第六章 旅游文本翻译

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第六章:旅游文本翻译1. 概述会展旅游业是21世纪的朝阳产业,已经成为推动我国经济发展的重要支柱产业之一,各地政府和企业不断投入巨资,打造或创新会展旅游项目,以便拓展更大的旅游发展空间。旅游是文化的形和体,文化是旅游的根和魂,旅游宣传是文化沟通与交流的手段。实践证明,国际间文化和文化产品的交流与合作远比国家和政府之间的交往更为现实有效。实现中国文化“走出去”战略的一个重要途径就是吸引海外旅游者体验中国文化,用互动方式展示中国,为我国蓬勃发展的文化创意产业吸引高端客源。因此,旅游文本翻译日益显得重要。旅游文本包括自然景观、人文景观、博物馆、酒店、餐饮等的宣传介绍。旅游文本翻译属于对外宣传范畴,其目的是吸引更多海外游客体验中国,旅游文本翻译强调可读性,以求达到信息传递的最佳效果。旅游文本翻译从体裁上讲,属于功能翻译学派所界定的“信息型”(informative)+“呼唤型”(vocative)功能文本,它主要有两个功能,一是传递信息,二是唤起行动。 2. 旅游指南的主题信息性质与分类 2.1旅游产业发展的主题化特征在一个全球旅游和信息互通的时代,游客对旅游项目或活动的品位和特色要求越来越高。我国旅游业为吸引更多海内外游客,对旅游项目的开发设计和宣传也越来越主题化(theme-oriented),即所谓“特色游”(featuretour),以满足不同层次和不同兴趣的游客需要。例如:“活力广东”(Guangdong of vitality); 清远-粤北后花园(the Backyard of Northern Guangdong);江西“红色”旅游(Red Tourism in Jiangxi / Revolutionary Site Tourism in Jiangxi)。这种主题化旅游的特点是突出旅游地或项目的特色性、观赏性、怡情性、知识性等,因此,旅游指南的写作和翻译也应突出这种主题化特色,根据旅游者对旅游项目的主题性、特色性、观赏性、怡情性、知识性等需求进行翻译。译者要对中文旅游文本的语言文字特征有明晰的认识,选择相应的翻译策略,以便有效地指导翻译实践。2.2 旅游指南主题分级与特点下面以香港旅游发展局2001年推出的中英文对照香港旅游锦囊(Visitors Kit)为例。这本旅游指南,主题信息突出,图文并茂,译文有简有繁,主题结构层次分明,可以根据其性质与功能划分为一级主题(first-level theme) 、二级主题(secondary-level theme)和三级主题(third-level theme)。一级主题是指南首页的概览性介绍,包括两部分内容:a) 简要介绍旅游地的历史、地理、文化特征; b) 旅游城市或旅游地重点推出的特色主题项目,如民俗文化、自然景观、人文景观等。一级主题的译介要求简洁扼要、主题信息突出。如香港旅游锦囊首页的“动感之都:就是香港”就是一级主题,英语译文突出的就是体现“动感”这一主题所包含的系列旅游项目及盛事的概览性介绍,弱化和虚化了原文一些关联性不大的描述和评价性文字。二级主题是指对一级主题概览中列出的重点或品牌旅游项目或景观的介绍。这类主题项目特色突出,信息的译介倾向于具体化,描述和评价性文字比较突出,目的是给游客提供感性认识,以唤起潜在的兴趣。三级主题是指当地其它一些小型的特定旅游项目,包括购物、美食、建筑风格、工艺品展示、茶道表演等。这类信息译介倾向于具体细节描写,让海外游客了解中华文化,风土人情或有关活动的具体特色等。2.3 旅游指南信息性质分类旅游指南的文字信息主要分为8大类型: 2.3.1 事实性信息 (Factive Information)信息性质:基本信息。信息功能:向游客介绍有关旅游地及其主题项目的特色、条件与环境等信息。信息特征:具有客观性。信息传达度:相对最强;译者应对信息价值作出判断,决定翻译传递的信息量。2.3.2 描述性信息(Descriptive Information)信息性质:兼具基本信息和附加信息对旅游地及其主题特色项目特征的描述性信息。信息功能:描述旅游地及其主题特色项目的性质与特征。信息特征:兼具客观性和主观性,可能有夸张的倾向。信息传达度:适中;译者应对中文原文过度渲染夸张的文字信息进行删减。2.3.3 评价性信息(Evaluative /Appraisal Information)信息性质:附加信息对旅游地及其主题项目的评价等。信息功能:加深游客对有关主题项目的认识。信息特征:具有暗示或诱导性,这类文字会带有原作者的个人表达风格,主观性强。信息传达度:适中;译者应对中文原文过度渲染夸张或累赘的文字进行删减。2.3.4 文化信息(Cultural Information)信息性质:兼具基本信息与附加信息旅游地及其主题特色项目具有的民族文化特色。信息功能:加深游客对中华文化的了解,增进文化交流。信息特征:有文化内容过载现象。信息传达度:相对较强,但具较大的灵活性;译者应把握海外游客对相关文化内容的需求和接受能力。2.3.5 召唤性信息(Vocative Information)信息性质:附加信息就主题项目向游客发出的召唤性信息。信息功能:唤起游客潜在的热情或兴趣。信息特征:带有汉民族特有的思维和表达方式。信息传达度:相对较强;译者应注意把握海外游客的心理需求与接受能力。2.3.6 美学信息(Aesthetic Information)信息性质:附加信息运用修辞形式、意象形态、结构形式与节奏等语言文字形式。信息功能:具有汉民族语言文字审美感,以增强文本的感染力;信息特征:带有汉民族语言文化思维特征,但一般难以在另一种语言中体现。信息传达度:相对较弱;译者应注意两种语言的差异。2.3.7 风格信息(Stylistic Information)信息性质:附加信息主要指个人文字风格;信息功能:增强或影响基本信息的接受效果;信息特征:具有原作者个性特征,如文字运用或简练明快,或冗长繁复;信息传达度:较弱。2.3.8 提示性信息(Information of tips)信息性质:基本信息兼具附加信息依附于二三级主题信息之后的有关注意事项;信息功能:向游客提供项目开放时间、交通乘车、购物须知及民俗禁忌等;信息传达度:强。 (曾利沙)3主题关联信息突出策略原则及其可操作性随着旅游产业向主题化特色化发展,旅游指南译介必然要反应这一发展趋势。