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U11play chess下棋2speak English说英语3be good at sth/doing sth擅长于某事/做某事4be good with sb与相处好5talk to sb/ talk with sb和某人交谈6play the drums打鼓7play the piano弹钢琴8play the violin拉小提琴9make friends交朋友10help sb with sth在某方面帮助某人11help sb do sth帮助某人做某事12on the weekend在周末13sports club运动俱乐部14music club音乐俱乐部15art club艺术美术俱乐部16chess club象棋俱乐部17join a club参加俱乐部18do kung fu表演功夫19shool show学校演出20tell stories讲故事21swimming club游泳俱乐部22in the music room在音乐室23old peoples room老年之家,敬老院24after school放学25call sb at给某人打 26English-speaking students讲英语的学生27have time 有时间28play games玩游戏U229get up起床30take a shower洗沐浴31get dressed穿衣32at a radio station在播送电台33on weekends周末34do ones homework做家庭作业35take a walk散步36eitheror要么要么/或者或者37go to school上学38brush teeth刷牙39eat(have) breakfast吃早饭40at six forty六点四十41a radio show电台节目42a funny time一个有趣的时间43be late for sth迟到44an interesting job一个有趣的工作45be good for sth对有好处46a quarter to seven六点四十五47after dinner晚饭后48get home from school放学回家49have time to do sth有时间做某事50have time doing sth有时间做某事51go to bed睡觉52eat very quickly吃得很快53for half an hour长达半小时54play computer games玩电子游戏55eat ice-cream 吃冰激凌56taste good尝起来好吃U357take the train乘火车58take the bus乘公共汽车59take the subway乘地铁60ride a bike骑自行车61one hundred and five一百零五62two hundred两百63how far多远64the bus ride乘车旅程65good exercise有益的活动66have a good day过得愉快67drive to work开车上班68from your home to school从你家到学校69a bus station汽车站70a bus stop公共汽车停靠点71a train station火车站72think of 认为73cross the river to school过河上学74for many students对许多学生而言75in a village在一个小山村76betweenand两者之间77run too quickly跑得太快78on ropeway乘索道79an eleven-year-old boy一个11岁的男孩80be afraid害怕81be like sb像某人82come true成为现实 83last e-mail上一封邮件84walk to school步行上学85By bike/bus/train骑自行车、乘巴士/火车86every day每天U487in the dining hall在餐厅88arrive late for sth/doing sth迟到89be late for sth/doing sth迟到90in class在课堂上91in the hallway在走廊上92eat outside在外面吃93wear a hat戴帽子94a lot of rules 许多规那么95some of the rules规那么中的一些96on time按时97bringto把带到拿来98taketo把带到带走99go out外出100see friends看朋友101do the dishes洗餐具102make breakfast做早餐103on school days在上学期间104make ones bed整理你的床铺105after breakfst早餐后106wear a school uniform穿校服107follow the rules遵守规那么108have fun doing sth玩得快乐109have fun/have a good time/have a great time/ enjoy oneself玩得快乐110listen to music听音乐111be strict with sb对某人很严格112on weekdays在工作日U5113lets see koalas让我们看考拉吧114South Africa南非115be from/ come from来自于116walk on two legs用两条腿走路117sleep all day整天睡觉118kind of lazy有点懒惰119really scary/very terrible非常可怕120Thats a good name for her.对她来说是个好名字121Why dont you do sth?你为什么不?122black and white黑白相间123kind of shy 有点害羞124not far from离不远125save the elephants拯救大象126students from Thailand来自泰国的学生127a symbo of good luck好运的象征128play music演奏音乐129get lost丧失130places with food and water有食物和水的地方131be in (great) danger处于极大的危险之中135cut down trees砍树136lose their homes失去它们的家园137over 100000 elephants十万多头大象138things made of ivory用象牙做的东西139kind of 相当140one of中的一个U6141living rooom起居室142read a newspaper看报纸143talk on the phone打 144make soup做汤145TV show电视节目146eat out外出吃饭147make dinner做饭148drink tea喝茶149dragon boat race龙舟赛150a student from Shenzhen一个来自深圳的学生151study in the United States在美国学习152make zongzi包粽子153watch the boat races观看龙舟赛154any other night任何一个其他的夜晚155shop in the supermarket在超市购物156read