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(41)Many people go to school for an education. 1 learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and maths. Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can 2 a living. School 3 is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he 4 , can not teach his students everything they 5 to know. The teachers job is to show his students how to read and how to 6 . So much more is to be learned 7 school by the students themselves.It is always more important to know how to study by 8 than to memorize(熟记)some facts or formula(公式). It is 9 quite easy to learn a 10 fact in history or a formula in mathematics. But it is very difficult to use a formula in 11 out a maths problem. Great scientists, such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo, didnt learn many things from school. But they were all so 12 that they invented so many things for mankind.The 13 for their success is that they knew how to study. They read books that were not 14 at school. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of 15 .1. A. Students B. They C. We D. People2. A. make B. do C. have D. get3. A. education B. degree C. lesson D. task4. A. teaches B. knows C. learns D. practises5. A. manage B. expect C. fail D. want6. A. study B. play C. think D. work7. A. From B. in C. within D. outside8. A. heart B. students C. us D. oneself9. A. not B. actually C. seldom D. known10.A. real B. true C. certain D. great11. A. setting B. working C. making D. doing12. A. famous B. popular C. successful D. modest13. A. experiment B. reason C. result D. way14. A. kept B. showed C. expressed D. taught15. A. duties B. jobs C. experiments D. records(42)About 70,000,000 Americans are trying to lose weight(减肥). That is almost 1 out of every 3 people in the United States. Some people eat 1 food and they hardly have any fats or sweets. Others do running, exercise with machines, take medicines, or even have operations. 2 you can see losing weight is 3 work, and it will also cost a lot of money. But _4 do so many people in the United States want to lose weight?Many people in the United States worry about their look of the body. For many people, looking nice also means to be 5 . Other people worry about their health as many doctors 6 overweight is not good.Most people want to find an 7 way to take off fat, and books of this kind are very popular. These books tell people how to lose weight. Each year a lot of new books like these are 8 . Each one says it can easily help people take fat away.Losing weight can be 9 . Some overweight people go to health centres, like La Costa in California. Men and women 10 several hundred dollars a day at these health centres. People live there for one week or two, 11 exercise, eating different foods. Meals there may be just a little. All these work for losing weight. _12_ 4 days on the programme, one woman called Mrs. Warren lost 5 pounds (2.27kg). At $ 400 a day, she spent $ 320 to lose each pound. But she said she was still _13_ to do so.Health centres, books, medicines, operations, running and exercise machines all _14_ a lot of money. So in the United States, losing weight may mean losing _15_ too.1. A. less B. more C. nice D. fast2. A. For B. So C. Or D. And3. A. good B. useful C. hard D. easy4. A. why B. what C. how D. when5. A. high B. short C. thin D. fat6. A. talk B. say C. speak D. tell7. A. dearer B. harder C. shorter D. easier8. A. taken B. given C. written D. copied9. A. cheap B. expensive C. easy D. safe10. A. pay B. cost C. take D. have11. A. making B. taking C. playing D. using12. A. Before B. In C. After D. At13. A. sorry B. angry C. sad D. glad14. A. need B. have C. use D. get15. A. health B. time C. food D. money(43) When the boys 1 home, it was eleven oclock. It was dark 2 but there was a light inside their home and the door 3 . They could see a man inside.“Who can 4 be? ” Said Peter. “Mother and Father 5 to do some 6 . They wont be home 7 eight oclock. ”When the man saw Peter, he looked 8 . Then he smiled and said. “e in! You dont know me, but Im a friend of 9 .” The man didnt see John.Peter went inside and began 10 to the man but John didnt. He quickly but quietly ran off. He soon found a policeman and brought him back 11 home. The man was 12 there, but when he saw the policeman, he tried to run off. The policeman caught him 13 the arm. Just then the boys parents 14 .“Is the man your friend?” The policeman asked Mr. Turner .“No, he is a thief. He wanted to steal my money. 