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会计学1网站网站(wn zhn)策划营销策划营销第一页,共28页。企业建设电子商务网站的目的网站建设所采用的实施模式预期收益2.销售量增加30%,销售收入增加30%,知名度增加3倍以上。第2页/共28页第二页,共28页。1.4、有利于提高产品服务的水平 : 网 站 客 服 全 天 在 线 ,100%正品,开通电话咨询热线。2.5、有利于节约(jiyu)企业资源及成本:简洁的设计,无需高额的门面和装修成本。3.6、有利于简化业务联系:实现物流一体化、物流专业化。第3页/共28页第三页,共28页。1、护肤品,彩妆,全身护理,香水,食品,套装礼盒, 保健品, 美妆工具。第4页/共28页第四页,共28页。美工设计人员(1人)另外还需一些客服和推广人员第5页/共28页第五页,共28页。序号序号内容内容费用费用元元1注册域名10002网站的设计50003网站的开发400004网站的测试和评价20005网站的宣传与推广30006硬件的购买100007软件的购买60000合计121000第6页/共28页第六页,共28页。Aspiration Software Proprietar序号序号内容内容费用费用(元(元年)年)1域名年费7002主机托管年费50003网站的管理与维护32004网站的使用情况评估1000合计9900第7页/共28页第七页,共28页。网站(wn zhn)程序的完善和快递公司的合作八、网站建设中其他可能(knng)的问题网站产品的录入网上没有实体店的用户(yngh)体验第8页/共28页第八页,共28页。Tactical Sample Compliance Matrix第9页/共28页第九页,共28页。Tactical 第10页/共28页第十页,共28页。Executive Summary - An Overview of the team & subcontractor arrangements. Summary of how SOW requirements will be met.Prepared by Capture Manager and senior managementManagement - Description of management approach, addressing performance, management, cost/schedule control, resources, subcontracting, and security.Program Management and proposal experience. Knowledge of program and understanding of technical approachTechnical - Discussion on how the offeror plans to satisfy the requirements in the SOW.Appropriate technical and proposal experience. In-depth knowledge of client environment and requirements. Resume - Resumes of key technical and management personnel expected to provide significant contributions to the effort. Identifying relevant education and work experience, related to the RFP.Experience in the development of resumes for proposals. Ability to develop compliant templates from RFP and coordination with all proposed staffPast Performance Information - To determine technical and management acceptability, contractor provided evidence of similar scope to the RFP SOWExperience with past performance development for proposals. Understanding of firm capabilities or where to acquire info. Ability to develop compliant templates and coordinate with PMs of other programs. Creation of Past Performance that directly demonstrates our ability to address SOW requirementsCost Volume - Evaluated Cost and Cost Realism / Basis of Estimate.Experience in firm accounting policies and procedures. Experience in development of cost volumes for proposals. Detailed understanding of pricing methodologies and ability to coordinate timely with OST support staffSecurity Volume Pass/Fail Prepared by/ in conjunction with security staff (FSO).第11页/共28页第十一页,共28页。Sample Outline第12页/共28页第十二页,共28页。GOLD4Business potential4Positioning in market strategy4Capture strategyCompetitive AnalysisTeaming and SubcontractingMarketing Plan4Cost(Price and Bid Strategy4Resources4Program risks4Dependencies4Schedules/milestones/review teamsBLUE4Assesses writing plan for compliance and responsivenessCompliance matrix and proposal outline4Outlines/StoryboardsTheme development and key pointsEarly development of graphics for incorporation in the proposal4Blue Team ReviewPreparedness of proposal teamRED / PINK4Red Team Review evaluates using the criteria used by the client4Scoring of the proposals complianceProposal Preparation Instructions (PPI)Evaluation Criteria, SpecificationStatement of Work4Scoring of the proposals qualityOverall quality and persuasivenessClarity of solutionSubstantiation of approachOverall coherence and logical flowGREEN4Cost Proposal kickoff meeting Green Team ReviewOutline and assignments- ComplianceCWBS structure- CredibilityPreparation schedule- Implementation of pricing strategiesPricing strategy- Consistency with the rest of the proposal - Soundness and clarity of the estimating rationale第13页/共28页第十三页,共28页。第14页/共28页第十四页,共28页。Sample Storyboard第15页/共28页第十五页,共28页。第16页/共28页第十六页,共28页。第17页/共28页第十七页,共28页。第18页/共28页第十八页,共28页。第19页/共28页第十九页,共28页。第20页/共28页第二十页,共28页。nNegative: Handled as managed, mitigated risk (show mitigation process and reduced risk as a result)第21页/共28页第二十一页,共28页。第22页/共28页第二十二页,共28页。第23页/共28页第二十三页,共28页。第24页/共28页第二十四页,共28页。第25页/共28页第二十五页,共28页。第26页/共28页第二十六页,共28页。第27页/共28页第二十七页,共28页。感谢您的观看(gunkn)!第28页/共28页第二十八页,共28页。


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