2022年高中英语 Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neigh borhood Task 学案外研版必修1

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2022年高中英语 Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neigh borhood Task 学案外研版必修1_第1页
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2022年高中英语 Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neigh borhood Task 学案外研版必修1Learning goals:To review what you have learned in this module. To know how to write an article about a place.2Practice Translate the following sentences. (1)我们住在广东省的北部韶关市。 (2)他们有一套房子,在一幢八层的公寓楼的六楼。 (3)她的祖父母住在150公里远的靠海边的一个农村。(4)我两个星期没去购物街了。(5)这是我第二次读有关鼓浪屿的文章。(6)我见过中国的许多地方。(7)这是商业区。这里的建筑都比较漂亮,但一套房的租金相当高。(8)在北京学习我们感到很幸运。(9)到目前为止,肉价没有上涨。 (10)他离开这个组织三个星期了。(11)我弟弟入党两年了。(12)这间美术馆1992年就关闭了。(13)那老人去年就去世了。(14)这本书我上星期就买了。(15)她的表几个月前就坏了。Essay show (优秀习作,读诵赏析)My Village, My Love I live in a village, so Im a villager. Many people think that it is a pity to live in the countryside, but I think its lucky to be born there.In the countryside, many people, including my parents, are not well educated and they are poor. However, when I was a child, they taught me the first lesson that is important in my life. “We are poor, but we can live with smiles.” They try their best to send us to school. Even though they are as poor as a church mouse, they never give up offering us a chance to receive education. In face of difficulties, they never say no.In the village, there are green trees growing, fragrant flowers blooming and clear rivers flowing around. Birds fly up and down; animals jump here and there; wheat plants dance in the wind. What beautiful scenery they are!Suggested Answers: (1) We live in the north of Guangdong province, in the city of Shaoguan. (2) They have a small apartment on the sixth floor of an eight-storey apartment block. (3) Her grandparents live in a countryside by the seaside about 150 kilometers away. (4) It has been two weeks since I last went to the shopping mall. (5) This is the second time Ive read about Gulangyu Island. (6) Ive seen quite a lot of China. (7) This is the business district. The architecture here is pretty gorgeous, but the rent for an apartment is rather high. (8) We feel very fortunate (in) studying in Beijing. (9) So far, the price of meat hasnt gone up. (10) Hes been away from this organization for three weeks. (11) My brother has been in the Party for two years. (12) The art gallery closed down in 1992./The art gallery has been closed since 1992. (13) The old man died last year./The old man has been dead since last year. (14) I bought the book last week./I have had the book since last week/for a week. (15) Her watch was broken months ago./Her watch has been broken since months ago/for months.Step 5. Homework . Preview Module 5.Essay show (优秀习作,读诵赏析)My Village, My Love I live in a village, so Im a villager. Many people think that it is a pity to live in the countryside, but I think its lucky to be born there.In the countryside, many people, including my parents, are not well educated and they are poor. However, when I was a child, they taught me the first lesson that is important in my life. “We are poor, but we can live with smiles.” They try their best to send us to school. Even though they are as poor as a church mouse, they never give up offering us a chance to receive education. In face of difficulties, they never say no.In the village, there are green trees growing, fragrant flowers blooming and clear rivers flowing around. Birds fly up and down; animals jump here and there; wheat plants dance in the wind. What beautiful scenery they are!When my unfriendly classmates laugh at me at school, I say nothing. I dont care about anything they may say or think, for I love my village deeply. She has given me spiritual support. I dont pare my classmates parents with mine.But I will pare my future to theirs. I will make every effort to improve my school records. As a saying goes, “He who laughs last laughs best.” Im sure Ill be the one who laughs best.No matter where I go, I will never forget the village where I was born and brought up.教师点评:本文行文流畅,语言清新,恰当地运用了一些短语和谚语。更令人敬佩的是作者不被流言蜚语所困,心怀故乡而又志存高远的精神境界


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