15 nice of you to catch him.”1.A. reached B. arrived at C. goes to D. reached to2.A. out of B. outside C. outsides D. inside3.A. opened B. was open C. was opened D. open4.A. he B. she C. it D. that5.A. have been B. have gone C. go D. went6.A. shops B. shopping C. shoppings D. shop7.A. until B. at C. to D. before8.A. frightening B. fear C. frightened D. surprised9.A. your father B. your fathers C. your motherD. your family10. A. saying B. talking C. speaking D. telling11. A. to B. to their C. their D. at12. A. already B. always C. still D. yet13. A. in B. on C. at D. by14. A. returned B. returned back C. had returned D. had returned back15. A. Its B. Thiss C. This is D. So is(44)It is mon in English to ask people about their holidays. In theWest, many 1 go away on holiday during the summer months, 2 so it is very usual to 3 about this. If the holiday has not 4 taken place, then their holiday plans 5 be talked about. And if it is already over, then where 6 went, whether they 7 it and so on can be discussed. Similar questions are asked 8 some public holidays.9 living and working in China often 10 opportunities for travel, either at weekends or during 11 holidays, so such kind of 12 lead to fruitful discussions. They may be 13 to know if they have chosen the 14 places, especially those a little less 15 ones.1. A. factories B. families C. schools D. farms2. A. but B. and C. because D. for3. A. ask B. see C. know D. write4. A. still B. already C. yet D. often5. A. must B. should C. need D. can6. A. we B. he C. they D. she7. A. liked B. followed C. finished D. found8. A. to B. before C. with D. by9. A. Visitors B. Foreigners C. Strangers D. Players10. A. make B. carry C. have D. keep11. A. his B. her C. their D. its12. A. Answers B. exercises C. excuses D. Questions13. A. glad B. interested C. worried D. lucky14. A. right B. different C. helpful D. terrible15. A. expensive B. famous C. useful D. friendly(45)Dear George,Half a year has gone by 1 we said goodbye to each other at the Kaitak airport (飞机场) . Except for 2 hurriedly written notes you have not written to any of your old 3 any letters 4 a few days. We are studying 5 a foreign university, but know 6 of what is going on about you.Last night, John, Tom and I 7 a happy reunion (重聚) in dinner. It was all like the old high school 8 except that you were not in this get together. 9 we all felt 10 you. We then began to talk about you and wondered 11 at that moment. At last we 12 to your health.What kind of life you are living in London? Is your school-work keeping you 13 ? And there are a thousand things we want to 14 . Please tell us.My 15 regards (问候) , also Johns and Toms.Your old friend,Tonny1 A. since B. after C. before D. when2 A. little B. a little C. few D. a few3 A. classmates B. friends C. rades D. masters4 A. in B. for C. with D. during5 A. in B. at C. on D. to6 A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing7 A. made B. started C. had D. did8 A. time B. place C. days D. teaching9 A. Suddenly B. But C. Or D. And10 A. to miss B. in missing C. miss D . missing11 A. what were you doing B. what you were doing12 C. how were you doing D. how you were doing13 A. drink B. drank C. had drunk D. was drinking14 A. busy B. happy C. free D. sorry15 A. understand B. hear C. see D. know16 A. good B. better C. best D. well(46)One will feel happy when others flatter( 奉承) him in his face. It is said that the best way of flattering someone is to give him a “top hat” 1 .A student was going to leave the capital to bee 2 official(官员) in a city far away. Before he started, he came to say 3 to his teacher.“It is 4 job to be a good official.” his teacher said. “ you must be strict 5 yourself and never be careless.”“Dont worry about me, sir.” The student answered. “I have already 6 one hundred top hats, which will 7 those people quite happy.”“But we are really gentlemen! 8 could a real gentleman do such a thing” his teacher was a bit 9 . “Never forget 10 I taught you in class!”“ 11 are always right, sir I also hate such things. But, sir, 12 no one really gentleman like you can be seen in the world now.” said the student. It seemed that he had to do so.After hearing this , the teacher was 13 . “What you said is true!”“I have 14 one top hat already. Now I have ninety-nine 15 .” the student said to his friend later on when he asked the student what he had talked with the teacher about.1. A. to put on B. putting on C. wearing D to wear2. A. a B . the C. an D. /3. A. hello B. good bye C. OK D. thanks4. A. not an easy B. not easy C. a good D. difficult5. A. about B. with C. from D. to6. A. made B. Bought C. prepared D. repaired7. A. give B. let C. keep D. make8. A. How B. What C. Why D. When9. A. anger B. angry C. angrily D. angrily10. A. that B. how C. why D. what11.A. You B. We C. They D. Us12. A. hardly B. about C. almost D. nearly13. A. disappointed B. pleased C. angry D. sorry14. A. sent out B. bought C. sold D. borrowed15. A. left B. already C. yet D. else(47)“Its over! Thank goodness!” school was 1 and I was tired. I 2 at the front of the school bus.Janie, the driver, tries to 3 the unfortable atmosphere by striking the match of talks. I try to listen 4 , but usually I am too 5 thinking about my day. On this day, however, her talk was worth 6 .