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1.Business process identification2.Business process modeling essentials3.CASE technologies for business process modelingBusiness process identification The business process(BP)identification answers the question which business processes are necessary to meet the needs of customers.There are two approaches to a BP identification:Top-down Bottom-upBusiness process identification The process identification approachesTop-down approachStrategyOrganizationarchitectureBusiness processesCore competenciesBottom-up approachSeparate business processes identificationProcess model creatingOrganization architecture analyzingCore competencies identificationStrategy developmentBusiness process identification Top-down approach to the BP identification is based on strategic planning and core competency defining.A core competency is a specific factor that a business considers as being central to the way it works.Business process identification After the companys core competency are defined,it is useful to overview appropriate reference models of business processes.Reference model is a model of effective business process,created for the company of a specific industry,practically implemented and intended for use in developing/restructuring of business processes of other companies.A reference process model generally describes best practices in a given industry.Business process identification Top-down BP identification approachBusiness process identification Business processes should be decomposed according to the significant segmentation criteria,such as:Customer groups/channelsDecision-makersSales processesOrder sizeGeographyVarietyDelivery deadlinesType the value(Critical value-added element)CapacityManufacturingManufacturingBusiness process identification In order to indentify separate business processes,it is important to set their borders,that is based on specific results(outputs),expected by clients of a process Business goalTaskExpected resultBusiness processBut Process definition is more art than scienceT.DavenportBusiness process identification During the BP identification comparisons with business processes of other companies can be useful.Business process identification results the inclusion and integration of processes in the BPM System Business process modeling essentialsModel is a simplified imagination of a modeling object,which adequately reflects its properties,most significant in terms of modelingA business process model is a more or less formal and more or less detailed description of the all activities within the process,their linkages in a time frame,people and documents involved in the execution of a business process,the rules governing their execution and their attributes.Main BP modeling categoriesAttribute is a specification that defines necessary,essential,integral property of an object,elementBusiness process modeling essentialsWhat business process modeling is used for:Creating of organizational documentation Implementing of process approach to management Continuous processes improvement ISO certification Benchmarking Knowledge management Corporate IT system implementation Workflow management Process simulation(in order to find“bottlenecks”)Business process modeling essentialsProcess management is considered to be a holistic approach.Holism means that a system cannot be explained just by knowing of what components it is composed of;instead a system is defined by means of its own behavior and the behavior of its components.It is necessary to identify all parts of a system in a complete way;it is not useful just to consider a few components of a system and neglect others.In process management the system is embodied by the process itself.Its components are among other things,activities that are performed,data that are consumed and produced,agents that are involved,tools that are invoked.The process literally spoken glues all these components together.Business process modeling essentials So Business process modeling is aimed on defining:Business process borders(beginning,end)Inputs and outputsBusiness process structure(Layers)Objects specification Process flow,object linkagesRules for choosing process variantsBusiness process owner and executors,their responsibilityInformation&Documentation within the processProcess goalsDefinition of performance parameters(Performance Indicators)Process performance measurement/monitoring procedureStructure of reports on the process Business process modeling essentials Business process modeling princiles:Reliability(semantic and syntax)Significance of objects and relationships in a modelIntelligibility(model must be clear not just for analysts,but also for executors)Comparability(common modeling rules)Systematic structure(interfaces for models of different types or levels must exist)EfficiencyBusiness process modeling essentials Organizational design rules should be set before the process modeling and descriptionExample of a structure of the Agreement on business process modelingIntroduction.1.Glossary of Terms for the project.2.Modeling project database structure.3.Project participants roles and areas of responsibility.4.Models in the project(model types,syntax,modeling rules)Business process modeling essentials Business Process Management“three Cs”method for checking the process:Correctness Completeness Consistency Business process modeling essentials We can consider correctness from at least two different perspectives:(1)From a formal point of view,correctness is usually meant to be the combination of consistency and completeness.