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Unit 2Section AAIR FORCE UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERINGFOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESSLearning the Olympic Standard for LoveIn-ClassvWhat are the names for these 5 adorable mascots?What animals do they each represent?In-ClassFuwa will serve as the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,carrying a message of friendship and peace-and good wishes from China-to children all over the world.Beibei is the Fish,Jingjing is the Panda,Huanhuan is the Olympic Flame,Yingying is the Tibetan Antelope and Nini is the Swallow.When you put their names together-Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni-they say Welcome to Beijing,offering a warm invitation that reflects the mission of Fuwa as young ambassadors for the Olympic Games.So,what are the special symbolizations for each mascot?In-ClassIn Chinas traditional culture and art,the fish and water designs are symbols of prosperity and harvest.And so Beibei carries the blessing of prosperity.A fish is also a symbol of surplus in Chinese culture,another measure of a good year and a good life.The ornamental lines of the water-wave designs are taken from well-known Chinese paintings of the past.Among Fuwa,Beibei is known to be gentle and pure.Strong in water sports,she reflects the blue Olympic ring.In-ClassJingjing makes children smile-and thats why he brings the blessing of happiness wherever he goes.You can see his joy in the charming naivety of his dancing pose and the lovely wave of his black and white fur.As a national treasure and a protected species,pandas are adored by people everywhere.The lotus designs in Jingjings headdress,which are inspired by the porcelain paintings of the Song Dynasty(A.D.960-1234),symbolize the lush forest and the harmonious relationship between man and nature.Jingjing was chosen to represent our desire to protect natures gifts-and to preserve the beauty of nature for all generations.Jingjing is charmingly na?ve and optimistic.He is an athlete noted for strength who represents the black Olympic ring.In-ClassIn the intimate circle of Fuwa,Huanhuan is the big brother.He is a child of fire,symbolizing the Olympic Flame and the passion of sport-and passion is the blessing he bestows.Huanhuan stands in the center of Fuwa as the core embodiment of the Olympic spirit.And while he inspires all with the passion to run faster,jump higher and be stronger,he is also open and inviting.Wherever the light of Huanhuan shines,the inviting warmth of Beijing 2008-and the wishful blessings of the Chinese people-can be felt.The fiery designs of his head ornament are drawn from the famed Dunhuang murals-with just a touch of Chinas traditional lucky designs.Huanhuan is outgoing and enthusiastic.He excels at all the ball games and represents the red Olympic ring.In-ClassLike all antelopes,Yingying is fast and agile and can swiftly cover great stretches of land as he races across the earth.A symbol of the vastness of Chinas landscape,the antelope carries the blessing of health,the strength of body that comes from harmony with nature.Yingyings flying pose captures the essence of a species unique to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,one of the first animals put under protection in China.The selection of the Tibetan Antelope reflects Beijing commitment to a Green Olympics.His head