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九年级上册Module9-10I、根据首字母及汉语提示完成以下单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。1. This isnt one of the cartoons which make you l_.(笑)2. The c_角色I like are heroes like superman or Batman.3. It will be a cartoon which will have a happy e_.结尾4. Tom will be in d_ 深的,大的 trouble if he cant find the camera.5.There are other cartoon f_ 喜欢的人、事物which are older.6. It tells a story of a monkey who l_ 领导a group of monkeys against the emperor of the heaven.7. “Havoc in heaven has become a common e_ 表达 used by a boss or parents when they see a mess in the office or at home.8. The books have been t_ 翻译 into over 50 languages.9. China just c_ 庆祝her 60thst,.10. Adults with e_有经验的life understand cartoons better.11.My legs a_ 疼after the basketball training every evening.12. I have just b_(碰) into the headteacher.13.He doesnt look like someone whose fitness and health i_ 感兴趣him very much.14.Oliver is a young cook who wants to i_ 提高,改善school dinners.15. They p_ 更喜欢 ice cream to fruit.16. Teachers said children b_表现 badly after lunch.17. They didnt know e_ 足够的about food and health.18. In the end, Jamie p_说服 them to try his cooking.19. Teachers should e_教育their students heart and soul.20. Teenagers may r_ 拒绝to face their mistakes because of feeling ashamed.二. 重点词组II。翻译以下词组1. over there _ 2. have a word with _3. win the heart of _ 4. ever since _7.be in deep trouble _ 8. make a mess _9.return to _ 10. translateinto _11. more than/over _ 12. hold a birthday party_13. leave one on ones own _ 14. all the time _15. be able to do sth. _ 16.give up doing sth._ 17. a place of interest _ 18. do some cooking _ 19. a bit tired_ 20. strong enough _21. need to do sth. _ 22. take a lot of exercise_23.do weight training_ 24. bump into _ 25. decide to do sth. _ 26.hard work _ 27. refuse to do sth. _ 28. persuade sb. to do sth. _ 29. in order to dosth._ 30. had better(not) do sth. _三重点句子III、翻译以下句子1.我可以想象卡通故事里的每副图片,也知道结局是怎样。I can_ every drawing in the cartoon, and I know _ _ will be .2.但这不是什么好笑的事情,这很严肃。 It is_ _ _ , this is_ 3.你能告诉他我想和他说句话吗?Can you tell him Id like to _ _ _ _ him .4. 如果Tony 告诉他爸爸他把借来的相机丢了,他就有大麻烦了。If Tony tells his dad that hes _the camera he borrowed , he will be_ _ _5. 这讲的是一只猴子带着群猴对抗玉皇大帝统治的故事。 It tells the story of a monkey who _ a group of monkey_ _ _ of the Emperor in heaven .6. 他飞到一个桃园里,想吃多少桃子就吃多少桃子,把每一个房间搞得乱七八糟。He_ into a peach garden and eats _ _ peaches_he likes, he _ _ _ in each room 7.“大闹天宫成为父母回家或老板回办公室后看到一片浪籍时的常用语。“Havoc in heaven “has become_ _ _ _by a parent and a boss when they _ _ the house or office and _ _ _8, 自从比利时漫画家于1929年创作出丁丁这个形象,75年来他一直深受人们喜爱。Tintin has_ _ for 75 years , _ _Belgian cartoonist invented the character in 1929 . and now he has _ an important birthday in China .9.他的书已经被译成50多种语言,销售了2亿册左右。 His books _ _ _ _ more than 50 languages .and about 200 million copies _ _ _ .10. 我不只是为孩子们画卡通,有生活经历的成年人理解得会更好。I didnt draw the cartoons only for children , adults who _ _ _understand them_.11.如果你想保持身体健康的话,请别放弃。 Dont_ _ , if you want to _ _ .12.你需要进行大量的运动跑步或举重训练。 You need to_ _ _ _ _-go running and _ _ _13.别跟我提这事了!我现在不准用那相机了。 Dot _ _ _ _ _ , I am_ _ _ use the camera any more .14, 不可能!是我父亲给我零花钱,而我差一点把他的相机给丢了_, It is my father _ _ me pockey money , and he is the person _camera I_ lost .15.我刚刚碰见了我们校长。 I have just_ _ the head teacher .16.他看上去不象是对自己的健康感兴趣的人。 