由于中西语言文化方面的差异以及不同的接受心理和信息需求,旅游指南的译介不能完全按照中文文本一一对译,需要译者给予必要的动态调节,但这种调节并非是主观随意的,应从“主题信息突出”策略原则出发予以把握。在具体实践中,译者可以根据不同主题,对突出什么、弱化或虚化什么做出判断。下面主要以香港旅游锦囊的中、英对照文本为例,讨论一、二、三级主题信息突出策略原则及其相关准则的应用。3.1 主题关联信息突出策略原则在一级主题翻译中的应用在对一级主题信息内容的翻译中,译者在策略原则上应突出主题事实的关联性信息,弱化、简化或虚化与主题关联性不大的、冗长繁杂的描述或评价性文字。例1 动感之都:就是香港! City of Life: Hong Kong is it! 1香港地方虽小,却多彩多姿。她那与别不同的气质,是多么独一无二2中国人的传统,西方的文化,加上百多年的殖民历史,香港俨如是一个多元文化的万花筒,眼见耳闻,千姿百态,难怪号称“动感之都”。3世界级的建筑、全年不绝的盛事、时尚的生活方式,造就了香港典雅风华,令人目眩心醉。另一方面,她也可令人疯狂,精致美食和潮流精品,最为旅客津津乐道,超过一万家餐厅和无数商店,正等待着您去发掘。4由现在至2003年,“动感之都:就是香港!”大型旅游推广项目带来一连串缤纷热闹的盛事。焦点是五个主要大型活动,打响头炮的是2001年12月至2002年2月的“全城动感灯辉”,接踵而来的有“国泰航空国际汇演贺新禧”、“花城荟萃大展”、“新世纪劲买”、以及2003年的“动感热舞嘉年华”。如您能适逢其会,参与其中,您的香港之旅必定会留下更多美好的回忆。1 Hong Kong City of Life is a small place that lives large. A living fusion of East and West, it presents visitors with an ever-changing kaleidoscope of color and culture. 2 Combining around 150 yeas of colonial influence and 5,000 years of Chinese tradition, Hong Kong has its own special brand of magic and mystique. 3 From now until 2003, Hong Kong is featuring its City of Life: Hong Kong is it! campaign, with 5 major events including “Hong Kong Lights Up” in December 2001 to February 2002, the Cathay Pacific International Chinese New Year Parade, the Hong Kong Flower Extravaganza, as well as the Mega Hong Kong Sale in 2002 and the City of Life Street Carnival in 2003. If you can include these events in your itinerary, your trip to Hong Kong will be all the more memorable.Fusion-meeting togetherMystique-mysterious and attractive imageExtravaganza-a spectacular eventCarnival-a celebration with singing, dancing, and usu a paradeItinerary-a travel plan3.2 主题信息突出策略原则在二级主题翻译中的应用例2九龙寨公园(九龙城区)昔日的九龙城寨是一个三不管的地方,可以说是龙蛇混杂之地1。其后,城寨全面清拆,并于1995年于原址建成今日的九龙寨公园2。九龙寨公园曾获荣誉奖状,它具有江南园林风格,并刻意保留了现今难得一见的南中国“衙门”建筑,以及历史遗迹如南门古迹、石匾、大炮、柱基、清朝官府的碑铭等3。原译:Kowloon Walled City Park (Kowloon City District)The former Koloon Walled City, once a semi-lawless, high-rise slum, has been transformed into an award-winning park featuring a Qing Dynasty almshouse, the Old South Gate, pavilions, sculptures, flower garden and a playground. 33 主题信息突出策略原则在三级主题翻译中的应用例3鲤鱼门海鲜美食村鲤鱼门以海鲜美食驰名,最适宜三五知己晚饭共聚。 在这里,顾客可到海鲜摊子亲自挑选鲜活的海产,然后亲自交给菜馆炮制,客人更可指定烹调的方式。当然,在点菜前宜先查询价钱。Lei Yue Mun Seafood Bazaar This fishing village is popular for its seafood and ideal for a night out with friends. You can choose your own fresh fish (so fresh its still swimming in a tank!) and decide how youd like it prepared. Make sure you ask the price before ordering.例4长沙湾道时装街及鸭寮街跳蚤市场介乎钦州街至黄竹街之间的一段长沙湾道,时装批发店铺林立,女士们可以低廉的价格购买到时尚的服饰。鸭寮街跳蚤市场,主要售卖电器用品,电子零件等,亦有摊贩出售古老时钟、钱币及各式各样的收藏品,如果细心找寻,可能发现超值的稀有古物也说不定。