民航服务英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 叶宁 43222 民航服务英语5

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民航服务英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 叶宁 43222 民航服务英语5_第1页
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民航服务英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 叶宁 43222 民航服务英语5_第3页
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Unit 5 Waiting and Boarding民航服务英语Lead-inDiscussion:Now, Tom wants to stroll in the terminal building before boarding. Can you give him any suggestions?Unit 5 Waiting and Boarding民航服务英语Knowledge BaseWords and Phrasesassist sst vt.帮助;援助帮助;援助aisle al n.过道,通道过道,通道purser p:sn. 乘务长乘务长colleague kli:g n.同事同事comply kmpla vi.遵从;依从遵从;依从regulation regjulenn.管理管理attention tenn n.注意,注意力注意,注意力cooperation k pren n.合作;协作合作;协作pleasant pleznt adj. 令人愉快的,舒适的令人愉快的,舒适的graceful resfl adj. 优雅的;优美的优雅的;优美的Unit 5 Waiting and Boarding民航服务英语Key SentencesI will be very happy to assist you with anything I can.我很乐意尽我所能协助您。我很乐意尽我所能协助您。Hope you have a pleasant journey.祝您旅途愉快。祝您旅途愉快。May I have a look at your boarding card?我能看一下您的登机牌吗?我能看一下您的登机牌吗?Its an aisle seat on the left.这是一个左边靠过道的座位。这是一个左边靠过道的座位。Unit 5 Waiting and Boarding民航服务英语Part I DialogueExercise 1 Complete the dialogue.CA: Good morning, sir. Welcome aboard.P1: Good morning.CA: (To another passenger with a baby) Good morning, Madam. _? (我能看一下您的登机牌吗?) I will show you where the seat is. Please go along the aisle.Your seat is on the right by the window.P2: Thank you. ? (我的手提包需要放在哪里?)CA:In the overhead locker, please.P2: OK, thanks a lot.CA: Under the overhead licker is the call button. _ (如果有需要我帮助的任何事情), please press it. Unit 5 Waiting and Boarding民航服务英语Part I DialogueExercise 2 Fill in the blanks with the words and change the form if necessary. P1: Excuse me. Where is my seat?CA: Your boarding card, please. P1: Here you are.CA: Your seat number is 22D. Its at the back of , the 2nd row from the last. Its the one by .P1: Thanks a lot. But would it be possible for me to have a seat?CA: Its OK if the seat is , sir. (A passenger is blocking the way in the cabin. A stewardess comes to him. )CA: Excuse me, sir. Would you mind aside and allowing the other passengers pass? P2: Oh, sorry. aislevacantcabinsteppingwindowUnit 5 Waiting and Boarding民航服务英语Part II ReadingExercise 1Read the passage and answer the questions.1. According to the passage, what are the tasks of these cabin attendants?2. Do they need first aid knowledge? Why?3. Besides waitresses, what other roles do they play?Exercise 2Group discussion.What can we learn about the cabin attendants qualifications from the passage? Please write down the key munication attitude manner Unit 5 Waiting and Boarding民航服务英语Part III AnnouncementsExercise 1Read the announcement and fill in the blanks with the following words. Ladies and gentlemen:Welcome aboard Air China. May I have your ? The flight CA938 to London will take off right now. Please go to gate 6 to . Thanks for your . Have a nice trip!cooperationattentionboardUnit 5 Waiting and Boarding民航服务英语Part IV Additional Knowledge1. Brief Introduction to EmiratesUnit 5 Waiting and Boarding民航服务英语Part IV Additional Knowledge2. Brief Introduction to Dubai Unit 5 Waiting and Boarding民航服务英语Part IV Additional KnowledgeExercise 1Check the words. Exercise 2Match the following words or terms with the Chinese expressions.emiratescontinentoperatecommercialscheduleparticularlyconsistentprofitabilitytrendsettersconsecutiveEmirates中东Dubai全球的Global劳动力Workforce阿拉伯联合酋长国Middle East迪拜Unit 5 Waiting and Boarding民航服务英语Part IV Additional KnowledgeExercise 3Answer the following questions.1. Is Dubai important in the world? Why? 2. Which city is the 22nd most expensive city? Unit 5 Waiting and Boarding民航服务英语Part V Progress CheckWords I have learned in this unit are:assistgapattentiontake offright nowcooperationpursercolleaguenon-smokingcomplyregulationrefrainEmiratescontinentparticularlyschedulecommercialoperateconsistentprofitabilityconsecutiveUnit 5 Waiting and Boarding民航服务英语Part V Progress Check Sentences I have learned in this unit are: I can:I will be very happy to assist you with anything I can.Hope you have a pleasant journey.May I have a look at your boarding card?Its an aisle seat on the left. talk about waiting and boarding. direct the seat for the passenger.


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