ornament incorporates several decorative styles from the Qinghai-Tibet and Sinkiang cultures and the ethnic design traditions of Western China.Strong in track and field events,Yingying is a quick-witted and agile boy who represents the yellow Olympic ring.In-ClassEvery spring and summer,the children of Beijing have flown beautiful kites on the currents of wind that blow through the capital.Among the kite designs,the golden-winged swallow is traditionally one of the most popular.Ninis figure is drawn from this grand tradition of flying designs.Her golden wings symbolize the infinite sky and spread good-luck as a blessing wherever she flies.Swallow is also pronounced yan in Chinese,and Yanjing is what Beijing was called as an ancient capital city.Among Fuwa,Nini is as innocent and joyful as a swallow.She is strong in gymnastics and represents the green Olympic ring.Tipsv The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to participate.v Taking drugs before the Games is considered cheating and against sportsmanship.vThe Olympic oath encourages athletes,coaches,and officials to observe the rules and to follow the spirit of sportsmanship.vMutual understanding,friendship,unity and fair play.vThe Olympic Games help to promote a better and more peaceful world.v The most important thing in the Games is not the triumph but the struggle;not to have conquered but to have fought well.v By undergoing the stress and strain of tough competition,the athletes grow in strength,endurance and discipline.v The most important thing is to participate.v The athletes must learn to respect and to cooperate with people from many nations during the Games.课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C Epat vt./n.轻拍轻拍/C 轻拍轻拍 presence n.U 在场在场;出席出席 promising a.有前途的有前途的;有希望的有希望的 amateur a./n.业余的业余的/C 业余爱好者业余爱好者 skier n.C 滑雪者滑雪者 session n.1.C 一段时间一段时间 2.C 会议会议 amusing a.有趣的有趣的 lower vt.1.减少减少;降低降低 2.降下降下 anniversary n.C 周年纪念日周年纪念日 Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入N H C EN H C Ewoolen a.(BrE woollen)羊毛的羊毛的 romantic a.浪漫的浪漫的 gratitude n.U 感激感激;谢意谢意perceptivity n.U 知觉知觉;理解力理解力 ski vi.滑雪滑雪 massive a.大的大的;严重的严重的 fatigue vt./n.使疲劳使疲劳/U 疲乏疲乏,疲劳疲劳 clearingn.C(林中林中)空地空地approximatelyad.大约大约,大概大概Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C E1.C 未婚男子未婚男子 2.C 学士学士 n.bachelor 反叛的反叛的;反抗的反抗的 a.rebellious造反造反;反叛反叛/C 反叛者反叛者vi./n.rebel 转移转移;移动移动;变换变换v.shift预算低的预算低的;花费不多的花费不多的 a.low-budget(to)漠不关心的漠不关心的;冷漠的冷漠的 a.indifferent 小题大做小题大做/U 大惊小怪大惊小怪 v./n.fuss C,U 粉末粉末;粉状物粉状物n.powder Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入breezen.C 微风微风,和风和风 课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C Emakeshift a.权宜的权宜的;暂时的暂时的 stack vt.堆放堆放 stickya.黏的黏的;黏性的黏性的 mate n.C 伙伴伙伴,同伴同伴 teammate n.C 队友队友 assert vt.断言断言;声称声称 napkin n.C 餐巾餐巾(纸纸)swear vi./vt.咒骂咒骂/发誓发誓 damn a.该死的该死的;讨厌的讨厌的 Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C E(AmE)十亿十亿 num.billion 皱眉皱眉 vi.frown 坚持坚持/继续存在或发生继续存在或发生 v./vi.persistC 排名排名;级别级别 n.ranking 位于位于等级等级(或地位或地位)/排列排列/C,U 职位职位;社会地位社会地位 vi./vt./n.rank C,U 激情激情;热情热情 n.passion C 爆发爆发 n.outburst 不公平的不公平的;不公正的不公正的 a.unfair Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入indissoluble a.坚不可摧的坚不可摧的 bond n.C 联系联系;纽带纽带 tropical a.热带的热带的 next to 靠近靠近;接近接近 in sb.s presence/in the presence of sb.