三年级英语下册 Unit6(2)教案 人教PEP

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三年级英语下册 Unit6(2)教案 人教PEP一 教学目标1.知识目标: 学生能听懂,会说本课对话。 学生能在设置的情景中灵活运用句型:“It has ”;“ Look at”;“Its so”。2.技能目标: 培养学生在一定的语境中运用所学语言进行交际的能力。 培养学生的观察力和想象力,激发学生的思维,培养学生运用语言的创造能力。3.情感目标:培养学生爱护动物和欣赏大自然的情感。二 教学重点和难点重点:句型“Look at”;“It hasand”;“Its so”。难点:单词children和funny的正确读音。 表示身体部位单词,单复数的运用。三 教学媒体设计英语教学是学习第二语言的学科教学。如何在缺乏真实语言环境的基础上,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的综合运用语言能力,是所有英语教师一直思考探索的问题。空中课堂的运用给小学英语课堂带来了生机和活力,它激发了学生的学习兴趣,能创设出有利于激发和支持学生想象的情境。在小学英语课堂教学中,适时、合理的运用空中课堂进行辅助教学,可以优化教学过程。空中课堂设置了较多的与课堂教学内容关系密切的视频、动画、图片,给学生以乐趣,更给学生以启迪。为学生创设了自主学习的情境,提高了教学效率。在本节课的教学活动中,合理运用空中课堂遵循导入、导看、导学、导评的教学模式。先采用学生喜爱的歌曲导入新课,再观看光盘呈现对话内容,给学生布置任务,让学生先听,跟读并朗读。看示范进行小组合作表演,然后创编对话,循序渐进,逐步提高,让学生在参与、协作、交流中展示自己的才华,让他们充满自信,感受成功。四 教学过程复习热身1 师生一起表演唱英语歌曲Hello。 T::Hello,Children.do oh do! Ss :Hello,Miss Zhang,do oh do!T: Hello,children,do oh do!T and Ss: Hello,Hello.Hello!【设计意图】教师采用歌曲对唱的方式活跃课堂气氛,并让学生初步感知生词children2 观看光盘,师生一起做Lets do。Tall,tall,tall,Make yourself tall.Big,big,big,Make your eyes big.Long,long,long,Make your arms long.Short,short,short,Make yourself short.Small,small,small,Make your eyes small.Short,short,short,Make your arms short.【设计意图】利用光盘呈现生动的画面,和着有韵律的节奏,用歌谣形式活跃课堂气氛,复习和巩固所学的形容词,并为本课教学做铺垫。呈现新课1 呈现新句型观看动画听描述猜动物,呈现句型“It has”听示范,跟读两次。T:Boys and girls,lets play a guessing game,listen; It has a long nose and a short tail,It has big ears and small eyes.Whats the animal?Ss:Its a/anT:Very good.T:It has(教授句型It has)T:Please listen to the sally and repeat.Ss:Ok.继续猜迷,比较图片,呈现句型“Its so big.”“Its so funny.” 然后听示范并跟读。T: Look at the elephant, Its so big.Look at the mouse ,Its so small.Look at the monkey, Its so funny.【设计意图】三年级小学生的好奇心强,通过观看动画,用猜的方式不但能充分调动他们的积极性,而且轻松又准确的呈现了本课的教学重点.两人一组利用单词图片进行猜动物游戏S1:It has a long tail and big eyes.Whats the animal ?S2;Monkey.S1:Yes, here you are.S2:Thank you.【设计意图】游戏是学生们喜爱的活动之一,通过游戏活动进一步巩固本节课的重点内容,同时注重小组间的合作与交流,发挥英语的交际功能,培养学生的英语口语交际能力。2 呈现会话观看动画片,布置任务,让学生记住动画中动物的特征,然后让学生听示范并跟读,再朗读对话内容。T:Do you love animals? Do you like the zoo? Today, Mike and Sarah go to the zoo, Lets listen to their dialogue and then answer the following question:“What can you see in the zoo?”S: 【设计意图】让学生在观看过程中完成一项任务,让学生记住动画中动物的特征,看完后作汇报比赛。此项活动激发了学生的学习兴趣。观看游戏示范,小组戴上头饰表演会话T:Look at the screen then act this dialoge out in your groups.T:Your turn,please.Ss:【设计意图】利用头饰创设语境,通过小组合作,把机械模拟变成有意义的表演,培养了学生乐于表达,乐于倾听,乐于分享的品质。趣味操练1Lets chant(把全班学生分成男,女生两大组,配合动作进行歌谣对唱)Look at the elephant. Its so big!Look at the mouse . Its so small!Look at the cat, Its so short!Look at the monkey, Its so funny!【设计意图】教师利用学生熟悉的歌谣节奏,对歌谣内容进行创编,有利于让学生进一步掌握本节课的短语和句型,使操练内容富有趣味性。2.创编对话T:Boys and girls, Do you have toys?Take them out.Describe your toys in your group.You can do like this;Look at the rabbit, Its short,It hasT:Ok,lets visit the zoo.三人小组情景会话:把学生带来的动物玩具摆放成一个“动物园”的形式,每小组可根据自己的喜好参观其他小组的动物园,并用所学语言进行交流,再请小组上前表演,评选出优秀小组。【设计意图】教师通过信息传递活动,培养学生听说能力,创设游动物园情景,让学生活用语言,自由创编对话,体现了教学的开放性和学生学习的主体性。课外活动1.画出你喜欢的动物并涂色2.向你的朋友,家长介绍、描述你喜欢的动物。【设计意图】作业的设计既是课堂教学的延伸,又为下一节课做好准备。附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit7 Lesson 4教案 北师大版1.Introduce hard /c/and soft /c/ Student Book page 74 (Uncle Bookys ABC)Write the letter c on the board. Explain that you are going to say two words with the letter c in them. One word has a hard /c/ sound (cat) and the other word has a soft /c/ sound (cent). Ask the children to listen and watch as you model hard /c/ and soft /c/. Ask them to listen for the difference between the two sounds, and then have them repeat the two sounds after you.Turn to Uncle Bookys ABC at the back of the Student Book and point to