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Unit One Living in harmonyvWhat can you see in the music video about the world? war, pollution, heavy smoke, vWhat does Michael Jackson want to tell us through his song? heal the world, no war anymore, protect environment, live in harmony with people and the nature. disappearing forest, drying water, climate change, greenhouse effect, global warmingHow to live in harmony with nature?vNo warvNo air and water pollutionvPlant more treesvRecycling (rechargeable batteries, stop using disposable/ throwaway chopsticks)vProtect rare animalsvHow to live in harmony with others?vShow respect to othersvAlways try to help othersvStay away from topics where you have strongly different views. vListen to other people when they talk to you. vSmile v Listening and RespondLiving in Harmonyv Look around you. The world in which we live often seems filled with hate created by (1) , (2) and (3) . We fight with each other; we make war over (4) and we desire to have power over others.fearmisunderstandingselfishnessresourcesv But there is no good reason to hate. Your neighbors may be of a different color; they may follow a different (5) ; or they may have a different culture, but they are still human; they are still (6) of respect. We all live in the same small world; we should aim to treat each other as brothers and sisters.Listening and Respondreligionworthyv Look at your own family. (7) . .All things go well in a house if the family members are (8) and such a family will be filled with love and (9) . As it is said, “Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a meal of delicious beef with hate.” Thus, we must first love the members of our family. How can we love others if we do not love our own family members?Listening and RespondHome is where we find happiness and restin harmonyvitalityv We can find more than enough reasons to live in harmony with each other. (10) . . . .Listening and RespondIf allpeople can live in peace, harmony and love, then we can work together to create a better world for all of usKey wordsv forgiveness ask / beg / pray for (sbs) forgivenessvtemper lose ones temper keep ones temperText A “I Forgive You”v root out 彻底根除,杜绝 It is necessary to root out corruption in government.v cripple 严重损坏或削弱,使残废 Asias economy was crippled by inflation. 通货膨胀曾使亚洲经济陷于瘫痪。 She was crippled in the car accident.Text A “I Forgive You”Key wordsvcling 坚持,紧握住 cling to the hope / belief / idea, etc.vHe clung to the hope that she would be cured.v他坚定地认为她有治愈的希望。他坚定地认为她有治愈的希望。v heal 使愈合,使恢复v curev treat v P 22Text A “I Forgive You”Key wordsv tackle handle, deal with, cope with There is more than one way to tackle the problem. Text A “I Forgive You”Key wordsThe question set by the teacher was so difficult that the pupils did not know how to tackle it. v flaw defect flawless v nurture 培育,培养 Most vegetables we buy in winter are nurtured in the greenhouse. Reading aloud nurtures the love of books in children.Text A “I Forgive You”完美的,无暇的Key wordsv alternative We have no alternative but to go on. 除了继续下去,我们没有别的选择。Key wordsText A “I Forgive You” Have you ever tried to forgive someone who hurt you in some way ?Text A “I Forgive You” Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. -Mark TwainText A “I Forgive You”一只脚踩扁了紫罗兰,它却把香留一只脚踩扁了紫罗兰,它却把香留在那脚跟上,这就是宽恕。在那脚跟上,这就是宽恕。 Parts ParagraphsMain IdeasWhy forgiveness is necessary ?What to do to forgive?What benefits we can get from forgiveness?123134101115Text A “I Forgive You”Key sentences in text AvMarriage isnt the only relationship that needs forgiveness. (para.1) What other relationship are mentioned? Parents, friends, colleagues, neighbors and even strangers 并非只有婚姻关系才需要宽恕。并非只有婚姻关系才需要宽恕。vlike cancer, bitterness can destroy its host. (para.2) Is this a metaphor or a simile? What is bitterness compared to? Simile. Bitterness is compared to cancer. 仇恨就像癌症,会毁掉宿主。仇恨就像癌症,会毁掉宿主。vUnless its swiftly rooted out, it takes hold and grows, crippling and eventually even killing those who insist on clinging determinedly to it. (par.2)vAs the ancient Chinese proverb puts it, “Whoever seeks revenge should dig two graves.” (para.3) 复仇者必自绝。复仇者必自绝。vThe saying “Forgive and forget” may roll off the tongue, but its as shallow as it is short. For one thing, its totally impossible. For another, it misses the whole point of forgiveness.(Para.6) “宽恕并忘记宽恕并忘记”,这句俗话谁都会,这句俗话谁都会脱口而出脱口而出,单实际上既简单又肤浅。单实际上既简单又肤浅。 For one thing, for anotherTo begin with, then, furthermore, finallyTo start with, next, in addition/additionally, finallyFirst and foremost, besides, last but not leastMost important of all, moreover, finallyOn the one hand, on the other handIn the first place, in the second placevTrue forgiveness is not a one-off act; its a constant emotional confrontation. (para.7) 真正的宽恕不是真正的宽恕不是一劳永逸之举一劳永逸之举,而是持久的,而是持久的情感面对情感面对。vIt didnt create the same impression any more, but at least it was being honest! (para.10) How could the furniture be honest? The furniture showed what it was like with the thin covering peeling at the edges. 再也没有当初的效果了,不过至少它现在是以真实面目示人。 vForgiving puts you in control. However tough it is, the alternative is far worse. (Para.15) What does the alternative refer to? Refusing to forgive and holding the resentment in your mind.宽恕别人能让你处于主动地位。尽管宽恕很难,但不宽恕的话情况还会更糟。Text A “I Forgive You”vForgive others often, but rarely yourself . 严以律己,宽以待人。vCompromise will make a conflict much easy to resolve. 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。Text A “I forgive you”Phrases 身心健康身心健康彻底根除;根除彻底根除;根除生根生根坚持坚持的关键的关键脱口而出脱口而出vphysical and mental healthv root outv take holdv cling to sth.v the core ofv roll off the tongue偏离了宽恕的真正含义偏离了宽恕的真正含义的最初行为的最初行为一次性的行为一次性的行为不断的情感冲突不断的情感冲突时间不会治愈创伤时间不会治愈创伤运用宽恕的艺术运用宽恕的艺术随着时间的流逝随着时间的流逝不管喜欢不喜欢不管喜欢不喜欢vmiss the whole point of forgivenessvthe initial act of va one-off actvconstant emotional confrontationvTime really doesnt heal.vtackle the art of forgivenessvas time rolls by vlike it or not不隐瞒缺点地不隐瞒缺点地修复破裂的关系修复破裂的关系缓和局面缓和局面迈出第一步迈出第一步记住记住为他们,也是为自己为他们,也是为自己不再生气不再生气心平气和地对待发生的心平气和地对待发生的事事vwarts and allvheal broken relationshipsvease the situationvmake the first movevkeepin mindvfor you just as much as for themvlet go of your angervbe at peace with what happenedHomework vReview new words in Text AvRecite Para.2 &Para.11 of Text AvFast Reading Book (Unit 1)


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