有某人在场有某人在场by no means 决不决不,决非决非 count on 依靠依靠;依赖依赖;指望指望 on one occasion有一次有一次 课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入事先事先,预先预先in advance尼克莱尼克莱彼德罗维奇彼德罗维奇安尼金安尼金Nikolai Petrovich Anikin长野长野(日本城市名日本城市名)Nagano盐湖城盐湖城(美国犹他州首府美国犹他州首府)Salt Lake City仔细考虑仔细考虑reflect on 指出指出point out(大声清晰地大声清晰地)喊出喊出(或唱出或唱出)sing out 注意到注意到 take notice of 塞进塞进;使挤入使挤入 pack into 偶然遇见偶然遇见;偶然发现偶然发现 come upon 课文分析课文分析 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C EBack课文课文预习预习写作写作导入导入1.脸上惊愕的表情脸上惊愕的表情 2.挨着某人坐下挨着某人坐下 3.幽默感幽默感 4.缩短缩短1.5分钟分钟 5.有一次有一次 6.一贯的幽默一贯的幽默 7.追求追求/努力达到努力达到 8.感到十分疲倦感到十分疲倦 9.在寒风中滑行在寒风中滑行10.在此事上不服管在此事上不服管 shocked look on the face sit next to sb.sense of humor cut 1-1/2 minutes off consistent good humor reach for feel quite fatigued stride into the cold breeze be rebellious on the matter 句型应用句型应用 短语应用短语应用 随随 笔笔 on one occasion N H C EN H C EBack课文课文预习预习写作写作导入导入11.很快做完事儿很快做完事儿 12.辱骂某人辱骂某人 13.对对不太在意不太在意 14.对某事心存感激对某事心存感激 15.有勇气坚持下去有勇气坚持下去 16.每做完一个动作每做完一个动作 17.一刻不停地工作一刻不停地工作 18.以以的口气的口气 19.全国第四全国第四20.错过奥运选拔错过奥运选拔 make quick work swear at sb.not to take much notice of be thankful for sth.have the courage to persist after each pass work without rest in a tone a fourth-place national ranking miss the cut for the Olympics 句型应用句型应用 短语应用短语应用 随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C EBack课文课文预习预习写作写作导入导入句型应用句型应用 词组互译词组互译 随随 笔笔 1.有某人在场有某人在场 2.决不,决非决不,决非 3.依靠,指望,依赖依靠,指望,依赖 4.为为确立标准确立标准 5.与与保持同步保持同步 in sbs presence by no meanscount on set a standard for keep rhythm with Compound Dictation背景知识背景知识音频讨论音频讨论For Details随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C E Directions:You will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S8 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered S9 to S11 you are required to fill in the missing information.For these blanks,you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words.Now listen to the passage.Back课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入Compound Dictation N H C EN H C E The Olympic Games are the greatest S01 _ of sport in the world.Every four years,a hundred or more countries send their best S02 _ to compete for the highest S03 _ in sport.As many as 6,000 people take part in over 20 sports.For the winners,there are gold medals and S04 _.But there is honor,too,for all who S05 _,win or lose,that is,in the spirit of Olympics,to take part is what S06 _.festival sportsmen honors glory Back课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入背景知识背景知识音频讨论音频讨论随随 笔笔 compete matters Compound Dictation N H C EN H C E The Olympic Games always start in a bright color and action.The teams of all the nations parade in the opening S07 _ and march round the track.The S08 _ is for the Greek team to march in first.For it was in Greece that the Olympics began.The team of the country where the Games are being heldtheS09_marches in last.ceremony custom Back课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入背景知识背景知识音频讨论音频讨论随随 笔笔 host countryCompound Dictation N H C EN H C E The runner with the Olympic torch then enters the stadium and lights the flame.A sportsman from the host country takes the Olympic oath S10 _ all the competitors.The judges and officials also take an oath.After the sportsmen march out of the stadium,the host country puts on a S11_.on behalf ofwonderful displayBack课文课文小结小结写作写作导入导入背景知识背景知识音频讨论音频讨论随随 笔笔 Text StudyUnderstandingPart I.First Meeting with Nikolai(Para.1-4)Part I.First Meeting with Nikolai(Para.1-4)My impression and feelings about Nikolai:Nikolais high expectation of me:Para.1 Nikolai Petrovich Anikin was not half as intimidating as I had imagined he would be.No,this surely was not the ex-Soviet coach my father had shipped me out to meet.Para.2 But Nikolai he was,Petrovich and all.He invited me inside and sat down on the couch,patting the blanket next to him to get me to sit next to him.I was so nervous in his presence.