Warming- up and revision 1. Free talk: Ask Ss the questions: Where did you go on vacation? Ss try to answer the questions. 2. Review the usage of “复合不定代词”Step 2 Try to Find 1. 复合不定代词总结:(1) some, any, no, every与-one, -thing可以构成八个不定代词。(2) 带some的复合不定代词常用于肯定句中;带 any的复合不定代词常用于否认句或一般疑问句中。(3) 当形容词修饰不定代词时,应放在其背面。(4) 由some, any, no, every构成的复合不定代词作主语时,都作单数看待,其谓语动词用单数第三人称形式。(5) 除no one以外,其她复合不定代词都写成一种词。2. 学生们读上面的探究试题,并合伙探究完毕。3. 看大屏幕,校对答案。Step 3 Practice Work on 3a: 1. Let Ss look at the conversation in 3a. First let one student read the words in the box. 2. Tell Ss to read the conversation and fill in the blanks. 1. The Ss try to summarize what they learnt in this unit.Write down the importance and difficulties of the contents.Then discuss in groups or ask the teacher for help.让学生归纳总结所学知识。教师予以学生肯定,再指出学生的局限性之处。并正真发挥学生的积极性和发明性,让学生动脑更动口。3. 措施指引:一方面,应通读对话,掌握短文大意;另一方面,回忆一下刚刚学习的有关复合不定代词的用法。然后,仔细阅读每个句子,根据空格前后的词语进行推敲。例如,第一句话是一种一般疑问句,空格前有do一词,可知空格处应填anything一词,意为“做什么事情”。其她类似。 学生们,按教师指引的措施进行阅读,并逐句推敲每空应填什么词,在实际的运用提高自己的阅读能力、分析能力及综合运用能力。最后,教师与同窗们一起校对答案,并对学生们有疑问的地方进行解释。Explanation : 反身代词Work on 3b: 1. Tell Ss to fill in the blanks in the e-mail message with the words in the box. 2. 措施指引:一方面,应通读全文,掌握短文大意;另一方面,回忆一下刚刚学习的有关复合不定代词的用法。然后,仔细阅读每个句子,根据空格前后的词语进行推敲。例如,第一句话是一种一般疑问句,空格前有do一词,可知空格处应填anything一词,意为“做什么事情”。其她类似。 学生们,按教师指引的措施进行阅读,并逐句推敲每空应填什么词,在实际的运用提高自己的阅读能力、分析能力及综合运用能力。最后,教师与同窗们一起校对答案,并对学生们有疑问的地方进行解释。Step 4 Group work 1. Work on 3c: Ask your group questions about their vacation. Then tell the class your results. 2. Fill in the blanks according to the answers.3. Try to make a report in each group. Then let one student read the report to the class. (最后,可以经学生们评议来推举最有能力的小组)Step 5 Exercises Step 6 Homework 1. 背诵Grammar focus 部分。 2. 复习复合不定代词及反身代词的用法。 2. The Ss can makeseveral sentences by themselves.Make sure they can use the language points well.3. Some groups of students come to the front and give a short report. They may comment on others . And then make their report perfect.教学反思:1. 复合不定代词的用法对学生来说较难掌握。应当充足运用课本上的例句,引导学生自己分析归纳其用法。并结合例题解说和练习。2. 本单元的话题是谈论旅游,应紧密结合这一话题开展丰富多彩的教学活动。让学生切实掌握好一般过去时和复合不定代词等的用法。3. 语法课的教学也要和情景相结合,切忌脱离情境只讲枯燥的语法知识。济南泉秀学校初中部教案专用纸课题Unit 1SB 1a-1e课型new备学时间.9备课人姓名任轶群供第 1 周第 4 学时用使用人姓名任轶群学时序号4学时总序号4学习目的:知识与技能:1.复习询问或谈论假期去某地旅行的经历。2.可以综合运动词的一般过去时形式,并能对的填空。3.总结回忆动词过去式的规则变化不规则变化。过程与措施:1.谈论过去旅游的经历,学习巩固一般过去时的用法。2.通过对话理解不定代词在不同语境的用法。情感态度价值观:通过谈论假期旅行的经历,明白在旅行时应注意保护环境。学情分析学生在七年级下学期已经接触过一般过去时,具有学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然地与本单元话题衔接.假期活动如go broad,go hiking,summer camp等接近学生的生活,她们对此话题都非常感爱好。教学重点、难点:1.能综合运用所的重难点词汇来完毕有关任务。 2.能运用英语根据有关提示来记自己某次旅行的经历。设计意图教学过程(体现教法、学法)学生活动通过播放一段录像并让学生谈论所看的内容,极大地激发了她们对所要听的材料的爱好,同步也锻炼了学生们的口语体现能力。