(2)From a practical point of view,correctness is often more pragmatically defined as satisfaction of certain business goals.This indeed is the kind of correctness which is more relevant to the customer,whose goal is to meet his overall business needs.Business process modeling essentials Completeness is the most difficult to define and incompleteness of specification is the most difficult to detect.To be considered complete,the requirements document must exhibit three fundamental characteristics:(1)No information is left unstated or“to be determined”,(2)The information does not contain any undefined objects or entities,(3)No information is missing from this document.The first two properties imply a closure of the existing information and are typically referred to as internal completeness.The third property concerns the external completeness of the document.External completeness ensures that all of the information required for problem definition is found within the specification.Business process modeling essentials Consistency refers to situations where a specification contains no internal contradictions,whereas completeness refers to situations where a specification entails everything that is known to be“true”in a certain context.Consistency is an internal property of a certain body of knowledge,whereas completeness is defined with respect to an external body of knowledge.Business process modeling essentialsThe rules of the business processes modeling Rule 1.Compose,check,confirm the scheme together with the owners/members of business processes.Rule 2.Use visual approaches of the business processes description that improve the performance of the group.Rule 3.Use a language understandable for owners/“members of the business process.Rule 4.Create patterns of activity rather than organizational structures.Rule 5.Avoid excessive detailization of business processes,especially in the as is“diagramm.Rule 6.Avoid drawing up diagramms of the business process just for modelling,that is not lead to further analysis and action.Rule 7.Do not mix up as is,“to-be”,“should-be“modelsBusiness process modeling essentialsStep by step,according to projects that consern a specific process General business process descriptionBusiness processes description approaches Business process modeling essentialsTextBusiness process description methodsTableGraphicCombinedBusiness process modeling essentialsBusiness process modeling is based on decomposing procedure.Decomposition of the business process is a conventional technique,which allows to imagine business process in a convenient detailed form for assessing its complexity.As a result of business process decomposition by certain characteristic(decomposition criteria)separate structural elements and connections between them appears Business process modeling essentialsThe decomposition rules:1.Only one decomposition criteria must be applied at one level.2.It is possible to build several versions of“decomposition trees for one system,each based on different sequences of possible criteria for decomposition.At the same time,on the upper level it is necessary to use more substantial criteria of decomposition.3.The rule of 7:a level of abstraction and detailing should be chosen in order to secure 7 2 sub-processes(activities)as a parts of an upper-level processBusiness process modeling essentialsThe results of the process modeling should be documented in process documentation Process documentation in the context of quality documentation1.QM Manual/Process Manual Business Process Model2.Process Description Description of business processes and sub-processes Role descriptions Resource Description Function diagrams Service agreements with suppliers3.Activity instructions Templates Samples Checklists Business process modeling essentialsExample of an ISO 9000 process documentation structure1.Header and footer 2.Revision history3.Reference documents4.Purpose5.Scope6.Definitions and Acronyms7.Definition of the start trigger and the outcome8.Description of the necessary inputs,requirements to the input data9.Output:the results provided by the process,results consumers10.Process flow with legend applied11.Modules(without connection between the modules)12.Definition of each process step,subdivision of a step in functions 13.Definition of process measures for continuous quality check14.Documents created during the processAdditional informationBusiness process modeling essentialsExample:lawyer practiceAd hoc BP1StructuredBP2StructuredBP3Structured processExample:selling processUp to 60%of organization business processes cant be structured(ad-hoc processes)CASE technologies for business process modelingCASE-technology(Computer-Aided Software/System Engineering)is a set of methodologies for analysis,design,development and maintenance of complex systems(including information),supported by a set of interrelated automation facilities The architecture of most CASE-systems is based on the paradigm of a methodology-model-notation-tools.CASE technologies for business process modelingMethodologyNotationToolsToolsToolsModelmethods and tools for studying the structure and organization.It defines the basic principles and techniques for using modelsa system of symbols,used in the model.It defines the rules according to which a model is built.It defines the textual or graphical syntax of a model.hardware and software that implements the selected methodologyCASE technologies for business process modelingThe main CASE technologies are:IDEF(Integrated Definition for a Functional Modeling)a set of notations for a structural modeling;Entity-Relationship Diagrams(ERD)reflect and describe relationships between different entities.Entities are real or abstract things that are of interest for those tasks in a company that are currently under considerationRelationship is a logical link between entities.A Petri net is the description of a process in terms of places(capturing conditions),transitions(capturing tasks),and arcs(capturing relation between conditions and tasks).The semantics is always formally defined.Object oriented methodologies based on Unified Modeling Language(UML);Integrated methodologies(ARIS)CASE technologies for business process modelingLeading business process modeling standardsEvent-driven process chains(EPCs)are a leading industry standard for business processes modeling.The business-oriented notation enables non-technical users to document and optimize their workflows quickly and easily.Business Process Modeling Notation(BPMN)is a standard for business processes modeling.The notation is strongly IT-oriented.Unified Modeling Language(UML)is a leading standard in the software engineering sector.However,UML has a wide range of uses and is not restricted to software modeling.Business Process Execution Language(BPEL)is a technical standard used to describe executable process models.Execution of the business functions is handled by Web services.Web Services Description Language(WSDL)is a standard for describing Web service interfaces.It is used to model the available operations,including the addresses for calling them.CASE technologies for business process modelingARIS=Architecture of Integrated Information SystemsFramework concept to describe companies and application softwareDeveloped by Prof.Dr.A.