学习奥林匹克爱的标准学习奥林匹克爱的标准 Para.1 尼克莱尼克莱 彼得罗维奇彼得罗维奇 安尼金一点都不像我想象的那么安尼金一点都不像我想象的那么吓人。不,他不可能是我父亲特地送我来见的那位前苏联教练吓人。不,他不可能是我父亲特地送我来见的那位前苏联教练。Para.2 可他的确是尼克莱可他的确是尼克莱 彼得罗维奇彼得罗维奇 安尼金本人。他请我安尼金本人。他请我进门,在沙发上坐下,又拍了拍身边的垫子,让我坐在他旁边进门,在沙发上坐下,又拍了拍身边的垫子,让我坐在他旁边。在他面前,我真的很紧张。在他面前,我真的很紧张。N H C EN H C E句型句型Reference Words:Notintimidating,nervous What is the authors first impression and feelings about Nikolai?(Para.1-2)Para.3“You are young,”he began in his Russian-style English.“If you like to try for Olympic Games,I guess you will be able to do this.Nagano Olympics too soon for you,but for 2002 in Salt Lake City,you could be ready.”Para.4“Yes,why not?”he replied to the shocked look on my face.I was a promising amateur skier,but by no means the top skier in the country.“Of course,there will be many hard training sessions,and you will cry,but you will improve.”Para.3“你还年轻,你还年轻,”他的英语带着俄语口音:他的英语带着俄语口音:“如果你愿意试如果你愿意试着向奥林匹克运动会进军,我想你能行。长野奥运会来不及参加着向奥林匹克运动会进军,我想你能行。长野奥运会来不及参加了,但你可以准备参加了,但你可以准备参加 2002 年盐湖城奥运会。年盐湖城奥运会。”Para.4“完全可以,不是吗完全可以,不是吗?”看到我脸上惊愕的表情,他又说看到我脸上惊愕的表情,他又说道。我那时是一个很有前途的业余滑雪运动员,但在国内决不是道。我那时是一个很有前途的业余滑雪运动员,但在国内决不是顶尖选手。顶尖选手。“当然,你需要进行很多艰苦的训练,你会哭鼻子,当然,你需要进行很多艰苦的训练,你会哭鼻子,但你一定会进步的。但你一定会进步的。”N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入句型句型词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Reference Words:Reference Words:“for 2002 in Salt Lake City,you could be ready.”What is Nikolais high expectation of me?(Para.3)遇到危险时遇到危险时,他能镇定自若地应对。他能镇定自若地应对。in the event of danger/cope with sth.In the event of danger,he could have presence of mind to cope with it.in sbs presence 有某人在场 promising adj.showing signs of being successful in the future 他是位很有前途的作家。He is a promising writer.by no means绝不、绝非用某种方式用某种方式:千方百计地千方百计地:用一切可能的办法用一切可能的办法:借助,依靠借助,依靠:by some means or otherby all meansby any meansby means of by no means绝不、绝非no matter what may happen/rescue troops/by any means/get to the epicenterNo matter what may happen,the rescue troops will get to the epicenter by any means.Text StudyUnderstandingPart II.the Olympic Standard of Love as Shown by Part II.the Olympic Standard of Love as Shown by NikolaiNikolai(Para.5-19)(Para.5-19)Nikolai in Daily LifeNikolai in TrainingPara.5 To be sure,there werecountless training sessions fullof pain and more than a few tears,but in the five years that followed I could always count on being encouraged by Nikolais amusing stories and sense of humor.Para.5 的确,后来我经历了无数痛苦的训练,还为此流了的确,后来我经历了无数痛苦的训练,还为此流了不少眼泪。但在后来的五年里,我总能从尼克莱讲的有趣故不少眼泪。但在后来的五年里,我总能从尼克莱讲的有趣故事和他的幽默感中得到鼓励。事和他的幽默感中得到鼓励。N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入句型句型词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para.6“My friends,they go in the movies,they go in the dance,they go out with girls,”he would start.“But I,”he would continue,lowering his voice,“I am practice,practice,practice in the stadium.And by the next year,I had cut 1-1/2 minutes off my time in the 15-kilometer race!”Para.7“My friends asked me,Nikolai,how did you do it?And I replied,You go in the movies,you go in the dance,you go out with girls,but I am practice,practice,practice.”Para.6 他开始总是说:他开始总是说:“我的朋友们常去看电影,去跳舞,我的朋友们常去看电影,去跳舞,去和女孩子约会,去和女孩子约会,”然后他会压低嗓门接着说:然后他会压低嗓门接着说:“我就在运动我就在运动场上训练、训练、再训练。