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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-北京大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题In time,the woman was persuaded to try this new form of discipline and to( )a failure to go to time out by the withdrawal of some privilege.问题1选项A.back offB.back upC.back downD.back with【答案】B【解析】考查动词短语辨析。back off“后腿;卸下”;back up“支持;承认;证实”;back down“放弃,让步”;back with,无此短语用法。句意:后来,这个女的被说服去试着接受这项新处罚,自己的过错,并被撤销了一些特权暂停了工作。因此B选项符合题意。2.单选题There is a conspicuous lack of public debate about how this insular country should _ the reality that more immigrants are coming and that those already here are changing Japan.问题1选项A.abide byB.account forC.act onD.adjust to【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项abide by“遵守”;B选项account for“解释;对负责”;C选项act on“对起作用;按照行事”;D选项adjust to“调整以适应”。句意:对于这个与世隔绝的国家来说,应该如何_移民越来越多涌入并且正在改变日本这一现实,明显缺乏公开讨论。根据语境,account for“解释;对负责”搭配reality“现实”比较合理,意思是解释为什么越来越多移民进入日本并且改变日本的现实。因此B选项正确。3.单选题The concept of personal choice in relation to health behaviors is an important one. An estimated 90 percent of all illnesses may be preventable if individuals would make sound personal health choices based upon current medical knowledge. We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it restricted when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society. The structure of American society allows us to make almost all our own personal decisions that may concern our health. If we so desire, we can smoke, drink excessively, refuse to wear seat belts, eat whatever foods we want, and live a completely sedentary life-style without any exercise. The freedom to make such personal decisions is a fundamental aspect of our society, although the wisdom of these decisions can be questioned. Personal choices relative to health often cause a difficulty. As one example, a teenager may know the facts relative to smoking cigarettes and health but may be pressured by friends into believing it is the socially accepted thing to do.A multitude of factors, both inherited and environmental, influence the development of health-related behaviors, and it is beyond the scope of this text to discuss all these factors as they may affect any given individual. However, the decision to adopt a particular health-related behavior is usually one of personal choice. There are healthy choices and there are unhealthy choices. In discussing the morals of personal choice, Fries and Crapo draw a comparison. They suggest that to knowingly give oneself over to a behavior that has a statistical probability of shortening life is similar to attempting suicide. Thus, for those individuals who are interested in preserving both the quality and quantity of life, personal health choices should reflect those behaviors that are associated with a statistical probability of increased vitality and longevity.1.The concept of personal choice concerning health is important because ( ).2.Sound personal health choice is often difficult to make because _.3.According to Fries and Crapo, sound health choice should be based on _.问题1选项A.it is essential to personal freedom in American societyB.it helps raise the level of our medical knowledgeC.personal health choices help cure most illnessesD.wrong decisions could lead to poor health问题2选项A.current medical knowledge is still insufficientB.there are many factors influencing our decisionsC.people are usually influenced by the behavior of their friendsD.few people are willing to trade the quality of life for the quantity of life问题3选项A.personal decisionsB.societys lawsC.friends opinionsD.statistical evidence【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:D【解析】1.细节推理题。题干:个人健康选择的概念很重要,因为_。文章第二句话提到“An estimated 90 percent of all illnesses may be preventable if individuals would make sound personal health choices based upon current medical knowledge”,可知个人健康的正确选择将避免约90%的疾病,如果不做合理选择就可能导致疾病。因此D选项符合题意。2.细节推理题。题干:合理的个人健康选择往往很难做出,因为_。由“choice”定位到文章第一段倒数第二句,往下看到第二段第一句对此现象做了总结:A multitude of factors, both inherited and environmental, influence the development of health-related behaviors。说明影响因素是方方面面的。因此B选项符合题意。3.细节推理题。题干:弗里斯和克拉波认为,健康的选择应该基于_。根据文章最后两句可知弗里斯和克拉波认为“personal health choices should reflect those behaviors that are associated with a statistical probability of increased vitality and longevity”,统计数据才能确定哪些是有利于健康的行为。因此D选项符合题意。4.单选题He was _ to tell the truth even to his closest friend.问题1选项A.too much of a cowardB.too much the cowardC.a coward enoughD.enough of a coward【答案】A【解析】考查固定用法。综合选项可知,本题考查“tooto太以致不能”,too much the coward“懦夫太多”不符合句意,因此A选项符合题意。5.单选题Harvard is committed to ongoing communication and cooperation as project plans are_.问题1选项A.maintain, shapingB.maintaining, shapingC.maintain, shapedD.maintaining, shaped【答案】B【解析】考查词语辨析。句中存在一个固定表达be committed to +n./doing“致力于;献身于”,因此排除A和C选项。过去分词表示已完成,现在分词表示正在进行。根据句意:哈佛大学致力于在项目计划进行过程中保持交流与合作。因此B选项符合题意。6.单选题Some readers, especially children, find his works among the most( )books they ever read.问题1选项A.captivatingB.captivatedC.capturableD.captious【答案】A【解析】考查形近词辨析。captivating“迷人的,有魅力的”;captivated“迷住,迷惑”,是captivate的过去分词形式;capturable“可捕获的”;captious“挑剔的,吹毛求疵的”。句意:一些读者,尤其是孩子们,发现他的作品是他们读过最。此处需填入形容词,根据句意,A选项符合。7.单选题( ) sermons retained their preeminence in religious life during most of the twentieth century, they are gradually losing that central places as churches devote more energy to social activities.问题1选项A.AsB.ForC.WhileD.Although【答案】D【解析】考查逻辑知识。前半句中“sermons retained their preeminence”表示肯定意义,后半句提到“they are gradually losing that central places”,可知语气出现了转折。因此D选项符合题意。 8.单选题Men commit motoring offences as women, according to the Home Office figures.问题1选项A.nine times ofB.as nine timesC.nine times that ofD.nine time as many【答案】D【解析】考查语法知识。对比选项可知本题考查倍数。与times相关的倍数表达方式为:A is N times (形容词比较级) than B。因此D选项符合题意。9.单选题As a result, the mission of the school, along wih the culture of the classroom, ( ).问题1选项A.was slowly to changeB.are slowly changedC.is slowly changingD.have slowly changed【答案】C【解析】考查语法知识。对比选项可知该题考查主谓一致的问题。插入部分的along with后的附加成分不影响谓语的数,因此谓语为单数形式。该句没有时间词表示过去,C 选项符合题意。10.单选题Experiments suggest that season of birth dramatically affects the speed the body clock ticks.问题1选项A.at whichB.for whichC.on whichD.in which【答案】A【解析】考查语法知识。介词+which引导定语从句时,介词要与先行词搭配。题干中先行词是the speed,只有at可以搭配。句意:实验表明,出生的季节会极大地影响生物钟的运转速度。因此选项A符合题意。


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