Step 1 Lead-inListen to a music.Show some pictures . Its a teachers tour to Hong Kong; talk about these pictures to teach new words .1.Greetings.2.T:Where did you go on vacation?S:I went to summer camp.T:Did you do anything special there?S:Yes,I.T:Did you buy anything for your parents or friends?S:Yes,I bought.for./No,I bought nothing.T:How was/were.?S:It was/They were.Step 2 Do 1 a Match the words with the pictures below.Give the students one minute to finish 1 a ,and then check the answers .Step 3 Do 1b Write happy words on the left .Write unhappy words on the right.Ask students to write happy words on the left ,and write unhappy words on the right .Then ask students if they can think of more words ?1. The students watch the video and try to catch the main idea. Make sure they can make their own conversations.通过导入让学生理解所听材料的主题,通过所提的问题培养学生获取细节信息的能力,同步明确了听的目的,避免学生在听的过程中分散注意力。这个环节可以培养学生的总结概括能力,不仅要听懂文章,还要用自己的语言体现出来,把听、说训练结合起来,也更能体现学生的主题地位。Step 4 PracticeAsk students to talk about Where they were ?And what happened?(Prepare for listening )Step 5 Do 1 c and 1d . Listen. Lisa is talking about her vacation. Answer the questions and fill in the blanks .1. Before listening, let Ss answer some questions.2. Tell Ss they will hear a conversation about Lisas tour to Hong Kong ! Listen for the first time and answer the questions fill . Then check Yes, or No.3. Play the recording a second time for the Ss to fill in the blanks .check the answers .4. Ask studens to read their conversations.Step 6 Groupwork Ask and answer questions about Lisas vacation. Begin your questions with: Where did ? What did ? Did she ? How was ? How were ?Step 7 Pairwork and summaryAsk the students to make dialogues to practice these main sentence patterns .Step 8 HomeworkRemember the words.Read the dialogues .板书设计 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? The 4th period Section B(1a-1e)1.Words:delicious,exciting,terrible,expensive,cheap,boring2.Sentences:Where did Lisa go on vacation?Did she buy anything special?Did she buy anything for her best friend?Did Lisa like her vacation?2. The Ss listen to the tape and complete the listening exercises. They should write down the key words while listening.3. The Ss revise what they learnt this lesson and try to find out the difficulties.教学反思:1. 听力训练是一切英语活动的基本,教学中要注意某些听力技巧的渗入;并采用灵活多样的训练方式 循序渐进地协助学生提高听力水平2.口语训练不仅要结合情境,还要与话题和重点句型相结合,让学生掌握并灵活运用目的句。3.本讲的听力内容相对较少,可以补充某些课堂的口语练习或小作文,各方面结合提高学生的综合水平。