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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?Period Six Self Check知识目标:复习Unit 5完成相关练习题课前探究完成本单元练习题预习交流小组互助评分 分。互助提升完成 P30 Self Check体验成功一.单项选择()1.Jim, you have a TV?A. DoB. IsC. AreD. Does)2.- Let s play soccer, Jill.- That boring.(A. soundB. is soundC. soundsD. sound is)3.-volleyballsdo you have?- Three.A. WhatB. WhereC. How manyD. Do()4.- Does your brother play ping-pong ball? Yes, .(A. he isB. he doesC. he doesn tD. it does)5.Frank English dictionary.(A. is aB. have anC. has anD. have)6.Let s computer games.A. playingB. to playC. don t playD. play)7.- Let s play soccer.-No, it s . I want to watch TV.(DA. interestingB. relaxingC. boringD.)8.-Whatdo you ?-Tennis bats. I have four.A. haveB. doC. likeD. let )9.We have a baseball.A. aren tB.don tC. doesn tisn t()10. I have a sister, a brothera cousin.afunA. orB.forC.forD()11.Sonia Hallplaysbasketballeveryday.A. aB.anC. the()12.Let s playbasketball.Idon tlike playingviolin(小提琴)at home.A. the, theB. the,/C. /,the/andD./D./, ()13.A.C.My mother watch; everyday watch; every dayTV()14.It s nice of youA.C.()15.much.helpto helpLily andLizB. watches; everyday D. watches; every day me with my English.B. helpingD. helps a cat. TheylikeveryA. have,itB. has,themC. there is,itD. thereare,them.从下面方框中中找出与上栏对应的答语( ()1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10ArethereIsDoA.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.J.theretheyDoes sheLetpictures a ballon the wall?under the desk?have a tennis racket?like the hat?s play computer games? that your baseball?these chairs?these chairs or sofas?.What s on th e dresser?.What do you have?Yes, they do.Yes, it is.Yes, they are.Yes, there is.Yes, she does.They are chairs. No, there aren t.I have many sports collections.There is a watch on it.That sounds good.四.完成句子。1 . I have a nice book.(改为否定句)I a nice book.2 .He likes hi s new room.(改为一般疑问句) he his new room?3.Frank hasfour baseballs.(就划线部分提问)Frank?4.My parentshave five good friends.(就划线部分提问) good friendsdo your parents have?5. Do yourfather and mother like sport?(做IO回答)快乐心得我帮助了 同学说O同学帮助我学会了 我在课堂上与同学对话 次。(表现)感到满意。本堂课我还有718 volleyballs.collecting( 收集)sports拓展延伸完型填空Look at thisgirl inthepicture,she is1good friend.2name is Lily.She is3.She is thirteen.Thisisme. My 4is LiLing.Im aChinesegirlI am one yearyoungerthanLily.We are_5_the sameclass. Lilylikes collectingsportsthings. She6a greatsports collection.Look,theseare herthings.She has 10tennis rackets, 8baseballs, 6 basketballs,12soccersBut he 8sports. He 9 likesthings. His brother, David, likessoccer.()1.()2.()3.He plays10 everyday withhis friends.A. IB.meC.myD.aA. SheB. HerC. MyD. HisA. an English B. English girl()4. A.friendB. fatherC.motherD.name()5. A.inB. atC.onD. for()6. A.isB.areC.hasD.have()7A.andB. orC. butD./()8.A.likeB. likesC.islikeD()8.A.don tB. isn tC. doesn tnot()9. A.noB.notC.manyD.only()10.A.footballB.basketballC. English D. EnglandC. baseballD. ping.阅读理解likingD. amFrank is my good friend. We are in the same class. He is fourteen, one year older than I. His parents are both teachersinNo. 7MiddleSchool. Frankis a goodstudent. He studies hard. His English and math are very good. Heoftenhelpsotherstudents withtheir Englishandmath. Ourteachers like him very much.We gotoschooltogetherby bike inthe morning.Wehave lunch atschool. Afterschool intheafternoon,weoftenplay sports. We play soccer and baseball. In the evening, he does hishomeworkathome. Sometimeshewatchessoccergames on TV.On Sundays, he goesoutwith his parents inhis fathers car.They playin the park anddosportsthere.Sometimesmy fathertakes me there,too.We playsportstogether.We haveagood time.()1. Who is Frank ? He is a .A. teacher B. soccer play C. studentD. driver()2. I am years old this year. A.fourteenB.thirteenC.fifteenD. twelve()3. Frankis good at .A. Math and ChineseB. English and Chinese C. mathand EnglishD. English and Chinese()4. Frank at school.A. has breakfast B. has supper C. has lunch D. watches TV ()5 When does Frank do his homework? .A. In the eveningB. In the morningC. In the afternoonD. At noonB Peter is sixty-six. But he looks young. He hastwo children-oneis a son and the other isadaughter. He has 10 tennis rackets,12 soccerballs,8 baseballs,6basketballs and 18 volleyballs.But henever plays sports. He only collects sports things.His son, Carl, likessoccer.He is a member ofthe citysoccer club. He playssoccereveryday withhisfriends.And hisdaughter, Nancy, likes volleyball. But shedoesn t play it. She watches it on TV.根据短文回答问题。1. Does Peter look old?1. How many children does Peter have?3 .Who plays soccer every day in Peter s family?4 .Does Peter do sports every day?5 .Does Nancy play volleyball?三.写作。(16分)根据汉语提示及要求,以 My Sports Collection为题用英语写一篇短文。提示:1.你有50个篮球、20个网球拍、30个棒球、40个足球、25个排球;2.你经常进行运动。要求:(1)条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、书写规范;(2)不少于30个单词。


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