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河北省2022年中考英语总复习第4课时七下Units5-8练习冀教版.单项选择1(2019原创)How can I improve my ability in English?Developing a of talking with others in English is a good idea.Aplan BhabitCway Dchance2(xx河北保定定兴三模)I love reading books because I can have much from them.Afood BknowledgeCmoney Dgrammar3(2019预测)There will be less pollution more people use public transportation.Abut BthoughCunless Dif4(2019原创) What are you doing?Im doing some about the ancient Silk Road.Aexercise BresearchCinformation Doperation5(xx江西模拟五)If you want to know more information, on the Internet.Alook after it Blook at itClook up it Dlook it up6(xx山东青岛市北二模)I dont know what her interests are, because we only talk about work when we meet.Aexactly BmostlyChardly Donly7(2019原创)Our city has bee the National Civilized City(全国文明城市)Yes. We our hometown.Aare born with Bare famous forCare proud of Dare hard on8(2019预测)Ive five pounds. I think I need to lose weight.Aput on Btake offCput away Dtake away9(2019原创)What time do you usually in the morning?At 7:00 and then have breakfast.Aclean up Bget upCpick up Dcut up10(2019预测)To produce better products, the pany has spent a lot of money this new kind of machine.Aintroducing BmanagingCinstructing Dchanging.完形填空(xx山东滨州期末改编)I often spend my summer holidays just with my parents. It is quite boring. But last summer holiday was 1 . Some of my friends came to stay with my parents and me for a week at our summer house. It is in a small beach town called Portsea.They got there by train. It 2 them three hours.One morning my friends and I 3 to take my parents boat for a ride. We rowed(划船) 4 half an hour and found a big cave(山洞). Susan said it could be dangerous to go into it. But Peter said it was okay. 5 we started rowing again and got in. Then the tide(潮) started. At first we thought we could fight it but we were 6 . We shouted for 7 but there was no one around. Susan and I began to cry. Louis told us not to worry because the tide would be out. Because Louis always seemed to know the answer to 8 , we stopped crying.Luckily, Louis was right 9 . After some hours the tide went out. We rowed back home quickly. We didnt 10 my parents about this special trip. And we were so afraid that we would not have a boat ride again.1A.terrible Bdifficult Cpopular Ddifferent 2A.took Bspent Cgave Dused 3A.waited Bdreamed Cdecided Dthanked 4A.in Bon Cto Dfor 5A.Because BSo CIf DOr 6A.late Bwrong Csorry Dbusy 7A.help Bluck Cfun Dtime 8A.someone Banyone Cnothing Deverything 9A.yet Bstill Cagain Dtoo 10A.call Bshow Cask Dtell.任务型阅读阅读短文,并按要求完成15题。(xx河北中考)At many Thanksgiving dinners, everyone around the table shares something they are thankful for. As we know, most can do this easily. Its more important to know how to be thankful people all the time.Be positive(乐观). No matter what happens, its best to remember the good things. Find the bright side in bad situations, and push back against negative(负面的) opinions. Also, do your best not to pare yourself to others. But when youre around others, give expression to what you like about them. By keeping good in mind, youll give thanks for it even more than before.Accept the negative. At the same time, we cant pay no attention to bad things that have happened. We should learn from mistakes. It makes us bee strong. Before we know it, were thankful for negative things, too. Our mistakes can also make us humble(谦逊的), which is not all bad. Humble people have better relationships and see lifes blessings(祝福) much more clearly!Acts of kindness. Thankful people know that its much better to give than to receive. When youre thankful, you feel its your duty to show love to others. Some people volunteer to help people in need. Studies show that volunteers might feel happier and healthier.Use of time. By spending time with others, you show them how much they mean to you. But being thankful is also better realized by spending time alone. When youre alone, you can think about the best parts of your day. You can list them out and think them over. You can find your way to make thanksgiving a part of your life. How wonderful it is! Just enjoy it every day!1、2题完成句子;3题简略回答问题;4题找出并写下全文的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1You need to find in bad situations.2Learning from mistakes can make us and humble.3How do volunteers probably feel according to studies? 4 5 .词语运用 根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中空白处填写一个正确的单词。(2019原创)One day a man bought a lot of coconuts(椰子) and put 1. (they) all on his horse. He was moving them to his 2. (friend) house. On 3. way, the man met a boy.“How long would it take to get to the house?” he 4. (ask) the boy. “If you go 5. (slow),” the boy said, “you will get there very soon. 6. if you go fast, it will take you all day.”“What a 7.f reply!” said the man. He did not listen to the boy. He made his horse run as fast as 8.p . Some coconuts fell off. He had to stop to pick them up. Then he made his horse 9. (run) fast again. But the coconuts fell off again, and he stopped again. He did this many 10. (time), and it was night when he finally got to the place.连词成句将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。1(2019原创)library, I, to, at, am, the, going, work, .2(2019原创)vegetables, to, eat, I, more, decided .3(2019原创)can, make, English, calls, in, I, phone .4(2019原创)season, Kims, what, favourite, is ?5(2019原创)tomorrow, a, she, have, new, will, toy .书面表达(2019原创)假如你是张华,你的朋友Lucy来信说她要来清东陵旅游。请根据所给提示和要求给她回一封信,告诉她旅行前的准备工作。提示:(1)提前购票,不要独自一人前往;(2)携带地图、药品等;(3)不随意攀爬,注意安全;(4)保护环境,不乱扔垃圾;(5)要求:(1)信中须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。(2)信中不要出现真实的地名、校名和人名。(3)词数80个左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。Dear Lucy, I am so glad to hear that you are going to visit Eastern Royal Tombs of the Qing Dynasty. 参考答案.15 BBDBD610 ACABA.15 DACDB610 BADCD.1.the bright side2(bee) strong 3They probably might feel happier and healthier./Happier and healthier.4Its more important to know how to be thankful people all the time. 5当你独自一人时,你可以想想你这一天中最精彩的部分.1.them2.friends3.the4.asked5slowly6.But7.funny8possible9.run10.times.1.I am going to work at the library2I decided to eat more vegetables3I can make phone calls in English4What is Kims favourite season5She will have a new toy tomorrow.Dear Lucy, I am so glad to hear that you are going to visit Eastern Royal Tombs of the Qing Dynasty. First, you should book the ticket in advance. During the whole trip, youd better have someone along with you. Second, remember to take a map and some medicine with you. Thirdly, safety is first. Its dangerous to climb the higher place. Last but not least, dont forget to protect the environment when you enjoy the beautiful scenery. Dont pick flowers or throw rubbish everywhere.Wish you have a wonderful trip.Yours,Zhang Hua


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