2020山东临清三中高一英语 Module 3 reading 学案外研版必修1

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2020山东临清三中高一英语 Module 3 reading 学案外研版必修1_第1页
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Module 3 My First Ride on a Train(导学案)课前预习学案一、预习目标预习Vocabulary and Reading二、预习内容1 Do exercises of the introduction.2 Read the text and do Exercise.三、提出疑惑Write down the problems you cannot settle after learning the text independently.(1)(2)(3)课内探究学案一、学习目标1.知识目标I Words, Phrases and SentencesIntroduction and reading(p2123)2.能力目标1) Improve the ability in reading.2) Grasp the meaning of the words from the context.二、学习过程1.1)preview the new words1.上(车、船、飞机等) 2.下(车、船、飞机等)3.上(车) _ 4 .下(车) _5.(飞机)起飞 6.A与B搭配_7.交通工具_ 8.在远处_9.指的是,提及_ 10.在海滨_10.长途列车_ 11.多么美妙的乘车旅行_12.正好在中心_ 13在(某事)上花(时间) _14.前几公里_ 15.暗红色_16.被遗弃的农场_ 17.在白天_18.听中文磁带_ 19.像钻石般闪闪发光_20.尝试做某事_ 21.是的缩定/简称 _22. 受训的骆驼_ 23.20世纪20年代_24.修建一条新的铁路线_ 24.不再_25.通过法令_ 26. 允许做某事_2. Fast Reading and Detail ReadingRead the passage quickly to get the general idea and finish the exercise in the bookII长句翻译1. We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Spring, right in the middle of Australia,more than four thousand kilometers away.(P23 paragraph 1 )_2. We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago (paragraph 2)_.3Autralians needed a way to travel to the middle of the country. They tried riding horses, but the horses didnt like hot weather and sand.(paragraph 3)_IIIReading and vocabularyFill in the blanks with proper wordsAlice,an_ girl, _ Sydney,Australia.Recently, _ a friend she had her first _ on a _ train. They spent two days and nights on the _ Ghan train. The meals _ by experts were great and the _ was very _.They first saw fields _ dark red soil, and then the _. There were even some _farms _ more than a hundred years ago.During the day, she _ by the window, _ it, reading books or _ to some cassettes. _, she watched the stars _ like diamonds.The reason _the train is called the Ghan is that _ camels from Afghanistan _ once _ carry food and other supplies. _, a new railway line was built and the camels _needed _.1.match “匹配,配套,相称”;”火柴”;”比赛”matchto/with“把和搭配起来” matchin/for “与匹敌/是对手”match 大小/色调/形状/性质等的搭配。suit 适合 (颜色/款式/口味/性格/条件 /地位)方便 fit 吻合,协调(大小/尺寸/号码/形状)meet 满足(条件或需要)satisfy 符合(要求)(1) Does the time _ you?(2) His clothes dont _ his age.(3) The new coat _ her well. It is neither too big nor too small.(4) Which day _ you, Saturday or Sunday?(5)How about eight oclock?That _ me fine.A. fits B. meets C. satisfies D. suits2. distance”距离”(1) at / from a distance“从远处,遥远的”;这幅图从远处看更漂亮。The picture _.(2) in the distance“在远处,在远方”。如:在远方有座山。There is a hill _.(3) keep ones distance from “不亲近,和疏远”,“保持距离”。如:这条狗看起来很危险,所以我决定与它保持距离The dog_, so I decided to_.3 drive (drove driven)“驾驶”;”用车送”;”迫使”你能送我去车站吗?Can you_?贫穷迫使他去偷窃。Proverty_.4. refer to1.)”查阅;参考”如果你想知道一个词的意思,你可以查字典If you _, you can _the dictionary.2.)”指的是”我指的不是你。Im not _ you3.)“适用于”;“涉及到”;”与有关”我要说的话涉及到你们大家。What I have to say _.5.scenery”风景,景色”辨析:scenery, sight, view,scene这三个词均含有“风景,景色”的意思,但它们各自的侧重点有所不同:(1)scenery指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色,是不可数名词。(2)sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数形式。(3)view通常指从远处或高处看到的景观、景物。