2022年高中英语 Module5 Getting along with others学案集 牛津版必修5

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2022年高中英语 Module5 Getting along with others学案集 牛津版必修5Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with othersI. Spelling1. You have every right to feel b_ by your friend if she did tell your secret to others, but it seems unlikely that she did.2. Sometimes, other children say we are no fun because we are both very _ (学术的)and like to study, but we like it that way.3. We went to wash our hands in the girls toilets before lunch and I a_ how badly I had done.4. I thought that Hannah must have _ (故意地) told everyone about my mark after promising not to.5. I dont think I can even f_ her. Now Ive lost my best friend and everyone _ (取笑) me.6. He kept on saying really mean things to hurt me. I feel really _ (内疚的) because I said some really cruel things too.7. Since the match, he hasnt spoken to me even though we sit next to each other in class. Its really _ (别扭的,不自然的)8. The things he said hurt me too, but he has not a_ to me.9. However, if you feel that she is very bad at keeping secrets and likes to e_ you in public, youd better find a new friend.10. Although you both said mean things to each other, one of you has to be first to say sorry. Dont be s_ .11. Dont let a small _ (分歧) ruin your friendship.12. We will listen to your problems and offer you _ (实用的)advice.13. Boys and girls have different a_ towards friendship.14. These results have been _ (一致的) worldwide.15. It has also been shown that many _ (青春期的) boys cant name a single best friend.16. There are some things about Amanda and her friends that _ (使困惑)Robert.17. She says I spend an _ (不合理的) amount of time online.18. Mum says I had better pass my exams, or she will sell the puter as _(惩罚).19. I suppose we just have to realize: boys _ activities, while girls share feelings.20. _ of what these friendships are based upon, shared feelings and activities, the important thing to remember is that both of them are friendships.II. Fill in the blanks.without hesitation primary school get through discourage sb from doing sthas a result of in the world be absorbed inkeep ones word sound very proud of keep one s secret1. We have been best friends since _ and spend almost every day with each other.2. I must have _ myself after the test, saying loudly how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark.3. I made her promise not to tell anyone, and she said she would _4. I was so angry that I went straight to Hannah and told her we werent going to be friends any more because she couldnt _.5. He seemed absent-minded and _ his careless playing, we lost the game.6. Mum _ me _ (chat) online. She says I spend too much time on it.7. Our lines can get very busy but please keep trying and you will eventually _.8. When he es back three and a half hours later, theyre still sitting on the sofa, _ conversation!9. Girls who have been asked can usually answer the question _.10. Robert often wonders, “What _ do they have to talk about?”III. Translation1. 杰克的新车肯定是花费了大约两万英镑。(must have done)_2. 他下决心要在一家电脑公司找一份工作。(be determined to do sth)_3. 她一点也不大方,在金钱方面总是很吝啬。(be mean with)_4. 她不再忍受她哥哥的坏脾气了。 她要跟她谈谈。(put up with)_5. 我父亲警告我说,必须十点前回来,如果迟到了就要受罚。(warn sb thatand that.)_6. 当我看到他剃的头时,忍不住笑了。(cant help doing sth)_7. 他们坐在长凳上,有说有笑。_8. 当问及他为什么这样做时,他只是说:“因为我喜欢。”( when asked )_9. 当他看到那个男孩溺水时,他毫不犹豫地跳进了水中。(without hesitation)_10. 法律要求人人平等,不管是什么种族、宗教或性别。(regardless of)_IV. Grammar (非谓语动词)a. 含义:在英语中,不能作句子谓语,而是担任其他语法功能的动词,叫做非谓语动词。b. 分类及各种形式:动词不定式,动名词和分词(现在分词和过去分词)。另外,动名词和现在分词统称为“-ing”形式。主动式被动式to do一般式to writeto be written进行式to be writing完成式to have writtento have been writtendoing一般式writingbeing written完成式having writtenhaving been writtendonewrittenc. 特点:不能单独做谓语 .它们具有各种形态:原形、主动态、被动态、进行态和完成态。.不定式和动名词可以做主语、宾语、表语、补语等。 分词起形容词和副词作用,可做表语、定语、状语和复合结构中的复合宾语,但不能做主语和宾语。不受主语人称和数的限制。