济南泉秀学校初中部教案专用纸课题Unit 1SB2a-2e课型new备学时间.9备课人姓名任轶群供第 1 周第 5 学时用使用人姓名任轶群学时序号5学时总序号5学习目的:.New words: try,bird,bicycle,building,trader,wonder,difference,top,wait,umbrella,wet,below,enough,hungry,as, decide to do sth,feel like,because ofUseful expressions) My sister and I tried paragliding. ) I felt like I was a bird. ) What a difference a day makes! ) And because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below. 5 ) I wonder what life was like here in the past. (二)技能目的1.通过略读需要关注每段的首尾句并找出每段的核心词、短语或句子。 2.通过精读搜查细节信息以who,when,where,what,how五方面理解文章。3.通过预测上下文猜想词义。 4.通过迅速阅读找到特定的信息。 5.运用思维导图理清文章主题构造,能谈论假期的经历。 (三)情感态度价值观目的 通过谈论假期的经历,学会快乐故意义地享有假期生活。 教学重点、难点:1.重难点:运用阅读方略完毕阅读任务2.突出重难点的措施引导学生通过小组合伙和任务型教学法完毕对重点内容的学习。通过阅读使学生理解马来西亚的风土人情,开阔学生的视野。设计意图教学过程(体现教法、学法)学生活动通过看录像提出问题来激发学生的求知欲,创设英语课堂的氛围,有助于集中学生的注意力,文化内容的渗入是为接下来的阅读教学做铺垫,Step 1. Warming-up: free talkT: Where did you go on vacation?What did you do?How was your summer vacation? T: My best friend Jane went abroad .She went to another country. She visited many interests of place. Can you guess where she went . Look at the Video. Step 2. Reading The first diary entry Pre-reading:T:Did Jane have a good time on Monday?While-reading:1. The Ss read the new words to be sure to give correct pronunciation.Try to remember them by heart.同步协助学生扫清地名给她们带来的阅读障碍。通过问题驱动的方式引导学生运用略读这一阅读方略理解第一篇日记的重要内容。使学生运用阅读方略合伙完毕文章思维导图的整体框架,使学生对文章的构造有一种整体的结识。使学生运用Scanning阅读方略寻找具体问题的答案,检查学生对第二篇日记内容细节的把握限度,同步渗入猜读这一阅读方略,引导学生运用语境来猜想生词的含义。Post-reading: Retell Janes diary.运用思维导图协助学生在脑中建构文章的整体框架,激活学生已有的语言知识,让学生用自己的语言描述Jane的旅行经历,培养学生的口语体现能力,为本单元写作课做铺垫。The second diary entry 1)Pre-reading:Ask students to predict the main idea of the passage according to the picture in the text.设计意图:引导学生通过看图片来预测文章的大意,并渗入prediction这一阅读方略。(2)While-reading:1.Read aloud: Check predictions.2.Scanning: Read the article and answer questions. (1)Why did they decide to take the train to the top of the hill?(2)Could they see anything beautiful on the top of the hill? Why or why not?(3)Did they bring an umbrella?(4)The last word “hungry” means_此处渗入guessing阅读方略(5)What did they eat on Tuesday? Why did they eat that?Step 3. Summary总结阅读方略和写旅行日记格式及内容。diary(一般过 去 时 态)Date星期 月份日 when、 where、 what、 who and how由学生通过本节课的学习总结知识点和旅行日记的写法,教师补充并规范日记的格式,培养学生归纳总结信息的能力 。Step 4. Homework:Write your vacation.2. The Ss read the text very fast to choose the general idea for each part, so that the Ss have the general idea about the main idea and structure of the text. 3. The Ss read each paragraph ,work in pairs to find answers to each question, and try to answer the questions with the help of the key words in order to understand the detail of the text and practice their using the new word and phrases. 4. The Ss discuss in pairs and try to complete the reading exercises.Discuss in groups if necessary. 教学反思:12b的阅读课文内容较难,且多用过去时,对于大部分学生来说难于掌握。