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会计学18Aunit6Reading1第一页,共21页。broad wingsbrown feathersSmallbrown and grey feathersEagleSparrow第1页/共21页第二页,共21页。 tall long legs long think neckSwanCrane第2页/共21页第三页,共21页。Prediction:Whats the article mainly about?Zhalong - a special placeZhalong Nature Reserve 第3页/共21页第四页,共21页。Pre-reading Lets make a prediction.第4页/共21页第五页,共21页。Listen and answer:Its about Zhalong Nature Reserve.It is in Heilongjiang Province in North-east China.play第5页/共21页第六页,共21页。第6页/共21页第七页,共21页。第7页/共21页第八页,共21页。Zhalong _ food and cover _ wildlife. It is a perfect place for some _.providesforrare birds第8页/共21页第九页,共21页。While -reading Lets enjoy reading.第9页/共21页第十页,共21页。第10页/共21页第十一页,共21页。1.Zhalong is an important wetland in the world. _2.Birds can find food and cover in Zhalong. _3.The birds in Zhalong live in large cages. _4.Most birds are active at night. _5.Forty per cent of cranes live in other parts of the world. _6.The Chinese government has made laws to protect wildlife. _7. Zhalong needs more people to feed the birds. _ 8. Studying Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife. _Scanning :Read the text carefully and do “T” or “F” .TTFthe wildFin the daytimeFZhalongTFcount and describeT第11页/共21页第十二页,共21页。1. Some people want to make _ smaller in order to have more space for _and_. This will lead to _ for wildlife.2. Fishermen keep _ there. As a result , the birds do not have _ . the wetlandsfarmsbuildingsless and less spacefishingenough food to eat第12页/共21页第十三页,共21页。Read para3-para5 to tell the different peoples actionssome peoplegovernmentmemberstouristsThey want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings.The Chinese government has made laws to prevent all these things . They are going to study the birds , record their types and changes in their numbers .They go to Zhalong to watch the birds. Help count and describe the birds.fishermenFishermen keep fishing there. 第13页/共21页第十四页,共21页。Discussion: What can students do forthe birds?Discussion: What can students do forthe birds?第14页/共21页第十五页,共21页。Students can1.Plant a tree once a year2.Make posters for the birds3.Encourage more people not to hunt birds for food or fun.4.Do not throw(扔扔) rubbish into the river.第15页/共21页第十六页,共21页。第16页/共21页第十七页,共21页。Zhalong Nature Reserve is in_ Province in North-east China. It provides food and _ for wildlife. Its a _ place for some _.Many birds live there _, while some go there only for a _.Sadly, the birds there are facing some problems. But our government has made _ to protect them . The members of the birdwatching society _ the birds in zhalong once a year .Now theyre inviting some tourists to _ and _ the birds.Heilongjiangcoverperfectrare birdsall year roundshort whilelawsstudycountdescribe第17页/共21页第十八页,共21页。第18页/共21页第十九页,共21页。HomeworkRemember new words and phrases.Preview the reading Birds in Zhalong.第19页/共21页第二十页,共21页。第20页/共21页第二十一页,共21页。


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