-W.ScheerUses standard modeling methodsConcentrates on the business processEffective in all areas:independent of the number of departments,the size of the company or the available softwareCASE technologies for business process modelingAn event is the existence of a state of an information object that is pertinent for business management and which controls or influences the subsequent procedure of the business process.Events trigger functions and are the results of functions.Unlike a function,which is a time consuming occurrence,an event is related to one point in time.A function is a technical task or activity performed on an object in support of one or more company objectivesElementary functions are functions which cannot be reduced any further for the purpose of business process analysisEvents trigger functions and are the results of functions.By arranging this event to function change in a sequence,so-called event-driven process chains(EPCs)are created.CASE technologies for business process modelingARIS ViewsCASE technologies for business process modelingBusiness Process Components in eEPC diagramCASE technologies for business process modelingBusiness Process Components in eEPC diagramCASE technologies for business process modelingBusiness Process Components in eEPC diagramCASE technologies for business process modelingBusiness Process Components in eEPC diagramCASE technologies for business process modelingBusiness Process Components in eEPC diagramCASE technologies for business process modelingReduction in Complexity via View Formation with ARISCASE technologies for business process modelingIntegration MethodCASE technologies for business process modelingEPC diagram objects connection Rules.1.Each EPC model must start with at least one start trigger event(state)and completed by at least one of the resulting event(state).2.Events and functions should follow each other.3.Events and functions must have only one incoming and one outgoing connection,showing the progress of the process.4.Process path is always divided and combined with the rules of branching/joining.5.Decisions on further progress in the process implementation are maid by functions.6.Functions that are decision-makers about the process,is always connected by the exclusive OR rule in the output point.7.Rules should show all the possible variants of the process after the decision choice(function).8.Events following the selection rules must describe all the possible outcomes of choice.CASE technologies for business process modelingCASE technologies for business process modelingCASE technologies for business process modelingBesides EPC,ARIS allows to use other models that describe business processes:1.The value chains diagrams(VCD)is mainly the coarse representation of business process application.In order to structure the business processes and sub-processes in value chain diagrams clearly and without overloading the presentation,several value-added chain diagrams hierarchically needed.2.The process chain diagram(PCD)is mainly used for the detailed presentation of business process application where it describes a work flow in more detailed.3.The function allocation diagram(FAD)is a model showing the business functions relationships to resources,information objects and other objects of the business process modeling.It is mainly used for the detailed presentation of business process application where it describes a function closerCASE technologies for business process modelingThe value-added chain diagram is used to identify those functions within a company which are directly involved in the creation of a companys added value.These functions can be interlinked by creating a function sequence and thus a value-added chain.In a value-added chain diagram functions can be arranged hierarchicallyValue-Added ChainCASE technologies for business process modelingExample of a Process Chain DiagramCASE technologies for business process modelingExample of a Function Allocation DiagramCASE technologies for business process modelingOther significant ARIS models Organizational chart(OC).Function tree(FT).Objectives diagram(OD).Product/Service tree(PST).CASE technologies for business process modeling BPMN,the Business Process Modeling Notation,is a notation used to graphically depict business processes.The language provides users the capability to capture their internal business procedures in a graphical notation.In other words,BPMN is a graph-oriented visual language that allows to model business processes in a flowchart-like fashion.Such a standardized graphical notation for business processes allows to explain and exchange processes in a standard manner and to better understand collaborations and business transactions between organizations.CASE technologies for business process modeling Basically,the BPMN language consists of four core elements:Flow objects are the nodes of the BPMN graph.There are three kinds of flow objects:activities,events and gateways.Connecting objects are the edges of a BPMN graph.BPMN allows three different kinds of connecting objects:sequence flow,message flow and association.Swimlanes are used to group other modeling elements in two distinct ways:A pool represents a process.It can be divided up into multiple lanes,where each lane is a sub-partition of that process and is used to organize and categorize activities(e.g.activities that are performed by the same department are grouped in the same lane).Artifacts.As an example,a data object is an artifact that represents the data that an activity requires before it can be performed,or that an activity produced after is has been performed.For the sake of completeness,there are two more artifacts mentioned in the BPMN standard,text annotation and group.CASE technologies for business process modelingExample of a BPMN diagramCASE technologies for business process modeling Use Case is a description of behavior of a system as a responce to external requests The main task-to provide a single tool that makes it possible to the customer,end users and developers together to discuss the functionality and behavior of the system CASE technologies for business process modelingUse-case:automatic cash terminal using演讲完毕,谢谢观看!


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