“My fathers ill ,” she said to no one in particular(特别地). I could see worry in her 7 . I had never seen her like this before. She always meets students 8 a smile.With a sudden change of interest, I asked, “ whats wrong with him?”With her eyes wet and her voice 9 , she answered, “Heart trouble.” Her eyes lowered as she continued. “Ive already 10 my mum, so I dont think I can stand losing him.” I couldnt answer. My heart ached for her.I sat on the 11 thinking of the great pain my own mother was thrown into when her father died. I saw how hard it was, and still is, for her. I wouldnt want to anyone to go through that.Suddenly I realized Janie wasnt only a bus 12 , that was just her job. She had a whole world of family and cares 13 .I suddenly 14 very selfish. I paid no attention to Janie because she was a bus driver. I had judged her by her job and brushed her off as unimportant.I shouldnt have been so selfish and self-centered. 15 people is an art.1. A. in B. off C. over D. on2. A. ran B. walked C. sat D. stood3. A. rest B. break C. close D. open4. A. polite B. rude C. politely D. quickly5. A. busy B. free C. busily D. freely6. A. looking at B. agreeing with C. talking to D. listening to7. A. eyes B. face C. mouth D. ears8. A. with B. within C. without D. for9. A. usually B. usual C. unusual D. truly10.A. remembered B. forgotten C. lost D. missed11. A. seat B. house C. room D. desk12. A. worker B. driver C. teacher D. doctor13. A. also B. either C. too D. at all14. A. felt B. feel C. thought D. was15. A. Looking at B. Understanding C. Getting to know D. Watching(48)The womens college had a very small car park, and because several of the teachers and students, and many of the students boyfriends, had cars, it was often 1 to find a place to park. The head of the college, Miss Baker, had a 2 in the car park for her own small car. There were white 3 around it, and it had a small blackboard saying, “Only for Head of College.”One evening when Miss Baker got 4 to the college a few minutes before the time all the students should be in, she 5 another car in her parking place. There were two 6 in it, one of her girl students and a young man. Miss Baker 7 that the young man would have to leave soon, 8 she decided to ask him to move his car a bit, for her to park her car in the place for the night 9 going to bed.Because the young mans car was 10 to the railing, Miss Baker had to drive up beside it on the other 11 , where the girl was sitting. She came up on this side, 12 her own window and tapped her horn lightly. The girl was having her head on the 13 shoulder. She looked round in 14 . She was even more surprised when she 15 Miss Baker say, “Excuse me, but may I change places with you?”1. A. late B. difficult C. important D. quick2. A. place B. seat C. room D. card3. A. pictures B. maps C. lines D. walls4. A. out B. up C. away D. back5. A. stopped B. found C. caught D. missed6. A. boys B. women C. teachers D. people7. A. said B. forgot C. knew D. waited8. A. until B. since C. though D. so9. A. before B. after C. about D .from10. A. next B. far C. ready D. same11. A. way B. side C. hand D. corner12. A. closed B. pulled C. opened D. cleaned13. A. cars B. womans C. parks D. mans14. A. trouble B. time C. surprise D. hurry15. A. heard B. learned C. taught D. close(49)Long ago there was a poor farmer called Fred. Fred and his wife, Doris lived 1 together in their small old house. One winter night, the Luck Fairy (仙女) visited them .“Fred, youre a 2 farmer. Id like to give you a wish,” said the Luck Fairy.“A wish?” Said Fred.Fred and Doris smiled at each other. Then Fred said, “ Thank you , Luck Fairy. Were very 3 and happy.”“ 4 were old, we still work in the field every day,” said Doris.“You wok very hard but you 5 very little money. Would you like some gold coins ” asked the Luck Fairy.“Oh no , my dear Luck Fairy. Were poor. But we have 6 food to eat.” Replied Fred.“You can use the gold coin to buy some clothes. The winter here is very cold,” said Luck Fairy.“Though we havent got 7 clothes, weve got enough,” said Doris.“Well, what about a nice new house?” Asked Luck Fairy.“Thank you, but I 8 my small old house very much. Ive lived here since I was born. I dont 9 a new house,” said Fred.“Youre quite different from other people. I like you very much,” said the Luck Fairy. “I wish you happiness and Luck forever.” Then the Luck Fairy 10 and never came back.1. A. sadly B. happily C. worried D. anxiously2. A. bad B. lazy C. good D. unhelpful3. A. healthy B. careful C. difficult D. important4. A. If B. But C. Because D. Though5. A. cost B. lose C. make D. borrow6. A. no B. little C. enough D. expensive7. A. old B. many C. bad D. clean8. A. hate B. love C. need D. dislike9. A. need B. see C. buy D. build10. A. smiled B. nodded C. laughed D. disappeared(50)A thousand years ago, Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest. As more and more people came to 1 in Hong Kong, these trees were cut down and burnt. Now there is 2 forest left, though there are still some small areas(地方) covered with trees. We call these woods.Elephants, tigers and many 3 animals were living in the thick forest. When people came to live in Hong Kong, the 4 began to die out. Early farmers grew rice and 5 pigs and chickens in the valleys. They cut down the trees and burnt them


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