如:在某些动词后的用法:1. see, notice, look, observe, watch, let, make, have, hear, listen, feel , had better, would rather, Why not. _2. want, decide, tell sb, order sb, persuade sb, cant wait, invite sb, allow sb, have sth, ._3. admit, dislike, enjoy, like, appreciate, love, mind, avoid, practise, miss, finish, keep, suggest, imagine, delay, cant help, look forward to, feel like, keep on, it is no use., cant stand, put off, _4. continue, prefer, begin, hate, like, start, love, attempt._5. forget, regret, remember, mean, try, go on._V. Multiple choices1._ for many years, no one could recognize him.A. The man being put in prison B. The man having been in prisonC. The man putting in prison D. Put in prison2.Im sorry I forgot _ him about it. So he didnt e.A. to tell B. telling C. to be told D. having told3. His homework _ , but it _ .A. needs correcting; neednt rewriting B. needs correcting; doesnt need to be rewritingC. needs correcting; neednt be written D. needs to be corrected; neednt to be rewritten4._ , the old man is living a happy life.A. Taking good care B. Taken good care C. Having taken good care D. Taken good care of5.I considered _ my job, but in the end I decided _ .A. to change; to do not B. changing; not to C. changing ; to do not D. to change; not to6.Your job is well done. Have you _ for it? Yes, I remember _¥500.A. paid; being paid B. been paid; to pay C. been paid; being paid D. paid; to pay7. She spoke too quickly _ .A. to understand B. to be understood C. not to understand D. not to be understood8._ her before, he didnt know she was his aunt.A. Not being seen B. Not having seen C. Having not seen D. Not seeing9._ many times, but he still couldnt understand it.A. Having been told B. Though he had been told C. He had been told D. Having told10. Who will you _ the article into Japanese?A. to have translated B. have translate C. have to translate D. have translating11._ warmly for his work, he was too excited _ asleep.A. Praising; to fall B. To praise; to fall C. Praised; falling D. Praised; to fall12. The doctor did everything he could _ the patient.A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved13. She had no choice but _ to sleep. A. go B. to go C. going D. gone14. The work _ , John went to see a film. A. done B. doing C. to be done D. to do15.I regret _ you that I wont be able to go with you. A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. told16.Its no good _ problems with a man like that.A. to discuss B. discussed C. discussing D. to be discussed17.They _ their success. A .proud B. are proud for C. are proud of D. pride in18.She _the key.A. admitted taking B. admitted to take C. admitted having taken D. admitted to have taken19.I have no doubt _ he will overe all his difficulties. A. whether B. that C. if D. as to20.I_that again, but he insists that I did. A. didnt promise to do B. promised not to doC. didnt promise doing D. promised not doing21.The population of China is_ than that of America. A. larger fives times B. five times larger C. five times as D. as five times.22.The number of the cameras they produced this year has increased_30% paredwith_ of last year. A. with; ones B. to; those C. by; that D. of; it23.Many factors_ the serious accident, an expert said. Which of following cant be theright answer? A. contributed to B. led to C. resulted in D. resulted from24.1. I wont stand your _ to me like that.A. talk B. talks C. talking D. talked25. Sarah felt like _ when she found out that she had been chatting online with a boy student of her same class. A. cry B. to cry C. being crying D. crying26. Dont hesitate _me if you have any questions. A. asking B. asks C. to ask D. asked答案:1. betrayed 2.academic 3. admitted 4.deliberately 5. forgive, teases 6.guilty 7.awkward 8.apologized 9.embarrass 10. stubborn 11. disagreement 12.pratical 13. attitudes 14.consistent 15.adolescent 16. puzzle 17.absurb 18. punishment 19.share 20. Regardless1. primary school 2.sounded very proud of 3. keep my secret 4. keep her word 5. as a result of 6. discourages from chatting 7. get through 8. absorbed in 9. without hesitation 10. in the world1. Jacks new car must have cost around 20,000.2. He was determined to find a job in a puter pany.3. She