四年级英语上册 Unit 3(I) 第二课时练习题(无答案) 北师大版

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四年级英语上册 Unit 3(I) 第二课时练习题(无答案) 北师大版一、算一算,并用英语单词写出得数1+12=_ 90-75=_ 7+9=_43-40=_ 66-49=_ 78-69=_99-81=_ 105-100=_ 6+6=_二、听录音,判断(对的画,错的画)140( )219( )312( )470( )585( )655( )720( )867( )930( )1018( )三、听录音,排序号四、把衣橱上面的单词连到图中相应的位置上pajamas, trousers, jeans, tie, shoes, socks, shirt, dress五、明明很喜欢书上的歌曲,瞧,他还自己写了几段呢!你能把他空的歌词补全吗?试一试吧This is the way I wash my shirt,Wash my shirt,_ _ _,This is the way I _ _ _,Early in the morningThis is the way I iron my coat,_ _ _,_ _coat,_ _ _ way I _ _ _,Early in the morningThis_ _ _ I clean my _Clean my shoes,_ _ _,This is the way I _ _ _,Early in the morning歌词填好了,请你试着把它唱出来,比一比,看谁唱得最好!参考答案一、thirteen,fifteen,sixteen,three,seventeen,nine,eighteen,five,twelve;二、听力材料:114219312417583655 7218679331018答案:123456 789 10三、听力材料:1This is a pair of trousers2These are ties3Those are pajamas4Look,this coat is very expensive5They aye Jims jeans6They aye yellow sweaters答案:6 2 4 3 1 5四、略五、略附送:2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 3(I) 第五课时练习题(无答案) 北师大版一、抄一抄Lets go in_Do you want any caps?_How much is it?_Do you have any shorts? Yes,we do_二、连线socksshoestrouserstiesjacketsT-shirt三、听录音,判断四、听录音,选出听到的句子( )1AMy sweater is 196 yuan.BMy sweater is 186 yuan( )2AHow much are they?BHow much are these ties?( )3ADo you have any socks?BDo you have any shoes?( )4AThey are not expensiveThey are cheap.BThey are cheapThey are not expensive.( )5AI like them a lotBI like them very much五、阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)Bill and Ben are shopping.Bill:There is a storeLets go inBen:Lets goAssistant:Can I help you?Bill:Yes,do you have any shoes?Assistant:Yes,we doWhat size Do you want?Bill:Size 21,pleaseAssistant:Here you areBill:Oh,this shoe is just right for my left foot. But this one is too big for my right footAssistant:You can try this pair onThey are size 20.Bill:Oh,this time my right foot is all rightBut this shoe is too small for my left foot Assistant:What size do you want?Bill:I dont knowCan you give me an idea?( )1Bill wants to buy a pair of shoes( )2The shoes are too small( )3The shoes are too big( )4Bills left foot is bigHis right foot is small.5What size will Bill buy? Can you give him an idea?_参考答案一、略二、略三、听力材料:1A:Do you have a jacket?B:Yes,I doA:What size is it?B:medium2A:Do you have jeans?B:Yes,we doA:How much are they?B:They aye expensiveThey are 258 yuan3A:Do you have pajamas?B:Yes, we doA:How much are they?B:They are expensiveThey are 258 yuan4A:Do you have a hat?B:Yes, I doA:What size is it?B:Its large四、听力材料:1How much is your sweater? Its 196 yuan2ADo you have any ties?BYeswe doAHow much are they?BThey are 110 yuan3ADo you have any shoes? BYeswe do4AHow much are the caps?BThey are not expensiveThey are cheap5ALook at those jeansBOh,its just rightI like them a lot答案:A A B A A五、1T2F3F4T5略


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