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山西省大同市云冈区实验中学2019-2020学年高一英语上学期第十一周考试试题(无答案)一 基础词汇(单词英汉互译)(每空1分,共20 分)1. 志愿者 n._ 2. 古代的adj _3. athlete n._ 4. medal n._5. 希腊 n._ 6. 容许;承认;接纳vt _7. 奴隶 n._ 8. nowadays adv. _9. gymnastics n._ 10. host n.&vt._11. 责任,职责 n. _ 12. 取代;替换;代替 vt._13. similarity n._ 14。stadium n._15. 快的;迅速的 adj._ 16. 规则的;定期的 adj. _17. motto n. _ 18. 基础;根据n._19. 祖国;本国 n._ 20. mascot n._二 固定短语(每空1分,共10分)1. 参加;参与 _ 2. 代表;象征_3. 也;又;还 _ 4. 事实上 _ 5. 被作为.接受 _ 6. 为.竞争_7.不但.而且._ 8.每两年 _ 9. 在.中起作用_ 10.对.负责_三 词性转化(每空1分,共10分)1. magical adj. _n. 2. basis n. _adj3. compete vi. 比赛 _n. 比赛者 _ n. 比赛4. admit v. _n. 5. ancient adj._(反义词)6. similarity n. _adj. 7. athlete n. _adj.9. hold v _(did) 10. regular adj. _(反义词)四. 单句语法填空(每空1分,共10分)1. I cant stand _ (go) out in rush hours.2. _(take) part in outdoor activities benefits our health.3. Tom,as well as his friends,_(be) going to visit the exhibition next week.4. This is the book _ I am looking for.5. The novel is very interesting, _makes me very excited.6. He is a man_we are all ready to learn from.7. This is the hotel _ I stayed at when I was traveling here.8. The boy and the dog _are in the picture are very lovely.9. Do you know the lady with_ our English teacher is talking.10. I will never forget the days_ we stayed together.2


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