2022年高中英语 Unit 4 Law and order Word study教案 牛津译林版选修10

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2022年高中英语 Unit 4 Law and order Word study教案 牛津译林版选修101. offence/ offense:n. 罪= crime、不礼貌、伤害人的事 e.g. minor offence:轻罪; a first offence:初犯;an offense against :违反 e.g. He mitted an offense against our law. I meant no offence (to you). = No offense was meant (to you).并无恶意 be an offence to sb. / sth.:令不舒服 e.g. Advertisements in public places are offenses to the eye. His sarcastic voice was an offence to me / my ears. give / cause offense to sb.:使发怒、伤害的情感 e.g. The doctors advice gave / cause offence to the patient. take offence at:生的气 offend:vt. 伤害(别人的)感情、使(人)发怒;vi. 违反规定、犯罪 against e.g. His misbehavior(不良行为) offended her. = He offended her by / with his misbehavior. = She was offended by / at / with his Im sorry if I have offended you. Any person may offend in some way or other. He offended against good manners. (礼仪) offender:犯罪者:a first offender; an old offender offensive:讨厌的、没礼貌的:an offensive sound; offensive words:无礼的话2. ripe:成熟的;老练的;时机成熟的 e.g. ripe oranges; ripe grain; The strawberries are ripe enough to be picked. Soon ripe, soon rotten. (早熟,早烂) a ripe judgment:纯熟的判断; a man of ripe age:老练的人; He is ripe in experience. 经验丰富 The young man is ripe for promotion. (晋级的时机到了) The time is ripe. (时机已成熟) ripen:vt. / vi. ripeness:n. 3. deposit:vt. 把放置(比put正式);存放:deposit money in a bank e.g. He deposited the book on the table. He deposited three thousand dollars in the bank. You can deposit the luggage in the office.4. plicate:vt. 使复杂:plicate sth. e.g. Your words can only plicate the case. That will only plicate the matter. Dont plicate the problem by raising new suggestion. plicated:复杂的、难懂的:a plicated problem plication:复杂化,复杂性5. keep up with sb.:跟上、不落后;保持联系 e.g. Would you please walk slowly? I cant keep up (with you). Keep up with the fashion. (跟上时尚) Do you still keep up with your old classmates? keep up:保持、继续; 不泄气、保持高昂 e.g. I hope the fine weather will keep up. Their spirit are keeping up though they have much trouble. The rain has kept up for three days and the roads are flooded. We have kept up our friendship for twenty years. The good news keeps up our spirits.6. incite:煽动、唆使:incite sb. to do sth. e.g. These words incited the people to do further damage to the factory. The colours incited the boys curiosity. She incited her son to make greater efforts. incitement:刺激物、煽动物7. view:n. 眺望、一看; e.g. The temple is worth our view. This is my first view of Mt. Ali. 视野:e into view:看得见;out of view:看不见;in view:看得见 眺望、风景、景色:e.g. This room has a fine view of the mountains. The view from the top of the hill is wonderful. 想法、看法、观点 e.g. Whats your view on the subject? In my view, the present situation is quite good.8. spy:n. 间谍、情报员 vi. 监视、侦查:spy on / upon sb. / sth. e.g. The police have been spying on the movements of the criminals. He is paid by the police to spy on illegal trade. spy into sth.:探听 e.g. Why do you spy into our affairs?9. define:vt. 给下定义、定:define sth. (as .) e.g. Its hard to define the word. How does the dictionary define the word triangle? The second paragraph is used to define the word isolate. 划定的界限 e.g. This river defines a border between the two countries. My duties are not well defined. The powers of the courts are defined by law.10. enforce:vt. 执行、强化、加强:enforce sth. e.g. The police enforce the law.Traffic rules should be strictly enforced. He showed some statistics to enforce his argument. enforce sth on / upon sb.:强制要求某人做到某事 e.g. She enforced silence on the visitors. I enforce plete obedience on the students.11. be faced with:面临、面对 e.g. You should keep calm when you are faced with trouble. I was faced with a new problem. We are faced with financial problems now. Faced with danger, one should show wit and bravery. face:vt. / vi. 面对、朝 e.g. My bedroom faces south. The temple stands on top of the hill, facing east. Look up and face your parents. Face the facts, please! We are now facing a serious situation. face phrases:face the music:(接受不愉快的后果); face to face / face-to-face in ones face:当面in face of look sb. in the facelose (ones) face:丢面子、丢人 make a facepull a long face:板着面孔 save (ones) face:保全面子show ones face:露脸 to ones face:当着的脸 12. suck:吮吸:suck sth. e.g. We usually suck milk through a straw. I was so thirst that I suck the orange dry. Its a bad habit to suck your thumb. 13. further = farther:距离远:go farther / further further:adj. / adv. 进一步、深远:e.g. think further, ask further questions Please wait at home till further notice. No further explanation was given. The house is on the further side of the street. vt. 推进、促进:further ones study / further education e.g. His support furthered my career. go further:往前走、往下说、继续谈 e.g. I dont want to go any further.14. apology:make an apology to sb. for sth. apologize:vi. apologize to sb. for sth.


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