Cheung Sha Wan Road fashion street and Ap Liu Street (Sham Shui Po District)Cheung Sha Wan Road, Sham Shui Po, is a great place to pick up trendy fashions at wholesale prices. Most of the shops can be found between Yen Chow Street and Wong Chuk Street. And at Ap Liu Streets flee market you might unearth a collectible souvenir. 例5 这是一则关于纽约购物的三级主题信息介绍,第一段煽情,诱发购物愿望;第二段,介绍特色或主题化商品;第三段,介绍著名的梅西百货和便利的交通方式。 Shop NYC: Great Gifts for Mothers Day If youre looking for a gift for May 8, youve come to the right place: the shopping capital of the world. Here are some excellent ideas from a variety of stores. Has Mom seen every episode of Sex and the City, The Sopranos.? Then drop by The HBO Shop located in midtown Manhattan, home to a variety of T-shirts featuring your favorite characters from Sex and the City. The HBO Shop also offers a wide range of Sex and the City merchandise, includingYoull also find full line of The Sopranos memorabilia For seemingly limitless gift ideas, one of the best places to start is the iconic department store, Macys. the 11-floor flagship store located in Herald Square-just south of Times Square and a hop, skip, and a jump from the Empire State Building and Penn Station-is home to an enormous selection of fashion items, the hottest new items, products for family and home, great sales, and much more. Broadway at 34th St.4. 英汉旅游文体特色及其风格差异旅游文本属于大众通俗读物,旨在传播旅游信息,唤起旅游热情,因此旅游文本翻译不是文学翻译,旅游活动不是文学欣赏和文化调研。由于中西方语言文化上的差异,读者在各自特定的语言文化环境熏陶下,养成了一种固有的思维方式和审美习惯。因此,应用翻译中出现的“英译汉化”现象的根源在于译者忽略了汉、英语言文化上的差异,忽略了译文读者的文化心理和审美习惯,一味将汉语的思维模式和审美要求强加于英译文之上,与英语读者产生审美意识上的错位。(贾文波,2008)同时,由于不同的文化背景和语言表达习惯,中西方读者对同一旅游主题的信息需求会有很大差异。而且,旅游文本的写作具有多样性,旅游文本的翻译也是多元化的,译者通过对文本种类与文本特色的判断,选择相应的翻译策略与方法。4.1 不同的文化背景和语言表达习惯,形成了英汉各自不同的写作风格和审美标准,而且对同一主题文本的信息需求也有很大差别。4.1.1 中文旅游文本特征:中文旅游文本涉及的内容广泛,知识面宽广,语言表达华丽,词汇丰富。下面这段旅游宣传涉及的内容很多:历史人物、古建筑、古代史和近现代史等等。但是,要想理解掌握这些信息,游客需要有一定的相关历史文化背景知识。例6 武汉市自然风光绚丽多姿,人文景观璀璨夺目。屈原曾在这里行吟;李白曾在这里漫游;商代盘龙城遗址,是长江流域发现的第一座商代古城;龟山脚下的古琴台流传着俞伯牙和钟子期知音相会的千年佳话;黄鹤楼名闻天下,晴川阁古色古香。市内有辛亥首义红楼、农民运动讲习所、八七会议遗址等52所革命纪念地。4.1.2 英语旅游文本特征:英语旅游文体大多风格简约,结构严谨而不复杂,表达直观通俗,注重信息传递的准确性和语言表达的实用性。下面是两个旅游网站上的芝加哥旅游宣传,介绍了芝加哥多彩的文化艺术和丰富的城市生活元素,城市特色,语言表达平实易懂,富有表现力,使得这座城市的卖点突出(划线部分),很有感召力,易于游客理解掌握,马上付诸行动:What to see 和What to do。例7ChicagoChicago is located in the Midwest. It is the third largest city in the United States. Chicago is a huge vibrant city and sprawling metropolitan area. It is the home of the blues and the truth of jazz, the heart of comedy and the first builder of the skyscraper. Here, the age of railroads found its center, and airplanes followed. It is one of the worlds great cities, and yet the metropolitan luxuries of theater, shopping, and fine dining have barely put a dent in real Midwestern friendliness. Its a city with a swagger, but without the surliness or even the fake smiles that can be found in other cities. As the hub of the Midwest, Chicago is easy to find