is not generous at all, she is always mean with her money.4. She is not going to put up with her brothers bad temper any more. She is going to talk with him.5. My father warned me that I had to go back before 10 oclock and that he would punish me if I was late.6. I could not help laughing when I saw his haircut.7. They were sitting on the bench, chatting and laughing.8. When asked why he did it, he simply said, “Because I love it.”9. When he saw the little boy drowning in the river, he jumped into the water without hesitation.10. The law requires equal treatment foe all, regardless of race, religion or sex.15 BACDB 610 CBBCB 1115 DBBAB 1620 CCCBA 2126 BCDCDCModule 5 Unit 2 The environmentI. Spelling:1. Todays d_ question is “The economy or the environmentmust we choose?”2. If you have any questions or ments, you can use this time to v_ them.3. Im talking to you today about the way large areas of the world are damaged by i_ waste.4. Factories produce large amounts of p_ chemicals.5. The waste they create goes into the a_ and makes us sick.6. P_ is so bad that many rivers are full of chemicals.7. In a_, many sea creatures are being wiped out by fishing boats.8. The figure is now a_ 6.5 million people.9. It would be b_ to expand our recycling industry.10. It is o_ that you are very concerned about the present situation.11. They think of greedy businessmen hiding from their r_ to the environment.12. Asking around, I find many people w_ to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly.13. The UNCCD was e_ in 1994.14. This center was set up in 1996 and is s_ with _ (现代的) technical _ (设备) and panies for environmental research.15. The second environmental project includes a nature reserve for white-flag dolphins, one of the most e_ animals in the world.16. Boats are p_ from entering this area in order to keep the dolphins safe.17. The Yangtze River is home to a d_ range of fish and animals.18. We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems c_ the Yangtze River.19. The efforts to protect this much-loved river will be a_ for years to e by future generations.20. I certainly think we need to use all our resources in the best possible way. After all, they are l_.II. Filling the blanks (Paying attention to the form of each verb):open the floor, have a lasting effect on, cut back on, think ofas, flow into, what if, wipe out, take responsibility for, result in, in the form of, under way, focus on, rely on21. The pollution _ unsafe drinking water which has led to health problems for people living near the river.22. Pollution is very bad for the people who _ the river for water.23. Two special government projects are also _ to protect the river.24. The projects _ problems along the Yangtze River such as water conservation.25. Theres also another resource in the fight against desertification, _ the China National Desertification Monitoring Centre.26. _ we run out of space?27. People should _ not buying certain kinds of fish, because there are not many left in the ocean.28. Now we _ for discussion.29. Many types of waste _ our water.30. In addition, many sea creatures _ by fishing boats.31. These boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to lay eggs. This _ the number of fish left for us to eat.32. My suggestion is that we should try to _ production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy.33. The people running these factories are very concerned about the environment. We need to stop _ panies and money _ the enemy.III. Translation:34. They _ (辩论是否接受) the proposal.35. The worlds population _ _ (与1800年相比增长到那时的6倍多).36. It is quite amazing that the ine of the people in the city _ (增加了) 60% in the past 2 years.37. The population of China _ _ (占世界人口的1/5).38. This desk is _ / _ / _ (比 长两倍) that one.39. As an economist, I _ (常被视为反对) the environment.40. But I do agree that recycling may be _ (对双方都有助的解决方法).41. In my opinion, the key to _ (解决) the problem is to cooperate _ (而不是争论).42. They discussed three _ (提高英语的方法). (approach)43. Boats _ (禁止进入) this area.44. 