第二年,我的场上训练、训练、再训练。第二年,我的 15 公里滑雪比赛成公里滑雪比赛成绩缩短了绩缩短了 1.5 分钟。分钟。”Para.7“朋友们问我:朋友们问我:尼克莱,你怎么做到的呢尼克莱,你怎么做到的呢?我回答:我回答:你们去看电影、跳舞、和女孩子约会,而我一直在训练、训你们去看电影、跳舞、和女孩子约会,而我一直在训练、训练、再训练。练、再训练。”N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para.8 Here the story usually ended,but on one occasion,which we later learned was his 25th wedding anniversary,he stood proudly in a worn woolen sweater and smiled and whispered,“And I tell you,I am 26 years old before I ever kiss a girl!She was the woman I later marry.”Para.8 故事通常到这儿就结束了。但有一次故事通常到这儿就结束了。但有一次后来我们后来我们知道那天是他结婚知道那天是他结婚 25 周年纪念日周年纪念日他穿着一件旧的毛衣,他穿着一件旧的毛衣,很自豪地站着,微笑着轻声说道:很自豪地站着,微笑着轻声说道:“告诉你们,我可是在告诉你们,我可是在 26 岁那年才第一次亲吻女孩子。她后来就和我结了婚。岁那年才第一次亲吻女孩子。她后来就和我结了婚。”N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Reference Words:Reference Words:They go in the movies,dance,with girls;I practice,26 years old,first ever kiss a girl Did Nikolai himself try very hard at skiing when he was young?(Para.6-8)Para.9 Romantic and otherwise,Nikolai knew love.His consistent good humor,quiet gratitude,perceptivity,and sincerity set an Olympic standardfor love that I continue to reach for,even though my skiing days are over.Para.9 不管他是不是懂得浪漫,尼克莱知道什么是爱。他以不管他是不是懂得浪漫,尼克莱知道什么是爱。他以一贯的幽默、默默的感恩、敏锐的感觉和真诚的态度为爱设一贯的幽默、默默的感恩、敏锐的感觉和真诚的态度为爱设立了奥林匹克般的标准。即使在我结束了滑雪生涯之后,我立了奥林匹克般的标准。即使在我结束了滑雪生涯之后,我仍一直努力去达到那个标准。仍一直努力去达到那个标准。N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入句型句型词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Reference Words:Reference Words:4th place national ranking;miss the cutDid the author finally participate in the Olympic Games?(Para.19)count on依靠,指望,依赖 尽管他的话对我的决定无关要紧,但我觉得有必要加以尽管他的话对我的决定无关要紧,但我觉得有必要加以考虑。考虑。sbs remarks/count little to sth./regard it necessary to do sth.While his remarks count little to my decision,I still regard it necessary to take count of them.amused;amusement amusing adj.causing you laugh or smile He is a very amusing person and he makes me laugh a lot.Romantic and otherwise,Nikolai knew love.otherwise 另外的Practice 这件事上我没有意见,好或不好的都没有。I have no opinion,good or otherwise,on this subject.恐怕下周末没办法见你,我有别的事。Im afraid I cant see you next weekend because Im otherwise engaged.set a standard for 为确立标准 为为确定目标确定目标:为为树立榜样树立榜样:为为定调子定调子:为为拉开序幕拉开序幕:set a goal forset an example for set the tone for set scene for set a standard for 为确立标准 地震毁灭了我们的家园,但也为弘扬民族精神拉开了序幕。地震毁灭了我们的家园,但也为弘扬民族精神拉开了序幕。bring ruin onto ones home/enhancement of sth./the national spiritThe earthquake brought ruin onto our homes,but also set scene for enhancement of our national spirit.Para.10 Still,he never babied me.One February day I had a massive headache and felt quite fatigued.I came upon him in a clearing,and after approximately 15 minutes of striding into the coldbreeze over the white powder to catch him,I fussed,“Oh,Nikolai,I feel like I am going to die.”Para.10 但他又从不娇惯我。二月里的一天,我头很疼,感但他又从不娇惯我。二月里的一天,我头很疼,感到十分疲倦。我在一片空地上遇见了他,在寒风中的雪地里到十分疲倦。我在一片空地上遇见了他,在寒风中的雪地里滑了大概十五分钟后,我赶上了他,有点小题大做地说:滑了大概十五分钟后,我赶上了他,有点小题大做地说:“嘿,尼克莱,我感觉我要死了。嘿,尼克莱,我感觉我要死了。”N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 Para.11“When you are a hundred years old,everybody dies,”he said,indifferent to my pain.“But now,”he continued firmly.“Now must be ski,ski,ski.”Para.11“如果活到一百岁,人人都会死的,如果活到一百岁,人人都会死的,”他对他对我的痛苦无动于衷,态度坚决地接着说:我的痛苦无动于衷,态度坚决地接着说:“但你现在但你现在必须滑、滑、再滑。必须滑、滑、再滑。”