its picturesque skyline calls across the waters of huge Lake Michigan, a first impression that soon reveals world-class museums of art and science, miles of sandy beaches, huge parks and public art, and perhaps the finest downtown collection of architecture in the world. With a wealth of iconic sights and neighborhoods to explore, theres enough to fill a visit of weeks or even months without ever seeing the end. Prepare to cover a lot of ground: the meaning of Chicago is only found in movement, through its subways and archaic elevated tracks, and eyes raised to the sky. Chicago Wikitravel-http:/wikitravel.org/en/Chicago例8Plan Your Chicago VacationChicago is a city with an appetitefor food, of course, but also for design, history, and culture. Come here to marvel at the cutting-edge architecture or take in the gorgeous views of Lake Michigan; to spend a day cheering with baseball fans and a night laughing at a comedy show; to shop, to visit renowned institutions like the Field Museum and the Adler Planetarium, and to experience the legendary blues scene. To do all this, youll need nourishment: taste deep-dish pizza, piled-high hot dogs, Italian beef sandwiches, and more.Chicago Travel Guide-4.2 译者要译出语言和风格都地道的旅游篇章,需要积累大量的英语平行文本,研究英语 作者在类似的场景中频繁使用的句型和词语,并进行模仿。为了有效传递信息,感染受众,译者必须顾及译文读者的欣赏习惯和心理感受,在译文中尽量使用他们所熟悉的语言表达方式,这样才能尽可能使译文获得近似原文的读者效应。例9这篇洛克菲勒大厦旅游观光宣传文本介绍了登上大厦之顶的观景特色以及该中心的几个观光项目组合,对广州塔的旅游宣传很有借鉴作用:New York offers many venues that feature different skyline views-but few come close to Top of the Rock. High-tech sky shuttle elevators will take you up to the 67th floor and the Grand Viewing Room, a wrap-around space that has northern and southern views. The 70th floor-a mere 20 feet wide and 200 feet long-crowns the building with a 360-degree panoramic view of the city. Top of the Rock offers many ticketing options that combine admission to neighboring attractions at a reduced price. These include the Rock Pass, which also grants admission the NBC Studio Tour, and is available at the box offices for both venues; the Art & Observation Tour, which includes a tour of the exquisite art and architecture of Rockefeller Center, and the Rock MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) combination ticket. Another intriguing option is the Sunrise Sunset ticket, which allows you to visit twice in one day-during the daylight and in the evening. Tickets are available for purchase by calling 877-NYC-ROCK or by visiting.例10 广州塔是一座集旅游、餐饮、文化娱乐和环保科普教育等多功能于一体,具有丰富文化内涵的大型景观建筑,她集合了当代工程设计和施工最新技术,承接了广州这座历史古城2000多年的文化,向世人展示了腾飞的广州挑战自我,面向世界的视野和气魄。广州塔矗立在广州市新中轴线与珠江景观的交汇初,与海心沙岛市民广场和珠江新城隔江相望,和北岸双塔“三足鼎立”,与广州歌剧院、广东省博物馆、广州图书馆、广州第二少年宫四大文化建筑遥相呼应,是广州新的制高点。她在鳞次栉比的中国超高建筑中独占魁首,其塔体高越450米,天线桅杆高150 米,以总高度600米占据世界第一至高电视塔的地位。