He doesnt_ _ someone _ _and health _him very much Junk food isnt just _ _ the body , Children _ midday meals were _ were difficult to teach in the afternoon , Teachers said that Children _ _after lunch .18.杰米意识到孩子们不了解健康食品,他也发现厨房的人员对健康和食品不够了解,也没有太多可以使用的资金。 Jamie_ that the children didnt _ _ healthy food and he _ _that they didnt _ _ _ food and health , and they didnt have very muh money to_.19.这确实是件很为难的事!他为他们做了健康的饭菜包括肉、米饭和蔬菜,但青少年拒绝吃这些新食物。It was _ _ , he cooked healthy meals for them_ meat, rice and vegetables .but the teenagers _ _ _ the new food .20 .最后,当杰米说服孩子们去尝尝他做的饭菜,他们开始喜欢吃了。_ _ _ , when Jamie _ them _ _his cooking , they liked it .四. 重点语法讲练定语从句2:1. 引导词的省略:定语从句中,引导词在从句中做_时,引导词可以省略。 Eg. The cartoons_ I like have lots of jokes.2. whose引导的定语从句:如果引导词在从句中做_,表示谁的含义时,就要用whose.Eg. He is the only student in our class_ father is a policeman.IV、专项练习:1.Have you seen the film Titanic, _ leading actor is world famous? A. its B. its C. whose D. which2. The radio set_last week has been out of order.A.I bought B.I bought it C.which I bought it D.what I bought3. His parents wouldnt let him marry anyone_family was poor.4. The washing machine_last Wednesday works well.A.I bought B.I bought it C.which I buy D.that I bought it5. A child _ parents are dead is called an orphan.A. which B. his C. whose D. of whose6. The building _ windows are bright at night is our school library.A. that B. which C. whose D. of whose7. The teacher _ is at that desk over there. A.you should talk to B. you are talked to C.you are talking D.whom you are talked to8. The famous basketball star_ tried to make a comeback,attracted a lot of attention.9 He is_everyone respects. A.the person B.the one which C.whom D.who.10. Can you tell me the name of the factory _you paid a visit last week?A. what B. which C. to which D. to thatV、单项选择1.-I heard Daming still didnt pass the Endlish exam.- _. We should help him a lot.A. Thats a good news B. Its no laughing matterC. Youre welcome D. Dont say so 2. There are some cartoon _, such as the Monkey King, Nemo, Sherk and so on. A. character B. favourite C. favourites D. writers 3. Monkey King tells the story of a monkey _ leads a group of monkeys against the rule of the Emperor in Heaven. A. which B. who C. when D. where 4. Its against the law for him to rush into _ house without being allowed. A. my own private B. his own private C. his own D. His 5. The whole series of Tintin began to _ in December, 1984 in China. A. publish B. published C. publishing D. be published6.He asked_for the violin. A.did I pay how much B.I paid how much C.how much did I pay D.how much I paid 7.John fell asleep_he was listening to the music. A.after B.before C.while D.as soon as 8.Thats the only thing_cant be forgotten in my life. 9.Herry with his friends_volleyball every Saturday afternoon. A.play B.plays C.has played D. have played 10.You_play with fire, Tom. Its dangeroud. A.neednt B.may not C.mustnt D.wouldnt 11.The coming rain will make it possible for the sports meeting to be_. A.put up B.put away C.put down D.put off 12.-Bob speaks Chinese quite well. -Yes,_. He practises_Chinese every day . A.So does he, speaking B.He does so, to speak C.So he does, speaking D.He so does, speak 13._delicious food you have cooked ! 14.-Would you like to watch TV or listen to music ? -_. Im busy with my homework. Thank you. 15.If you dont go to the meeting tomorrow,_. A.he will, too B.he wont, either C.he does, too, D.he doesnt,either


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