(4) scene 指(戏剧)场景布景,景色风景(某一特定环境呈现的)景色(也指具体的/人活动的)情景/实况1).From the top of the mountain I had a wonderful _ of the city.2).The_ as one travels by boat along the Yellow River is very beautiful.3).We are going to London for the weekend to see the _.4)This play is divided into three acts,and each act has three_.6. supply V. “提供,供给” (UN)”供给,供应” (CN) “供应量 库存”supply sb with sth = supply sth to sb 供应某人。1).他们给无家可归的孩子提供食物和衣服。They_.7. Where do you think most of the people live, in the central part of the country or on the coast?”疑问词 + do you think(插入语) + 陈述句结构”(1) 不能用yes或no来回答这样的特殊疑问句,应用完整的句子来回答。如:我认为他们最好去上海 I think theyd better go to Shanghai.(2) 位于句首的特殊疑问词如果不是该句的主语,一定要注意该句的语序。如:你认为他们该去哪儿? Where do you think they should go?(3)适用于以上插入语的常用动词还think, believe, suppose, imagine, guess, say, consider, suggest等。1).你认为他多大了?_.2).你猜我们英语老师在干什么?_.3).你认为谁在踢足球?_.8. We ate great meals cooked by experts! 我们吃的美味饭菜是由烹饪大师们做的!cooked by experts 过去分词短语做后置定语,相当于定语从句that/which were cooked by expect. 如:你看完了鲁迅先生写的那部小说了吗?Have you finished reading the novel written(=which/that was written) by Lu Xun?1)我妈做的饭很好吃The food _.be expert in/at/on / an expert on/in . . 方面的专家2) 比尔盖茨是个电脑高手。Bill Gates _.9.In the 1920s/1920s(20世纪20年代) 在世纪年代(必须加the)在某人十几/二十几/三十几九十几岁in ones teens/twenties/thirtiesninetieseg. 1.当马克思五十几岁时,他发现研究俄国形势很重要When Marx was_, he found it_.2.It is not rare(稀少) in _ that people in_ sixties are going to university for further education.A.90s; the B. the 90s; / C. 90s; their D. the 90s; their10. no more = not any more“不再” 表示动作不再重复出现,与瞬间动词连用,强调数量,次数上不再增加。1)从那以后,类似的事故不再发生了Ever since then, such accident_.no longer = not any longer“不再”表示时间和状态上不再延续,常和表示延续动词连用,2)他们不再和对方说话.They will _ _.11.allow/permit doing sth”允许做某事”allow/permit sb to do sth “允许某人做某事”1)办公室不允许抽烟。They _.2) 请允许我介绍一下玛丽小姐。Please_.12.be short for “为的缩写”1) Ben 通常为Benjamin的简称Ben _.be short of “缺少,短缺”2) 这所医院现在缺少资金 This hospital _.(拓展)for short “简称” in short “总而言之”13. frighten vt.“使惊讶,惊吓” frightened adj “感到恐惧的”Frighten sb into doing sth “吓唬某人做某事”frighten sb out of dong sth “使某人不敢做某事”1.巨大的噪音把我吓一跳。I_ .2. 他恐吓我不要说出真相。He_14.out of date “过时” up to date “最新的”1)这本书里有许多过时的信息。_.15. Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometers per hour, the train can complete the 30-kilometer journey in eight minutes.划线部分是现在分词作原因状语。现在分词作状语在句中表示时间,原因,条件,伴随和结果等。和谓语动词同时发生,与主语构成主动关系.1. Waiting for the bus, I met an old friend.(表时间)2. Using your head, youll find a way. (表条件)3. He sat there, looking rather pleased. (表伴随/方式)2)at a speed of “以的速度” reach a speed of “达到速度”reach a speed up to “高达的速度”1). Traveling _over 400 kilometers per hour, the train can complete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes.2). On November 12, 2020, the maglev _ 502 kilometers per hour.3). The maglev can _ 502 kilometers per hour.三、反思总结Discuss your first trip among your group_四、当堂检测巩固练习1. Could you tell me something about the Olympic Games that were_ in Sydney?A. hold B. to hold C. held D. holding2. The boy_ a manager is a top student in our school.A. interviewing B. being interviewed C. was interviewed D. interviewed3.”Things_never come again!” I couldnt help talking to myself.A. lost B. losing C. to lost D. have lost4. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures _ in your mind instead of before your eyes.A. to form B. forming C. formed D. having formed5. There was an _ look on his face when the actress appeared.A. excited B. excitement C. exciting D. ExcitedlyKeys:1.C2.A3.A4.B5. A


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