新高度、新视野,广州塔令您体验全新广州城貌。(file:/E:/广州/Guangzhou%20International)原译:Canton Tower, the new landmark building of Guangzhou is a must-go scenic spot for tourists. 600 meters above sea level, Canton Tower, which is the highest TV tower of the world, tops the city skyline. In the tourist hall at the top of the tower, you can get a panoramic view of the spectacular city landscape You may marvel at the unique and beautiful structure and mind-numbing height of Canton Tower. The tower is cordially called by Guangzhou citizens as small waistline. Once you step into the elevators in the 7.2-meter-high tower bottom, you begin your remarkable tour of the tower. High-speed double-deck elevators fly from the tower bottom to the top at ten-minute intervals. At a speed of five meters per second, the elevator will take you to the top at 433 meters within less than one and a half minutes. As the elevator rises, you can appreciate the shrinking view of city landscape through the elevators transparent glass door. The thrilling moment comes once you step into the tourist hall at the top. Standing at the highest point of the city, you feel as if the sky and clouds are at your fingertips. Through the 360circular ground glass, you will be shocked at the breathtaking view of the city. If you have the audacity, you can step into the transparent viewing corridor. Through the transparent glass floor under your feet, you may feel your heart beating and pulse racing when your look all the way down to the tower bottom. 4.3 翻译自然及人文景观前,先进行译前处理,直接压缩观点性的想象、修饰成分,精简原引的诗词警句,弱化僵硬呆板的宣传语气。 旅游景点曾经是文人墨客的云游之地,留下了千古名言诗句,极大地丰富了旅游地的自然景观和历史文化内涵,那些诗词典故对中文读者无疑是美的享受。但是,国外游客对中国历史文化知之甚少,如果将诗词朝代毫无保留地翻译成英文,会增加读者的理解负担,降低译文的可读性,因为旅游文本是大众通俗读物,旨在传播旅游信息,引发旅游热情。译者应当打破汉语原文的构篇模式,依据英语习惯的规范重新谋篇。例11 Tai Shan Tai Shan is 1545m above sea level, with a climbing distance of 7.5km from base to summit on the central route The tourist season peaks from May to October. The summit can be very cold, windy and wet; army coats are available there for rental and you can buy waterproof coats from one of the ubiquitous vendors. (from China, Lonely Planet) 这段指南出自英语作者之手,全文紧紧围绕登山的难度和天气展开,客观实用。例12 Emei Shan On the boat, tourists can enjoy the landscape on the both sides of the river, which is beautifully described by as the great poet Li Bai in his line, “The crescent moon shines bright like autumns golden brow” For the landscape of Leshan, the famous poet Zhang Wentao from the Qing Dynasty praised in one of his poems,. 这段指南没有摆脱汉语修辞的束缚,原文的诗句毫无遗漏。例13飞水潭飞水潭是鼎湖山空气含负离子最高的地方之一,飞瀑、绿树、幽潭组成了一个清凉世界Fc;5。这里常有女子弹古筝,端正的面庞、悠扬的乐曲与溪流声相互辉映,就是一幅绝美的图画Fv+D+E;0-1。