N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入Para.12 And,on skis,I did what he said.On other matters,though,I was rebellious.Once,he packed 10 of us into a Finnish bachelors tiny home for a low-budget ski camp.We awoke the first morning to find Nikolai making breakfast and then made quick work with our spoons while sitting on makeshift chairs around a tiny card table.When we were finished,Nikolai stacked the sticky bowls in front of my sole female teammate and me,asserting,“Now,girls do dishes!”Para.12 在滑雪板上,我照他说的去做。但在其他事情上我会反抗他。在在滑雪板上,我照他说的去做。但在其他事情上我会反抗他。在一次经费并不宽裕的滑雪露营活动中,他让我们十个人挤在一个单身汉住的一次经费并不宽裕的滑雪露营活动中,他让我们十个人挤在一个单身汉住的芬兰式屋子里。第一天我们醒来时发现尼克莱正在做早餐。然后我们坐在临芬兰式屋子里。第一天我们醒来时发现尼克莱正在做早餐。然后我们坐在临时拼凑起来的椅子上,围着张小小的牌桌,用勺子很快地吃完早饭。吃完后,时拼凑起来的椅子上,围着张小小的牌桌,用勺子很快地吃完早饭。吃完后,尼克莱把摞起来的油腻腻的碗向我和我唯一的另一个女队友前一推,武断地尼克莱把摞起来的油腻腻的碗向我和我唯一的另一个女队友前一推,武断地说:说:“女孩子们,现在去洗碗吧!女孩子们,现在去洗碗吧!”句型句型词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入Para.13 I threw my napkin on the floor and swore at him,“Ask the damn boys!This is unfair.”He never asked this of me again,nor did he take much notice of my outburst.He saved his passion for skiing.Para.14 When coaching,he would sing out his instructions keeping rhythm with our stride:“Yes,yes,one-two-three,one-two-three.”A dear lady friend of my grandfather,after viewing a copy of a video of me training with Nikolai,asked,“Does he also teach dance?”Para.13 我把餐巾往地上一扔,向他骂道:我把餐巾往地上一扔,向他骂道:“让该死的男孩子让该死的男孩子们去洗吧们去洗吧!这不公平这不公平!”他没再让我去洗碗,也没对我的大发脾他没再让我去洗碗,也没对我的大发脾气显得太在意。他只在滑雪时才显露出强烈的情感。气显得太在意。他只在滑雪时才显露出强烈的情感。Para.14 训练的时候,他会随着我们迈步的节奏大声发出指令训练的时候,他会随着我们迈步的节奏大声发出指令:“对,就这样,一二三,一二三。对,就这样,一二三,一二三。”我祖父的一个好朋友我祖父的一个好朋友一位上了年纪的女士一位上了年纪的女士看了尼克莱带我训练的录像带后问看了尼克莱带我训练的录像带后问道:道:“他也教舞蹈吗他也教舞蹈吗?”句型句型词汇学习词汇学习 课文分析课文分析 随随 笔笔 in ones combat with the earthquake/great disaster/great love In their combat with the earthquake,people came upon a truth that,just as great disaster occurred,so arose great love.短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示 come uponBackN H C EN H C E短短语语逆逆译译 rich with love/others sufferings As a man rich with love,he is never indifferent to others sufferings.be indifferent to 短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示BackN H C EN H C E短短语语逆逆译译pack into v.put in a very small place About 250 students were packed into the classroom and I found it hard to breathe.They packed a lot of things into their three days in Rome.swear(swore,sworn)v.to use rude or bad language;curse Words and ExpressionsWord Using他不小心用铁锤打中了拇指,就大声咒骂起来。He hit his thumb with the hammer and swore loudly.hammer/swear loudly He never asked this of me again,nor did he take much notice of my outburst.With“nor”placed at the beginning of asentence,its order should be inverted(倒装).More 他没有做,也没有尝试一下。He does not do it,nor does he try.我再也没有见到他,也没有收到过他的信。I never saw him again,nor did I hear from him.outburst n.a sudden expression of a strong feeling,especially angerWords and ExpressionsWord Using这句话引起了一阵笑声。This remark brought an outburst of laughter.burst outoutburstcome outoutcomebreak outoutbreaklook outoutlook N H C EN H C EBack小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入Para.15 In training,I worked without rest to correct mistakes that Nikolai pointed out and I asked after each pass if it was better.Para.16“Yes,its OK.But the faster knee down,the better.”Para.17“But is it fast enough?”Id persist.Para.15 在训练时,我一刻不停地纠正着尼克莱指出的错误在训练时,我一刻不停地纠正着尼克莱指出的错误。每完成一个动作,我都会问他自己是否有了进步。每完成一个动作,我都会问他自己是否有了进步。Para.16


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