因此,向学生简介某些必要的阅读技巧非常重要。2.可以将课文内容划分为两个部分,没有部分都按照如下七个环节来学习。预测文章内容,抓住情感这条主线速读文本,解读重要信息寻读,找到问题的答案通过思维导图把握文章的细节和构造框架复述文章的内容或填表格大声朗读并纠正语音语调翻译整篇文章,掌握文章的要点(词汇用法和语言点)3.让学生尽量多地在阅读活动中获得知识,增长技能济南泉秀学校初中部教案专用纸课题Unit 1SB3a-Selfcheck课型new备学时间.9备课人姓名任轶群供第 2 周第 1 学时用使用人姓名任轶群学时序号6学时总序号6学习目的:通过这节课的学习,学生可以掌握以旅行为话题的日记的写作技巧。1. 学会根据该文体进行审题,谋篇及润色;2. 学会使用常用的连接词和过渡句, 增强文章的连贯性;3. 懂得如何在有限的时间内迅速构思、罗列提纲。八年级的学生,有一定的英语语言基本;有输出语句,语篇的能力。但多数学生没有文体意识,且不会使用起承转合的衔接手段,只是对若干句子进行机械堆砌,成果,段落或篇章条理不清, 逻辑不严,语义不连贯。学生也没有谋篇布局的写作意识。本堂课就以上状况对学生加以指引,有针对性地提高学生英语写作水平。教学重点、难点:教学重点:1. 协助学生分析文章构造, 促使学生形成谋篇布局的意识。2. 协助学生运用写作技巧写旅行日记。教学难点:1. 如何协助学生运用所学技巧写好旅行日记?2. 如何在有限的时间内迅速构思、罗列提纲, 完毕文章?设计意图教学过程(体现教法、学法)学生活动通过唯美电子相册展示北京景点,一来可以激趣,二来让学生整体感知背景,三可以专家有关生词,为之后的任务做好铺垫。Step1SharemytriptoBeijing Task 1Watch a video and answer questions 1. What places of interest can you see? 2. How do you like Beijing? Ask 1the students to watch a video and answer questions. Step 2 Share my trip to Beijing Task 2: Share my trip to Beijing Present some pictures about the teachers trip to Beijing. Help the students know some phrases ad sentences. Besides, it can help them prepare for finishing 3a. (师生逐个谈论每张幻灯片) 。让学生看图说句子。这些句子是我在旅游当中所做的事情和我的感受, 让孩子理解我旅游的内容。图片浮现的顺序和内容都是精心准备的,是为完毕书上3a的教学内容做准备。1. The Ss try to find out the way to write a whole composition, first in groups,then in class.让学生根据日旅行记问问题。整合书上3a和3b的内容。以问题为向导,罗列细节信息,并让学生自己去发现旅行日记该写哪些要素。这个任务我又反复运用了上个环节中的那些问句, 告诉学生用另一种方式感知写旅行日记的那日融。并且此环节让学生小组合伙探究,总结出写旅行日记时的内容,即日期,地点,交通方式,天气,活动,感受等等。这样一来,就给学生明确了具体的写作方向,让学生觉得有话可写,最后她们才敢于动笔写。 Step 3 Write about my trip Task 1 Use the words and phrases in the box to complete the diary entry. 为理解决本课的旅行日记教学,我告诉学生我去了北京,因此我想记日记。目前请你们帮我完毕我的旅行日记。我把书上的3a和之前所讲授的我的背景之行较好的融合在一起。任务放置在合理的情境当中,并以课本3a为蓝本,为之后的写作教学做铺垫。Task 2 Know more about the diaryAsk students to ask questions as many as possible according to the diary.让学生根据旅行日记问问题。整合书上3a和3b的内容。以问题为向导,罗列细节信息,并让学生自己去发现旅行日记该写哪些要素。这个任务我又反复运用了上个环节中的那些问句, 告诉学生用另一种方式感知写旅行日记的那日融。并且此环节让学生小组合伙探究,总结出写旅行日记时的内容,即日期,地点,交通方式,天气,活动,感受等等。这样一来,就给学生明确了具体的写作方向,让学生觉得有话可写,最后她们才敢于动笔写。Task III Read the passage and fill in the blanks.Task IV Complete the article ( 补全文章)Tips:根据不同Task 6 Enjoy the travel diary.Ask them to read it and try to use some beautiful sentences in their writing.让学生欣赏在人们的共同努力下构建的好文章,对学生独立完毕一篇示范作用。Step3Keepyourtraveldiary 予以学生充足的时间写作,促使学生将刚学的写作技巧运用到写作之中,以达到学以致用的目的。同步给出学生评分根据,让学生目的明确的写作文,同步为评作文做铺垫。Task 2 Show your diary 予以学生充足的时间写作之后,运用多媒体的白板功能,及时对学生的文章进行点评和修改,特别是对典型错误进行解说和纠正,能协助学生提高英语的综合体现能力。旅行日记不同于游记。对于开头的解决,我用选择题的方式告诉学生日记是写给自己的,因此打横线的两句话不适合于日记。告诉学生根据不同的文体选择合适的开头。总结写作技巧2,结尾我让学生自由发挥,发散学生的发明性的发明性思维,激起多种思维灵感的碰撞,并让学生学会互相学习。这


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