(瀑布从40多米高的崖顶深处狂奔而来,忽而形成千尺飞流,如白练悬空,忽溅作满空雨花)(引自肇庆旅游指南)原译:Flying Water Pond is one of the places with the highest density of negative ions in the air in the Dinghu Mountain. The flying waterfall, green trees, and the deep pond constitute a picturesque world. Here often a beautiful lady plays zheng, a Chinese zither with 25 strings. Her angelical face, melodious music and the stream flow sound match harmoniously. What a beautiful scene it is! 4.4 在历史景观的翻译过程中,应牢记旅游译本的功能-不是普及历史知识,而是宣传特色,吸引游客。译者要考虑英语读者的接受能力,压缩频繁出现的历史专有名词,为难理解的关键信息提供背景知识,提高传达的效果。例14Founded in the first year of Yongkang of Eastern Jin Dynasty (300A.D), it got it s name as Tongtai Temple in the first year of Datong of Liang Dynasty (527 A.D).In Southern Tang Dynasty, it was renamed as Jing Ju Temple, and then as Yuan Ji Temple.Since the 20th year of Honggu of Ming Dynasty (1387 A.D), it was called as Ji Ming Temple. (From The Ancient Ji Ming Temple)在旅游宣传中,没有必要引用诗词和事无巨细地例举各朝代名称,否则会阻断文章的连贯性,大大降低阅读理解效果。5. 酒店文宣的文本和文体特点酒店文宣的目的是推广酒店形象,吸引潜在的顾客。酒店文宣翻译的成效在于“译文对译语读者产生的效果应与原文对原文读者产生的效果一致”,这应成为酒店文宣翻译遵循的策略。由于英汉酒店文宣在文本结构和语言风格上存在一定的差异,译者应把重点放在传达原文的信息上,尽量使译文符合目标语的文本和文化规范,而不是拘泥于原文的形式和结构,以形害义,影响目标语读者对译文的接受。酒店文宣的基本结构顺序是:介绍酒店的总体印象;详细介绍酒店的各种设施和特色;号召游客入住(作为最后的总结)。例15Welcome to Best Western River North Hotel ChicagoBEST WESTERN River North is an award-winning hotel offering full-service amenities, exceptional value, and a spectacular location whether youre coming on business or to take the trip of a lifetime. For a memorable and unbeatable experience and the friendliest service in the Windy City, join us for a few days of extraordinary hospitality! Experience for yourself why National Geographic Traveler Magazine named us One of the best hotels in Chicago and the Travel Channel calls us the Best moderate hotel in Chicago. Please join our email list and receive occasional special offers from BEST WESTERN River North, including Seasonal giveaways, contests, specials and discounts at the hotel, highlights of Chicago attractions, and much more!第一段介绍酒店的总体形象与环境:award-winning hotel,full-service amenities,exceptional value, a spectacular location。第二段通过宣传酒店在业界获得的赞誉推介酒店为游客提供的非凡体验与服务。第三段介绍酒店特色occasional special offers:Seasonal giveaways, contests, specials and discounts at the hotel, highlights of Chicago attractions,强调游客在此能做什么、体验什么、享受什么,增强说服力和感染力,号召游客入住。例16杭州之江饭店矗立于杭城中心地段,邻市政中心及京杭大运河,距西湖2.5公里、国际机场30公里,交通便捷,地理位置优越。 杭州之江饭店规模宏大,占地50亩,建筑面积5.8万平方米,总投资约2亿元人民币。其拥有的客房、餐位、会席及泊位数居全省单体酒店之冠,是浙江省内最负盛名、规模最大的四星级旅游涉外饭店和省级会议中心。 “常饮江南水,不尽之江情”,之江人热忱恭迎您的光临,努力为您营造一种理想的生活体验。 这篇酒店文宣介绍了酒店优越的地理位置、投资规模和设施,但是,读者对这里的具体情况还是一无所知。 5.1. 中文酒店文宣的文本和文体特点5.1.1 开头“公式化”中文酒店文宣的开头比较单一,套用一种类似新闻报道式的第三人称客观描述的手法,鲜有情感的渗入,显得“公式化”;句子结构严谨,力图在一个长句子中尽量详细介绍有关信息。“XXX酒店位于(开头以酒店名称引导),是一所酒店,位于城市的中心地带/黄金/繁华地段,距有X米之遥”(所处位置或所在城市的特色)例17 广东迎宾馆是一家地处繁华市中心的四级宾馆,著名的北京路商业步行街信步可达,毗邻地铁最大的公园前站,与交易会、火车站仅数里之隔。5.1.2 文本顺序形式 中文酒店文宣的顺序形式大同小异,采用 “话题性顺序形式”,而且“酒店”一词被反复使用;在语言表达上以平铺直叙为主,鲜用各种修辞手法,酒店特色不鲜明。