我很感激你能留下帮我们。(appreciate)I will _ stay and help us.45. 他用剩下的钱给妈妈买了一束花。(remain)He bought a bound of flowers with _.46. 我的车没油了,所以发动不了。(run out)My car _ petrol, so I cant start it.I cant start my car because the petrol in it _.47. 你需要钱和时间。此外,你还需要努力。(addition)You need money and time. _, you need diligence.You need diligence _ money and time.48. 我们能信赖Jim会准时来吗?(rely)Can we _ Jim will e on time?49. 她建议我们早点出发。(advise)She _ early.50. 令我惊讶的是,那女孩笑起来和她母亲像她那么大时一模一样。(the way)To my _, the girl laughs _ her mother _ at that age.51. 新计划实施前,我们想倾听一下学生及家长的意见。(effect, voice)Before this new plan _, wed like _ the students and their parents.52. 我征询过周围人的意见,发现他们中很多人愿意花费稍高一些的价钱来购买环保产品。(ask around)_, I find many people _ pay _ higher prices for things that _.53. 他解释道,不仅政府要采取措施,而且人人都应为保护环境尽一份力量。He explained that not only _ but also _ do his bit for the _ of the environment.IV. Grammar: Verb-ing form54. We have to take environmental protection into consideration when _ (develop) the country.55. _ (finish) all his work, he went to bed to have a good sleep.56. This destruction is _ (frighten).57. People _ (run) these factories are very _ (concern) about the environment.58. Suddenly he felt himself _ (follow) by a little boy.59. It _ (be) Tuesday, we have 2 English classes.60. _ (see) is _ (believe).V. Multiple choices:61. Fall _, the swallows have gone to the south.A. ingB. eC. having eD. es62. He reached the railway station, _ and out of breath, _ the train had left.A. tired; findingB. tiring; findingC. tired; to findD. tired; found63. _ poor, many young children from peasants families stop going to school.A. AsB. BecauseC. BeingD. For64. The man _ over there was injured in a car accident yesterday.A. operate on B. being operated onC. to operate onD. being operated65. _ the sentence again and again, but I still cant understand it.A. Having readB. Having been readC. I have readD. Although I have read66. Then the floor _ to the Premier for his report on the international situation.A. was given B. gaveC. givingD. given67. Yet ever since then, people at home and abroad have _ different opinions about the policy.A. risenB. voicedC. announcedD. proven68. The traveler _ his coat on a stone and _ down to have a rest.A. lay; layB. laid; lay C. laid; laidD. lied; lied69. The old farmer had his leg _ but he had his tractors _ day and night.A. hurting; workingB. hurting; workedC. hurt; workingD. hurt; worked70. The puter centre, _ last year, is very popular among the students in this school.A. openB. openingC. having openedD. opened71. When she went in, he was lying on the floor _ at the ceiling.A. was staringB. staringC. to stareD. stared72. He was so careless that he left the work half _ and went to the cinema.A. doB. doingC. doneD. to do73. If you dont go swimming next Sunday and _.A. I wont, tooB. so dont I C. neither do I D. nor shall I74. _ home yesterday afternoon it began to rain heavily.A. On my arrival B. On arrivingC. While I gotD. When I got75. Students are prohibited _ inside school.A. from smokingB. to smoke C. smokingD. smoke76. The scheme is now well _ a reality at any time.A. under the way to beeB. under way to beeC. under way to beingD. under ways to being答案;I. 1. debate 2. voice 3. industrial 4. poisonous 5. atmosphere 6. Pollution 7. addition 8. approaching 9. beneficial 10. obvious 11. responsibilities 12. willing 13. established 14. stocked; modern; equipment 15. endangered 16. prohibited 17. diverse18. concerning 19. appreciated 20. limitedII. 21. has resulted in 22. rely on 23. under way 24. focus on 25. in the form of 26. What if27. take responsibility for 28. will open the floor 29. flow into 30. are being wiped out 31. will have a lasting effect upon 32. cut back on 33. thinking of asIII. 34. debated whether to accept35. has grown to more than six times what it was in 180036. that; has increased/ risen by37. is/ makes up one fifth (as large as) the worlds population38. is three times as long as /is twice longer than / t


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