2016秋湘少版英语五年级上册unit 9《whats your hobby》ppt课件_2

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2016秋湘少版英语五年级上册unit 9《whats your hobby》ppt课件_2_第1页
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2016秋湘少版英语五年级上册unit 9《whats your hobby》ppt课件_2_第2页
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2016秋湘少版英语五年级上册unit 9《whats your hobby》ppt课件_2_第3页
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http:/ 中小学课件站,Whats,Unit 9,your,hobby?,http:/ 中小学课件站,Sing, sing, I like singing. Dance, dance, I like dancing.,Run, run, I like running. Swim, swim, I like swimming.,http:/ 中小学课件站,有部分课件由于控制文件大小,内容不完整,请联系购买完整版,http:/ 中小学课件站,Whats your hobby?,I like_ . _ is my hobby.,singing,Singing,http:/ 中小学课件站,Whats your hobby?,I like _ . _ is my hobby.,dancing,Dancing,http:/ 中小学课件站,Whats your hobby?,I like _ . _ is my hobby.,drawing,Drawing,http:/ 中小学课件站,hobby,- hobbies,爱好,(复数),http:/ 中小学课件站,stamp,collect s,收集邮票,http:/ 中小学课件站,collecting stamps,I like collecting stamps. My hobby is collecting stamps.,Whats your hobby?,收集邮票,http:/ 中小学课件站,old photo,老照片,http:/ 中小学课件站,collecting old photos,I like collecting old photos. My hobby is collecting old photos.,Whats your hobby?,收集老照片,http:/ 中小学课件站,故事书,storybook,http:/ 中小学课件站,I like collecting storybooks. My hobby is collecting storybooks.,collecting storybooks,Whats your hobby?,收集故事书,http:/ 中小学课件站,下国际象棋,下象棋,play chess,http:/ 中小学课件站,I like playing chess. My hobby is playing chess.,playing chess,Whats your hobby?,下象棋,http:/ 中小学课件站,拉小提琴,play the violin,http:/ 中小学课件站,I like playing the violin. My hobby is playing the violin.,playing the violin,Whats your hobby?,拉小提琴,http:/ 中小学课件站,照相,take photos,http:/ 中小学课件站,I like taking photos. My hobby is taking photos.,taking photos,Whats your hobby?,照相,http:/ 中小学课件站,Whats your hobby? 你的爱好是什么? I like taking photos. 我喜欢照相。 My hobby is reading. 我的爱好是阅读。,


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