例18 银泰度假酒店矗立于著名旅游度假圣地三亚市大东海之滨三亚银泰度假酒店以7公里海岸线的海景坐落在海南岛南端著名的大东海海滨度假区的中心位置。酒店集令人陶醉的海景酒店拥有2万平方米的热带园林和3个各具风格的室外游泳池。酒店共计拥有420间热带时尚风情的客房和套房。另外,酒店每天7:00pm 至10:00pm推出特色池畔木排海鲜烧烤晚宴5.1.3 结尾突出酒店特色(如优质的服务或便利的位置等),表达欢迎和号召客人光临的口号性用语。例19 我们坚持“一点一滴,尽心尽力”的服务宗旨,为您带来至诚温馨的享受。东莞之行,入住银城酒店是您理想的选择。例20让每一位客人体验殷勤待客之道,感受非凡礼遇,是我们始终如一的服务宗旨。5.2 英文酒店文宣的文本和文体特点5.2.1 开头多样化, 没有固定形式相比之下,英文酒店文宣的开头没有固定形式,呈现多样化,侧重点因酒店的具体情况不同而有所不同。运用大量“广告语言”:1)具有韵律节奏的简练语言风格, 大部分为简单句,少部分为复合句;2)以读者的视角介入,用You引导句子,拉近与读者之间的距离;3)大量运用广告英语中常用的修辞手法,如比喻、形容词的最高级形式,语言表述富有变化,语气热烈,具有鼓动性。例21 You cant get closer to London! Just step out of the hotels door and youre right in the liveliest part of London: Piccadilly Circus. The most famous theatres, restaurants and shops are all within a few minutes walk of the hotel. The choice of entertainment within a few hundred yards is absolutely unbeatable-youll feel the pulse of Piccadilly from the Regent Palace: its right at the heart of London. (The Regent Palace Hotel, London. 强调酒店优越的地理位置,尽享都市风华)例22 Imagine a 5-star Georgian retreat in the city center of Scotlands Capital City. Consistently classified as one of the AAs Top 200 Hotels in Britain and Ireland and recently awarded a Scottish Boutique Hotel Special Commendation from the Scottish Hotel of the Year Awards 2007. (Howard Hotel Edinburgh, Scotland. 强调酒店在旅游界所获得的荣誉)例23 Theres one thing that guests at the Royal Lancaster Hotel always seem to agree on-the views are breathtaking. With Hyde Park, the largest of the Royal Parks, directly to the south, and vistas east to the City of London, we have arguably the best views in London. Whether looking down from the hotels deluxe bedrooms-416 in total-or enjoying the view from the hotel restaurants, its as if the heart of this great city is within your reach-and indeed it is! (Royal Lancaster Hotel. 强调酒店所处位置的风景优美)例24WELCOME TO THE RITZ LONDON. The Ritz: The worlds greatest hotel, as conceived by the worlds greatest hotelier. For over a century The Ritz has been the benchmark by which other hotels are measured. A London landmark at 150 Piccadilly,The Ritz has been home to the great and the good, the intelligentsia, the glitterati and thousands of discerning guests since 1906.( THE RITZ LONDON. 强调酒店悠久的历史)5.2.2 文本顺序形式“话题性顺序形式”, 但是避免重复,通话“求雅替换”的方式实现衔接,避免行文单调。例25Where nothing is overlooked except Hyde Park.Everything about Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park has style. With the world class shopping of Knightsbridge as its doorstep and leafy Hyde Park at the rear, the address is one of the most prestigious in London, England, enjoying wonderful views of the Household Cavalry as they proceed to Buckingham Palace. The hotel rooms and luxury suit


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