2022年高中英语 Module 4《Music Born in America》英文教案(6) 外研版选修7

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2022年高中英语 Module 4《Music Born in America》英文教案(6) 外研版选修7_第1页
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2022年高中英语 Module 4《Music Born in America》英文教案(6) 外研版选修7_第2页
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2022年高中英语 Module 4Music Born in America英文教案(6) 外研版选修7Teaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to read and write about study habits.2. To let Ss review what they have learnt in this module.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Revision Check Reading Activities in the workbook on page 112113.Step 2. Reading and WritingPurpose: To enable Ss to read and write about study habits.1. Let Ss talk about their favorite kind of music. 2. Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and finish Activity 1 on page 52.3. Ask Ss to discuss the questions in Activity 2 and share their ideas in group members.4. Topic for Ss: Based on what you have discussed just now, write a description of your study habits.One possible version:I like listening to music when I study because I find it concentrates me on what I am doing. I prefer studying in an environment that fills with music. But for myself, I think soft music the best choose for my study. If for rock or rap, I would say “No way” because they are too noisy. If my parents heard music ing from my bedroom they would know that I was studying! I am not sure whether my scores will improve if I listen to Mozart when I revise, but it sounds like a good idea. Step 3. Module FilePurpose: To enable Ss to make a conclusion of this module and deepen what they have learned in the module. Ask Ss to look at Module File on page 14 and try to recall what they have learnt in the module. Then tick the things they are sure that they know and put a question mark next to the points they are not sure of and a cross to what they dont know.Help Ss to share their ideas and deal with the difficult or confusing point.Step 5. HomeworkAsk Ss to revise all the useful words and expressions in the passage and try to make some sentences.


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