2022年高中英语 Unit 3 Science versus nature Word study教案 牛津译林版必修5

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2022年高中英语 Unit 3 Science versus nature Word study教案 牛津译林版必修51. versus:(在比赛、诉讼等方面)对,可略写为:vs. 或 v.。 e.g. There is a football match this afternoon, Class 3 vs. Class 4 Table tennis match, China vs. Germany, 3:00 p.m.2. in favor of:1) 赞同、支持 e.g. The headmaster spoke in favor of the proposal.They were in favor of free trade.Im not in favor of buying so expensive an article. 2) 对有利 = in ones favor e.g. His decision is in favor of the old. The judge passed judgment in favor of the poor.The new evidence is in my favor. * do sb. a favor / do sb. the favor to do sth.3. on the one hand (on the other ):一方面另一方面 e.g. I wont make the trip. On the one hand, Im busy with the work at hand, on the other hand I have not enough money. on the other hand:另一方面e.g. He is an able man, but on the other hand, he demands too much from the people. She is clever, but on the other hand, she often makes stupid mistakes.4. point out:指出 1) + n. e.g. Please point out the mistakes in the article if any.The guide pointed out the scenic spots in the city. 2) + that e.g. He pointed out that the road was not safe in winter. The policeman pointed out that it is against the law to hunt pandas. * point at / point to5. interfere:vi. 干扰、干涉,interfere in / with sb. / sth. e.g. Dont interfere in other persons affairs.My father always interferes with me / my affairs.The traffic noise interferes with my sleep6. praise:vt. 表扬、赞美,praise sb. for sth. e.g. The teacher praised him for his excellent spoken English.She was praised for her heroic deed.The mayor praised him for his bravery. * praise sb. highly:高度赞扬 e.g. He saved a boy from drowning and everyone praised him highly. n. 称赞、赞扬 e.g. Praise makes good men better and bad men worse.Your praise of my work made me pleased. * in praise of:赞扬、称赞 e.g. The mayor made a speech in praise of the brave boy. * sing high praise for:赞扬歌颂sim. punish / reward / scold sb. for (doing) sth.7. intention:uc. 意图、意向, the intention of doing / to do sth.:做某事的意图 e.g. She went to Paris with the intention of learning French.The chairman expressed his intention to leave office. without intention:无意的; by intention:故意的 intend:vt. 想,打算 1) intend to do sth.:打算、意欲做某事 2) intend sb. to do sth.:打算、意欲某人做某事 3) intend sth. for = sth. be intended for 某物原打算给某人的e.g. We intended the flower for your wife. This magazine is intended for men.The gift is intended for you. 4) intend sth. to do / be / as :打算让某物做、成为e.g. The building was intended to be a museum. We intend the exam to test the students memory.8. adopt:vt. 采纳(建议、意见)、采取(方法、措施)、(法律上的)收养 e.g. Our school has adopted a new teaching method. Tom is my adopted son and he is a nice boy. This chapter is adopted from an article of Bacons. The old couple adopted him as their own son. (adopt sb. as sb.) adoption:收养、采纳、采用; adoptive:收养的,作定语用。 e.g. Old Wang is Jacks adoptive father.9. construct:1) build:建造、构建,construct sth. e.g. They are planning to construct a bridge over the river.When was the building constructed?It took more than three years to construct the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. 2) 编写(文章)、造(句)、建立(理论) e.g. construct a theory, a well-constructed novel construction:建筑、建设: sth. be under construction:在建设中10. end up:最后成为、终归,最后(有某种结局) end up (as) + n. / 介词短语或其它 e.g. Finally he end up as chairman of the pany.If you go on doing that, youll end up in prison.Every time she argues with her husband, she ends up crying her eyes out.He drove very fast and ended up in hospital. end in = result in:以告终; end (up) with:以告终 end:n. put an end to sth. = bring sth to an end = sth. e to an end;make ends meet11. figure:考虑、认为、计算,= consider、think e.g. Figure the situation for yourself. What could you do?I figure that different people like different things.She figured that you would ask her for help.figure out:算出、理解、明白e.g. Please help me to figure out my ine tax. Figure it out and see what it es to. You should first figure out how to do it. I tried to figure out what he meant by saying such words.12. involve:vt. 卷入、连累、牵涉,involve sb. in / with sth. e.g. Dont involve me in your quarrel.He was involved with the Mafia.We are all involved, whether we like it or not.He was deeply involved in debts.To be a good student, you should get involved in class and even school affairs.13. cost:vt.花费(时间、钱)Sth. cost sb. money / time.某事花费了某人 e.g. The pen only cost him five yuan. The old car cost me $ 500What / How much does the coat cost?His illness cost his mother some sleepless nights.Such a difficult job costs a lot of time and effort. Sth. cost sb. sth:某事使某人失去了/付出了的代价 e.g. Smoking cost him his health.Careless driving cost him his life / leg. n. 成本、代价 reduce the cost:降低成本;at the cost of:以的代价;at all costs / any cost:不惜代价 e.g. Does the price cover the production costs of these goods?14. conduct:vt. 组织、实事、进行 e.g. You should learn how to conduct a meeting.They will conduct a survey on pollution.He has no time to conduct his business abroad.Who would like to conduct the experiment? vt. 指导、指引、领导 e.g. The guide conducted us safely to the airport. She conducted the members of the audience to their seats.15. advocate:vt. 提倡、倡导、主张,advocate (doing) sth. e.g. I advocate the revision of the rules = I advocate revising the rules.The Prime Minister advocated the use of air force. = The Prime Minister advocated using the air force16. urge:vt. 力劝、怂恿、催促、主张 1) urge sb. to do sth. e.g. They urged me to eat the strange food.He urged her to join their pany.Mother urged me not to tell you about it. 2) urge sth. on / upon sb.:向某人强调 e.g. She urged on us the necessity of patience. I should urge on you the importance of hard work. 3) urge that:主张 e.g. She urged that I (should) apologize to him.They urged that the library be kept open during the vacation. n. (想做某事的)强烈冲动,an / the urge to do sth. e.g. He suddenly felt an urge to go home. Father has an urge to visit Beijing. urgent:adj. 紧迫的、迫切的e.g. an urgent call / They were urgent in their demand.urgency:n. 紧迫、紧急e.g. a matter of urgency:急事Please call 110 in time of urgency.17. seek-sought-sought:(文)搜寻、寻求、追求,seek (for / after) sth. e.g. They sought shelter from the rain.He found it worthless to seek fame.You had better seek advice from you teacherMost men seek wealth; all men seek happiness. play hide and seek:捉迷藏18. spell:vt.意味着、招致 = mean;拼单词 e.g. Those dark clouds spell rain.Does laziness always spell failure?How do you spell your name? spell out:拼出、阐述、详细说明 e.g. We had to spell the main points out to them.


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