the hard /c/ and soft /c/ words. Say each word in turn and model the hard and soft sounds.Repeat the procedure with the letter k.2.Sounds and letters Student Book page 8Draw the childrens attention to the pictures at the bottom of the page. Play the tape for kite and camera. Ask, “Do these words have a hard /c/ sound or a soft /c/ sound?” Play the tape again and have the children say the words aloud. Repeat the procedure for the soft/c/words.3.Listen for /c/ Student Book page 8 Direct childrens attention to the middle of the page. Show your copy of the page and point to the first row of words. Say that one of the words have a different /c/ sound. Play the first four words on the tape and have the children point to each word as they hear it.Play the tape again. This time the children cross()the word that has a different /c/ sound.Repeat the procedure for the second row. 4.Read with Uncle Booky Student Book page 8 Direct childrens attention to the two rows of words at the bottom of the page. Show your copy of the page and point to the first row of words.Play the tape for the first 5 words. Have the children point to each word that they hear in the tape.Ask the children if they can find that the letter c in all the words has the same sound.Tell the children to find out how to read the last two words.Play the tape for the last two words and have children repeat after the tape.Repeat the procedure for the second row of words.5.Model the structuresHold up the flashcard for hot dog. Ask one of the children, “Do you like hot dogs?” The child should answer either, “Yes, I do.” or “No, I dont.”Pin up the necessary drillcards on the board to form the question and answer. Read the sentences aloud to the children, pointing to each word as you do so. Have the children repeat the question and answer after you.Now ask another child the same question. Continue until you find a child who gives a different answer from the first child.Substitute the necessary drillcards to form the new answer. Repeat the procedure used to model the first answer. Then have the children repeat the question and answer after you.Now review the question, What food do you like? Pin up the necessary drillcards on the board. Repeat the procedure used to model the first question.Repeat the procedure for the sentences, I like (fruit). and I dont like (vegetables).6.Uncle Bookys blackboard Student Book page 9 Have the children open their books at page 9. Model the structures on Uncle Bookys Blackboard by reading them aloud to the class. Have the children repeat the structures in a class drill. Use all possible binations.7.Touch, ask, and answerStudent Book page 9 Draw the childrens attention to the pictures at the bottom of the page. Show your copy of the page. Point to Kens name and the six pictures below it. Explain that Ken likes all the foods with a black check (?) next to them. He doesnt like the foods with a red cross () next to them. Review the names of each kind of food pictured (chicken, hot dogs,corn,apples, watermelon, and French fries). Now point to the question, Does Ken like apples? Read the question aloud. Point to the picture of the apples. Then elicit the answer, “Yes, he does.” Have the children read the answer. Substitute the other foods pictured for apples and repeat the procedure. Draw the childrens attention to the second collection of pictures (beans, hot dogs, bananas, pears, chicken, and corn). Repeat the procedure used for the first question and picture. Put the children into pairs to practice the questions and answers


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