a story to his child给他的孩子读故事157miss his family思念他的家人U7158take a message带口信159call sb back给某人回 160on vacation度假161right now马上162nothing much没事163say hito sb给某人打招呼164no problem没问题165study/learn chinese学汉语166sit by the pool坐在水池边167sunny and hot晴朗而炎热168cloudy and cool多云而凉爽169snowy and cold下雪而寒冷170windy and dry多风而枯燥U8171post office 邮局172police station警察局173on North Street在北街上174near/around here/in the neightborhood这儿附近175pay phone付费 176across from在对面177in front of 在前面178far from离远179walk with sb和某人一起走180in town在市镇里181go along沿着182turn right at the first crossing在第一个十字路口右转183in our neighborhood在我们街区184spend time with my grandparents和我的爷爷奶奶一起度过185watch sb doing sth观看某人正在做某事186climb around到处爬187turn left on Bridge Road在大桥路左转188a noisy neightborhood一个吵闹的街区189enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事190Time goes quickly.时间很快地流逝191get there easily很容易到那儿192free time空闲时间193turn right/left向右左转U9194short hair短发195long hair长发196curly hair卷发197straight hair直发198(be) of medium height中等身高199(be) of medium build中等身材200a little一点,少量201wear glasses戴眼镜202see you later一会儿见203a big(small) nose一个大小鼻子204a big(small) mouth一张大小嘴巴205a round face一张圆脸206two big(small) eyes两只大小眼睛207black hair黑色的头发208blonde hair金色的头发209my favorite singer我最喜欢的歌手210an artist一位艺术家211the same way同样的方式212first of wall首先213in the end 最后214wear jeans穿牛仔裤215be good at soccer擅长足球216be good at playing soccer擅长踢足球217go to the movie(movies)去看电影218see a movie(movies)看电影U10219would like sth/want sth想要某物220would like to do sth want to do sth想要/愿意做某事221have/take ones order点菜222a (large/small) bowl of sth 一大/小碗223what size(bowl of)多大碗224what kind of noodles哪一种面条225beef noodles牛肉面226two potatoes两个土豆227around the world全世界,世界各地228around the farm农场各处,整个农场229in different countries在不同的国家230on my birthday在我的生日231a birthday cake一个生日蛋糕232the number of candles蜡烛的数量233make a wish许愿234blow out吹灭235come true实现,成为现实236get popular变得流行237cut up 切碎238a symbol of long life长寿的象征239good luck好运的象征240different kinds of noodles不同种类的面条241in the UK在英国242come on加油243green tea绿茶244in one go同一次,一次性地U11245milk a cow挤牛奶246go fishing去钓鱼247pick strawberries摘草莓248ride a horse骑马249take photos照相250climb mountains爬山251feed chickens喂鸡252watch stars看星星253take sth/sb home把带回家254learn about sth/doing sth学习关于255live in住在某地256go to a museum去博物馆257visit a fire station参观消防站258go to the countryside去乡下259go to an art museum去艺术博物馆260draw pictures画画261go on a trip去郊游262make a model robot制作机器人模型263buy some gifts for sb为某人买一些礼物264along the way在去的路上265all in all总的来说266notat all一点也不267on the train坐火车,在火车上268talk with sb和某人交谈269go for a walk去散步270at night在夜晚271a lot of sth许多272it is difficult to do sth做某事很难U12273camp by the lake在湖边露营274go to the beach去海滩边275stay uplate熬夜276run away跑开277go boating去划船278play badminton打羽毛球279go to the cinema看电影、去电影院280last weekend 上周末281fly kites放风筝282have dinner with friends和朋友吃晚饭283swim in the wimming pool在游泳池里游泳284finish high school高中毕业285put up tents/a tent搭起帐篷286on the first night在第一个晚上287get a surprise很吃惊288wake sb.up把某人叫醒289three days later三天后290move into移入291jump up and down跳上跳下292go to sleep入睡293learn a useful lesson学到一个有用的教训294shout at 对着大叫(生气等295shout to sb for help向大喊求救296make a fire生火297each other每一个298study for a test为考试而学习


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